Big Boy Bloater & The Limits

4:41 AM

♪ (old-school video game music) ♪ (teen) previously on the last of us... run him over. (gasps) ooh. what? (gasps) oh, he knew it. again? again? he looks like a tweaker. yeah, you suck. bah! you're dead, and it litthe molotov in his hand on fire.

that's cool. - (ellie) we're a little closer.- good observation, ellie. (teen) this time on the last of us... hey, what movie's playing?"savage starlight." kinda reminds me of doommixed with mass effect. (chuckles) i'm gonna-- uh, baby. (gasps quietly) nope. - (doorknob rattles)- oh.

- (lock clicks)- (joel) there we go. (objects clinking and rattling) niiice. anything else in here? well, it wasn't exactly a wasted shiv. just wasn't abeneficial-to-my-health shiv. (joel) i can't make that jump. oh... (sputters) (ellie) if you get me up there,i can move that plank.

where's the plank? oh yeah, she can't even swim. you really needs to learn how to swim. (joel) wait here! hey, be quiet, dude.they literally just went in that window. (gasps) ooh, a thingy! (vehicle approaching) uh-oh. (man) that tunnel's completely blocked.

- that hotel's the only way outta here.- oh no. (gasps) oh bro, hide under this. - (joel) what the hell?- (distant yelling, screaming) - (distant gunshots)- (joel) oh, this place is bad. i heard some screams happenin'. i gotta get outta here. honestly, little girl,if you knew how to swim, this would make life easier. (joel) get on. we're cuttin'through the hotel.

get on. (annoyed) get on. what do i-- ellie, get on this. - (ellie) um... okay.- (splash) oh, okay. just jump on it. (ellie) whoa... easy. (joel) don't worry. i ain't gonna drop ya. i'm gonna drop you, actually. - okay.- (ellie grunting)

is she gonna help me up now?how is this gonna work? (ellie) all right. now youjust need to find a way up. (annoyed) thanks. okay. sweet. all right. hey, i did it. kinda. now, where's ellie? (ellie) oh, this place stinks.

i wonder what it would smell like. like, what would the world smell like? i mean, everythingwould be rotting, right? like, all the buildingsand stuff, i'm sure. wow, you see this, ellie?i could have fallen off that if you didn't push it onbetter, but whatever. actually, you can't fall off of it. (ellie) do you thinkthose hunters are gone? (joel) we're about to find out.

(scoffs) no. (brick clinks, ellie grunts) (brick thuds) (joel) it's clear, ellie. come on down. why's this guy, like, yelling?they gotta be around here. (ellie) you ever stayat a place like this? before it all went to [bleep], i mean. how is it fancy?it's completely ripped apart. (ellie) i bet we can get up there.

(joel) no, it's too high.let's see what we can find. okay. over here. ooh, rats. maybe this is a ladder. all right. so we found a ladder. (joel grunting) no, why-- why would you do that? dude, this is a hard hat area.i'm not wearing my hard hat. we need to get outta here.

(joel) come on up. do you want to come up or not? you know what? i don't even stay down there, cool. - (joel) come on up.- i'm leaving you. i would live in a hotelduring a zombie apocalypse, 'cause they have a lotof toilet paper in there. - (joel) watch your step.- ooh. sketchy. guess we're going out the window. - (hunter) grr, this tourist--- (joel) oh [bleep].

get down, get down. (hunter 2) wait, how many is that now? (hunter) hmm, five just this week.but hey, i'm not complaining. do i kill them? (loud gunshot) (hunter) come on, let's do this. - (in game: grunting)- oh [bleep]. i did not realize that was someone. (hunter groans and coughs)

(gunshot) is that all of them? - (gunshot)- no. - (joel groans)- oh [bleep]. where are you? - (hunter) what you got, man?- (gunshot) (in game: grunting) (ellie) joel, no! (grunting continues)

(hunter) let's do this! (growls) what? i can people as human shields? wow. okay. where are you? [bleep]. (in game: grunting, silenced gunshot) (hunter) don't kill me, man.please, let me go. (hunter 2 speaks indistinctly) (hunter 2) you're mine now.

