hello how about how you are welcome and welcome to the world conferences that on a daily basis organizes mindaliatelevisiã³n.com i am laura and i am your presenter today in mindalia live well who we accompanies then today is with us mabel cat and comes to talk about the ho'oponopono as the easiest path to abundance she is author lecturer and conducts seminars through which he assists people and companies to become more productive and successful prosperous before to give way to our guest today to mabel would like to remind everyone that in mindaliatelevisiã³n.com you can see for free a lot of
conferences of interviews of talks or of reports on very varied subjects such as spirituality, integrative feeding health conscious human relationships or mystery continuously day by day we are uploading videos on these themes also of sirte on the other hand that mindalia television is a medium more than mindalia.com and mindalia is the first social network of help through positive thinking thousands of people are asking for help or helping other people with their positive thoughts and now yes we are going to give way to our guest of today, but before i remind you that you can already participate in the chat by putting the word
question in capital letter below you put the country please already and then ask the question in question that you want to finally let's make our guest and now we will give way and the word mabel to let's talk about lopo not as the easiest way to abundance thanks listen well perfectly welcome my many thank youlaura is well, we say hello to all the people who are so beloved of migdalia, thanks for make this possible and to all of you who are here listening or who are going to listen after i do not feel but welcome everyone i love to be here with you to tell you a little bit of my own experience
i'm right with this affair of abundance and the things that i saw with porn porn what really helped me? well, i'm going to have a little science also of time because i want to give them enough time also for questions without knowing that i love the questions but good where i start first have money eye problems that abundance can be seen from many points of view is not only money if we can be abundant in abundant peace in happiness that are the basis really for the money but if we have money problems that
is what you think first how am i going to solve this worry how am i going to solve this, yes, i want you to realize that anybody of those questions will not bring you the solution or the money or anything they are looking for because the worst we can do when we have a problem especially money is to think or worry we stop that current is as if we were in a current not certain the river is going carrying and as soon as i thought it is already i found the rock if as soon as i worried i found the mezzo that with the wall then we
we need to remember who we are, how this works and really what it works is to let go then if i'm going to keep wanting to think or if i'm going to want to keep worrying but the main thing is that i can then observe that thought you can observe that concern but that you say thank you but no thanks, i do not buy the worry that i it leads to the future, not bought that, it always goes wrong, always always always take advantage always take me out if those things that we do them reality because we created with the thought if i say how difficult is difficult if i say that i can not i can not
so that's why it's so important to stop that many times the thoughts come again from past experiences many memories including from other lives but how many messages we already hear in this life only from money so you have to work for the money we put it first because we do it for the money we do not do it because we love because we want to be useful because we want to contribute because it's our passion no we do not do we have to work for the money if one of the things badly learned that it was difficult for the rich every time richer the poor getting poorer all those things when we suspect
someone who does criticize all those things do not play against is like putting the goals against each other because looking outside is never going to help criticizing is never going to help us go to the past and think that past is going to repeat again because maybe it's my destiny also then what i need is to be in the present is the same as if i worry if it worries me i'm worried about tomorrow what i'm going to do for the next time next week i'm not in the present i'm in the future and then i the only thing that i have to say is thanks but no thanks i do not buy
there is a story that many of you already know but that for me was fundamentally good several that happened to me know i'm writing i started to write my book i decide frequency i followed frequency to zero and really this i want to make it a bit more intellectual book and much more for how really apply this in business because they knew that the spirituality is the foundation of any successful business you are not going to notice that a lot of people who have a lot of money out there is believer out there is i do not know out there gives him permission furnace true goodbye to help not give you the key to the business goodbye
do not try to do it to your way or thinking that you know yes surely they believe in themselves that it is also very important to me started for believing in me the first thing that is to believe in me and then i became a believer then i started to believe in god in that god we have all in that we already come with that connection you do not have to look for it outside, we're not going to find then i get divorced if i start my own practice what i always say to myself through because luckily because of this he stopped by not getting to learn to trust take very very logical decisions then i get divorced instead of going back to the office
from the accounting office where i worked and ask for work that of course i was immediately told that if i needed something that counted on them when they found out i do not say i'm going to open my own practice as i needed security in that i decide to start my own practice i always say god knows better i needed to be independent to be able to traveling with and jan jagla i took the seminar with italy that the so less once a month at least if you looked at the calendar where you are going to be and i left alcalã¡ and then and although there are going to i will go there so i worked all
the other three weeks by air of the month i worked hard i worked saturdays and sundays i worked because i had responsibility of course with my clients then well i complied with my responsibility even i told him my clients look at me has put me more saturday sunday to me no problem but when i tell them that i'm leaving i'm leaving but there are you but can rest assured that i that things have not been made clear in that moment was not the time of emails not total anything i have the phone they sent me the email, i was not there, so i started my own practice and i begin to see how the customers came alone if all this much of this is
in my first book the easiest way but also more than that how they paid in time i had no problem with anyone that will not pay me if of my clients who will not accept my fees what i used to say that i was paid that i was paid also yes at that moment of no email as the phone rang and it was someone someone had told me about and that i could help them and most had tax problems and for me it became like this audits and this to represent my clients before the government turned as i would tell them as a magic game because i saw the results i saw the changes in the auditors from
