Songs From The Levee

4:41 AM

okay cajon drummers, welcome back to cajon groove guide! today i'm really excited to show you this awesome john bonham drum groove on the cajon. so that was the basic drum groove from "when the levee breaks". it's another one of those songs that the drum part has been sampled over and over. so it's a very famous 2 bars of music. so let's just get started breaking down this groove. first i'll play it nice and slow and put the sheet music (up on the screen) so you can play along. so looking at that pattern, the snare is nice and simple - it's just on beat 2 and beat 4. the bass pattern though, is a little more intricate.

something that i noticed while listening to the song (preparing for this video) is beat 1 each bar is really heavy. so those first two 16th notes on the bass (right, left) they're something we want to hit hard each bar with a bit of force! okay so if you're feeling good, let's speed it up now. we've just done 35 beats per minute we're going to jump up to 50 beats per minute. something else that you might to do when you're practicing at a slower tempo is, set your metronome to beep on every 16th note. it's just a little bit easier to keep track

as you learn something new. so there's one other thing that i want to add to this groove. when i listen to the record, john bonham is playing some big fat hi hats. it loosens up the feel a little bit. so something that we can try is adding a foot shaker on every 8th note. as kind of a simulation of that big fat hi hat. and i think that's about it for this groove! it's pretty simple

but there are a lot of things that we can refine with that. so something that i added was the shaker. leave me a comment on this video. what else would you do this groove. how would you bring it to life in your own playing? anyway thank you very much for watching, if you enjoyed it please give it a like. and of course, if you'd like to see my new videos as i upload them don't forget to subscribe. and until the next video, happy practice. i'll see you guys later. bye!

Songs From The Levee

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