(blows landing, grunting) why won't it let me kill him? (hunter) you are dead, [bleep]. no. (hunter shooting) - (weapon slides and clinks)- (ellie) that was close. oh, i guess so. how the hell am i alive? i'm gonna try to takehim out silently again. i'm gonna go in throughthis way right here.

(whispers) oh, you're so lucky. (hunter groans with impact) (ellie) oh my god. headshot. oh. (in game: dying choke) (breathes sharply) these silent areas just make me so tense. (singsong voice) i don't see anybody.

oh, there's one guy. there's another guy. i'm gonna come after you. (hunter grunts) (hunter yelps) (joel pants) ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo. (whoops) all right, no more bad guys down here. oh, okay. i'm pretty sure there's a windowin this room or something.

i'm gonna check over here first. oh. sweet. (indicator chimes) (ellie) hey. it looks likethere's a ladder inside this elevator. oh my god. let's so shoddy. what the actual hell? like, i would never goin a broken-down elevator. (joel grunting, doors creaking) look at ellie. she's juststanding there doing nothing.

(doors clank) the ladder. the ladder. (joel) let's see where this goes. - (grunts)- somewhere not good maybe. somewhere very not good. i swear, if this elevator drops. (joel) that looks like a way through. how do we get there? oh, right here. okay.

(joel) it's gonna bea tight fit, but come on. (ellie) just in case. - okay.- ooh, that is dangerous. come on, we can do this. we can do this. dude, this is sketch. should i jump? i feel like i should jump. i feel like if i jump onthe elevator, it's gonna fall. wait, i have to jump on that one? - (finebros) what do you think?- it's gonna fall, dude. come on.

- (heavy thud)- oh my god. - (heavy thud)- (gasps) - (heavy thud)- (relieved) oh good. okay, it didn't fall. it didn't fall. all right, el. come on. hurry up. am i over you? please. what if the elevator broke?that'd be funny.

actually, no, it wouldn't.that'd probably piss me off. (joel) you find me somethingto climb on. okay, here we go. - here we go.- go, go, go, ellie. oh, this is making me nervous,just hearing the cables and stuff. - (loud metallic clanking)- (joel) oh [bleep]! oh! (joel) oh [bleep]! aw, i knew it. like, come on. i told all you guysthat this was a bad idea,

but no one listens to me. jesus christ, dude. am i being dragged down? what do i do? oh, i'm underwater. okay, how do i get up? - (joel gasps for breath)- (ellie) joel! joel! (joel) i'm all right! - (ellie) you scared the [bleep] outta me!- scared me. (ellie) you scared the [bleep] outta me!

i really hate whenshe says stuff like that. like, you're not the one that fell, bitch. all right. so now what do i do? great. i'm stuck down here and she's all alone. where am i supposed to go? (ellie) i'm-- i'm gonnaclimb down there, okay? - (joel) no!- don't. - no. no.- (joel) stay up there. do not climb.

(ellie) don't do anything stupid! (joel) i'll try. all right. so i got to tryto get up to her. i just want to get to ellie. i'm getting attached. - (light breaks)- oh my god! fu... (takes deep breath) - (light breaks)- oh, jesus christ. - (light breaks)- wait, why am i diving?

(inhales deeply) (gasps) oh, that's disgusting. oh, okay, up right there. go up. you're so slow. go up, you-- - oh.- (metallic clank) surface, surface, you son of a bitch. "west towers." i lost a lot of health fromthe two seconds i was, like--

ran out of, i lost a lot of health. (joel) i need to finda way around this gate. this door isn't open.i don't know where to go. (joel) well, maybe that doorway. - (objects clatter)- oh, there's a lot of stuff in here. what do we got? supplies? gimme all that [bleep]. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ oh my god.

i need to dive back out. why doesn't he swim? why won't he swim? (joel) oh, damn it. spores. don't worry. the gas mask will still work. good thing i always got myhandy-dandy gas mask on me. - (rats squeaking)- oh. - what is that?- (joel) oh [bleep]. what is that? are those rats?

