Slide Guitar, Bottles, Knives & Steel

4:41 AM

1. use an empty egg carton to quickly start a fire:it�s important to be able to build a fire to stay warm in cold temperatures. an easyway is to stuff a bundle of small twigs or coal into the slots of an egg carton. oncethey�re inside, use a lighter or matches to light the bottom. then, you can add othermaterials to keep the fire burning. 2. filter water using a t-shirt: staying hydratedin the wilderness is a must, but it�s not always easy when the water isn�t make a diy filter, you can cut the bottom of two soda bottles in half. fill one withthe dirty water and keep the other empty. tear a piece of cloth, dip one end into eachcontainer, and place the dirty water on an

elevated surface. over time, the water willfilter itself through the cloth and into the empty bottle. 3. start a fire using a wax crayon: thereare, of course, many ways to start a fire in the wilderness. another great example worksmuch like a candle would. if you don�t have a candle to burn, you can use crayons instead� how could crayons work, you ask? it�s becausethey contain a combustible material. all you need to do is ignite a crayon using a lighteror a match. you�ll be surprised to learn that each individual crayon can burn for upwardsof 30 minutes. suffice to say, it won�t hurt to carry a full box!

4. place branches, twigs, and grass underyour clothes to stay warm: if you�re facing plummeting temperatures and aren�t wearingenough gear to stay warm, do your best to find bundles of grass and twigs. by placingthem under your clothes, they�ll help work as a layer of insulation. just make sure you�renot using anything that will cause an allergic reaction, like poison ivy. 5. keep mosquitoes and other pests at bayby burning different types of herbs: research has shown that pesky insects, like mosquitoesand flies, aren�t exactly fond of the scent put off by burning pungent herbs� 6. you can rub toothpaste on your skin tohelp soothe insect bites: everyone who�s

ever camped outdoors or enjoyed recreationalactivities knows exactly how irritating a mosquito bite can be. no matter how much youscratch, it just keeps itching. well, now there�s a solution to such annoyingbug bites: toothpaste! it turns out that toothpaste�s anti-inflammatory ingredients work to notonly decrease redness, but swelling, too. the menthol will also reduce the overall itchinessand cool your skin. 7. use chapstick to help seal cuts and scrapes:if you�ve been rock climbing or hiking in the woods, there�s a good chance you�vesuffered some minor nicks and scrapes from various shrubs or sharp rocks. to avoid infection,you�ll want to clean them as soon as possible� if you don�t have an emergency medical kitreadily available, you can use a tube of chapstick

instead. not only will it work as a sealantfor small cuts, but the antibacterial components will also help clean your injury. 8. stop any bleeding by using a tampon: there�sno denying how absorbent the material of a tampon truly is�that�s its entire purpose,after all�but did you know it can even help stop severe bleeding from all sorts of injuries?not to mention, it�s already sterilized and ready for use upon opening. 9. convert a condom into a water reservoir:condoms are made from incredibly strong, clean, and flexible material. for that reason, theycan easily be used to store large amounts of fresh water for long periods of time�

all you have to do is place a tube at thebase of the condom, pour the desired amount of water (up to one liter) into it, and thenwrap it in a large sock. then, place a lid or cap on the tube and save it for when youare dehydrated. pro tip: it helps to use condoms that do not have lubrication on them. 10. you can use an old guitar pick to starta fire: guitar picks aren�t only useful for shredding solos on stage. while you mighttypically use them to ignite the energy in a concert crowd, they can be employed in extremecases of survival, too. using a pocket knife or another sharp object,shave little pieces of the guitar pick into a pile. then, use a lighter to ignite a smallfire. this is made possible because of the

celluloid in the pick, which makes it extremelyflammable, even if it�s wet.

Slide Guitar, Bottles, Knives & Steel

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