the beginning until the end the relationship that i created but for having the mouth closed of not being able like argentina piola as we did that makes me all no no no here to become humble if you know that one is not doing things just that i'm giving permission and i say i follow directions if i take action from inspiration i speak from inspiration all without think so much if again worrying that for everything i am zone then when i loose when i trust if then i start my own practice the clients came alone i thought i had to share a nice place to live with another person because alone she would not be able to
pay and it turns out that things were happening that in the end i ended up alone and i did not have to look for anyone to help me pay for it because you think the money was i could make that money then my intellect could me say one thing but the issue was to stop the intellect to stop as i say that crazy from the house 'who always spends his time talking that he thinks he knows then again he does that thanks but no thanks puts me in the current takes me suddenly is what we call lucky as i rang the phone as this person told me about me and i they gave me how i found this person in the corner around my house
how they start to give things then good was a very big change my divorce begin my own practice just as i tell you in a moment i had to look for security and then when he said my practice if one day i get up i say he did not prepare us anymore taxes me i told my children they are going to have to find another accountant i am serious with this and immediately start to come now emails and the era of emails with invitations from different parts of the world that they never stopped that they do not pay or not until now then how do you get all that furrowing for me one of the ways
apart from this misfortune but no thanks i do not buy doctor jill bolt and taylor ok scientist is no longer esoteric ho'oponopono an accountant or as they say of you there in spain or accountant in argentina if this is dr. jill bolt and taylor an attack of lucidity is called the book if she explains everything how we work and she is the one who says that now for the crazy of the house 'thanks but no thanks i do not fulfill what? i repeated a lot at the beginning release and confided surprises i trust is also a tool that i use a lot to this day know when when the
things get hard difficult because they are not created and the universe does not give me opportunities to clean to practice what i teach of course they say we teach what we need to learn then of course the intellect gives me life gives me many circumstances and some are scary some or worry not worry about what can reach crossing good for me has loosened and i trust loose and i trust not yew did not say that this controle did not say that this dominates me and there comes the other story that the one that i told you that many of you also know that it's the one i'm not going to
worry that is another tool that i use and many of you that are looking at it already approved others of many students use it i'm not going to worry because it's also stopping the madwoman from the house 'is also to return to the present is also to give permission to the divinity to to guide me to solve the problems so i'm going to think if i already know that this when i use it creates more problems there is no solution and that's not what einstein said and how can you use it part that created the problem to find the solution there we go to find neither the solution to abundance nor peace nor happiness nor anything
so what is it that can help me to turn to the present so as not to think and not to worry because i am my worst obstacle in my own life i am the one that closes doors again criticizing looking at what has the neighbor thinking that life is unfair when we all have everything that we what we have what we need is perfect because the universe is perfect and we are also perfect what are not perfect are the thoughts the beliefs then there are many things many times in my seminar the easiest way to abundance we work with exercises to release all these things badly learned
more learned we have to relearn first what we have to do what we love we can not work for the money the money continues to love when you do for love you do not have to worry because the money is going to come from somewhere but it's going to come but good if i decide backwards or decide to do something because i say and with this i'm going to return multimillionaire if i do it for the wrong reasons it's going to be hard it's going to be difficult and it's not going to last if it's not going to be during but then i'm not going to worry about afterwards, that is, we continue with the story of divorce
change of profession and again after several years i have an economic setback of an income that i had that is cut that i do not have it anymore and the truth is that it gave me the peace of mind to have all the employees that i had the obligation was not so much personal me when i was when i divorced i already know that i do not need so much to be happy if i had already made part of my path of realize that happiness was not in material things then it was not so much for me but i said how i'm going to do to pay him to all these people and at that time i could have thrown everything if they had understood it because they knew perfectly well the problem that
i was presenting myself because it would have been logical that this has no problem was acceptable i worried yes i thought yes we can not avoid it but i have to realize that i'm thinking i have to realize that i'm worrying and i have to choose to keep thinking worrying but at that moment i made a decision and i said god or you know why i'm here or know what my mission is you do not know how much do i need and when, so i'm not going to worry so be careful because maybe you are waiting and not thinking anymore
worry and no longer be afraid and have no anxiety then there they go encourage you do not have to work it because all of that are also like auto addictions we do it automatically so i have to realize that i'm doing this i have to choose different the thoughts were the anxiety anxiety fear but i was at that moment conscious enough to say i'm not going to worry about exam like the blind woman was looking to restart calama i'm going to worry like a little girl because we have to return the children and we have to trust again when i eat when we were kids
then that was do not wait to not be afraid do not wait to have the money do not wait for everything to be seen by then of you there if you are going to trust us and i said i'm going to let go i'm not going to worry loose and i trust loose and i trust if it's the same as thank you but not thank you i do not buy if or how we use in how do i not put thank you thank you thank you thanks was born yes and i do not even have to think about the problem me what i have to be blank who is the second i'm blank well, the service does not last five minutes, because the next one is coming thought the next concern in the me
thank you thank you yes i am aware i am repeating i tell you many times many years ago that i was lucky to have confirmation that was already in automatic many years but to everything i say to you i practice it although of course if i'm conscious i'm repeating something clear that if i have a total guano problem my subconscious my previous child is doing you already know to clean up i do not have to do it because i am that example and the same as with our children we do not listen to us our inner child observes the same does not exist in the part
