'there are abundant hillstations in tamil nadu..' '..like kunnur,kodaikanal, ooty, and kotagiri..' '..but the yarcod hillshas its own importance.' 'other than beautifulflowers and birds-animals..' '..there are somebreath-taking valleys too.' 'yet, the populationhere is very low.' 'the reason is;during the british rule in 1940..' '..the traders from the south builta grand palace on the yarcod hills..' '..for the king of tibetand offered it to him as a present.'
'a magician called mayawho lived on the same hills..' '..charmed the king with her goodlooks, and forced him to marry her. 'whenever the kingreturned to tibet..' '..maya would call her formerlover and make out with him.' 'and during this time,she gave birth to a son..' '..and, hid his existencefrom the world for seven years.' 'but, one day this secretwas revealed to the king.' 'he was so furious, that hethrew that little child in the fire.' 'as soon as he returned to tibet..'
..he gave orders to havemaya flogged to death..' '..after which her lovershould be killed too.' 'the sorrow of losing herson and separating from her lover..' '..made her take a drastic step.' 'on a full moon night,the magician hung herself.' 'since then, the mother and son'sevil spirit still haunts this place.' 'the king was now living in tibet.' 'he started going crazy.' 'one day he jumped fromthe palace to his death.'
after that incident, the king'slineage slowly started deteriorating.' 'through their meditation,buddhist monks learned that..' '..maya's spiritis behind everything.' 'the buddhist monks decidedto send namakonchimo.. '..to yarcod hillsto solve this problem.' greetings, swami. we're so grateful that youagreed to come over to help us. otherwise, these days no one'swilling to risk their life for others. swami, we were completely surprisedwhen you asked about that bungalow.
even animals never returnalive from that place. everyone's so terrifiedof that bungalow.. ..that no one daredto go there in 40 years. that's the haunted mansionon top of that hill. maya is behind all the deaths. it's not easy tobound her cruel spirit. it's only possible on a special month,date, day and planetary alignment. when that time arrives,i'll come back here. and using my powers i'llhelp that spirit attain salvation.
hi, today is our school's reunion day. wow. when and where? at taj club, evening 6 pm? any special today? yeah.. my best friend's comingto the reunion today. - who is she?- who is she? kajal! so let's party.
come, come, selfie time. reunion day.. one of the most beautifulmoments in life. it's electrifying. i got to meet all my school friends, - except for one.- who is he? kumar. kumar.. kumar.. kumar..
why did you wake me up, miss? you're already sleepingin the first lecture of the day! the old school vanstarts honking at 7 am. we've to wake up evenbefore the roosters. brushing, bathing,dressing up it's too much hard work. and then,it's the same old boring breakfast. rice puffs. next, we've to carry ourheavy school bags on our shoulders.. ..like some weight-lifter.
and, right when the childstarts getting active.. ..you guys come in and bore us! now tell me, what will kidsdo at school other than sleep? silence..be quiet. come here.. this is a greeting card.. - will you give it to that boy?- why? because today is valentine's day. meaning
today people give gift or cardto their best friend. understood? now go give him this card. where are you going? wait.. - 1.. 2.. 3.- kumar..look. - what is this?- it's valentine's day. people give a cardto their best friend. this one's for you. why is he sitting down? oh, greeting card. very good.
this little boy was proposingto her with a rose, sir. - he thinks he's a hero.- sir, i gave him that card. see sir, he's holding her hand. let her go. kumar, how dare youbehave like this in school? you mean he can behavelike this outside? he wants to know, right kumar? only you can think like that, sir. sir, if he stays in this school then,he'll spoil the other kids too.
expel him from the school, sir. call his parents tomorrow.we will give him a tc. take him out now. i've already informed his parents. come on. that was the last time i saw him. i cried a lot andrefused to go to school. and after that,papa sent me to the us. i want to meet him, i miss him a lot.
if you really loved him,why did you go abroad? actually, back then i didn'tknow whether it was love, or not. but, after i started missinghim i knew that i loved him. if you meet him now,will you propose to him? hey, how can i decide that? - maybe he's already married.- what if he isn't? - maybe he loves someone else.- what if that isn't true? then what? i will find him and propose to him.
happy? 'this devotee who believesin every god is kumar.' 'it's hard to see a youngman like him in this modern age.. '..who abides by his culture,and every ritual with complete faith.' 'that's kumar.' oh, savitri, at this agegirls are crazy about ranbirkapoor.. ..but your son isa fan of muruganswami. what can i say, sister-in-law savita? i was going to murugan swami'stemple when he was born on the train.
that's why he's his die-hard devotee. "i left in my truck.." "there came a turn.." you know mohan pyare no matterhow hard you rub, it won't grow up. i wish you wouldmind your own business.. ..then your wife wouldn'thave run away. get lost. looks like you'rethree months pregnant. i'm going to give ramboa run for his money today. stop bothering rambo and find a job.
you won't get anywhere by trottingaround dressed like hulk hogan. you know what, i think you should getyourself exchanged like old currency. hey man..are youmaking fun of my makeup. my boy, i am playing the partof a foreigner in a chinese film. hollywood heroes get morerespect than bollywood heroes. someone educate him. "you've been giving me thiscoin for the last 10 years.." "..and, i keep returning it to you." uncle, you've been wearingthat underwear since i was a kid.
it's a 15-year-old birthday gift. it was your personal gift, soyou don't have to show it to everyone. "look, gopi.it's my duty to pay you for your tea." "and, as a friend.." if you want to hire my van,then you must book online first. van.. oh no.. oh, no..where's my vehicle. it was right here.
who took it? hey old hag..where's my truck? are you crazy? hey old man,stop digging for gold and find my van. you two are going out, right. - call me if you see my van.- i guess he's still drunk. i'll set this entire building on fire. even cycles are safe here butno one saw my vehicle getting stolen. hiding your face are you, shameless.
- you just ruined my reputation.- uncle, calm down. why are you asking fora donation if no one's giving? nephew, i just scrubbed my van clean. i went upstairs to clean myselfand someone cleanly stole my vehicle. - hey, funnyman.- i am ruined. when did you last pay your emi? - a, b, c, d, e, f..- i am not asking you to spell it. you haven't paid a single emi,did you? you're absolutely right.
but the bank workaccording to your mood. they take a loan but never pay back. day-by-day,the due amount is increasing. greedy people. middle-class people areonly fit to travel in buses. they buy cars and bike to show-offbut, can't pay their installments. - they are poor people.- you no. 1 fool. there's no place forsympathy in business. i'll ask you a question,answer me this..
..if you don't get food for a month,then what will happen? i will die. similarly,if the customer doesn't pay his emi.. ..then our business will die too. if he doesn't pay a singleemi then cease his car and auction it. - okay?- okay. can i take my van now? until sir doesn't sign on thegate-pass your vehicle will stay here. wait there.i'll call you myself.
hello. hello, did you makethe payment or not? yes, i made the payment,but don't cancel my contract. - fine, hurry up.- i'll be there in an hour. i paid the entire amount. which cars are to be auctioned off? sir, he's been waitingfor you since morning. let him sit.don't even look at him. yes. hello, sir.
is he blind? doesn't even look at me. ignore him, let him sit. make him wait this time,so next time he'll pay on time. mail me the list of thecars that have to be auctioned. hello.. - don't pay attention to the guy in yellowshorts. - coming, just 5 minutes. no need..we gave thecontract to someone else. - oh no, don't say that. - don't showyour face again, bloody fool. now hang up.
