
4:41 AM

- who's seen"50 shades of grey"? [cheers and applause]yeah? [chuckles] [laughter] how many of you are justthinking about it right now? [audience cheers] it's making tons of money. it's the number one filmin the country, and now other studiosare just trying to cash in.

whenever something's popular, everyone tries to makea version of it. this is disney. look at what disney is-- it's a classic disney movie,and this is what they're doing. [somber piano music] - it's you, isn't it? - just so. [intense music]

- [singing] got me lookingso crazy right now - they're all looking at you. - believe,they are all looking at you. - i don't do romance. my tastes are very...singular. [fireworks popping] [woman humming] [whip cracks] [cheers and applause]

- [chuckles] ah, that's not right. i remember when "cinderella"was an innocent story about a princewith a foot fetish. now look at him.


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