i need you to see i have to buy be engaged i have to be consistent not to walk changing yes because i confuse this inner child if i want this part of me to do it automatically so if i do all this automatically there is nothing that i have to worry about i'm taken care of i'm protected i'll have what i need when i i need that is what we need to realize is not much what we have to do a simple thank you changes the life but unfortunately it's not a thanks in the morning no thanks to the night is not it's thanks when things go well for me thank you thank you
thanks to the whole day and sometimes the cia angry thank you truly action because remember that we do it mentally if you do not go to intern notice them then we do not need the only thing without realizing that we are thinking about realizing that we are hooked on emotions are the thoughts that i'm not present and that i'm not giving permission to be guided to be protected at that moment i can decide to let go how is it not to let go as he proposes to isolate permission to a part of me that knows better that has all the solutions to all my problems but that is waiting for
see if i give permission because he gave me free choice life can be easy i seriously tell them not that one is not going to have problems not that it is easy to practice it 24 hours but if we practice it, it's like our life is heading alone things are organized alone they want to know what happened to him i'm not going to worry 28/09/2017 10:59:02 a. m since i did not worry i did not throw anyone if i was like a moment when i was living a moment when paying something the money was but the money started coming from places that i had not planned because in
reality was not like in my beginnings of all this but well the money started to come from now that i was invited to a place i signed a contract there was an advance i could not have planned it imagined if one day i sat down and i saw i told myself he sent me a contract i did not push goals on a paper and then i put it down to not charge little i did not know about where he was going to come he did not know what was right and perfect although, but good, that was all via email as it is today or everything that you sell by emails that are handled although there is a level that comes with an invitation and i just send it back to the person
correct in my company nothing else but if i'm somewhere it's because animal yo and public my own books and even when you publish an editorial is not true is not so easy that another sell it in other languages as i sold it in almost 20 i do not know it by email because i got an email we want to buy you the rights central language again the email is forwarded to someone and then they told me we made the advance transfer i looked at the
bank account was the advance then i if i do it while not i put methane i do not ask the truth i do not ask someone last year in serbia told me i can not create bonus ask anything for games this is true i do not ask i'm grateful to god i'm grateful with god there are things that i would like if i would like but i am at peace and i know that god knows what is right and perfect for me i would like it better to have another thing the best thing yes but i do not even give myself because it does not look like much to me and this when i need it is something else money that i make returns to my company no no no no what not investing nothing
everything is expensive are employees are all created by the product nothing not if i really do not ask but it is that that more competed what else can i ask or do i like the plans that god has for me the other day i had a conversation with my youngest son and i told him damage from the sometimes i see the facebook of my schoolmates yes or of friends that i had in my youth and data is already traveling for pleasure if i had been an accountant i would be living that life and i said but well i'm not complaining i'm not complaining this is what i chose evidently i came with a commitment and i am willing to
do it but for example me when i was working accountant or accountant i thought we were working now the only thing that i do work but good work in what i love work for a mission i work to help and it's good it's completely different but good to he is not going to worry or the loose and i trust is what helps me to be in this that things come if there is something that i really want god he knows that i love him but he also knows that i understand if he does not come because he is not correct and perfect that i have expectations i keep having it as everything the world but i learned very quickly on my way that expectations is also
that part the crazy woman in the house who thinks she knows what is right or wrong and then that also helps me a lot for also the expectations also just that i trust not with thanks or i love you or i will not worry if so, what do we do with how they are going to put us in that current where i know i do not need to worry and as i said before i'm careful i'm protected in what is right and perfect is going to come many times i say goodbye god if i'm not doing something correctly close doors do not tell you that's going to be my signal something i'm doing wrong but good things continue if again i do not make the effort then on the contrary
organizers are like waiting for me until i've decided to put the dates because i live so much in the present i learned a lot not to make plans so i can not make plans long in advance in my head i know i'm going to go there and i'm going to go to jacques that i'm not going to in november november i will not be if i knew that this year i was going to india again by the way come october 19 to october 30 but good i knew i was going to go to india i knew but also things i know also that they change so i'm also open, well, i'm going like that, but i know that you can open can be closed can be improved then completely closed then with
cravings without letting go and is to be trusted is not true again loose and i trust then for me the plans that many times i tell you you saw that i know they do that sometimes treasure maps and placing brad pitt and george clooney a couple like they do not according to auto as i do not know how much the house does not and well i always tell them my treasure map so look like on the white wall well that's my role that i just do not have to see me where i'm going i have no idea that is right and perfect and that is the release and trust moment to moment good to clarify a little bit this how do not tone
i know that you learned a vice that is speaking to see how thank you thank you thank you i do not have to yes i'm sorry well let's clarify a little bit of that am the great santiago when i learned ho'oponopono there were no okay to clean it was much more complicated when i when i learned it and we had to do sometimes mental lists sometimes write with time and juliaca the me he said one day if i had told you that there was no one outside when you arrived at 1997 i would not have returned a little but now it's like our conscience is a little more prepared to realize that there is nothing outside if
so the gdf that made me is that i was unemployed thanks because it is a memory is my thought of that boss that i am a program that is touching my subconscious life is not really out life are my programs that are playing in the subconscious and work all this from as you do not put an internal job i do not say neither i love you nor thanks to anyone outside no program nobody outside if it's all an internal job i'm working directly with the divinity without intermediaries so to explain to them the non-porn game really is 100% responsibility i'm sorry forgive me for that which is in me that has created this that the game
