i love these kids laugh it's so stinkingadorable can you do it and can you do it on the spot girl laughs laughs i lovethat laugh what's up funnel cakes it's me fun of that i'm my office where iusually do gaming i would be upstairs normally for this type of vid but wehave some hollow holiday decorating going on so i'm down here warning thisvideo is not to entertain it's not gonna make you laugh it may make you cryyoutube is removing inappropriate kids content it's a good thing let's not getthat twisted while watching this video this video is about the damage they'redoing to the good people as well as other things that youtube is doingthat's not so good but you didn't know
we put out a video a couple of days agoand today the today show featured it on tv all across the world or americawhatever is bigger so let's talk about new things in this video and just forthe record this is not for exposure this is for a youtube to hear me cuz they notlistening still even after the today show look ooh here seanyou can't be in this video you know why because youtube things you'reinappropriate because like well then fine i'm leaving seriously though all ofour flagged vids they'll have sean in them what is youtube anti babies allright now back to this video i have more points to hit for all the haters i'lladdress you guys at the end cuz you guys
are the least important first let's getto some facts though much fun i'm being notified that youtube wants to removethat channel from existence they don't want this channels videos incirculation they wanted me to delete the videos i said no i haven't done anythingwrong you want me to plead guilty to something i didn't do like what what'swhat's so bad about these videos in the last 48 hours they made doe much funalmost unsearchable so when you search it almost nothing comes upbefore when we used to type in dough much fun although much fun vids wouldpop up wet from 3 million views every 48 hours ando much fun down to 200,000 soyoutube legitimately turned off the
feature of allowing our videos to beseen it took down our gummy versus real halloween video the only thing i canthink of is is it because of little toy army men fired a little plastic army manrifle one in centimeter wide at a marshmallow flying peak ghosts oh mygosh the horror i'm so sorry parents and need to issuean apology for putting that in the video it was just inappropriate come onthere's certain families that don't even like nerf guns ok well then this channelis not for you if you are a strict parent and you have a problem with thepoop joke then fine there is two or three vids that you might not like theydon't deserve to be removed from youtube
so if you see don't much fun disappearwill try to get it back up or talking to amazon prime currently to put so muchfun on amazon prime because youtube just does not like kids right now simple asthat the new thanksgiving chases corner video that we could not put out becauseof all this problem so maybe you'll see it one day and look just now they tookdown a video where we were playing with gummies and messed up mommy's favoritepart of the house the kitchen and this is definitely not appropriate for kidsto watch it is definitely not let's talk about comments right youtube disabledcomments on a ton of our video so if you see any of our videos to say commentsdisabled it is not us
there are some inappropriate people thatmay view children's videos that don't have children's best interests at heartif those people left an inappropriate comment youtube shuts down comments fromthe whole video to protect the viewers while that is a great sounding idea thebetter ways just stop those comments from being allowed to be posted here'san article where it says youtube turned off comments on more than 6twenty-five thousand videos targeted by child predators i got a good ideablock them and they're common to leave my fans comments alone i'm gonna showyou our list of comments that people our fans are leaving but youtube is blockingand not allowing them to be posted what
look at this this is in comments heldfor review who else feels bad for chase it's a bad word to say that guys youcan't comment that hashtag doudna vernie is a bad word and it's not even ahashtag my favorite part was the whole video basically that's a bad word guysyou can't talk about your favorite parts we think youtube thinks we're talkingabout i know it's kind of inappropriate but body parts that's not that badyoutube's making me think everything is bad car show i shouldn't shout becausethat'll probably get flagged me and youtube i poop well that is a bad wordguys you can't say poop remember we talked about this it has a crunch to itbut not like a raisin guys you can't say
but with one tok that's not how youcontinue sentences we thought this fail would work oh my goodness that's sohorrible why would this why would they comment that for the lols bad word wowat 7:20 you can see chases girlfriend maybe it is that is a bad word okaybecause six-year-olds can't have gfs horrible cisco flag let's look at ascreenshot from another youtuber on twitter who is also experiencing thesame issue health her review i love you smelly belly eat your pickles kids ifollow you on musically inappropriate i love you guys inappropriate hiinappropriate is the word belly a bad word they're actually disabling commentsand deleting comments that you guys left
