hey! many people know that i have the habit of collecting cds let me share my collection to all of you! actually there is britney's cds as well but let's talk about avril first! cds just move away first :) i sat in a lower position just to take this video first, it's let go era <3 i got us ver, canada ver the canadian ver is given by my teacher. doesn't she's the best teacher ever?
japan tour with black booklet korean ver asian tour edition with 2 cd this cover is so damn beautiful <3 these are all of my albums in let go era let go us ver! there is a cd and a booklet inside production list behind the cd~ let go lyrics booklet is open in this way! very beautiful!!!! what a true goddess is <3
here is the thank you note and... the back all are lyrics and picture <3 canadian ver is the same as us ver. nothing special! japan tour edition got the same booklet as us ver too! the cd is the same too! it's the same booklet as you can see, but the another one has english lyrics and also the japanese translated lyrics... but i don't know japanese!!!! this cover is the most beautiful one! there is 2 cd
and i'm a genius, i cut open the wrap in this way so i don't have to break it xd the let go album inside actually is korean ver this is the extra cd! there is a warning sign in korean and i don't know korean too there is a cd with different printing and the cover paper inside only a single page but it's so freaking beautiful! take off the cd and there is the let go star and also one at the back! complicated single uk ver i really love this cover even there is no avril's face on it
but there is her face inside the cd!!!!!! here is the cd printing~ this is complicated european ver and it's a enhanced cd actually the previous is a ecd too they both got complicated music video this is the back of it this is us ver dvd single of sk8er boi and i'm with you you can see the cd printing is really beautiful <3 and also with her face on it <3
you can actually feel the cd!!!!! actually every cd is super beautiful and become my excuses on buying them lololol here is the back and you can see the promotion of let go album too! the last one in my let go era collection, my world dvd this is try to shut me up tour dvd there is a sticker on it! here is the back :) actually i think she has improved a lot when compare to this tour! this is the little booklet of my world
there is a pic of her! the others are the content of the dvd the back is the production list again this disc is for that few songs and the other disc is the tour actually she really loves star a lot xd i really enjoy watching this dvd, there is also some backstage moments in it! here we come the under my skin era~ i only got the special edition hong kong ver. red cross and red cross xxxxxx take out this lyrics booklet~ lyrics in it and also some photoshoot pictures
lyrics and photos again~ there is a little poster inside the special edition i won't take it out because i afraid that i might break it! the other side of this poster is her album cover you can see this! i'm sad because this picture was cut in half due to the poster tt^tt i think that she is really beautiful and cool in this era the end~ all videos are not hd.... maybe it's because they are old #sadstory
don't tell me promo single i planned to buy the cd single not the promo one at first but i made a mistake.... here's the disc and the font is the same as the album and it's pretty~ here's the back. i think cd in card sleeves are very pretty. but it's hard to keep it can be broken easily... this is my happy ending european promo you can see the release date and the song name on this sticker this is promoting the album again~ here is how the disc look like~ you can also see the line "for promotion only, not for sale"
i always wonder is it legal to sell promo cd but these promo cds can be really expensive this is nobody's home japanese ver i really love this song so much!! there is the label of it the production list and the disc, just like the album, printed with the red cross~ the best damn thing deluxe edition hong kong ver~ given by one of my best friends <3 there is 2 cd. one is pink and the other one is white!
gorgeous~ and also there is her skulled heart(?) how to call it... lol this is the first cd i have ever had and this marked the start of my collection journey just look inside and there is lyrics~ this picture is perfect cover picture of when you're gone here is a full page of avril~ i really love her pink streak <3 essential mixes cover~
girlfriend japanese ver there is a cd and the this is the cover page it's sad that the jewel case has scratch but i'm just too lazy to change it...wth when you're gone. one of my favorite song <3 how's the inside looks like and the disc~ but the imperfect thing is the sticker is not parallel with the case!!! and also the best damn tour dvd i won't say this is my favorite tour but for the others, this might be a great tour to watch because of the lighting and the stage effect
i prefer she just sing without those effect~ there is a page inside song list and my avril <3 and the back i think the cd printing is pretty, avril on it~ actually whenever there is avril, it will be so pretty~ and the back i got over the hedge from the best damn thing era~ i bought it just to listen to her voice but actually she got just involved a little in the movie
if you expect to hear her voice more, i think it might not be worthy here's the disc.you can see her character is not even on the cover and the back goodbye lullaby era~ this is my favorite era... she is perfect and she treat lbs very nice and sweet <3 this is the special edition and it came along with 4 official postcards i wrapped them and sticked to my bedroom <3 this edition is good of value with many behind the scenes moments and i love the blue cover most <3 and... inside of it~ wth where is the disc i forgot to take the disc out after i transfer the songs to my computer last night... i'm scared!!!! nothing happen!!!! forgot it~
let me put it inside.... there is 2cds look inside the lyrics booklet~ lyrics lyrics and photos~ all are lyrics~ actually... i have a question.... who make these lyrics booklets so difficult to read!!!! she had fought with her record company for a long time just to release this album *sigh* hope that al6 will be better~ but al6=never haha what the hell eu single~ what the hell disc and the cover paper lol
this is european ver~ here's the back i've just ordered smile and what the hell promo what the hell promo has 2sides one side is avril's what the hell the another side is britney's hold it against me what the hell and britney's hold it against me released on the same date i think that what the hell had already did a great job to stand against britney's song! the last era... avril lavigne~ i bought the asian tour edition
it's a tragedy that i didn't attend her concert in hong kong /.\ here's to never growing up guitar pick~ and also the big head lavigne! and this woman hasn't release the new single there's 2cds inside but the extra cd only includes music videos but no any backstage or speech oops!!! there is only 3music videos in this cd no backstage moments!!!!!!
and there's a pic of her, but i don't understand why she thinks this is pretty to put into an album.... actually i don't really like this photoshoot... but maybe i've been waiting for a long time... i started to think it's pretty look inside~~ lyrics again~ this is the most beautiful page i think there is lots of good songs in this album but she didn't make it to be a single i think it's because of her record company and also she was sick /.\ otherwise, give you what you like would have more promotion!!! this is here's to never growing up taiwan ver
i put the label inside the case but it's well preserved xd and also a chinese lyrics note with english lyrics at the back and the cover is just a single page and the cd.... the teddy~ not the teddy, avril is hugging me actually :d rock n roll cd single, taiwan ver again and i put the label inside the case too...
again, there is a chinese translated lyrics with english lyrics at the back the translation is strange... and here's the label~ and this is the disc design her hand xd here's the back~ the last one~ let me go~ this is taiwan ver again... my all three singles in this era are all taiwan ver... i love this song so freaking much especially the feeling in the song the label~
there is chinese translated lyrics note but the english lyrics is not printed at the back it printed on here and i kinda like this design xd i love how elegant the font is <3 the back~ and the epic logo... *sigh* avril couldn't do what she want under epic... yay~ here's are all of my avril's cds britney's cds? i will share them next time! leave a like if you enjoy this video~
if you have anything to say, comment below~ let's stop here~ see you in the next video. bye <3
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