as bonus one day and hal since the friend you know that god told me to tell you you say thank you that i already know what they want to say they envisioned that we go a little faster not now and then god told that way that the possible that they say thank you i already know then i do not have to do lists i already he knows all my problems although i do not need to give him the errand a simple thank you god already knows that what we are doing is like a password yes i already know that what really we are doing is becoming a little more humble to say maybe not i know so much i do not know what is inside of me i'm sorry if he intrigued me i give you
permission for you to erase it yes now god also knows about priorities because a lot here i will be doing something wrong and i say how can they do this wrong they are letting go they are not letting go if the issue is that they sometimes cheat us or with expectation is not given as we expected good then a simple thanks is to play with or pong because i'm loosing i'm going back to present because i'm giving permission is like pressing that delete key or delete the delete yes enviable next to the monitor the monitor can not do nothing i do not like what i have in front of me i have to press the delete key and that's monotonous game 100% responds well so it's in my already created this
just smile if i press the key i have to repeat sorry forgive me thank you i love you i can not say i'm sorry if i told myself i use xunta and i trust i say i'm not going to worry what is it that can make us stop thinking and worrying and come back and come back here because if they are in the present if they are at zero if you go they will see how everything starts to solve itself or happens more fast or maybe it was not as terrible as you imagined what good i would like to start without the work if you are out there i would like to start with the questions to see how i can do this a little clearer where it takes us where
the questions are coming to us very well so let's start with the questions but before, it's time to remind everyone that it would be an ong without profit motive has two fundamental objectives one to help spread the human knowledge and two boost planetary solidarity for all means you already know that just below this video in the written description you can find more information about 1000 dalia and migdalia television for so, to subscribe to our youtube channel and receive reminders also to view videos already published to become a volunteer or volunteer for migdalia or to make a donation
economic to the mental ngo and if that is how you want to remind you also that this week we are asking for volunteers to translate in italy to any language so if you want to collaborate with us put in the google search engine works with italy and will take you directly to a link to collaborate with us or if you do not mind puntocom television terminal there is a little eyelash that shows how to collaborate with italy or collaborates with italy and from there follow the steps and you will find us so good if now the truth is that if we already have many translators we have people who translate the portuguese to french to english
yes the truth yes thanks to all who collaborate with us and well let's move on and the first question is worth so esther asks us from mexico how to identify what we have to do to attract to our life what we want in terms of abundance peace and joy i clean clean and ask god to come to me the right thing but it does not reach any result i do not know what i'm doing wrong although good when we say no no result is because we are comparing with something not in some way and simon today because in my head i had to get to the result in this way well before a little bit of expectations what i need is to tell you
thank you or i love you expectations to return those expectations does not work i have to release as soon as possible with that loose and i trust thanks i love you i'm sorry, but anything that brings you i learn a lot from this the expectations that i told them and because i went to my teacher in my third fourth seminar i do not remember at least six months already they were taking it for fourth fifth time and i told him then i cleaned clean but this did not i told him and at the beginning he did not answer anything, that's also very important because i hope to hear from inspiration what was the answer correct well although we run is not going to answer but he was expected and
later he did not tell me because he did not say anything to me he tried to convince me or anything who later came back looked me in the eye and my son did not expect it was definitely what i needed to hear at that moment so that i really started to work, i realized that i was doing it waiting for certain results yes and i said and i know what the results are correct and perfect then acceptance is very important to accept where are we going to see what is it is correct i am going to tell you very quickly because it seems very important to me so i also tell them to look outside criticism and that we do so much harm to ourselves
there are many of you out there who heard that there is a father here in the angels who told me that they lived in san francisco they moved to the angels the athlete's son represented the united states in the olympics but when they move to the angels the son has an accident and is paraplegic then the father never forgave him said if i what says the model of san francisco jada to the angels this would not have happened says i studied all the religions i did not find the answer to any but i found it in one of a person that was a near death experience that when she comes back and writes a book and she says that
had a a whole conversation with a being that does not know if it was god or not and she asked him why there are so many sick people and so many healthy people because there are so many people he has so much money and people who are dying of hunger were born to chaos and he says that this being answered all were rich and all were poor all they were healthy and everyone was sick because this is not if this is just another experience and everything that is happening to us is correct and perfect we chose it before coming and this is very important that we give very important account of awakening and we can not say that we do not believe in lives
passed because if they go to google and put past lives and science and they're going to tell me later that they do not believe then i do not believe you anymore because there too many tests and it's time to wake up who are the most question important then i have the acceptance at the time of thanking what yes for there it is working that i am not concentrating on that no no because this i i wanted it to happen like that and i do not realize anything else besides i'll never know how i said god knows priorities i do not know what was coming why i said thank you now it does not come or comes lighter then please when you listen to those voices thank you because no thanks i do not buy ok i go back to the present i do not let them be