now we like to interact with you guysthrough the comments if they take away that feature how do we get to talkbasically you guys can't comment on our videos because a couple people saidsomething bad so let's look at some of these vids right here right like look atthis from water park 12000 comments when we go to this video comments aredisabled because of bad word mermaid rollercoaster into the poolsixteen thousand comments disabled while animals in the mall disabled and that'son top of some of these videos that should not even be flaggedwhat is wrong with this video what seriously happened that makes this videoso inappropriate nothing there's nothing
look who's here with me bro i didn'teven tell him yet do you know what youtube said they want to delete don'tmuch fun chase his corner along channel because they said that we doinappropriate things like like play with gummy ones right and toys yeah jelloworms like that's inappropriate you can't eat jello you're a kid everybodyhe no not kids not kids candy jello that's rude that's inappropriatedisgusting it's vile it's grotesque oh yeah yeah they live in dirt and god madedirt and dirt hurts a little bit if there's bacteria in it hey you do ismessed up so i'm saying that's right that's whyi'm addressing not complaining we're
dressing we got it sure i put out thisyeah i was gonna put out this video on instagram i bought two gift certificatestwo giveaways no christmas is jesus's birthday party word yeah but you knowwhat you can't talk about jesus on youtube either controversial does noteveryone believes yeah not everybody and that's okay we're all different anywayi'm getting off-topic let me go but jesus still loves withpeople that they don't like him it is bro are you gonna melt my heart i'll beright back i've got some more points here hopefully you're still stickingwith me if you care about the situation i'm just letting you know because if oneday you wake up and you don't see our
videos i want you guys to all of themknow why let's talk about closed captions youtube will read our closedcaptions and sometimes hit us for bad things in closed captions so youtube hasautomatic captions for those that don't know those are the little words that popup on the screen we don't write those we don't control those and we've now justrealized how bad these captions are i'm gonna try toblock the bad words with my fingers but there's a bad word right in there nowyoutube's going crazy deleting everything disabling everything becausethey don't have enough manpower to actually police it the right way youguys know that on our channels we do not
say curse words so why would you tothink that it's okay on a kids channel to put the caption and saying that weset a curse word when weaved in it like we were like why isn't at least blankedout with stars because they don't care they really don't we already talkedabout how this is about advertisers and that's fine youtube is trying to keepyoutube from breaking apart and dissolving they're trying to protect itfor everyone but again like i said in the last fit it's going going about itthe wrong way perfect example people leave commentsthey're inappropriate so instead of just not allowing the inappropriate commentsthey disable the whole comment section
i'm gonna give you the perfect exampleright here okay you buy a carton of eggs there's twelve and then one egg breaksand get you yolk on all the other one if it were youtube they throw out the othereleven eggs to your disabling and deleting all these comments from ourgood fans that want to talk to us because of a couple bad ones i don't know about you you two butthere's some starving kids in the world i could use those other eleven eggs thatwas my family friendly analogy i have i have some better ones but they're lowerrisk egg i got another point which actually hurtsmy channel and every other kids channel
probably but it's a good point so i'mwilling to take that risk okay for the longest time i have contactedyoutube for help about inappropriate ads showing on our videos i've had parentssay my kids watch your channel but why do you allow these ads i have no controlover that that's google okay i'm gonna show you anemail 314 14 2014 when we were nobodies but we were still somebody's but likelittle tiny bodies this was the era of skylander boy and girl our videos wereshowing inappropriate ads like this one how to punch a woman i asked videos likethis are ridiculous to show up as an ad on my channel i've had parents contactme about this is there any way to report
an ad is inappropriate so it won't showup on our videos that is a youtube program there's no way to distinguishbetween ads you can just remind parents that this is a part of being on youtubeand you always have your own content be age-appropriate i can't make a videoabout play-doh pudo be like i look a little play-doh poop prank but youtubecan show all of our kid and your young followers a video about how to punch awoman and you're realizing what i'm doing here because i care more and i'mgonna just the haters at the end i care more about this then some of you maythink by saying this youtube can legit say you know what then we'll turn offall ads on kids channels no more ads or