- pay attention.- okay, sir. 'new car.' 'with the help ofmy nephew i'll steal.. ..your brand new carfrom under your nose.' 'that will be fun.' don't make a sound.. you're making a racket and telling me. wait here, i'll get the keys. so many drawers in the houseyet he keeps his keys in his pocket.
"dear lord, where are the keys." perfume.. i have the bottle,so where's the fragrance coming from? so mr. thief,did you steal everything you came for? i am asking you..did you miss something? don't forget to temper the curry. hey.. look hot-legs.. that bloody mehtastole my uncle's van.
and, i came here to steal his car. don't get furious.. what did you say? steal his car. oh man.. don't look at me like that. i'm getting this weird feeling. don't you get it? so, do you get it now? i am not a thief.
- what's in your hand then?- she's got eyes everywhere. that's sai. are you a devotee of sai baba? i've been a fan ofhim since i was a kid. if i have a son, i'll call him shirdi. now, do you believe me? i came here only to steal the car.. ..and not anythingelse from this house. i hope that clears the confusion.
by the way, you have a nice heart. - coffee?- a girl and boy drink coffee.. ..when something'sbrewing between them. i've no intentions,so i'll have something else. beer? okay. you're so naive. you wore your schooldress go wear something else. - this is my night dress.- night dress?
strange, girls look so beautifuleven in their night dress. check. you're so late, sir. i called an hour ago. i've been tolerating hisboring company for so long. so..those shorts were only to fool me. excuse me. what? what? what do you want? mommy..
what? this is for the free beer you had. but why 200, it costs only 120. you had it after midnight,so 200 rupees. sir, this is how theyamass black money. arrest her. we don't need yourpermission to arrest her. - come on.- i hope your jeep's air-conditioned. let's go, i'll cool you down. they arrested him lastnight but bringing him now.
i'll have everyone suspended,just wait and watch. 1son, i couldn't sleep allnight because you were in jail. were you watching youtube?- i'll break your nose. he looks worried. don't worry,we've got the corporator with us. if they lay a finger on you,i'll make everyone pay till delhi. - have you ever been outside mumbai?- let's go. "make everyone pay." hey, come here.
- what's your name?- kumar. hey..stand straight. - which year were you born?- 1st january, new year. - which year?- every year, same day. don't hit him,sir, i'll feel the pain! answer me correctly. - go talk to him.- i'll show you my connections. i'll call the mla right now. - his name's not saved on it.- hello.
- ghanshyamtiwari, ex mla alwaysat your service. - yes, hello. how can i help you? mr. ghanshyam,the inspector has arrested your son. please come immediatelyand bail your son out. - please give the phoneto the inspector. - what? yes, i'll give him the phone. mla sir wants to speak with you. - hello.- what's the address? hello, ghanshyam tiwari,always at your service.
- what's the matter?- sir, it's still me on the line. i'll give the phone to the inspector.wait just a minute. be quiet everyone,i am talking to the mla. sir, the mla would liketo have a word with you. - hello..- hello, inspector. ghanshyamtiwari, three times mla.. ..always at your service, you'reour area's inspector, aren't you? i couldn't give the phone to him yet. - what did you say?- i'll give it to him now.
stop shouting. sir, mla sir wouldlike to speak with you. hey..this is not a fish-market. it's broken. i am not like theother police officers. - he's completely useless.- my phone. no one understandswhen i talk politely. - sir.. sir..- what? sir, please give me mr.mehta's number.
- 9364..- give me the phone. wait, i am giving. - here..- does this get charged early. 9367142255.. i've clipped the phonetogether with a rubber band. don't worry,i'll call the home minister now. i'll.. - what did you do?- shut up! - hello?- is that mr. mehta's daughter speaking?
dear, please tell yourfather to withdraw the case. you're talking aboutletting a thief go. he'll rot behind bars. you do what you want,and we'll do what we want. - break all the glasses.how was that?- those who live in glass houses,don't file fake cases. if you try to be rajni,you'll get in big trouble. listen, hurry up. it's low on balance.
- hello.- so man, will you withdraw the case.. ..or should,i give you a one-way ticket? you thief, take the case back.. ..or we'll break everyglass in your time. hurry up, we don't have time. - i'll take the case back.- you know what's good for you. don't let him go, papa. these locals are dangerous. when the earth is betweenthe sun and the moon..
..then that's a moonless night. exactly 8 days later..isthe moonless night. it's a rare opportunity,to trap that evil spirit.. ..that has been haunting this manorfor years, with my meditation powers. am i a thief? do i look like a thief? you're a great soul..youmade a sacrifice. why didn't you tellthe inspector this? i was busy breakingglasses at mehta's house.
- you're my real uncle.- you're welcome. did i steal? did i steal anything from there? i asked you a question. - my mouth's full.- but you're talking. you're a great soul,you sacrificed for me. how many times areyou going to say that? this is unfair.. you can keep repeating the same thing,but not me.
vent your anger on that girl.. ..what's the point oftorturing me like this? i get it.. hey..not a word more. tell me? am i a thief? i shouldn't have let him drink. - you, spoiled mine entire mood.- go on.. but, i'll get an answer from here. - why isn't she answering the phone?- don't worry.
- forget it.- shut up. hey jenny,did you get kumar's address? - tell me, please?- yes, i did. yeah.. thank you. "life is short..life like a king." "once death comes your way.." he was a terrible man. good, he's dead. he never even offered me a drink.
i requested him so many times,but he didn't. hey, uncle did you forgetall about your nephew. drinking alone are you? - what are you saying?- i'm sober again. that's why i was saying all this.let's go get drunk again. let the funeral get over. but, where will we get the courage? we must get drunk for it. then we'll lift the funeral..we'll do it right now.
i've told you a thousand times.. ..we won't take the funeralbefore aunty doesn't arrive. - there has to be an auspicious time.- come with me. father. - here you go.- what is this? keep it back. have you lost your mind? mehta has returned my van. why do you want toabduct that girl now? - uncle..- kumar, have you seen my helmet?
it's not studded with goldthat i'll keep an eye on it. i can't find it.i thought maybe you stole it. you can't find your stuff,does that mean i stole it? why didn't you come lookingfor me when your wife was missing? stop grinning you fool. - do i look like a thief to you?- we found your helmet. - sorry, brother. it was a mistake.- mistake? if i put an isi mark on your head.. ..it will look like a helmet.get lost.
see.. and not just him.. ..if someone's underwear is missing,they blame me for it. and, what else should ido with her other than abduct her? give me that. until i don't have a drink,my mind doesn't start working. you two are drinking here.who's going to carry the funeral? - stop blabbering or it'll be yourfinal rites. get lost. - leave it. aunty, come fast. - uncle.- what?
i just saw that fatso'sdaughter in that rickshaw. when you're drunk you thinkevery girl is mehta's daughter. no uncle, that's my prey. look.. "insolent heart..insolent heart.." "out for revenge." - let's go.- come on. bro, who was that girl looking for? she was asking for your address. - me?- yes.