more than that, manage me, control me thanks laura well, venezuela asks us how to do this in an economically bankrupt country where we close the doors to resurface i trust but in venezuela is horrible ok whenever you write me from venezuela i say please give it to god at this moment we do not have another option we never have two songs but i say that there are things that are more serious are more difficult yes or more fearful then no they can worry they can not go out to the streets they have to stay to clean up say goodbye because we did not see that going out on the street does not work is how it is what
it said instant we keep doing the same thing expecting different results we're crazy seriously then but one can make a lot of difference with whom one learn the light turns on for all i ask you please do not get caught up with news on television do not buy if not do not give it for sometimes i say is like but i do not know something i do not know a boat that they are and throw integral of the phosphorus that is what we do every time we react then i can not i can not get hooked on the stories i have to know what is the monitor that is inside of me i am not guilty i am responsible and so it's in 1200 like little kids and thank you thank you thank you
we were and wilton loose and he handed it to god i swear god is the only one who can bring peace to the earth god is the only one who can solve all our health problems, but we need to be more grateful we need to accept that things are happening because they are a blessing even if it does not look like i can not react i can not engage that how to believe believe believe how to believe or burst because in this at that moment, the only thing you can do is let them know that they are going to do they approved 10 my thing does not work if this is god i give it to you i do not know is to become a little more humble i do not know even if only god knows
thank you because this possibility of cleaning up with this always arises from colombia how would be the practice of lopo no po not united or supported with the double quantum or unfolding of time how to work this union look, i do not know that much to talk about and i learned from my teacher not to compare the design of the comparisons are not good sometimes also the fact of how can i tell you to be combining and because everything has its energy i believe i like these things like to know and if i searched for a little information about that more than anything because it's a little more scientific and it helps me to confirm the contour itself or
because the game does not work because it can not work with what part i can be working all this but you have to do what works for you well then we continue to say carmen from spain it's hard for me to let go, i try but i lose my fear, it can indicate me some clear magic formula to give you realize that fears they are memories are also those programs are those stories that you tell is that faith so for the negative not for the bad something is going to happen the bad one is coming then realize that these stories are not as i tell them that the things are not so terrible to realize that i'm not alone if i have in my
children's book one of the photos represents just morna simeã³n to the who adapted the as they do not know these modern times and to do it individually and that she is holding on to a giant hand that comes down of heaven not in history is real because good is one of the stories that daughter told me that when she was cute she was afraid to cross the street then i had help and she saw how this giant hand came down and the i crossed that then it always appears and i tell you that i have students different parts of the world that have confirmed that they have seen my hand too i was putting something on my facebook because i was looking at the 10 commandments and in
a moisã©s moment and the hand appears then luis moisã©s also saw in the hand but good every time we ask for help it's like not asking for help if it's delivering a part of us that knows better is at hand always low then i have to remember that i'm not alone at that moment i can ask for a hand in that moment i say loose and i trust i know that that hand comes although he does not see it and although not i feel it and i have to keep trusting i have to continue delivering i can not give power to fears that is the fears can be there as i said before but i do not give him the power
it says to pamper what the country says the lopo practice is not cumulative of course the other time he received an email and says look, i do not feel good what it seems if i stop then stop not for not on the contrary i have to follow i have to keep the league and when i say it does not work for me i have the moments in where else i have to trust and more i have to keep letting go and of course that is putting like money in a bank nothing thanks and i say i have the account and this and everything come back and everything comes back i also pay interest for two blocks so i'm saying it works and what you do not know is that maybe you saved the life yesterday in another part of the world because we are all connected and we see each other so
little ones so, but it turns out that he saved someone's life there i made a change out there not avoid a catastrophe not true because i said thank you and we are not only behind in looking so small and i say this no it works if this is so big and so deep and so sacred that the intellect he will never understand it because he asks carmen from mexico i would like to know why god does not stop the game of reincarnations because we must come to live this illusion even if it is beautiful because imagine first of all that i have understood of course excited i have understood that there are many schools we do not have to come here is this is
the most difficult because there are emotions ok but i also understand that there are me wait to come here to the leg so imagine, we're going here complaining and people wanting other souls not trying to come that the let them come when we are not in a body and it is us and we know that we are conscience let's want to go back i do not think god has a revolver and we will keep coming to us we committed many things that is us we choose to go back to repair people we always choose to go back for re correcting errors that is why the people that appear in our life that's why the circumstances are all opportunities to correct errors and
we chose them before coming sometimes they are comedians of you you can ask marin from nicaragua can not practice or for bonuses without having made no course needs to resent my mother and sadness deep do this practice meditate and although it definitely helps you definitely if it is the basis of how this is not what i say do not get hooked to know that my parents are the screen are my programs that appear on the monitor in the screen and say thank you and still wait to show the other cheek not for me
hit not to abuse me that does not mean to show you another in virginia as porn porn is to show the other cheek although this does not responsibility so it's in me i'm attracting this i'm the one who created this circumstance for which they treat me so well so good that i can stop it and saying is not wrong is not correct and more i can not accept it because i love myself because it treated me well because i take care of myself but always from 100% responsibility that is what is in me bringing as for what can not be as easy as you practice the four sentences as thanks or as loose and i trust with all these things that i
i will share with you but there is no seminar as there is as we undertake a little the seminar is a little more for the subconscious is information that the subconscious hears we need the subconscious to make this 24 hours i tell you the truth, as i mentioned before i will have taken the seminar as 200 sometimes it was not my first seminar and i said finding out if every time you sit down and i have so many students especially in spain but many places in the world where people come back and come back and come back i always say those who come back are the ones who really understood