we're gonna turn off more than half ofthem because i see i see alcohol contra blank tibbs maybe your parents don'tknow what i'm saying trying to stay family family i've seen a bunch ofinappropriate stuff they're playing on our vids i can't do anything about it inthe last video i started to say a point i didn't finish what i wanted to say wasthere are so many creators that youtube does not care about just one eyemeant to say that and i didn't say right so yeah i believe i never got diagnosedby a doctor but i think i have like adhd because i can't focus i don't know whatyou say some no here's another thing youtube pretends to be caring about thekids stuff right tell me why since all
this blew up i email them about commentsand videos private stuff that affect the privacy and safety of my children iasked you to to remove certain comments and they flat-out said no we cannot dothat that is not a youtube feature you can just report it so youtube caresabout all the kids in the world except for the thor in my home to all of ourfans we just on a side note just want to say thank you for the majority of youthat respect our privacy and our personal life outside of all of this yeswe love entertaining you and all that but we still expect to be treated likenormal human beings is all we ask so thank you for those that that obviouslyknow that without me having to say it
we've never addressed it because itshould be common sense for other ones that just get a kick out of like sharingour personal information i mean youyou have to be like against us cuz anybodywith us well i mean why would they try to do that cuz it's it it's not coolokay i have four kids to protect just find something else to do with your timethan to share personal and private information please now lastly all of youawesome viewers you guys are dismissed we love you guys you guys are the mostimportant things to us this next part is not for you i want to address the hatersoh yeah y'all think i forgot about you haters we love haters - haters actuallyhelp us get stronger if you don't know
the only reason why fg tv is as big asit is today is because of one hater comment i've never i don't think i'veever said this is this one hater comment that changed everythingsaid this channel i'm gonna make this comment sound a little nicer than whatit was but this channel stinks so bad all you do is play pvz and i thoughtwell you know what they're kind of right so guess what we stopped playing pvz andstarted doing all these new videos at one afteranother and started doing what you guys wanted to see and still what we wantedto play the most because if we don't like the game we don't play anyways areenough about fg tv haters it's back to
you this is about our last video you arewrong youtube needs our support and cooperation not our whining and boi consyoutube is being attacked by the press by the advertisers what they're tryingto do is keep this boat from sinking this is just one person right so youtubeis being attacked by the press why because they haven't cared about thedisgusting i can't even talk about how nasty the videos are that youtube istargeting and the reason why worse stuck in the crosshairs this videos were badi'm talking about like i can't even say it it's just so messed up it's horribleand there's a youtube channel that contacted me yesterday i'm not sure ifthey'd want me to say their name huge
youtubemillions of subscribers and they said back in 2016 i alerted youtube about thewhole elsa weird creepy disgusting videos that were showing up next to ourvideos call email everything they didn't do anything about itso youtube being attacked they let this go for so long and didn't care about allthese little children's with their little sensitive minds seeing this veryinappropriate stuff i'm not talking about us playing with a nerf gun orshawn pooping in his crib i'm talking about things i can't stay on thischannel because of how bad it is and for letting little kids access it on theyoutube kids app we shouldn't have to
pay for that nobody should we understandwhat youtube is going through but that doesn't mean that i can't use my voiceto let everybody else know what's happening with us see for the hatersthat don't understand there's people out there that like that like us that likewatching us i like hearing from us that want to know what's going on with usthis is informative this is not whining this isn't me talking about oh my goshwe're losing money because i don't like talking about the monetization thingbecause we didn't set off on youtube to do anything with money our monetizationhas not gone down at all it's gone up it doesn't matter because money is not theissue here the
shu is youtube destroying the hard workwe put into our videos i look at a video with 25 million views money doesn'tcross my mind to me that's a trophy i'm like oh snap you go boy you justentertained that many people that many people love you that many peoplere-watch your stuff you're putting joys on kids faces you're you're affectingthe lives of kids with cancer and hospitals putting joy in their heartsand their families hearts you're having families moms and dads you're havingthem spend more time with their kids because they say wow you know my kidsare important look how much time that how much fun this family is having youknow how many countless emails i have a