- she's asking around for you.- fine, let's go. keep the change. i wonder what she wants. listen, what are you goingto do after you kidnap her. i haven't decided yet.. - but whatever it is, it's goingto be awesome. - wait.. ..maybe she's here to apologize. don't be hasty. you're used to gettinginsulted, not me.
embarrassing me in front of everyone,and apologizing in private. how can i take it easy? stop showing off your english. we can't even decidewhat brand we want to drink.. ..and this involves a girl. let's do one thing,let's take her to the storehouse. - and what do i do until then?- control your anger. - what are you doing?- anger. you look like a bear.. calm down.
who are you looking for? i am kumar's school friend. are you really his friend? - fine, come inside. - sit on the sofa, anddon't touch anything. - yes.. what's she doing? why did you touch it? i told you not to touch anything. - why didn't you listen?- relax, aunty.
when he finds out i was here,he won't say anything. he yells at me, so who are you? what is it? why are you showing me this rubber? - kajal.- kajal! oh my, god. you're a grown-up now. i'll call him. "because, you are the one.." what does mom want now? hang up.
he hung up. doesn't matter, aunty. give mehis number and i'll call him myself. see, this is his number. okay, aunty. thank you. thank you for what, dear?oh no, i completely forgot. - i'll get you something to eat.- it's alright, aunty. - just get me some water.- water? here.. - aunty, that..- yes.
- kumar, didn't you recognize him?- kumar? my smart son. - hold her legs. that's my leg.- sorry. you're grown so audacious. casually strollinglike you're in some park. you think you're too smart, isn't it? see uncle..she wantsto trap me in her eyes. take a look in her pocket,not her eyes.. ..we've to extractmoney from her father.
i didn't kidnap her for money. - why are all uncles villains?- then? wait..the law has long arms. if you touch her,she'll file a rape case. learn to respect women. i gave her lot of respect that day.. ..but she called thepolice and humiliated me. so, i must teach her a lesson. but, not like the way you think.
i will have my revengebut in a pious way. you know what, wait here for me and,i'll go have another drink. no, listen. doesn't matter if you don't come. what? i don't like this touching. acting too smart, are you? if i punch you in the nose, youwill never be able to take a selfie. she thinks i will meltbecause she's a girl. you're always laughing,do you think this is a game?
- i love you.- i love you too. i love you too. i love you too. i'll show you.. first, say you love me,then you'll make me drink.. ..and next call the police. do you think i comefree like jiosim card? 1kajal. that wandering soulwill try to harm us. but, don't be scared.
be brave. swamiji..i am scared, swamiji. 'sanskrit chants.' make another large peg. you cannot compare anythingwith foreign liquor. where is he from? who allowed such stupidpeople in the party? he's not even worthy to beinvited to kapoor family funeral. sir, in every party a friend'sfriend is also your friend.
friend's friend is always invited. it's hard to say who is whose friend. i was just sayingthat in a friendly way. - another friendly drink.- i'll get that stupid out of here. - how did you get in here?- my friend invited me. tell me your friend's name. my friend.. - bodyguard..throw him out.- come on. - tie him to my car.- at least let me finish this drink.
- really?- yes, that's how it happened. what happened, baby? - who taught you this?- it was that uncle. what are you doing here? i said we'll meet tomorrow,what's the hurry? i've been waiting since childhood.. ..i cannot wait any longer. - i'll call you later, dhirubhai.- fine, we'll meet tomorrow. now leave. it's an old love-account,and it's empty.
- you must fill it.- no chance. - please, go.- just a little. - i have to go.- fine, how about half.. kaju.. - sir.- who me? have a drink, sir. you called me sir,i already feel high. - go serve someone else.- just one.. no, my mouth will stink.
hello? what? you didn't have dinner. you want party food. - fine, i'll get it.- mister. tell me, what do you want to eat. - yes.- come here. - tip..- take it. such a big tip. - keep it safe.- tip without a drink kapoor sir, really-really great.
have a drink, please. - no, i don't want it.- you must take it! i guess he wantsto get everyone drunk. go serve others too. he's so generous,i must make friends with him. with three pegs. have a drink? madam didn't declare me her heir. do you want to kill me?
please have a drink. just a minute,my phone's ringing. hello. you didn'ttell me which dishes. tell me what you want to eat,i'll get those. hold on.. - no-no-no..- it's alright. keep it, please.. - i can't take itsince you didn't have a drink. one drink..in thename of our friendship. drink..drink..
- aunty.- what? - who is he?- he's kapoor family grandson. kapoor.. kapoor family grandson. yes, tell me, mr. mohan. nephew, my van's broken down again. help me fix it. oh my, god. i am so sorry. - i am in an important function.- don't hang up.
- i don't have any money.- fine. - where are you now?- hansalwadi, indra circle. don't worry, stay there. i'll send you 29 cr right now. - 29 cr will take a lot of time.- 29 million. hello, mr. mohan. don't worry. you'll get 29 cr in half an hour. - call me if you don't get it. okay.- nephew. wow..
in 30 minutes,over the telephone 29 cr transaction. i guess he deals in candles. - okay, see you then.- see you. - bye.- see you tomorrow. bye. haven't you left yet? i cannot talk here.we'll talk tomorrow. how can i leave?not before opening my account. not here.
then let's go down, where you can. i guess i'll never get it. - what are you doing?- it's my brother-in-law. don't talk too much. what tradition is this? if the brother-in-law's on his knees.. - ..then so is the sister-in-law.- no-no.. - we'll have to help him.- no, please.. if his knees are bruised,how will he think?
what are you doing? you don't look likesomeone who does yoga. - this stupid guy..- hey.. i mean, i had this guythrown out by my bodyguards. now, he's got his boys for revenge. i cannot get beatenup while i am standing. so i thought i'll sit down. and he agreed. my mind's sharper than a horse.
- please do something.- he's grown too audacious. stand up. - i said stand up.- what if they beat me? two minutes of silenceand then violence. what do you guys want?you want to beat him, don't you? so hit me instead. 'he's god.' i guess he wants to get thrashed. - bob, tell me something.- yeah.
how soon can you get this guy down? - one minute..- let's see. father.. father, save me. i am in trouble. - is he bleeding?- no. did he break his nose? no..don't you feed him. he's got no power. i guess he doesn't havethe same power anymore.
hey man, your turn now. my nose. i am not a rich brat,but a local like you guys. kumar! hurry up. will you fight alone? i am not used to fighting alone. that's why i ridealong with these guys. maybe you should ride with dogs,at least they can save you.
get lost. how dare you disrupt the party? get in. get them in. thank you very much.you did a great job. - welcome sir.- take care. any time. thank you.- okay. - see you.- bye. - papa..kissing.- kajal.
papa..papa..just a minute. - who are you?- show some respect, papa. - kumar.- kumar kapoor, papa. didn't you see how thepolice were being so respectful? kapoor family. he made a transactionof 29 cr over the phone. kumar and kajal.. do your parents know about this? don't be scared, be brave.
say that your parents know about it. they don't know,but i will tell them soon. - that means..- you fool, i am not deaf. bring your parents to my home. papa. i missed your fighting. papa..shall we cover our cars. what for? kajal's in-laws are very rich.
they will come inrolls royce or ferrari. our mercedes and bmw willlook like minivans to them. - rolls royce?- new model. uncle, shift the gear to second. - stop exerting the engine.- great. hold on, hold on. i asked the tentguys to come next week. why did he come in advance? papa, the groom's here.
get down, quickly. - that's the guy.- mind the saree. - where are you going?- i can't hold it anymore. i'll go ask someonewhere's the toilet. you're going to askthem where's the toilet. you'll embarrass us all. do it here. - won't that embarrass us?- this is an emergency. i wish no one has an uncle like you.
- is he crazy?- no, papa.. - he's doing it in my garden.. look, papa,he's only giving fertilizer. - take a selfie.- how long are you going to take? - what are you doing?- you've made a huge bungalow, thakur. - this is no place to flex your muscles.- i flaunt it because i got it. - throw it away, it fell in the water.- must be mineral water. apple.. stop rubbing it likea leg-spin bowler.