because every time i sit there i listen to listen to something different i hear something not monkey heard differently i understand it and every time i go to a seminar i realize how it starts to work is the cleaning more i see how i'm more like i'm a little more conscious more awake help me many things help me so much that you can see results only without taking the seminar definitely but that the main thing to play with or with more how to do it 24 hours, the truth is that the seminar will give it back and the truth and that i saw a lot of integrity in this said i know no because there was not levels because there were no gurus is not true we are ours to our
wall and just for this reason to be able to repeat for a minor amount it is not true i do not have to come and pay again as new student and for me that i found it honest i found it in integrity for that reason for example i created memberships where i support and we all support each other in the why because i before to start traveling i did in tele classrooms and i taught on the internet once per week because in my own experience i knew that i needed to remind myself to me this was not a matter of which i already heard it i already know but that permanently i have to be reminding myself and because it is very easy
return to bad habits we even take it 200 times and continue with the bad habits then like how the changes for repetition if i come back to myself being although i fell asleep because the subconscious he never sleeps then so i'm re programming he's very important to me people tell me like just watching the videos of youtube sleeping listening to me or watching the videos how they get up better as they are doing more cleaning definitely a lot of information there are many free resources on my page the easiest way dotcom and even if they are recorded in the newsletter that is free they receive immediately
part of my books and audio begin to practice begin to listen to all days have to listen if every day have to be remembered but the heart, i mean them from the heart of the bag seriously and if you can say that, do not believe me they have to talk to people who have come because those are the ones to whom you have to believe him and because they come back ask also yes because sometimes you can not explain things with words because they are rather experiences but good and i that's why i also create the memberships for people who has come to seminars and people who do not
but why because we rely on just that moment when i say but these do not work and someone come and tell me remember you are not alone follow releasing still trusting yes then well there i think i answered but lean on everything i can do a little each day well, he says from uruguay when good things happen to us, they are also memories yes because look at these anywhere you say this is good the same part that says this is bad that they are always always qualifying putting a label on it always thinking that it knows then this is done 24 hours does not want to have to go wrong or not
i can enjoy that moment but it is also at that moment i also want to be present because my intellect that got hooked saying this is good or this i'm having a good time and i'm out of the present if all i want is be present then i will bring much more of that change the idea is always always be letting go with the friends he is with something that happened well are also souls that appear in my life to give me an opportunity to correct every opportunity is an opportunity to to correct the hour i lost you i'm not here well then we continue with agustina from argentina
how the channel opens to start listening to inspiration how do i give tell if an idea or a wish comes from my inner god or not very good questions mabel if to be accountant of name of the business area an area even up male as i change as i begin to believe as i become spiritual as i begin to trust my own inspiration it's all a way it's a whole process it's not overnight but like i started i do not get fed up making such a change so drastic trusting my feelings i did not pay attention to the
feelings because i thought i would pay attention to this that feels good not not always listening to the intellect because my intellect was very intelligent and i knew then i care that we were happy that we were right we knew ok. i started doing things for example my illogical decisions i play how to do the things that i did because i started to trust in my inspiration i started to trust what it felt good god has different ways to communicate with each other is not going to be the same there is not a step number one step number two we do not all have to learn to trust are not
we and as we receive that inspiration as we know things that we can not explain it but start trusting it to start moving us to say we see that everyone goes to the right in us we have like that hunch that we had to go to for the left but not as everything goes for the right we all go to the right not i have to encourage to be different i have to encourage myself to be criticized i have to encourage not to be accepted accepted the main thing is that i accept and that i do when i tell them the truth when i go to sleep i need to feel that i did the best i could
and maybe i was hooked during the day that the best reaction and that the best and i know that the best thing is that this is also old and that he needs to do everything right and everything is recharged of good things and activities and tasks is never enough i work until i no longer eat more where the forces no longer give me magnitudes i say good web half asleep and i do i need to feel like i gave it better of me that i did the best i could i feel that i am human as human i have limitations but at least i said i did the best i could then i learned to trust to make decisions of what feels good my daughter nor here knew her if that came from memory about inspiration and he said you have to keep cleaning
the truth and as i said before i learned to speak without thinking and i hear the question i'm just thinking what i'm going to answer and i'm cleaning then when it's time to talk i also answer to i take action because many people tell me but mabel based on what he gives us if we are saying greece we do not do anything not good you can follow maybe it's right that they do that for me i'm still mabel i'm still being a person of action always in motion always always taking making decisions but with luck always cleaning sorry that's why i feel seminar why i say good at least there is a part of me that
is cleaning once i had confirmation that once i get mad at someone a lot and carla told me even when you get angry the cleaning is and i myself i gave but to shame how i got angry but but well that was one of my confirmations and many years ago the great that i was already on automatic i got when i got mad at the cleaning like it was working well then we continue with aracely since mexico puts it good also benefits animals to animals to nature hopefully animals know how to do this but definitely if we do it they are watching us