parent saying thank you so much for whatyou do you inspired my kids to do creative things this is now all the timeall the time i see that that is why we do this because if you still don'tbelieve it let's rewind okay since i was 14 guess what i had onmy christmas list to have my mom get me for christmas a camera because this ismy passion and i'm sure a majority of you know this and creativity is mypassion i rap i act i game i joke i do i do all that stuff because it's a passioni've been doing it before youtube i was not one of those channels that said wowpeople make a lot of money on youtube i'm going to try to start making videosso i can make money
no never said it never ever ever everever people bring up money i'm like i'm sorry that you feel that that's why i dothis it is a byproduct yes am i am i going to take it yes if someone walkedup to you on the street gave you $100 would you say uh-uh no wayno so this is what i enjoy doing we got lucky to where people liked usand noticed us this is just what happens youtube there's monetization on videosand then they pay us i don't set that stuff i don't set the prices they do ihave nothing to do with that let's back up youtube 2006 2005 i think it was istarted youtube channel and started doing rap song and started doingeverything a lot of the videos i took
down because they're not realto what we're doing now anymore i started that vent i don't know if youknow much about youtube i am 99.9% sure there were no such things as ads andmonetization on videos back in 2006 in 2007 we had this video which we removedfrom youtube but it was called the nastiest ever right and it got like ahundred and fifty thousand views on is the first time i heard about an ad evenbeing on a video what it was was me pretending to write and i had of like ohmy gosh i just said a curse word on this channel oh no alright hopefully thisvideo doesn't get flagged i had my daughter alexis on the bed blowingraspberries on her belly just so youtube
is a thing that's perverted that's whatthis is that's what that is okay so i'm doing that to my kid but you don't seealexis butt in it i'm like shaking my end pretending i'm bad wording and then allof a sudden the camera moves over and then you see me just playing around as afather doing that and then that was the joke i wasn't bad wording it was it was likeit was just a joke i was pretending to but then boom yousee the baby in the raspberries in your lap ah that was cutebut then you get to people who didn't even watch the first ten seconds likethis is so disgusting blah blah blah blah blah youtube says hey you got thispopular video 170,000 views on it do you
want to monetize it and i'm like what isthis and oh my god we'll try it out clicked on it and like a day laterthey're like your video is not appropriate we need family-friendlycontent and i'm like didn't even 40 was a joke in it and that was then 2007youtube i think used to care that before google bought it then google saw thedollar signs and then all heck broke loose all heck my point is is even afterthat video we continued uploading to youtube here in there two thousand seveneight nine 10 2011 i think was then the first year i was able to monetize avideo when i used to do rap songs and i would get a thousand use for video nowi'm like oh my gosh i got a thousand
this is awesome and it would monetizeand i make like $2 i was like this is so cool i'm doing what i like but i'mgetting paid for and this had mattered that it's a lot of money because i wasnever disappointed there's people that start youtubedon't make it or they don't make a lot of money so they stopped doing itbecause it's not worth it to them well you're doing it for the wrongreason if that's the case see i've been doing this for the right reason sincethe beginning and i'll hold true to that so the fact that i got lucky and my hardwork paid off somebody's now jealous of me because of it i'm sorry i i i didn'tdo anything but do what i've been doing
since i was a kid if i had to make vlogsof the first six years of lexi's life and the first three or four of mike'sand the first one of chase before we start at youtube i can because i wasrecording and recording recording non-stop i've been recording i don'twant to miss these memories these these are how i remember so when i grow oldand all my kids move out of the house and they have their own lives andthey're like dad you know got a boyfriend a girlfriend i can't reallyhang out with you like i'm gonna go watch those videos that's why i recordso much plus i don't have the best memory so for me when i record it that'sto ensure i will never forget what
happens that's why i record every singlelittle thing and never is the dollar sign in my mind i'm still talking to thehaters i don't know if anyone's here give me a break let me let me let mecatch up with my head here okay so back to the haters that want to bring upmoney and that want to call me a whining and complaining this is how i reach mypeople use you know if any of my fans are still listening this is how we reachyou by by saying what's up we don't make these kinds of videos because to methese videos are boring we like to entertain we like to make you laugh ilike to have memories i don't want to watch this video in 30 years from nowthis isn't a memory i don't want to
remember this i want to remember goingup to this little kid and doing a noogie on its head and hearing them laugh likea chipmunk i love these kids laugh it's so stinking adorable can you do it i canyou do it on the spot girl laughs well i love that little chipmunk laughs thisstuff brings me joy my family is my life you guys ask all the time well this isback to our viewers if you're still here why don't we see lexi in videos whydon't we see lexi in videos lexi is enjoying other parts of her liferight now if she wants to go outside and be with her friends it's just whateverit's a point of growing up she's not on ft tv she's hardly on funnel vision andit's because i do not force my children
