Tellin' Stories

4:41 AM

the name of the story is clever fox and foolish crow once upon a time in a village old lady was selling some hot cakes she was frying the hot cakes and the smell of that hot cakes

spread around near her house there lived a crow crawww cwawwww he got the smell of the hot cakes and he got tempted he saw the old lady

and thought of stealling one hot cake so he came near the old lady and stole away one of the hot cakes from the plate he happily sat on the branch of the tree

and he was just about to start eatting that hot cake and all of a sudden a fox came near to that tree the fox saw that the crow had the hot cake

in it's mouth fox wanted that hot cake so he thought of an idea and he started praising the crow he said to the crow ohhhhhhh

ohhh wise crow you are so beautiful ohh the colour of your skin is so bright ohhh you look so handsome i do not have words to describe your grace listening to the praise from the fox crow thought

that what fox was saying is true so he started believing in the lie of the fox and started thinking to himself craww craww i am so beautiful

my skin is so beautiful i am the most handsome bird in the world by seeing that the crow is getting affected by the praise fox continued praising the crow he said to him ohhhhhh

dear bro crow you not only have beautiful body but you have beautiful voice also ohh how can i describe the singing how can a describe the beautiful voice that comes out of your mouth

listening to this was even more inflated by the ego and the pride and by believing the fox and thinking that what he saying is true he really started singing

and as he started singing craww craww craww he open the mouth the hot cake that he was holding in his mouth fell down got

what he wanted he took the hot cake and ran away crow tried to stop the fox and said give me my hot cake the fox said crow bro you have everything

but unfortunately you have no brains hahaahahaa you belived in everything i said and you gave away your hot cake hohoohhhooo i am going i am going bye bye - bye bye and the fox

ran away with the hot cake and crow was left with nothing the moral of the story is never believe in false praise know yourself very well

Tellin' Stories

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