
4:41 AM

looking for education research? eric has over1.5 million records of journal articles, reports, and books related to the field of education,including many peer reviewed and full-text materials. eric is a free resource fundedby the u.s. department of education's institute of education sciences. the search engine uses powerful and intuitive discovery tools to deliver relevant, recent contentwithout the need for complicated searches. the easy-to-use search returns quality matchesfor your terms across a set of key eric fields including: title, author, source, abstract,and descriptors from the eric thesaurus. the results will include all records withyour search terms or their variants in the key fields. for example, if you search forthe term “read,” you will also pick up

records that include “reading," “reads,”and “readers.” you can get relevant results with a simplesearch. rather than using boolean operators, such as “and” and “or,” try puttingmultiple terms in a simple string. eric combines terms in a way that reduces the need for quotationmarks or advanced search logic. search results are sorted based on the mostrelevant matches. in this example, the search results are timely and the search terms appearin the titles, descriptors, and abstracts. check the box “peer reviewed only” toretrieve only peer reviewed journal articles and peer reviewed non-journal materials fromthe institute of education sciences. to see only records with full text, check the boxfor "full text available on eric."

you’ll find limiters on the left side ofthe results page to help narrow your findings within the most frequently searched fieldsin eric. the number to the right of each limiter represents the number of matching recordsin your results. for example, there are six peer reviewed, full text records from thenational center for special education research in the results from this search. you may addmultiple limiters to your search criteria. while the majority of research needs can beeasily accomplished with a simple eric search, there are some cases when a direct field searchis useful. one example is when you are looking for recordsby an author with a last name like young, which is also a common term in education.if you search for “technology young,”

you’ll get records on technology for youngstudents, as well as records by authors named young.a field search by author, however, using the format "technology author:young," will returnonly records by authors or co-authors named young who wrote journal articles, reports,or books about technology. note, however, that you can typically obtainbetter results by not limiting your searches to specific fields.if, for example, you are searching for author ruth curran neild’s work on high schooldropouts, searching with "author:“ruth neild” and descriptor:dropout" produces four results.however, the basic search “ruth neild dropout” yields the same four articles, as well asthree additional articles that are relevant

to your search.these additional results mention ruth curran neild’s related work in the abstract, butaren’t retrieved when the search is limited to the author field. the new results include:a summary of research on dropouts that features her work, a book in which she wrote a chapter,and a reference to a companion research report that she co-authored.using eric’s powerful and intuitive search engine will allow you to easily and productivelysearch the 1.5 million education-related materials available at – your free, onlinepath to relevant, recent content without the need for complicated searches.for questions, or to provide feedback, contact the eric help desk via email or phone.for more from eric, visit us on twitter, facebook,

or youtube.


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