- it's shining now.- come on.. are these guys trying to test us? playing the poor game. what an idiot. mental! mental! mental! - hello, aunty.- bless you, daughter-in-law. get married soon andgive me a sweet grandson. mom..you're making it soundlike she owes you a grandson. you still have this old habit..
..of getting in the liftbefore the building's finished. won't she take my blessing? she wouldn't borrow money from you.. ..but you can give heryour blessings if you want. dear, i am his papa. 400 films, and 200 silver jubilees. i've been amitabh's duplicate as well. he acted as amitabh'sear in one of the films. - - what do you mean?- wait, uncle.
i'll put it on whatsapp right now. - hello.- hello. - hello.- hello, uncle. did the tailor didn'tstitch it properly? his pants are tight. brother-in-law. orange. how could that be? without any inquiry,without checking your background.. ..and listening to my stupidson-in-law, and made a mistake.
he handed me over to the policebecause of a slight misunderstanding. - and yet i saved his son-in-law.- i see.. let's forget the past,we've already forgiven you. oh, god.. i never let peoplelike you enter my home. don't be sad.we're relatives now. we'll keep coming often now. that's not all..we'llcook special dishes for you. and, you can make sweet meat for us.
and write your name on the platesso that the plates don't get mixed up. we shouldn't fight over small things,you know. you're not getting the point. i was trying to say.. uncle, you don't have totranslate every sentence in hindi. papa's been acting asa foreigner for a long time. he'll understand what you're saying. this is our first time in your house.. ..and we've broughtsome gift as per our status.
give it. - the wedding token.- here you go, mr. mehta. take it. hello, mr. mehra. - take it you fool.- alright. - remember we spoke about..- papa. yeah.. mehta speaking. it's urgent.fine, i am coming. it's alright.he's got a huge business.
he must attend meetings. let's go. let's go. next time you can pee in your pants. "it's you.." yes, sweetheart. kumar, papa has fixed my engagement. so soon? my friend's wife ran away last night. we're out looking for her.
papa is out shooting. i'll send mom over if she's free. is that okay? he's getting me engagedto someone else. how can he get you engagedto someone else when he chose me? he fixed my engagement with hispartner's son so that i cannot marry you. he's forcing me to say yes.. hello, kumar.are you listening? why are you quiet? say something, kumar. please.
there was a cop, so i couldn't speak. what were you saying? if you couldn't marry me,you'll do what? i'll die..kumar, i love you. i love you so much. i understand, but your father doesn't. so you better marrythe boy he's chosen for you. - thank you, sir.- i will only marry you. or else i will die.
what if your stubbornfather interfering? don't worry about him. just tell me are you willing to.. - ..marry me or not. - do you want tomake her our daughter-in-law? not just today,but for every lifetime to come.. ..i am ready to be your husband. and me, your wife. what did papa think?he could get me married to anyone. i will jump down fromthe window and run away.
why? we'll go out the front door. even if your papa doesn'tgive us his blessings. but we'll be happy. hi, sweetheart. kajal, how dare she? you're looking gorgeous. well, i got your engagement canceled. now, give me a hugand thank me with a kiss.
not in front of them. they came here to makeyou their daughter-in-law. mr. mehta,if your daughter loves someone else.. ..then, why are you tryingto ruin my son's life? you should be ashamed. hey old man..you'renot talking to your wife. show some respect tomy future father-in-law. if you stay here any longer,i'll bash in your fake teeth as well. - get lost.- i've had enough.
- let' go.- yes, let's go. you came looking atthe wrong place, get out. don't get hyper, papa. don't be sad. have some scrambled eggs on the way,you'll love it. - this is all your fault.- what are you doing? you can't hit the wifein front of her husband. - wife?- yeah.. can you give her thelifestyle she's used to?
never. her food, drinks.. have you ever been to a 5-star hotel? someone who gets cursedall day is talking about food. think above your stomach,and come to the heart. and it's filled with love, emotions,and feelings which you don't have. all your emotionsare in your stomach.. ..and, they come outonly when you got gas. once there was anincome-tax raid at my house.
they took gold anddiamonds worth millions. the truth is, it didn't matter. but i lost my reputationtoday because of you.. ..which i can never regain. my hands are tremblingwhile saying this. you've hurt my pride today. uncle..whether youwant to say yes now.. ..or wait until the end,that's your decision. but the day sheexpressed her love me..
..i decided that no onecan separate her from me.. ..whether it's herfather or anyone else. i can take her awaywith me right now.. ..because she will be happier with me,then you. understood. bye darling. and don't even think about violence. i'll break everyone's bones. hey, come out. swamiji won't get better this way.
why don't they takehim to the hospital? they won't.. that bungalow haskilled 50 people by now. this swami is our last ray of hope. if anything happens to him,then what about us. these monks will treathim in their own way. and anyway, their treatmentis better than any hospital. swami came here for our betterment. but he fell sick instead.
i wonder how many morepeople are going to die. - hello.- i am at the location you told me. what next? - do you see an ice-cream guy?- yeah. buy an orange bar from him. and enjoy it. i'll join you. so..was the ice-cream tasty. kaali..murder planner kaali. how did i get here?
there were sleepingpills in the ice-cream. so that you can't see our office. what can i do for you? my daughter's in love with a loafer. i came here so he'sout of my daughter's life. two of our men will break his bones. he can beat up 10 guys alone. shall we kill him in an accident? - murder?- yeah..
my daughter will testifyagainst me in the court. he's got the supportof the police too. when a and b fails,then plan c will work. plan c. tell that boy thatyou agree to the wedding. - you fool..- hey! - sorry. sorry.- hey.. - sorry. sorry.- take it easy. i meant to take himin confidence and fool him.
- just to his home and say yes.- say yes? you're such a great guy. you came over with the marriageproposal even after humiliating us. i am going crazy. i want to see my son getting married. you will become their friend. mehta sir, just tell us on which date,which day.. ..and in which hallwill be the wedding? leave the rest to us.
we won't call yourrelatives or theirs. we'll see a deserted bungalowand stay there for three days. and then kill all ofthem when the time is right. uncle, i knew that loversrun away and get married. but, i never heard.. ..that the lover's familyalso runs away and gets them married. any intelligent manwill ask you that question. but you don't worry. just make him believe.
i could've had a grandwedding at some 5-star hotel. but if i do that, i willhave to face my relative's taunts. i think you understandmy helplessness. i don't care what anyonesays after the wedding. but if some relative triesto interfere during the wedding.. ..then, my daughter won'tbe able to tolerate that. nothing matters to meexcept for kajal's happiness. uncle.. mr. mehta, you play the roleof an emotional father really well.
we'll do as you say. we'll get them marriedat the location you suggested. thank you. where's your other bungalow? we're going to killthem at the bungalow. it should be completely deserted. we know few manors like that. - hey..- yes. i saw a bungalow in lane no.420..is it free?
no, boss.someone's shooting a film there. - and jholpur.- it was available until yesterday. but someone's booked it for a party. tv and marriage aresuch flourishing business.. ..its giving our businessrun for a money. - it's hard to find a placefor the murder. - yeah.. listen, boss, no need to worry. i was trying to find a housefor your murder plan, and i found one. - where?- sivan kondamalai.
- yedcaud hills.- i've emailed it to you. see, this is that bungalow.take a look. see..this is the bestplace for our plan. we'll kill him in three days,without leaving any evidence. what a plan.. marriage and honeymoon, together. - bring it.- yes. - don't embarrass us.- uncle, you're too much. what place is this?
