our signmagic online design tool isn’t justfor signs anymore – you can now use it to accurately design & price the lettering youwant to display on your van signs. but there’s a trick to using signmagic forvan signs. once you know this simple “trickâ€, it’ll save you a lot of time and frustration. black slate: where do you want to displaythe message on your van? the very first step to design & price yourvan signs is to measure the key areas where you want your advertising message to appear.for example, on this particular van, a 2’ by 6’ box fits comfortably on the side.underneath that, i have a 6†x 7’ area for text. and don’t forget the most importantspot of all when you’re sitting in traffic
– back doors. for safety, the drivers behind you have tokeep an eye out for your brake lights. so their eyes will be automatically drawn toyour advertising message. this particular door will comfortably fita 17†x 29†box. so where do you start? let’s start with the large upper space onthe side of the van in signmagic. the space measured 2’ x 6’ so first, we’ll selectthe product we want from this drop down list – if you want a printed decal that basicallylooks like a big bumper sticker, you could select decal. however, i’m going to clickon “vinyl lettersâ€. since there’s no
background, your letters and graphics willlook as if they have been professionally painted right on your van.the great thing about vinyl letters though is that you can remove them later. that way,when you eventually sell your van, you’ll preserve the resell value. once you clickon vinyl letters, select the closest size to your measurements – in this case … wehave the exact size. now that you have selected the size, thisbox in signmagic represents the 2’ x 6’ area you have to work with. since there’ssome extra space on the van outside of this area, you can actually fill this entire rectanglewith anything you want – text, graphics, logos and even a full-color photo. in othervideos, i’ll show you exactly how to create
a design like this, step by step. once you have your first design ideas puttogether, you can save your design & instantly see your pricing options. for example, ifyou need lettering for only one side, just choose a quantity of 1. if you want both sidedlettered, choose a quantity of 2. if you have two vans you want to get lettered, you canselect a quantity of four. the more sets you buy at once, the more you’ll save.but keep in mind, if you have windows on the passenger side of your van, you’ll haveto adjust the size of your design to fit that area. the standard 3 year rated vinyl is the lowestin price. if you plan on keeping your van
more than 3 years, we recommend the premium5-7 year rated vinyl. and this third option is for reflective vinyl. when the headlightsshine on reflective vinyl at night, the vinyl lights up!when you’re ready to continue, select the pricing option you prefer and add to cart.you can always change your selection later if you want to.to continue designing, just click on this button that says continue designing. you canmake additional changes to your existing design and save it under a different name (like vanside top 2) to compare different designs – or you can start a brand new design to letterother areas of your van. there are 2 ways to start a new design. ifyou want to start with a blank slate, just
click this red button that says “new designâ€. however, if you prefer to preserve the formattingof your first design like the colors and letter styles you’ve chosen, you can click hereto edit the size and then choose the next area on your van to design.
![Signs [VINYL] Signs [VINYL]](https://cityscoop.us/eldoradohillsca-signage/files/2012/09/Cut-vinyl-yard-sign.jpg)
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