ew, they're rats. (rats scampering) why are they running?that's a better question. ♪ (ominous music starts again) ♪ oh, and here comes the freakin' cellos. ugh, the atmosphere is scary. (inquisitive grunt) - (doorknob rattles)- (joel) come on. (nearby guttural moaning)

what is it? what is that? need a key card. (faint snarling) what is that? what is that? - (stalker screeching)- oh my god! (bar strikes, stalker moaning with impact) - (joel grunts, kicks)- (dying choke) did i just pick up pot? - (controller rattles)- oh jesus.

i accidentally shook the controller, and it made this shaking noise. and i thought therewas a clicker right here. oh my god. don't judge me. i get into my video games, okay? (joel) god...damn thing. why won't the key card freaking work? ooh, where are these running to? ah.

- bam.- (generator sputtering) - bam.- (sputters again) - (pops lips)- (generator starting up) - ♪ (dramatic chord) ♪- that's not a good noise. (joel) god damn it! [bleep] me. (stalker growling) go, go away. you're-- nobody likes you. literally nobody.

(stalker snarling ravenously) (joel) made it. (in game: creak, followed by loud thump) - (joel) ah, so much for that.- woo! (joel) i gotta find ellie. i feel like if rats run away, that's when you know it's really bad. uh... a generator? (gasps) yes, please, lights.

(stalker snarling) oh, piece of sh-- that was a clicker. is that a clicker, or is it not a clicker? (in game: croaking) is it turning into a clicker?it's not all the way there? [bleep], everything heard me. (in game: frantic snarling) (punches landing) - i'm so low on health.- (in game: squelching)

- (clicker moans)- (joel grunts, strikes clicker) - (clicker lashes out)- (joel groaning) (generator sputtering) - (generator starting up)- thank you. (clickers moaning) oh, mother. jesus christ. headshot, bitch. if i don't get health soon,i am so-- like, i'm done.

i feel like i never knowwhere i'm supposed to go. - (in game: splattering)- oh, that was kinda cool. oh, this wonderful darkhallway looks so promising. the scary room that i don't want to go in. is this an id maker? oh, a hotel card. oh. that's gross. ew. it looks like coral and barnaclesbut way more disgusting.

oh, my hotel card.that's what i needed it for. (reader beeps, door unlocks) yay! (in game: creak, clank) (joel) oh [bleep]. are those rats? that's disgusting. ew. i'll bash a zombie's head in,but i won't [bleep] with rats. all right, sweet. (ominous noises)

ooh, that sounds scary. oof. there's gonna be another bloater, i bet. nobody comes down here. so it's probably beensitting down here forever, so it got all fat. - (gun blasting)- is this a clicker? i can't even tell. (joel) i hate these things. they're, like, half-clicker.they're like clickers that can see.

that'd better not be a thing.i swear to god if that's a thing. let's try this again. - boom.- (generator sputtering) - boom.- (stalker moans in distance) - boom.- (generator starting) that was easy. - ♪ (dramatic chord) ♪- okay. oh great. why did you do that? great.

switch weapons, switch weapons. (grunts) (stalker groaning) seriously, are these clickers? 'cause i'm gonna trypunching them with my fist. (gasps, screams)no, why, why, why, why, why? - oh my god.- (bloater roars, skull cracks) i told you there wasa bloater in there. i knew it. all right. okay. so i still only gottwo bullets for my shotgun.

- (in game: deranged muttering)- oh, no no no, stop. how do i quit doing this? 'cause of course thatthing's gonna attack me. (joel) god damn it. oh, it's just straight on now? oh, god damn it. (stalker yelps) oh, just run, just run, just run, just run, just run, just run, just run.

- (ground rumbles)- oh. (gunshots) aw, god-- okay, they're not clickers,so that's good. (stalkers croaking, joel grunting) oh my god, there's so many.oh, i hate everything. oh great. that must hurt, man. i mean, obviously it hurt,but now he's on fire too? do this. get bit by a frickin' zombie.