- uncle, take right.- right? okay. there's a restaurant up ahead,let's stop there. okay-okay. - i am tired of driving.- i have got backpain. check if they have food. anybody there.can we get something to eat? welcome, take a seat. only sound, no picture. - mister, where are you?- right in front of you.
- why can't we see you?- here i am. - there is a ghost in this drum.- mohan, did you see a ghost? so many chairs lying around,why were you sitting in the drum? i was cleaning the drum but,i fell in it when i heard your voice. you should do thingsaccording to your height. you should clean buckets, not drums. wait. uncle, you were scared of him. who attached this tail to your head? - that's my style.- get lost.
- you're such a coward, uncle.- no, i wasn't scared. i came out for some fresh air. so you have fresh air,we'll have food. - get to work mallika.- what's the job? what's the menu? rice cake with chutney and lentil.what do you want? - i want a pin.- what for? i'll fill you with holes,so lentil will flow from your body. can't you just say rice cake?lentil and chutney are complimentary.
son, can we get some scrambled eggs. we don't cook non-veghere after 6 o'clock. if there's anything left,we dig a hole and dump it. - why? - a horseman comeshere sniffing the non-veg. you fool,why don't you give the food.. ..to that horseman insteadof throwing it away. he's not a man, he's a ghost. - ghost?- he's very cruel to us. if he's in a bad mood,he kills people.
such a lazy ghostcomes riding on a horse. and only to your pathetic restaurant,and nowhere else. it's a nice idea. but these storieswon't help your business. make omelet for us, and savethe rice cake for the horseman. like i said, you won't get non-veg. you won't get non-vegor alcohol here after 6 pm. - do you have something to drink?- not at our hotel. there's a wine shop onthe other side of the road.
great.. you might not find a lion in the junglebut, there's definitely a wine-shop. no need for that. because drunkards like youturn into animals after drinking. so, let's have a drink before food. no. no. i've stopped drinking. - you go.- what a man. mallika, go get some chutney. - kumar, i've..- stop over-acting.
go on..hurry up.. pervert. "i won't let you go today.." it's so dark here. oh, mummy. that shorty said i'll seea wine shop when i cross the road. i've been walking for so long. my feet are pining for a peg. liquor, cigarettes..snacks.. someone knew i am coming. great..
changez khan's horseman.this is a graveyard. sorry man, here's your bottle. no need to be scared, man. you'll be brave after having a peg. - what's taking so long for the food?- why hasn't he returned yet? let me call him. i'll go check mom,he left his cell behind. you're leaving your mom alone. what if that ghost comes.
strange..she disappeared so soon. where did she go? sweetheart, won't you swing me. you don't have to ask twice. what are you doingalone in the jungle? i am weak in maths,so i was counting the trees. don't wander in this jungle.. ..this place is infested byghosts and spirits after midnight. you're late in telling me this.
it'll be midnight soon. get lost you fool. you're not scared ofghosts because you're young. i can't say about ghosts, buti am definitely scared of your face. anyway, where's the wine shop? who said there's a wine shop here? that guy at the restaurant? - that restaurant? - why do youquestion me after every sentence? - how else should i answer you?- bloody google..
is he drinking with them as well? shorty..hey, shorty. where is he? cutting.. which drum is he in now? shorty? is he in the drum again? run..save me. push me faster.
here. are you not strong enough? - push me faster. this is no fun.- okay. i pushed you harder,but where did you disappear? come back, i'll push harder this time. oh, god. help me. shorty. shorty. shorty. shorty, listen. where are you going?
kumar. kumar. where are they? listen.. listen.. kumar. mother. mother. mother. where's the restaurant? i made my mother sithere and left. mother. mother. no, kumar. kumar, wait.where are you going leaving me alone?
stop the car. stop the car. kumar. stop. stop son, i am coming. - mother.- sister.. - mother, where were you?- sister.. i saw a ghost at the hotel. - ghost?- that shorty was a ghost. he's so drunk that hefell asleep on the horse. he fell down. - listen..- brother-in-law..
- listen, to me..- brother-in-law.. - father..- what's wrong with you? - father..- brother-in-law.. - get up.- what's wrong with you? let's go. - get up. get up.- get up. what happen? - are you okay? - there was ablack horse in the graveyard. - son, the ghost has done somethingto your papa. - i saw him myself. where's the bungalow?
he said sivamkondamalai. a mongolian palace.. oh, god. brother-in-law. brother-in-law. - brother-in-law.- let me sleep. i can hear strange sounds. don't disturb me. there isdigestive pill kept on the table. take it and your gasproblem will be alleviated. - it's not that sound.- your ears must be ringing.
let me sleep. what sound was that? ghost! ghost! - mohan!- what happened? - why are you screaming?- what happened? - why are you screaming?- i saw a ghost. a ghost. - who screamed?- brother-in-law. sir, i was drying the washed clothes. - you fool.- maybe he screamed.
there is a ghost on tv.what about that? i switched on the tv.i wanted to hear hymns. who are all of you? - we are house servants.- yes. is that so?all of you are house servants? sir, what insolence is this? what insolence is this? i was checking whether she has feet. you thought she is crippled.both her legs are fine.
- she has legs.- yes. that means she is not a witch. witch? witch in the house? yes. - yesterday there was a witchin the hotel. - keep quiet. tell me. if all of you are house servantswhy didn't we see you last night? mr. kali told usto come in the morning. who is kali? the watchman? above that.
above that?does he sit on the watchman's head? who is this kali? brother. brother. brother. i had heard about demonsin the guise of humans. but i am seeing a dinosaurfor the first time. - i am the head chef.- what did you say? - you are a chef?- yes. you look like a cremationground's hermit.
that's where i am going to send you. tell me. did you burnyour hair while cooking? or are you vin diesel's fan?or are you bald since birth? my wife made me bald. - so you are characterless.- yes. have you ever seena ghost in this bungalow? oh god! why did you screamat the mention of ghost? even formidable goons fear ghosts.
that means you are a goon. why are you turning your head? - do i look like a goon to you?- absolutely not. you look like a foreignerdoctor who has come from america. sir is here. drink coffee. i asked for coffeeand he gave me a spoon. if i ask for milk,he will give me a buffalo. unload the luggage. sir is here. isn't it a lovely bungalow?
welcome, sir.was the journey pleasant? did you find only thisbungalow in the entire state? we didn't find anyone onthe way who knew of this bungalow. exactly. that's why i selected it.this place is perfect. listen. - keep the luggage upstairs.- yes, boss. hey! check the water and geyser. check the lightsand fans in the rooms. dinosaur's pirated copy,where did you bring..
