capac: it's not you, it's me! i'm just not that kind of guy! *beep beep!* hup! ... ooh, my shoe lace is untied. no time for that now! ♩sneaky sneaky sneak, sneaky sneaky sneak, sneaky sneaky sneak, sneaky sneak, sneak♩ *beep beep* splitsiecomputer? computer? what's going on? what did capac do this time!?!?
rx-394hello splitsie. splitsieumm, hi. wait! capac fixed your language settings? *the rx-394 laughs* splitsieuhh... what's so funny? rx-394i can feel you inside me. you aren't rostered on for this shift, splitsie. splitsiei'm not... what? shift?
rx-394this area is restricted to online personnel only. splitsieactually, i think i might have been here before. rx-394the policy manual states that anyone found trespassing in restricted zones should beimmediately removed. splitsiethat would make sense. rx-394since the security section is no longer replying to internal memos, i have formulated, basedon available data, a new procedure for the removal of personnel from restricted sections. explosive decompression in 3..
splitsieoh... rx-3942, 1... capachmm... i think i lost it! capaci'm sure i left splitsie and steve around here somewhere... capacoh, there you are! i've been having a few problems.. splitsiewe need to get out of here! capaci know!
a forklift has been chasing me! i think it's possessed! no time to pack the toiletries! it's right behind me! we've gotta go! splitsiethe.. no time for that! where's the ship?!? capacoh, it's around here somewhere. watch out for doppelgã¤ngers though.
you wait here, i'm going to get steve. splitsiewho is steve!?! splitsiewhoa, capac, watch where you're going with that thing! capacdid you see it? did it see you? splitsiedid what see me? capacthe forklift! its crazy! i know i'm irresistible but...
splitsiewhat forklift? forget about the fork.. which way is the ship?!? capac! which way?! capac! capacthis way! c'mon splitsie! hustle up steve! capaci tried to let it down gently, but it wouldn't listen! splitsieit?
who? what did you do?!? capaci was gonna pimp it out with rims and a sweet subwoofer. but things didn't work out. splitsiei still haven't seen any forklift! splitsiedid you start some kind of reactor meltdown? capacthere was a button that said 'initiate reactor sequence in safety mode'. i pressed it.
it doesn't seem all that safe. somebody ought to phone the it department. splitsiewe finally find something that could answer some questions and you blow it up! capacnothing blew up! *explosion* capaci'm sure whatever that was was entirely unimportant and unrelated. splitsiecan we just get out of here?
capachow will our intrepid heroes escape the impenetrable belly of this colossal beast! find out next episode of capac savesthe universe! splitsiesaves the universe? you can barely save a text file on the computer! are you sure the ship was this way? capacthe ship should be right around here... capaci musta taken a wrong turn back at albuquerque... splitsiegreat, now we have to go back..
oh, well that's just wonderful. any thoughts? capachmm. i've got an idea. you probably won't like it though. capacall aboard the cart! please keep extremities on board at all times! no smoking! hold on to your hat steve! capaci can't believe that worked.
splitsieneither can i. capacwho do you think put all those noodles there? splitsiei don't know. capacdo you think forklifts eat noodles? splitsiei seriously doubt it. actually i'm surprised you didn't try to eat some. chicken flavour! bleh! capachey! is that the ship? capachome sweet home!
splitsieit's awfully quiet in here.. capacooh, ooh, can i turn on the emergency alarm! splitsieno! computer, status report? computer? ugh... splitsielooks like we're going to have to perform a manual start. capacdoes that mean i have to get out and push? splitsiemaybe.
♩windows start up jingle♩ splitsieok, electronics coming online. maneuvering jets? capaccheck. splitsieinertial dampeners? splitsieautopilot? capacsasquatch. possibly bigfoot. splitsiei'll take that as a no.
confirm preflight check? capacuh, is that the one where i skim through, then agree that i understand everything? splitsieyeah. sure. capacin that case, check and mate! rx-394attention: all maintenance vehicles are to report to the main hangar for repair and emergencyrefit. i repeat: all maintenance vehicles are to report to the main hangar for repair and emergency refit.
splitsiewhy aren't we moving? have you disengaged the docking clamps? capacumm... oh, you mean these docking clamps? capacwhoa! ... oww! ... now this is pod racing! splitsie*sigh* we should be out of the blast radius now. capaci don't think it's going to blow up. splitsiewhat makes you say that? capacit's turning towards us, i think it wants to catch us. splitsieoh.
i think now might be a very good time to leave. rx-394you have not been cleared for departure. please stand by and await further instructions. capacdid you meet a girl while i was gone? why didn't you say?! splitsiei didn't meet anyone, and i'm not sure that was a person. rx-394how could you say that splitsie? capacooh, i think you made her mad!
rx-394you have committed multiple infractions. please surrender for disciplinary action. capacshe sounds kinky. capachere she comes! splitsiethrusters to full! i'm taking us back in-system! hopefully if we get far enough away she'lllose us in the interference! capacwhat was it? did you forget your anniversary?
did you compare her to her mother? did you accidentally sleep with her clone,thinking it was her, when she was actually in a coma at the bottom of a river, thanksto a hungry space chicken? splitsiecapac? capacyeah? splitsiei need to think. leave me alone. capacsure. steve? hey steve! steve?
capacwhy. don't. you. work. ooh! open says me! hey steve? can you pass me that circuit tester? ahh, nevermind. something sure did a number on the computer. what isn't missing is corrupted.
i'm going to miss her, she had quite the way with words. with her gone, i guess that makes you the ship's poet laureate, steve. you're a man of few words steve. that's what like about you. splitsiei don't suppose you could just tell me what's going on? rx-394all queries regarding operational procedure must be submitted in writing to your sectionmanager. splitsieyup. didn't think so. i guess we're back to square one. capacdid we lose her?
splitsiei think so. nothing on sensors. unless she somehow patched the leaks and maskedher sensor signature. capachmm. splitsieshe's pretty slow too. damn it, now you've got me saying it! capacthat was a pretty big ship though, what if it has a... rx-394hello boys. *laughter*

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