The Blues and I Should Have a Party

5:41 AM

go home,you motherfuckers ! [ man over bullhorn ]white men, white women, the swastikais calling you. - get out of here !- the sacred and ancient symbol... of your race... since the beginning of time. - we don't want you !- the jew... is using the black... as muscle against you.

- [ crowd shouting ]- and you are left there helpless. - fuck you ! why don't yougo back where you belong !- [ nazi ] well... - what are you goingto do about it, whitey ?- [ crowd booing ] - just sit there ?- [ man ] why don't you goback where you came from ! of course not. - you son of a bitches !- [ nazi ] you are going... - you lousy bastards !- to join with us, the members of the americansocialist white people's party ! - an organization of decent,- [ crowd shouting ]

- law-abiding, white folk...- [ shouting continues ] iust like you. blow it out your ass,bastard ! - get outta here !- l pledge allegiance to adolph hitler. [ followers ]l pledge allegiance to adolph hitler. [ nazi ]the immortal leader of our race. [ followers ]the immortal leader of our race. and to the orderfor which he stands. - one great cause,- one great cause,

- sacred and invincible.- sacred and invincible. - hey, what's going on ?- the hope and future of all aryan men. aw, those bums won their court case,so they're marching today. - what bums ?- the fucking nazi party. [ scoffs ]illinois nazis. l hate illinois nazis. - heil hitler !- heil hitler ! [ crowd shouting ] [ nazi ]ten-hut !

- [ engine revving ]- [ nazis shouting ] [ crowd cheering ] - gruppenfeuhrer ?- yes, sir ? gruppenfeuhrer, get that car'slicense plate number. we're gonna killthat son of a bitch.

The Blues and I Should Have a Party

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