..these villainous relatives from? all look like rogues and murderers. are you afraid or are you scaring me? they are the tent people.you get ready. shall i bring breakfast for you? - i am lucky that you are my chef.- why? there will be no fearof hair falling in the food. what happened?are you feeling ticklish? - i was laughing.- you were not scratching?
no, brother. - fine. go. make breakfast.- right away. i had kept the purse here.why can't i find it? how did it come here? hail lord! - is everyone here?- yes. everyone is here. - start it.- okay. this veneration is for goddess. to worship goddess durga.
the functions willlast for three days. and thereafter the marriage. the functions are henna function.. ..turmeric functionand musical function. and then a grand marriage. in your family the marriageis conducted directly. - hey!- in our family.. look at this. we have a program before marriage.
we dance heartily. we call a dj and tellhim to play our songs. we fling the sweet box in the air. we dance and catch it. and eat. this is how marriagesare conducted at our place. isn't it, kumar? - shall i bring the packet?- you fool. my son-in-law saidwhat i wanted to say. - thank you, papa. - he has madeall the marriage preparations.
it's a surprise for me too. he has a twisted face. but he does the work thoroughly. your marriages are grand.our marriages are simple. we give only sarisand ornaments to the bride. savitri, give the gift. dear, here.my mother-in-law had given it to me. now i am giving it to you. look, kali. i broughthim here on your saying. fine?
will you be able tokill him in three days? sir, don't worry.leave everything to me. start practicing how you willcry on seeing kumar's dead body. amazing! you are a born crier. see what they are doing. yes! sir, come here. fast. sir, your daughter is very fast. before i kill your son-in-law,your daughter will get pregnant. - you moron.- scold him.
he has cooked pathetic food. he has made peas and cottagecheese with no peas or cottage cheese. even my father-in-lawwon't eat such pathetic food. shall i hit your bald head? do you have any honor or not, papa? you fool. look there. what do i do? i feel something. this is just the beginning, papa. watch what happens next.
if you are going todie after three days.. ..will you stop breathing from now? go and get her. - go.- okay, papa. hey! kajal! - brother-in-law has come.- kajal, what are you doing? the nosy fellow. fool. - sorry, papa.- moron.
sorry, papa. it's 6 o'clock. time to jog. keep quiet. run. run. morons. sleeping till late. later they will saythey have a fat tummy. who let the dogs out? if i bark, dogs will follow me.
run. wake up. old people will sleep soundly. but youths willdefinitely venture out. when our victim will comeout to exercise, we will kill him. okay, boss. - talk softly.- okay, boss. i am dead. so my suspicion was true. you are a chef.how can you still be so fit?
- but i am happy.- yes. - all of you are exercising, right?- yes. yes, sir. go ahead. but why the rope? - skipping?- yes. yes. if you use a long rope, you will fall. your skull will crack. very dangerous. hide the dagger. since when did he grow a tail?
he sat on it.he forgot to take it out. you are exercising as a team,aren't you? go ahead. very good. i will jog and come. - keep almond milk ready.- yes, sir. here i run. i run. i run. why does this moron run at night? why did you slap me? is this how you shouldkeep the dagger?
what if he had seen? - come on. get to work.- yes. "in your arms." you won't sleep. and he won't wake up. sister, daughter-in-law's call. - give him the phone.- give me. here. hold it. call for kumar. yes. here. talk. - where are you?- in maheshwari kingdom.
come to the terrace. wait till the marriage. you keep quiet. just listen to me. i have worn my favorite printed top. and i have sprayedyour favorite perfume too. come up quietly,without making any noise. you will get whatever you want. what kind of response is this? i am in a romantic mood.
and you are simplygrunting in response. i love you. my darling. my sweetheart. i will kiss you on your lips.just come up quickly. daughter-in-law, he gaveme the phone and went back to sleep. - sorry, uncle.- no. no problem. dear, if you want togive him something special.. ..shall i wake him up? no, uncle. i will givehim whatever i have to give. fine, dear. when he will wakeup at night to pee, i will tell him.
run! run! who let the dog out? he is chasing me. help! i don't like dogs! - run! help!- brother-in-law. i don't have change. go. go. papa, vikas. your son-in-law. i see. so your son-in-lawbegs and earns money.
what a strange talent!from which signal did you bring him? - shut up.- thanks for the compliment. - how did this happen?- a dog bit me. did a dog bite you?or were you sitting outside a temple? no. he had gone to invitethe dogs for the wedding. they had a party to celebrate it. tell me. how many dogs bit you? they bit me.initially, there was just one dog. later there was a groupof 20 dogs and they bit me.
- a group of dogs?- yes. they had a whatsapp groupand they invited everyone. won't you go foryour morning business.. ..unless you hear the entire story? the hole is leaking.what will you do there? - is the water over?- son, come fast. mother. what happened, mother? - look, daughter-in-law.- i will just come. she will fall.
- yes. i am coming.- come fast. son, come fast. look at her. kajal, how did you reach there? last night i went to theterrace to meet kumar, papa. daughter-in-law, you were in the room. how did you reach to the well? - actually, aunt..- hold on. i will tell you. the horse that made yourson fall from its back.. ..the same horse madeyour daughter fall at the well.
how did the horsecome in the bungalow? - last night when we were coming..- stop. i will tell you what happened next. last night when wewere going to the forest.. ..strange things happened with us. kumar had said not to tell anyone. should you hide such things? - stop your questioning.- you.. he sensationalizes everystory better than the media.
hungry for trp.he makes everything breaking news. - uncle, we have come here foran auspicious event. - he talks nonsense. hurdles are common.we should not care about that. - what is our main target?- we have come for the wedding. yes. fear has no placeon a happy occasion. don't worry.i know how to get rid of the ghost. we will order liquor.we will cook chicken. we will keep it outside the house. the ghost will party.we will close the door.
what if it comes from the window? is it bill gates' ghostthat it will come from the window? you are an expertin aggravating a matter. kajal is scared due to the ghost.let's leave. you also leave.this is her room. let her rest. yes. listen.apply holy ash on her forehead. what is going on? you found only this hauntedbungalow from so many bungalows? hello, sir. there is confusion, right?
any ghost you see in thisbungalow dances to our tunes. are you drunk?why will the ghost listen to you? - is he your servant?- of course. in this house i haveplanted fake ghosts. - are ghosts also fake?- of course. last night whateverhappened was my doing. let's go to flashback. 'untie the rope fast.' horror comedy.this is the latest trend.
will this work? sir, a horror film is always a hit. - don't be overexcited.- yes. instead of scaring kumar, whydid you scare my daughter? you fool. if he dies,you will be the prime suspect. confusion is necessary.they have seen the ghost. if kumar dies, everyone willthink the ghost has killed him. - how was it?- genius. tonight we will scare him.tomorrow we will kill him.
sir, tomorrow we willhave a big celebration. bring the sacredtrunk from the palace. what is he saying? i can't understand. - he is asking about the spirit box.- what did you say? box? try to understand. if they go to the palace tobring the box they won't come back. there is no worry now.the palace is safe. 'sanskrit chant.' while controlling the spirit,i fainted.
- the spirit?- it's locked in the trunk. is a comedy show going on here? it's 12 a.m. if your makeup is over, start acting. scare him so muchthat he wets his pants. first feel like a ghost. show me your teeth. apply more red color. boys. - is sound and light ready?- everything is ready, boss.
without special effects, nobodywill be afraid of these witches. boss, they are scarier than witches. okay, guys.tonight that boy will definitely die. - what happened?- what are you saying? - whose call is it?- just keep quiet. - my luck is bad.- he keeps yelling all the time. mother, leave him. throw your card. didn't you see how worried he was? he must be worriedon hearing about dry day.
it's not that.he was blaming his destiny. he is bound to do that. because now he will haveto pay extra to buy liquor. what drama is this?just now you were scared. if you see papa tense after12 o'clock, you should understand. papa is sloshed afterdrinking four bottles of vodka. i think she has called me. it's kajal. - the prey is coming.- okay. she is ready.
hold tight. did he run away in fright? what is it? did he run away in fright? he is coming back. - where?- towards you, boss. close the door. clear the coast quickly. stay here. close to each other. you are feeling shy after kissing me.
what is your intention? you fool. i had sent him to bring liquor.wonder where he is stuck. sorry, brother-in-law. in the battle between brother-in-lawand liquor i always win. she is sleeping afterawakening my desires. throw a stone and wake her up. wake her up. wake her up after we go to sleep. and have fun till morning.
thanks, uncle. is there something in your mouth? or have you become very fat? do you have any sense?do you know the time? go and sleep. he is like a confectioner who won'tlet a single fly sit on his sweets. what did you say? i wish it was sweet ball. - i feel like eating sweets, uncle.- just go.