or my family to do things they do notwant to do so there's the official response if my daughter enjoys beingwith their friends cool great go be with your friends does it make me upset thatshe's not here with us yeah heck yeah it really does because she's growing up andit hurts to see your kids grow up especially when my whole life all i'vedone is to to kated it to them and make them happy and and do things for them ididn't have a single thing growing up other than two parents that loves meokay i didn't have anything materialistic so maybe that's whysometimes i go a little overboard for my kids not for me you see me driving alamborghini or a ferrari know i can go
out today and go buy a whole bunch if iwanted to and i'm not bragging i'm just saying those things are not important tome i'm doing things for my family and as much as it's cool like i'll have aferrari thought about it people tell me thingsall time you should do this you should do that you should buy vacation homesyou should do it yeah i can okay but but if if my kids will enjoy it that's wheni will do it and why would i buy a two-seater car so the four kids canfight who gets to ride with daddy now if they come out with a six seater ferrariin the next year guess who's gonna buy oneme and drop-top chillin with my kids and
a convertible those are memories peoplethat's why we do i do all these things for memories get a carnival birthdayparty for my son we're not showing off we don't need to show off like this kidworks with me - he wants to record he asked me to record videos every day onft tv and i have to say i can't do it i got too much stuff going on i have toactually turn it down he enjoys this but if you think about it it's kind of likework - so why if adults work adults can buy whatever they wanthow come kit and i teach my kids monetary responsibility you betterbelieve it but there's this to a certain levelwhere you can't teach someone to work
work work work work and then not enjoythe fruits of their labor all right i'm rambling on foreverobviously you could tell this stuff has been on my mind i've been wanting to sayso much stuff but my channel is not about this our channel is our familyadventures and i guess i'm kind of glad that i can get this off my chest i justhope people are listening cuz long videos man people get bored and theystop listening but man if y'all are listening leave a little comment downbelow in the description say we'd hear you bro just like that we hear you broas long as that's not a bad word that might be a bad word i feel like iskipped over a couple of points but i
think you got it obviously i'm reallypassionate about all of this and even though we don't let haters get us downif the bad thing about youtube is that your cover gets judged you know we'rebooks being judged by our cover there are so many people that like will watchour vids and they're still fans of us and then they and then they talk to youthey talk to me in real life and they've said verbatim like wow like i didn'tknow you'd be this chill this cool in real life i'm like yeah i'm a normalperson i'm just i'm an entertainer though you know i mean like i like to dosilly things i like to be funny a lot of times i'm crazy i'm loud even off thecamera i'm still like that you guys
don't get to see all the funny momentsyou don't a lot of them you guys actually miss we just can't record 24/7daily vlogging is something i will never ever do i can't imagine the amount ofstress that puts on families but anyway if you're a daily vlogger don't don't bemad at me this is a hard business this is not easy you don't just wake up makeone vid and then and then i say you go out and party i work i'm legit workinglike the first couple years of doing this i was doing like 90 hour weeksi'm still down in my office from time to time 4:00 a.m. in the morning doingyoutube stuff i wait till it to the kids go to sleep and i go back to workbecause i have passion for this okay i
don't need to do that i don't i do itbecause it's important to me and because when i start things i like to finishthem it's just i'm gonna stop here because i'm sure i can keep going butguys thank you so much for watching thumbs up subscribe if you see usdisappear off the face of the internet blame google if youis disappear off the face of the earth blame those people that put our privacyinformation out there yeah you guys need to stop decker that's not cool all rightthanks so much for watching have a funnel day you got anything you want tosay brooks i know i interrupted you before i want to do more videos on gtv iactually love cuz i have another channel
but um youtube doesn't know about it soi can just say those words but when i videos there they are my bro right herethis this kid mike like mike like mike i can picture mike growing up to doexactly what i'm doing right now and lex is loving dance gymnastics she's just ilet people do what they want to do that's it so goodbye for the fifth timei got a burp oh gosh i just cursed ah look at that flow look at that stuff okay jelani the ladies

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