(joel grunts, generator starts) okay, i didn't get bit this time. go, go, go, go, go, go, go. oh yeah, this guy's running too. oh [bleep], never mind. oh, go, go, go, go, go. exit. oh, of course. go this way. oh my goodness. this is nasty. there's so many spores,it's gonna go through my gas mask.

i'm dead. game over. (quivery gasp) oh no. please don't tell me there'sa dead end. oh, thank you. where do we go? where do we go? it's dark, and that's justmaking everything worse. and i'm stuck in a little room. can i close the door or something? (stalker yells, then groans with impact) - (bloater lowing)- (gasps)

where'd he go? (molotov cocktail sloshes) what the heck? he went down there? oh, that's the key? all right. now let's get the hell outta here, boys. (stalker shrieking) please don't die. please don't die.please don't die. please don't die.please don't die. please don't die. bash his head in and run.bash his head in and--

(high-pitched gasp) okay. okay. uh... straight? (gasps) oh no. oh no. please don't. oh, there's another one.i hate everything. (joel grunting, stalker gasping) run. please run. please run. (stalker biting) this level is hard! all right, go. just go, just go, just go.

i know whereeverything's at, i think. okay. get that key card.get the hell outta here. go through here. juke everybody out. oh. except that guy. - (bottle shatters)- bash his head in. (jake grunts, head splatters) - (clicker screeches)- dude, i hit it. (joel grunting fiercely) all right, go left.

(gasps shakily) okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. go, go, go, go. oh, triangle, triangle. please. dude, there's the freakin'thing right there, you know? - (undead approaching)- what did i do? dude, get the hell outta my life. how do i use the key card? oh, thank you, jesus.

- (joel) made it.- open the damn door, dude. you didn't make it. close the door please. - (explosion from bloater)- oh, you're still getting shot at. all right, is it good? (joel) ah, so much for that.i gotta find ellie. (chuckles) thank you. oh my god. oh my god. if this saysi need a key, i will be so angry. thank god.

i feel like in real life, i'm gonnabe opening doors so weird now and checking around cornerswhen i don't need to be. it's a bathroom.i don't need anything from it. just need to find ellie. and now i need to heal. ooh, almost full. (loading gun) all right, cool. more? are you kidding me?

- oh.- (in game: croaking) that's a clicker. something scary is happening. - (silenced gunshot)- [bleep]. - (gunshot)- who's that guy? - (hunter 2) i got it.- should i kill him? (hunter) nicely done. so now do i have to shoot them? oh gosh. - (hunter) all right.- (whispers) go away.

- (hunter) spread out.- no, no. no, no, no, no, no. (glass shatters, hunter groans) that's not what i meant to do. sah! headshot. dude, okay. i'm getting tired ofguys not dying from headshots. (hunter groaning) - (hunter 2) you're gonna pay for that!- oh yeah, am i? - where's the other guy?- (gunshot) did i kill them? oh,there's another one back there.

i'm just gonna go box these guys. - (gunshot)- use the human shield. (hunter) what do you think you're doing? - (hunter) let him--- oh, he's dead. what're gonna do about it?what're gonna do about it? oh, maybe that. - (dying groan)- you're dead too. (in game) i guess youwant to do this the h--oh. here we go!

oh, there's more than one. - (hunter) i'm going this--- (gunshot) you're not going anywhere, boy. yeah, that's what i thought. nailed it. [inaudible] 2x4 battle. - (in game: agonized choke)- ooh, i win. no, hit him back.hit him back. hit him back. (gun blast, splattering)

got two bullets left. i'll make 'em count. one. that's all i needed. i only needed one. (triumphantly) oh! all right. sweet. sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet. (lips vibrate) let's go this way. i can't get up there, huh?not with my faith-- (gasps) just kidding. yes, i can.

pick it up. pick it up.pick it up, pick it up. place here. climb. why are these guyseven still attacking me? 'cause i've-- i just completely wrecked-- oh my god! - (joel groans)- (gasps) oh shoot. (gasps) - (joel coughs)- that would've broken anyone's nose.

press the button. no no no no no no no no no,i don't want to drown. i don't want to drown.i don't want to drown. come on. die. die. die. die-die-die. no, i'm not gonna drown because of you. no, stop. oh look, my gun. joel, get your gun. get your gun, joel. grab that.

damn. come on. oh my god. i can't click it any faster. oh. oh, what the? who just saved me? oh, was that ellie? jesus. she shot him? (ellie) man... i shot the helloutta that guy, huh?