- hello.- sir, we brought him.. ..out of the roomwith great difficulty. you sent him back. will we murder him in frontof everyone? call him back. fool. fool. - kumar.- yes, uncle. - did you have dinner?- yes. heartily. you should not sleepimmediately after dinner. i washed my hands in between.
it's not good for health. stroll in the bungalow for10-15 minutes. and then sleep. he is giving a lecture onhealth as if he has got six packs. what happened, kumar?do you want to say something? your fat face looksugly in this monkey cap. please loosen the muffler. goodnight. i will take a stroll. you don't have to go for a party.you have to scare him. get ready.
- start the light effect.- okay, boss. dolly. it's your turn now. go. start the fan. come here. who are you?do you live in this house? who is in a hurry? broke my neck. crazy fellow. what kind of a man is he?he does not even feel afraid. son.
- what are you doing here?- mohan is missing. i searched the entire bungalow.he is not here. he had gone to buy liquor. - did you give him money?- yes. you should not make a cat guardmilk and a drunkard guard liquor. did he ditch me? listen to your liver, not your heart. if you do that, you will find uncle. - go.- okay.
brother, move. - come in quickly.- why did you take so long? what is this? why did you come hereinstead of scaring him? what do i do?he did not even look at me. i twisted my neck becauseof looking behind again and again. what nuisance is this?it's already 20th. there was not a singlemurder in this month. how will we achieveour monthly target?
if not on the first day, he shouldhave got scared on the second day. our plans never fail. plan? this time i will scare him. that's the spirit. sorry. i spit on you. give me the order, boss. this time there shouldbe fear of death in his eyes. i will keep this for brother-in-law. it's enough now.
it looks like a box. i think it's an ancient box. i will open it and see. open sesame. brother,it's not good to be out at night. this is the time when ghosts wander. how do you know me if you are a ghost? i am kalia. - got burnt?- yes.
don't worry. you won't get charred. do you know why dogs are barking? - because you ate their food?- no. because ghosts wanderhere after 12 o'clock. dogs can see them. yes. hey! i felt as if someone passedfrom behind you just now. i think he got scared. boss, are you telling the truth?
when i showed him fear,he fainted on the spot. i see. why are you laughing? - he is bound to fainton seeing such an ugly face. - is it? leaving your makeup duty,you were following me. take this. i think there is somethingsolid in the box. no problem.tomorrow evening i will check the box. i don't want to stay here.that day she saw a ghost.
today he saw it.tell her father we are leaving. what is the need to tell him? - pack your bags and leave.- yes. good you came.today your uncle also saw a witch. he must have seenhis face in the mirror. who believes in ghostsin today's world? it's your wish. go and tell mr. mehta we won'tdo the marriage out of fear of ghost. kumar, it's not goodto be so stubborn.
do you want to givemy sacrifice to the ghost? what will we do if itattacks us suddenly at night? you also attack. what is the use of workingin more than 100 flop horror films? i did roles of ghost. you can do roles of ghost. but you can't defeat theone pretending to be a ghost? what are you saying? leave me. leave me.
you dog. here. have biscuit. oh god! i hope nobody sees me. all that is fine. but howdid the witch find the biscuit? yes. what a question, uncle? she must have flown andbrought it from the bakery. you are such a fool.i told you the witch is fake. - sorry.- say sorry to the dog. i snatched the biscuit from its mouth. son, if you think it's fine,shall we tell mr. mehta the truth?
no, mother. if that crazy man gets confusedhe will compound the problems. we will have to findout who is behind this. and why he is doing this. you spoke sensibly. bring him to me. i will smash him into a pulp. if you beat him, he will only bleed,but not tell the truth. he fooled a superstar.won't i take revenge? - i have not worn bangles.- wear it. it's in the cupboard.
it's the limit.i can't even say my film's dialogue. - it's the limit.- what superstar? the solid buildupyou told me yesterday.. ..i thought today this bungalowwill resonate with screams. but there was not a single scream. it's been two days.will you kill him or not? sir, see my eyes.i haven't slept since three nights. i have made three plans to kill him. this time no mistake.
- the murder is confirmed.- what's in today's menu? egg and vegetarian mutton? good morning, father-in-law. chef, you are gazing like that.have you changed your taste? we were finalizing the menu. - menu?- yes. what is the need to havethis killer expression on your face? it's his job to stare.why are you doing this? you don't have the answer.think and tell me later.
uncle, as per the schedule,which function is today? i will tell you.tonight is the musical function. tomorrow is the marriage.am i right, papa? you look stupid. - but you give instant answers.- thank you. what happened, uncle?why did your face sulk suddenly? - any marriage tension?- don't worry, papa. i will handle everything. today we will have a party,we will sing and dance.
we will celebrate. give me high-five. - hip-hip hurray!- hip-hip hurray! yes! act well. - okay, boss.- use your brains. ready. is everyone ready? good. tonight is the moonless night. it's our last chanceto capture the spirit.
and we can't losethis chance at any cost. this position is fine. it's okay. shall i sit and show you? you fool. - is this pose fine?- not working. - come on. move fast.- we can't miss this chance. a person who screams loudly.his face is covered with lime. contact lens like cat eyes. as soon as you see such aman or woman beat that person badly.
got that? i will bash him. - my blessing is with you, son.- move aside. i have to take my slippers. why are you standing? - start the mission.- come on. uncle, you never didany work in your life. why are you roaminglike a junk vendor today? nephew, if you can't defeat the enemy,i will come in handy.
of course. during the war,many people gathered frizzled bombs.. ..thrown by the enemyand then threw it back at them. hold this. do this great deed alone. wonder why he is afraid to fight? is anybody here? let's find the box. who are you? show me your face. he belongs to the british era.
why are you here? who are you? he is asking you in english.why are you not answering? don't you know english? oh god! did the englishman die? check his pocket. is there a bomb? not bomb. it's liquor bottle. - liquor bottle. it's mine.- brother-in-law. - i will finish it off.- brother-in-law, give me. otherwise i won't spare you.
- listen to me. listen to me.- no, brother-in-law. - we will add soda and drink.- yes. - come on.- let's go. ready. ready. the victim is here. pull. run. why is it shaky? - you fool.- who? instead of killing kumar, why doyou want to kill me of heart attack?
- you fool.- you? i didn't do anything. did the child come here for a picnic? today i would have become a ghost. damn! there is no child in our team. sleep comfortably. in the morning iwill give you good news. - goodnight.- yes. now this is blinking.
who is this? sweety or dolly? i think the lizardhas peed on the antenna. is the wire loose?it's chinese product. now there are flies on the tv.useless. you have opened abar behind the curtain. don't scold. i drank becausebrother-in-law told me. tell me the truth.where did you get liquor from? i hit a foreigner hard thinkinghe is a thief. i think he died. it's his whiskey.
why will a foreigner come here? what new twist is this? look, someone ran that way.come on fast. - i have seen everything.- what did he see? go and bring spiced milk for me.and snacks too. - he might escape.- why are you looking there? - go into the kitchen.- yes. silly fellow. damn!
someday i will smash him. you look lovely. like lollypop. increase the on-offspeed in the balcony. where is everyone? dolly. dolly. hey you! - what are you doing here?- i was talking to my hubby. who passed from there? - i am confused.- oh god! he is coming, boss.
move back. listen. i will be in the room.bring him there. he won't escape from me today. car. i will switch off the light.he will get scared. - hey! where are you going?- oh god! - hey!- yes. - love you.- are you a kid? start the car when he comes.
when he will bend down to pick it up,i will stab his back. go fast. i will kill him today. closing the door at the wrong time. come on. stop this horror drama. scare someone else bybreaking this cheap bulb. i am from andheri.i am not scared of the dark. i know you are hiding somewhere here. come out. or else..
i see. pathetic actorthrown out of acting class.. ..you are scaringme by panting like a dog. will you turn aroundor shall i come before you? who told her to go there? barbie doll,i know you are a hired witch. now tell me politely.who has sent you and why? if you don't tell me,i will forget you are a girl. i will beat you so badlythat you will become a witch. i am talking to you politely.and you are sighing like a lost lover.
now i will unite you. who is there? where? who screamed? wait. wait. hey! who are you? dolly's son? - where is your mother?- mother is angry with you. i am angry with her. your motheris responsible for the confusion. where is she? where did they come from? if i ask you howyour face got damaged..
