Royal Mint

4:41 AM

good morning. welcome to the monday morning brief. i’m jeff starck of coin world. today i want to share some exciting news forsilver stackers and gold bugs and collectors alike. in recent days the royal canadian mint andthe royal mint have both launched new bullion coins. these coins, though, aren’t your standardmaple leaf, britannia or sovereign. the royal mint continues its series of bullioncoins featuring mythical and other creatures

known as the queen’s beasts, while canadacelebrates the famous attraction on the american border known as niagara falls. you might call these issues “boutique bullion,”a class of coins that could be described as: bearing special designs, featuring limitedmintages and that are available at prices just slightly above or in line with standardbullion coins. there has been a veritable explosion of suchissues over the last decade, through ever-changing precious metal prices, with themes as variedas super heroes and wildlife and warfare and so much more. the move toward custom minted bullion reallybegan with special privy marks employed for

the silver maple leaf coin in canada. one notable issue depicts the titanic on a1998 coin – the release didn’t mark a milestone anniversary of that tragic event, but was issued when leonardo dicaprio and kate winslet were entertaining moviegoers in james cameron’s mega-hit. another high water mark came in 2006 withthe royal canadian mint’s release of a half-ounce silver wolf coin. the design proved so popular – even if thesize was not – that the design was revived when canada began a six-coin wildlife seriesa few years later. since then we’ve seen superman, star trek,bears and birds of prey from canada and silver

recovered from shipwrecks and lunar animalthemes from the united kingdom, to name a few. the 10-ounce silver niagara falls coin isthe first in a series to showcase the splendor of canada, while the second issue in the queen’sbeasts program depicts imagery associated with england’s king edward iii. the latest release features three gold coinsand one silver coin depicting a griffin, the mythical lion-slash-eagle hybrid. get a case of these coins and you’ll really havea monster box! the proliferation of these products must beworking, because world mints have kept them

coming with no sign of a slowdown. for someone who wants to stack silver or owngold, they are wonderful alternatives to the standard, static designs on most traditional bullionissues. frankly, i love the concept! as long as the design isn’t too gimmicky,and there isn’t a flood of them like with collector coins, i’m bullish on boutiquebullion! now i want to know what you think and inviteyou to join the conversation. be sure to follow us on twitter, find us atfacebook, online at and of course in print in your mailbox.

for coin world, i’m jeff starck. happy collecting!

Royal Mint

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