The Biggest Thing Since Colossus

5:41 AM

it's safe to say that deadpool 2 has comfortablyavoided sequelitis, with many standout moments even surpassing the the first. nevertheless, this hugely entertaining "familyfilm" with a twist is not without a few small flaws. so buckle up and check the weather forecast,because we're jumping into gale force winds to present the five best, and the five worst,things in deadpool 2. spoilers ahead. best: a perfect x-force first appearing in comic book form in 1991'snew mutants #100, x-force's feature film arrival

has been eagerly anticipated since cable wasfirst teased in deadpool's post-credits scene. "but i can tell you one thing and it's a bit of a secret. the sequel? we're gonna have cable." fortunately, their arrival doesn't disappoint,with cable, domino, and russell fitting into the team effortlessly. by the final act, when deadpool's outfit ischarred in a nod to his grey-suited x-force appearance, it's clear wade has found his"f-word." worst: no long-shot action deadpool 2's action definitely isn't bad. but fans of director david leitch's previousprojects, particularly his work on john wick,

may feel short-changed. the reason could lie with leitch's filmingstyle. both keanu reeves as john wick and charlizetheron in atomic blonde performed the majority of their own stunts. but that wasn't an option for much of deadpool2. leitch told the hollywood reporter: "you need those actors to want to do it. otherwise you won't get those genuine characterson the screen." reynolds, however, fractured vertebrae inhis neck on the set of 2012's safe house,

and, understandably, hasn't performed hisown stunts since. best: domino's luck as the sole survivor among the new recruitsduring the x-force's inaugural mission, domino clearly has what it takes. in the comics, domino's superpower is subconscioustelekinesis that kicks in when she's in high-stress situations. this force field manipulates her surroundings,and is responsible for jamming the chambers of guns or manipulating mirrors to blind herenemies at just the right moment. the first time we really see her use thosepowers is a beautiful moment in deadpool 2.

cars somersault and explosions erupt aroundher as she nonchalantly escapes harm. like final destination in reverse, she defiesodds in breathtaking fashion. worst: an under-utilized supporting cast most of the first movie's side charactersreturned for deadpool 2, and they were joined by a ton of newcomers. the scope is larger, yet deadpool 2 runs just11 minutes longer than its 2016 predecessor. with so many characters vying for screen time,something had to give. morena baccarin's vanessa is the most obviousoversight. her romance with wade was integral to deadpool.

in the sequel, vanessa is shot right at thebeginning, making her little more than wade's off-screen motivation. reactions to test screenings saw her roleas "wasted," and it's hard to disagree after watching the final cut. best: hilarious cameos deadpool's meta humor is primed for scene-stealingcameos. in the first movie, stan lee appeared as astrip club dj, and deadpool wore a printout of hugh jackman's face as a mask. "in case the other fell off."

deadpool 2 raised the bar with a host of hilariousappearances from familiar faces. old footage of jackman appears in a callbackto x-men origins: wolverine, but that's nothing compared to the rest. deadpool's low budget relative to the restof the x-men movies has been a running, self-aware joke. "i'm gonna wait out here, okay? it's a big house, funny that i only ever see twoof you. it's like the studio couldn't afford anotherx-man" in deadpool 2, wade finds himself back atthe x-mansion after being saved by colossus.

as he again rants about the lack of x-men,professor xavier, quicksilver, nightcrawler, storm, cyclops, and beast appear in a roombehind him. a hollywood a-lister makes an appearance,too. after colliding with a power cable duringthe botched x-force mission, vanisher's invisibility cuts out and the audience can briefly seehis real face, which looks a lot like brad pitt's. last but not least? heavily disguised cameos from alan tudyk andmatt damon, who appear briefly as a pair of friends who get future-tased and have theirtruck stolen by cable after he arrives from

the future. that's an awful lot of hidden star power. worst: x-force xed out while domino, russell, and cable were amazingadditions to deadpool 2, what about the team members who were introduced only to be brutallyexecuted? on their first mission as a team, bedlam,zeitgeist shatterstar, vanisher, domino, and peter skydive into high winds, and one byone, they're all obliterated in gory fashion. screenwriter rhett reese revealed they deceptivelyshot footage to use in trailers to imply the characters' larger role in the movie.

it does make for a funny sequence, but laughteraside, some viewers couldn't help feeling cheated by the quick deaths after that setup. these lesser comic book characters have fans,their demises were a disappointment for anyone hoping to see a crew of semi-obscure marvelheroes in action. best: lgbtq representation deadpool 2 is the first superhero film toopenly include lgbtq characters in the form of negasonic teenage warhead and yukio, whoseromance is a matter-of-fact subplot throughout the film. as for the subtly pansexual deadpool, hisattraction to colossus is amped up this time

around. as well as the occasional metallic fondlenow and again, deadpool serenades him say anything-style after the pair fall out, andit's a good thing, too, because colossus comes to wade's aid during the battle against juggernaut. worst: no true supervillain while the formation of the new super-grouptakes center stage in deadpool 2, the movie lacks a true big bad guy. the sadistic headmaster of essex house isas close as we get to outright villainy. but it's possible that a certain geneticallyaltered someone has been lurking in the shadows:

mister sinister. the supervillain made his first full appearancein the uncanny x-men in 1987. the alter ego of nathaniel essex, he sharesa name with essex house, the orphanage russell escapes from, perhaps a tantalizing hint ofsinister's involvement. he's been teased since a post-credits sequenceof x-men: apocalypse, but it's a little frustrating that he hasn't appeared yet. best: mid-credits scenes it wouldn't be a marvel movie if you didn'tstay glued to your seat during the closing credits, eagerly awaiting an extra scene.

this time, wade outdoes his riff on ferrisbueller's day off with not one, but three mid-credits scenes. by the film's conclusion, cable's time traveldevice is used up and he's stuck in the present after using his final charge to save wade'slife. after the credits roll, negasonic teenagewarhead and yukio fix the device, and, naturally, wade quickly uses it to wreak havoc. first, he travels back to save vanessa. easy choice. deadpool's next stop is to go back in timeagain and save x-force member peter, but he's

just getting started, he then makes his wayinto 2009's x-men origins: wolverine, where he makes quick work of his first onscreenincarnation, shooting the much-maligned mouthless deadpool repeatedly. then he visits ryan reynolds, and shoots himimmediately after he reads the green lantern script. as deadpool, ryan reynolds used the opportunityto not only poke fun at himself, but to capture the kind of "what-ifs" fans love to hypothesizeabout. "i'll tell you who should not have on yourshow. ryan reynolds.

huge a-hole." worst: missed opportunities not only did the movie lack a clear villain,but that vacancy could've been filled by at least one character who had screen time: blacktom cassidy. he amounts to nothing more than a brieflyseen brute, but in the comics, black tom has the ability to channel energy into destructive,forceful blasts, and a "grander version" of the character was originally scripted as deadpool2's main villain. however, as rhett reese told cbr, they reducedhis role, saying: "his powers are to move organic material around,the entire orphanage, and the trees, everything

was flying around, and the hailstorms of wood,it was really cool, but it was also really, really expensive." "well we don't have that kind of money." however, there's still hope; reese confirmedthat black tom could return from beyond the grave at a later date. thanks for watching! click the looper icon to subscribe to ouryoutube channel. plus check out all this cool stuff we knowyou'll love, too!

The Biggest Thing Since Colossus

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