Texas Cannonball

4:41 AM

some of the best family memories involve timenear the water. in water, we can be everything from a neighborhoodcannonball champion to an olympic medalist .but water can be dangerous, especially for small children. the good news is that thereare things you can do to keep your family safe.let's start with where most kids get their first experience with water. inside your home.babies can be fussy and cranky sometimes. but when you put them in a warm bath, theworld becomes beautiful. there's a little more to it though than justturning on the water and plunking your little one in which is always a no-no, by the way.first, get everything you need near the tub

before you run water or bring your baby anywherenear the tub. once your baby is settled in her bath, neverleave her, not even for a second. and when bath time is overwait! before you take your baby from the bath, drainthe water. it's safer, and babies like to watch the water go down the drain around andaround and around. you can even sing songs to your baby at the same time.older children are more mobile so bath time can become even more fun for both of you.for instance, take some measuring cups from the kitchen. let your baby practice pouring,splashing, and being creative with the water. here's something else that's important. whenyour kid's at this age, it's a good idea to

keep the bathroom doors closed and put lockson toilet lids. even mop buckets can be dangerous.make sure babysitters, caregivers, and older siblings are also aware of water dangers inyour home. so how do you keep children safe outside yourhome? children are naturally attracted to water.something as innocent as a child's blow-up swimming pool can be dangerous without supervision.drowning is silent and can happen instantly. so never take your eyes off your child, andalways be within arm's reach. if you have water toys, put them away beforeyou leave so they don't attract a kid's attention. toys are like magnets and toys near a poolaren't safe for kids.

if you have a pet, be sure children can'tslip out a pet door and get to pools, hot tubs, or any other water hazard nearby. kidslove to follow their pets around. all pools must be fenced to keep kids out.and make sure gates are securely latched or even better, locked.kids can also be at risk near other bodies of water too. when you're near a lake, pond,or any body of water, stay close and pay close attention.things like swimming lessons and learning cpr all go a long way towards keeping yourkids safe but never let kids swim alone or play around any body of water without closesupervision. no matter where you are water can be fun ifyou pay attention and be safe. always watch

kids around water and make memories that lastforever. to find more tips like these, go to helpandhope.org.

Texas Cannonball

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