- (snickers) that line.- (joel) yeah, you sure did. this is why she neededa gun ten years ago. (ellie) i feel sick. (joel) why didn't you justhang back like i told you to? (ellie) well, you're glad i didn't, right? (joel) i'm glad i didn't get my headblown off by a goddamn kid. dude, this guy's a dick. oh, come on. thank her. (ellie) how about "hey, ellie.i know it wasn't easy,

but it was either him or me. - thanks for saving my [bleep]."- exactly. (ellie) you got anythinglike that for me, joel? guy saved your life 30,000 times. - (joel) we gotta get going.- she's got some balls. - (ellie) lead the way.- and he's just a dick. oops. ooh-hoo. fiscal highlights. where are we?

(joel) we need to get back out.find that bridge. (ellie) just tell me where to go. yeah, that's what i'm trying to do. (joel) i hate this crap. i like having ellie back. oh sweet. i got a melee weapon upgrade. "modifications last one hit longer." yay.

oh, now where are we? oh, well, this used to be nice. (joel) that door looks like a way out. (as a drill instructor)left. left. left, right, left. (joel) might be ableto get there with this. ♪ (plays random keys) ♪ that was pretty good. (joel) all right. (grunts) god damn, this is heavier than i thought.

you're really not gonna help me, kid? she just walked past.she just walks right past. i'm trying to move a freakin' grand piano. yeah, how about a hand, bitch?don't walk past. (ellie) you sure you cantrust me with that? ooh, roasted him. - (joel) now push.- (both grunting) where are we trying to get through? - oh, up there. i see.- (joel) push harder!

(ellie grunts, piano thuds) (ellie) there. how's that? it's good. thank you. yeah, see? i'm gonna go first this time. yes, let's get outta here. please, lord. - (hunter) they haven't gotten back yet.- (joel) oh [bleep]. ooh, [bleep], dude. sniper mission. i'm gonna take them all out. (joel) all right, now.i'm gonna jump down there,

- and i'm gonna clear us a path.- (scoffs) - (ellie) what about me?- (joel) you stay here. she's not gonna stay there, i know that. (ellie) we'd have more of a [bleep]chance if you'd let me help. (joel) i am. you seem to knowyour way around a gun. oof. okay. so she isgonna be the little sniper. (ellie) i sorta shot a rifle before. - i wanted to be the sniper.- (ellie) but it was at rats.

(joel) rats? - (ellie) with bbs.- (laughs) - (joel) it's the same basic concept.- yeah. - (joel) lift it up.- humans are bigger than rats. it's gonna be easy for her. (joel) ...right into that stock, 'cause it is gonna kick a hellof a lot more than any bb rifle. (ellie) okay. (joel) go ahead and pull the bolt back.

grab it right there. just tug it. there you go. now, as soon as you fire, you're gonna want to getanother round in there quick. i bet he would've taughthis daughter how to shoot. (joel) listen to me. if i get in trouble down there, - you make every shot count.- every shot count, ellie. (ellie) i got this.

all right. let's do this, sister. (joel) and just so we'reclear about back there... it was either him or me. aw, he kinda said "thank you"in his own convoluted way. - (joel) it was either him or me.- (scoffs) he's encouraging her to be a little bitch. - (breathes sharply)- (ellie) you're welcome. this is gonna be hard. (chuckles) thanks for watching us play the last of us

here on the react channel. for new gaming every sunday,be sure to hit subscribe. bye guys. i feel likea fatherly figure now.

Big Boy Bloater & The Limits

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