a crucial turning point in the filmcomes when nina goes out to a club with lily, the night before dress rehearsal. with the pulsing lights and merging images of bodies, this undeniably sexualscene acts as a visual climax to the film it represents nina's liberation from herrestrictive white swan side and embrace of the black swan's primal impulses the bursts of light are so brief that it'sdifficult to make out what's happening but if you watch carefully you'll noticethat there are several hidden visual elements at play
nina in the black swans makeup a frameof the butterfly wallpaper from her bedroom several frames of meaning multiplying.the moon from the set of swan lake the evil rothbart from the opening dream and distorted images of nina and lily as one nina has finally unleashed her sexuality,not to pursue lily like it might seem but to awaken the black swan within herself in nina's world sex is sinister, belongingonly to the black swan in her eyes there is no room for a nuanced view of sensuality. it's either black or
white "did you have some sort of lezzie wet dream about me?" "stop!" "oh my god, you did, you fantasized about me!"
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