if they are then the animals can also clean with us we can but teach if they want if they think that they will not learn only by the example but everything all for the clean the house of you can clean if your car can clean everything can clean so much also give us account of that that is part of waking us up part of realizing who are we? well, it says here you can put on the pregnancy and if you do it if you are helping also to release your baby if you do not put your baby soul chose you because i knew you were going to do as porn porn you already know
how to do it definitely the benefits work is i leave you porn porn what has for example many of the things and today we speak specifically in abundance is not true a lot comes from our ancestors out there we came just to correct errors of our ancestors regarding money and it's right that we do not have although it is not difficult but nobody came to suffer that is the important thing if all we will have what we need when we have it if we trust if we let go if we trust but wait because the question had taken me to another side you turn me to repeat the question if a pregnant house and access by not
sleep you release the baby thanks to us we are making a monopoly not only for us but first for us but when it is erased in us it runs from all inclusive and especially our relatives and ancestors obviously this for the future generations i am cleaning tss baby is born as with hitler memory and is born without those memories and i call network so we can until we are erasing with that soul before jaume and in the conception though and evidently eye our children are not chosen also look in google ok and i good post many stories around the world that children or parents tell me
then this one other thing you have to wake up we chose our parents and there was a question before there is also a video also where the i'm running out of battery because we're in the hour but wow that is a video where the mother is dying the daughter is claiming is already in a coma and the daughter starts to complain that she was not a good mother i am the other and the mother says to her in the eyes, dear, i did everything that you you asked and i love you too he closed his eyes and died ok our parents judge us the role that we ask them to play for
we good the last question laura well, you have about 120 minutes left to plan well, diana tells us from spain if nobody has come to suffer as we would explain diseases and wars i choose to suffer the pain it is inevitable the suffering is optional i choose to see myself as a victim, i do not have to suffer suffering is an addiction is a very natural matter we do it immediately as we are as automatic what we learned and what accepted well then we continue because when
little practice does not happen some big problem then and they happen because i call it a problem instead of seeing it as an opportunity this for me to clean because now if i close that door another larger one is going to open or not although i'm going to look for the second cable ten minutes more laura well then we continue says its law from spain because i yawn so much during the practice and it does not happen to us all and it does not happen to us time do not have to observe it but it happens to me that if i enter a
place that for example you see that the energy is not right is going to make me yawning there are times that the yawns begin but it does not always happen to me happen to everyone so do not get caught with what says that they get worse than the yawn that made me today this and the other thing i do not know can generalize that this is what happens when one does as with each of us we are we are very different unique well then tell us candela from argentina would be a good way of treating anxiety disorders totally to the anxiety i tell him i show him the other cheek yes to not give him
more power not to throw fire and if it gets bigger still if i to the thoughts and worry to anxiety i do not give him the power he wants if i i hooked with he did well i'm sorry but that the sullivan filio thank you thank you but no thanks i do not buy ok then we help each other to do nothing look like when we are shown seminars this is in anxiety although clear poplar talk about anxiety worry about medicating for doing many things he blamed someone who has because that's why i'm anxious well but they see that the problem is there no and i attract more this is called resist yes but if loose means that something thank you i love you no matter how loose the
anxiety i can not do anything ok it stays put it is going to tire after a while there, yes, it seems to me that i do not have anything else to do here. well, they ask uruguay in a link when practical not thinking about erasing memories of pain can generate the loss of that person you can erase what holds us together many people say loudly i'm not going to erase because it's going to go not what happens in relationships is that they may be more united and so there is much more harmony i i have many marriages that continue to come and continue to come to the seminars because they found a lot of peace much harmony much better
communication and if there are some who get divorced not certain because one one does not do and stay with me as a divorcee if one does it for whatever right and perfect there are people who get along and it seems that the combo does not it does not work or we keep carrying it badly but it does not end there in a divorce or anything bone no no no no i do not know you can not say this is what what i can say is that people change when we change and i'm not the main thing in a relationship is not to blame but take that i am the one who is attracting i do not like it i am the one who i have to change i am the one that i have to put limits i have to say
well, people treat me like they treated me, we do not like to hear that, but they are memories do not make us good or bad memories are not working me i have to work on letting go that we never know what we're working with and i'm erasing the money i'm deleting it in the couple i'm flying you do not you know what you delete they think they're flying with that almost never the let's understand the matter is knowing consciously that it is a memory and that i am willing to take respond and isolated and abiotic fix hipolito i do not know i know i'm too much for me i give it claudio since mexico i have three months or three months that my life has given a
365 years ago puts here i started with the groups not i have trusted and the thing gets worse i do not understand what i can do or you want to continue cleaning is what you do not like to listen to people but it is keep letting go and trusting with one of the things that i tell of how to me convinced a little bit it was in my children that they stayed with the good father me i moved to 15 minutes, it's not that it disappears from life but, well, i went the one that i left the house then in the relationship with my children and until the day of today yes where i saw well do what seems worse what seems to be put worse look what happened to me was not a gift and it was a gift and it was perfect
for all depends as i see it not the label my perception i and what i do not know is the possibility sometimes you have to go through the tunnel to see the light then when things happen to me instead of putting the label on that got worse, god is giving me this possibility of clean i have to keep trusting and i have to keep letting go and i have to keep delivering why because what i told them is that they convinced me the relationship with my children end and i was really convinced by my true accounting practice when i start