..you will say you got hurt. - right?- yes. - where is my almond milk?- in the kitchen. take it. - charred guy.- go. you won't return alive. - what did you say?- drink before it turns cold. i like it. that's better. he is too much. i am dead! help! - strange things are happening in thehouse. - look. look, don't be afraid.
- i know. come with me. come.- please, i am really scared, kumar. - a spirit beats more than the police.- why are you limping? did someone spitbetel leaf on your head? leave from here as soon as possible.there is a ghost here. come here, you moron. you also got fooled.you don't know the truth. - what truth?- there is no ghost in the house. someone is using humansas ghosts to scare everyone. once i find him,i will bash him into a pulp.
it's paining.so much of anger isn't good. tell him to control.otherwise his bp will shoot up. boss, what are you doing here,leaving your duty? witch number 2 hasapplied powder on her face. she is feeling ticklish. forget that.tell me. do we have to kill kumar? or shall she remove the powder? yes. remove the powder.and pay her rs.3000. you are giving her rs.3000.you never gave me even rs.30. who is the new production manager?
run! it's kumar. - help!- you were talking about ghost makeup. perhaps he was cracking a joke. while he was talking,i didn't suspect anything. but when you triedto cover up his deed.. ..i was confirmedyou are behind all this. - run!- kumar. - where are you running?- run. - hey! hey stop.- kumar.
kumar, please. - i won't tell.- catch him. - we are exposed.- listen. stop. papa. papa. papa, open quickly. - who is it?- papa. - papa. in the room..- papa. in the room.. - papa, ghost.- what happened in the room?
- i am scared.- ghost. you fool. that fake ghosthad come in my room too. - there is a ghost.- don't worry. i will make a call.the ghost will never come. foolish father-in-law. how can one talk tothe ghost on the phone? - why are you screaming?- look behind. - papa, behind.- you fool. who is there?
who is in the room? come out. come out. come out. mother mary, if i survive,i will light candles in the church. son, did you catch him? if i had caught him,wouldn't you have seen him? i am still looking for him. i looked everywhere.wonder where he is. you guys are hiding here.
i made coffee and amwandering in the entire house. uncle, have you openeda coffee shop in the house? nephew, i had gone to find the chef. i didn't find him.i thought i will make it. he is not a chef.he is a murderer. you fool. what are you saying?kumar, why didn't you tell me before? whose pathetic ringtone is this? he is here. catch him.catch him. leave me. don't beat me. it's paining.
mother! i am sure his crony is calling. you fool. you don't have any sense? why are you sending ghosts in my room? i made a mistake by trusting you. i didn't want to get mydaughter married to that loafer. that's why i told you to kill kumar. i can't trust you anymore.i will myself call off the marriage. in my own way. come on. hang up.
kajal. please go and handle her. dear, don't cry. why did he do this? - talk to him. - i doubted himfrom the first day itself. hello. there is no marriage. hang up. is it a real ghost? abracadabra. get rid of the ghost. there is a ghost behind you. a ghost. - papa. papa.- where is the ghost?
there is a ghost next to you. save me! - listen.- tell me. where is he? whether you beat meonce or hundred times.. ..but do it outside the bungalow. there is a real ghost here. - he won't speak the truth easily.- baldy, look here. you have been caught.yet you are lying. i will hit you on the head.
fake ghosts have been exposed.go home. you can't escape from me. - mohan.- yes, brother-in-law. - hold this stick. i willhandle the child. - yes. sonny, where are you?uncle won't scold you. if you come out, i will buy you a toy. if you don't come,i will give you a punch. do you think i am a punching bag? where are you hiding? come out.
father-in-law,your crime has been proved. you have an adorable face. but your deeds are devilish. great! why? you watch southindian dubbed movies merrily. but you can't make a southindian guy your son-in-law? after making my life hell,you are showing me fingers. what's in the cupboard?is there a treasure? - the ghost will devour you.- i will get rid of those fake ghosts. don't scream so much. look at this.
you got your daughtermarried to a man.. ..who nobody wouldwant as a hired husband. and you have a problemin getting your daughter.. ..married to a real hero. you must have transferredyour wealth in her name. shall i show you what i have done? i have handed overmy entire life to her. run! her name is etched on my heart.
read it properly. kajal. did you see? everyday i see her name. will you scare us by using a ghost?you will incur a sin. you know there is a real ghostin the house. he will devour us. - he is upstairs. - there is anothertattoo. i can't show it to you. was i reeking that you ran away? the mask that you arewearing is available for rs.5. got that? you are acting smugly. if there is tobacco in your mouth,spit it out.
why are you making sounds? oh my! which tobacco do you chew? your teeth have become so dirty. brush with herbal toothpaste. - it will turn white.- kumar. the witch in front of you is real,son. come out fast. help! help! help! - i am dead.- open the door. there is a ghost in the room.
- my car is working. - brother-in-law,what are you doing here? brother-in-law,i had sent you to catch the child. you are playing here.what has happened to you? will you race with me, uncle? what did you say? uncle? you have certainly gone crazy. you don't get good roles in movies.so you are doing acting at home. mummy! brother-in-law was here only.
where am i hiding? come and find me, uncle. uncle. got scared.got scared. uncle got scared. i scared uncle. i scared uncle. papa. careful. - brother-in-law.- what is happening to you? uncle, save me. mother, please save us.
get up. kajal. kajal. no! kajal! leave my son.otherwise i will kill everyone. kajal! kajal! - kajal! kajal!- stay away! - kajal! kajal! kajal!- forgive me. sir, please give herchild to her. please. - she will listen to you as long as herchild is locked in the trunk. - kajal!
if i release her son,you have no idea what she will do. sir, save my kajal!do anything. please. save my daughter. - kumar!- kumar! the spirits are disturbing me. only you can recognize her voice. with my spiritual powersi can send you there. but you will have to bringher back from that world. that too soon.
otherwise her soul will betrapped in the spirit world forever. - and your and her lifewill be in danger. - kumar. it's nothing. i am ready, sir. - kumar!- kajal! - kajal!- kumar! she is attacking him. my son! god, save my son!
'o lord.' - kajal.- my daughter. - kumar.- are you fine, son? why are you switching on thelight instead of switching it off? i can hear some sounds. you are too much.there were only two spirits. and the nepali sagetook them in his trunk. there is nobody here. brother,you thought everything is over.
this is not the end.this is the beginning. because of kattappabaahubali 2 was made. there won't be asequel because of you. because every baldy is not kattappa. glory to nepali sage! we will go to kathmandufor our honeymoon.

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