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history and senior associate director of thecenter for the study of the american south recently published a book entitled “givemy poor heart ease.†((bill in his office, book cover)) 14:15 the title is taken from the verse inhighway 61 blues that says, “i walked highway 61 til i give down in my knees, trying tofind somebody to give my poor heart ease.†((him actually saying it, reading from thebook, or recording the actual book)) track two: the book features more than 20interviews about black life and blues music in the heart of the american south. it isillustrated with ferris’s photographs, and includes a cd & dvd of original field recordings.
11:37 blues is a very powerful music and iwould argue that it is the great music of american music history. without the blueswe could not imagine, jazz, country, gospel, rock ‘n’ roll, hip hop as they are. theblues has been a music that allowed people to endure survive hardship during slaveryduring jim crow. whenever people have been suffered, whether it’s racial violence orlost love, the blues sort of takes you in its arms and it says its ok you’re goingto get through this. music is the sort of the ship that carries you to safe haven andthat’s what the blues is all about for me. ((b roll over top toward the end))track three: bill ferris collected these images while traveling down highway 61 in his nativemississippi through the 1960’s and 70’s
when racial tensions were high.4:33 growing up in the 60s made very angry about injustice and racial segregation andi saw this work as a way to bridge my own world as a white mississippian with that ofblack mississippians. these were voices that would be ignored or forgotten. they were notvoices that would be remembered in the library stacks and books. and i decided i would notallow to happen with the people i was able to talk to and interview. my focus was music,blues and other forms, but i wanted to put that music in a much broader context whichwas the lives of the people i was visiting. and that’s what this book really does. itlets the musician speak and i simply frame it… and then they take it and talk.track four: give my poor heart ease includes
musicians that are unknown like the inmatesat parchman penitentiary. here inmates work 28 thousand acres of penal farm in what ferriscalls the most dreaded place in mississippi. 23:20 when i recorded in parchment i filmedand recorded work chants which are the oldest music that goes back to african work chantswhere you have a leader, a caller, who sings a line and then a chorus of workers respondsand that call and response sets up a timing, a pacing so that if you’re chopping woodor hoeing cotton in a very hot climate it keeps you from over working.((live nat sound/video clip)) 25:30 and the blues grew out of work chants.many blues singers would listen to these work chants to get verses and they would put theseverses in their blues. so this music is a
very powerful link to the past, to africanroots, and to the present in the way that blues has been composed.track five: often times in his journey down highway 61 ferris would knock on the doorsof famous blues musicians. that is how he met james “son_ ford†thomas.29:20 with some musicians we were together for several days. with others like james thomaswe were together for over years of time. maybe 15-20 years. we would travel, i would go visithim. he would come spend time with me. and when we were together i had my tape recorderand camera and i tired to capture those moments. james thomas is the musician i spent mosttime with. track six: .james thomas sang the delta blueseach saturday night here in kent’s alley,
a neighborhood of leland, mississippi wherethe blues developed in a dramatic way. ((nat full clip of thomas in kent’s alley)).track seven: ferris also interviewed b.b. king, a name synonymous with the blues. bornon a plantation in the mississippi delta, king is considered by ferris to be the greatestblues performer in history. 9:00 i was blessed to meet b.b. through atalk i gave at a black history conference on blues and i played and spoke about b.b’smusic and a young woman came up afterward and said ‘i work for bb king i think hewould like to meet you and comet to your class.’ and i said that would be a great honor. hecame to several of my classes when i taught at yale university and we were able to gethim an honorary doctoral degree at yale and
that began a long friendship that continues.we’ve visited over the years. ((nat full clip of bb))track eight: ferris tells his students at unc-chapel hill that there are many worldswaiting to be noticed, like the world of blues he discovered along highway 61. they justhave to open their hearts and minds to listen to the voices who are waiting to speak tothem. ((background blues music)) ((maybe a videoclip)) // :49 i feel very blessed to be at the uncbecause all of my archives of films and recordings are here in the southern folk life collection.i work with the very best students and with faculty, colleagues who appreciate this work.and the unc press has created an absolutely
beautiful book with the cd and the dvd init. and i feel like this is a very nice place to have ended this career and to be able todo the things i do today. , 2 6 7 8 g k t _ d “ ム㉠㛠ã ã® ã¯ãƒ ã„ å’⺠ãã´ ãµã¶ ã»ã¼ jk ã¼ã¸ã°ã¨ã¤ã¸ã ã¸ãœã ã¸ã ã¸ã¤ã ã˜ã ã”ãœã‡ã‚â¸âã°ã¤ã”ãœâ¥â€“’ã”å½ã”å â€xqj h@/ã’ h 㦠h@/ã’ hã˜
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