on your own? and in the audits because they look at the audits i was already committed emotionally of course i was always that responsible then and same i he was responsible and he took me as if the problem was mine but in reality i was going i gave the best i did the best for my client but the money was not mine was not my commitment i was not emotionally committed yes and it always went well and they were always magical then there i was not committed emotionally this is very important expectations if what i think that it has to be what i say is worse again i do not know what that past was
so when i hear that, i have to automatically realize that i'm not in the present that i'm not letting go and that i'm definitely hooked as before, someone suddenly like that they are memories or inspiration and they are more inspiration then they want to come from inspiration or not to whom they will give power though there is a note i separated in a loose map in which he was going to move with me he changed his mind and how much worse it got worse eye with that who said that it is worse eye with that that is our intellect always qualifying
although the aura if we continue with the gospel from argentina i fall asleep listening to the audios the cleaning works is all in my unconscious because when we wake up i remember what i heard but you and your subconscious if what you need is that you have heard it subconscious that's why i have so many testimonies and even of men that it makes me laugh because mabel says i sleep with you every night and then this already now i know what you want to say to listen to my audios do not go to sleep with the audios and i have something very funny because in the angels comes a couple and he said i come only to tell you to give you my testimony says my lady
you buy all of you and it turns out that the first night when i put it on i said nor this what is it says the first night not the second said again we are going to listen to this says but i came to tell you we had very problems serious friends and cousins ​​as if they are solving the energies as they are not worried and i started to get more happy if i did not it was because he had cut himself and if the subconscious with carme so in my seminars or lectures in my seminars can fall asleep the seminar is for the subconscious better because if not the intellect is talking all the time so do not worry it's working
well then no more question and know from the savior you recommend me please some meditation to learn or to work the merit when you feel you do not deserve you have to say your height and i trust you loose and i trust not again is like rewriting the programs if you then tell them the i trust you do not get hooked with those thoughts do not have to eat with that kind of feelings you say thank you but no thanks you can say thank you that i appreciate because you've brought me to this day and companies that you i love but it's time to leave, i do not need you anymore, although seeing is good come back you're going to say it did not work for me or i still think that i do not get luminous and good
keep dropping if there's no tomorrow the deficient from argentina i have to reprogram my beliefs and i do not know how accelerate it i'm out of work i despair what should i do not despairing is the opposite is to trust is to have no job who who you are going to use your time before i started telling you a bit what is the conversation that i had with my son that i told him you know what lionel i chose this obviously i have a commitment i have a mission and i am willing to do it and the penny but what i always tell them in the seminars life is not happening not life is not to pass them something very
important the life we ​​are not to pass it each one we have something a contribution something we can do that nobody else can and is very important believe the truth we just in what we talked about the merit and all that if i do not value myself they will not value me if i say that what i do not give it has precision the sense is not worth not because the truth has no price but if i say do not speak the other one does not value either, so i explain myself then there is that guy of programming that we have do not be because in changing is not then why i tell you this is without work in that you are using your time use it in this kind of thing audio videos start reprogramming you then
it has to do with working internally, not having been there in convenzo, i do not say that does not go i do not say that it does not apply but you are going to be very different is not certain when you are going to apply when you go to an interview if you worked on yourself take advantage of this moment now you have the time no no no do not use me for cheat you with anxiety and with worry do not take advantage of another shape says love the last laura well then believers tell us that costa rica as used by opone to lose weight look at it again to resist i have to call and i have to take care of myself and i have to accept it as i am that and the main thing and after the weight i say
thank you i tell you i speak i have to start first by accepting me as i am because i tell you one thing to lose weight is not going to bring you happiness they saw that we put everything out when i lose weight there, yes i'm going to deserve there i will love myself, i will serve when i have the job when i have the abundance and no it's not like that is not so ok laura if you allow me if i'm making a series of conversations with a 13-year-old teenager in who live she lives in mexico and we meet on friday afternoons and then she asks me questions we compare with other authors and things like that then today i'm going to have on facebook one of those conversations with them
laib at five o'clock in the afternoon in california and the reason why i i have to go now it's because i have another interview that i have committed and i do not i want to be late but they have a lot of materials on my pages free resources remember the good page to me what to speak use all these videos here in italy that there is one better than another that they really give us that way just to continue just so as not to keep letting go to continue trusting but keep remembering who we are because of comes that of abundance not on this plane without the abundance comes from where we also come from the spirit then if i want to attract more of that
i have to work on myself and start changing my energy a bit to start to attract different things the dimension i have to change my vibration to be able to attract another type of energy and life version thank you for being with us today there have been many people who have united from mexico uruguay nicaragua argentina spain colombia brazil thank you to be there to accompany us and you know that your appreciation is very important this with a lot then watch it again thousand dale dotcom television to review concepts and also to share it in your social networks also in providing dot com television you can see the programming of the
next live mendel lectures something else to say goodbye in amman no thank you i wait for them on my facebook at 5 o'clock california with that blow up nothing to all of you thank you thank you for being here and before you finish remembering to walk the dotcom television below this one or other videos in the written description you can find more information about migdalia and tv show so that so to inform you of upcoming live conferences and receive reminders to volunteer or volunteer for migdalia or to make a economic donation to the vandalia ngo if this is how you want it and again thank you
really to follow us to be there and see you at the next conference of migdal live thanks goodbye goodbye

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