
5:41 AM

- ha, boy! ah, ah,ah, ahh! yes! - turn this [bleep] off! ♪ (industrial intro) ♪ - (fbe) so we have a historyof doing "try not to" challenges here. - yes, i'm aware. - (fbe) but today, we're doingsomething a little bit different. - already hate where this is going. - (fbe) with a little spinon some videos other channels have done, but in our own"try not to" way sort of.

- i'm gonna pee my pants.i'm scared. - (fbe) today, we're doinga "try to" challenge. - and i'm going to be trying to...? - it's a try tokeep dancing challenge. - try to keep dancing?i'm a fantastic dancer. - that's not even a challenge.that is my nature. - (fbe) so here are the rules:if you stop dancing at any point, you lose, but you'll be back infor the next video, and you can't stop dancing at alleven in between videos.

you'll have to keepconstantly moving until the end. - okay, i'll plan on winning,because it's a "try to," and i'm just competitive like that. - (fbe) since thisis a dancing challenge, you will need to be standing upfor the entire challenge. - (chuckles) [bleep].i'm a horrible dancer. - i might do a little two step,but we'll see. - ♪ so pull me closer ♪♪ why don't you pull me close? ♪ - hey, i'm cutting the cord.

- okay.- i'm just gonna, like... - ♪ oh, baby ♪ - okay, this is fine. - can i do the running man?we're about to find out. (sings along) ♪ pull me close? ♪♪ why don't you pull me... ♪ - ♪ ...over? ♪ ♪ i can't just let you go ♪- i can't stop now? - ♪ oh, baby ♪- ooh! (sings along) ♪ why don't you(hums) in the middle? ♪

- ♪ i'm losing my mindjust a...♪ - i think i'm shaking the room. oh my god!i'm causing earthquakes! - honestly, it's notmy type of music. - i don't listen to this [bleep],you know what i'm saying? so i'm not reallyinto this. - i like that song,but i can't dance, so i'm just gonnakeep going like this. - i have add,so i'm constantly moving,

but i'm losing my focus. - it's hard to have a rhythmwhen there's no music right now. this is a dance move. - ♪ can't keep my hands to myself ♪- (gasps) ah, ah! - i love this song. - ♪ put 'em back up on the shelf ♪- this is how i dance in the club. i've never been to a club. - ♪ am i coming out of left field? ♪ - (sings along) ♪ ooh woo,i'm a rebel just for kicks, now ♪

- (sings along) ♪ i been feeling itsince 1966, now ♪ - what's the fortnite dance? - ♪ but i feel it still ♪ ♪ might be over now,but i feel it still ♪ - okay, i'ma close my eyes,and i'm in my room dancing by myself,you know what i mean? - (sings along) ♪ i'm a rebeljust for kicks now ♪ - you're choosing odd songsto dance to, but i'm okay with it.

- i can just do this in between.this takes less energy. - i am not doing great!now, i'm just hopscotching! i don't know what the [bleep]is happening. - doing good. keeping warmin between the rounds. ay, turn up, turn up. - i'm having a hard timetalking and dancing. it's the hardest part. i'm out.(buzzer) - ♪ who would've thought that... ♪- ay, let's go! (laughs) - ohh! woo!

- build up, build up, build up!(sings along) ♪ you get the be... ♪ - (sings along) ♪ bestof both worlds ♪ - ♪ chillin' out,take it slow ♪ - i hated the showwhen it existed, and i hate still now. - (sings along) ♪ chillin' out,take it slow ♪ ♪ then you rock out the show ♪ - (fbe) a lot of heavy breathinggoing on. - what's that?- (fbe) a lot of heavy breathing

going on--- i healed one time, but no, no, no, no, no! that was part of my dance.(buzzer) - (sings along) ♪ youget the best... ♪ where's my microphone? - shopping cart. (chuckles) - that one just really gave mea whole new spring in my step. gotta love hannah montana. - that was the best banger so far.

every friday after school. you know when the new episodescome out, then it's that's so raven, suite life of zack and know the drill. - ♪ chillin with a hair tie,no makeup, with some sweatpants on ♪ - are you [bleep]kidding me? (chuckles) turn this [bleep] off!(buzzer) - i'ma give itto jacob sartorius. - my heart beatsfor jacob sartorius. - what kind of kidz bopis this?

- (sings along) ♪ for my kiss ♪♪ you can wear my sweatshirt ♪ - what is this? - ♪ and you can tell your friends ♪- this is my jam, guys. catch me outon the streets. - at my vidcon hoteltwo years ago, we had this and matty b. playing at every party we threw--- (fbe) you need to start dancing again.- my feet are dancing! (buzzer)

- i don't even wanna look. i'm just gonna danceand not look. - i love this.this is my favorite song (cracks up) by jacob sartorius. - i'm doing okay. i'm feeling a little awkwardwith my weird dance moves here. - y'all chose really weird amountsof music. genres are all messed's getting weird. ♪ (upbeat saxophone music) ♪

- this is lazytown.- "we are number one." it's a meme song.- oh my god, lazytown?! - (fbe) oh?- i used to watch that! what?- (fbe) you stopped. - you can't justdrop lazytown on me! - (groans) it's just getting worse and worse.i understand why it's a challenge now. - ♪ here's a little lessonin trickery ♪ ♪ this is going down in history ♪- i don't even know what this is,

but i can feel it.let's go! - this [bleep] lit, bro. - ♪ you have to chasea superhero on the run ♪ - i can do this. woo--oh! (splutters) - i'm not gonna loseto this song. this is a jam. - ♪ we are number one ♪- (band) ♪ hey, hey ♪ - yeah, we're number one.this counts as dancing. it also cools me off,'cause i'm making wind.

hwa, dab! - i'm still moving.just little tiny dance moves. you have to conserve energy.i don't know how long this challenge is gonna go on. ♪ (swanky instrumental music) ♪- ooh, baby! y'all know i love this song! - iconic song. - i like how you guys rick roll me,and i have to dance through it. - ♪ we're no strangers to love ♪

- this is working for me. - (sings along) ♪ and so do i ♪i also just ate lunch before coming to film.i had burger king. horrible decision.- (fbe) you're out again. - huh?- (fbe) you're out again. - i am not out!look at the hips! don't look at the hips,but look at the hips! - ♪ never gonna give you up ♪ ♪ never gonna let you down ♪

- (sings along) ♪ nevergonna run ar... ♪ i can't spin,because this thing is here. - ♪ never gonna make you cry ♪- wipe that table, bartender. - ♪ never gonna say goodbye ♪- (laughs) i almost tripped! - ♪ ...hurt you ♪ - yup, i felt that for sure. hello. - i'm legit breathing hard.this is embarrassing for me. i need to start taking the stairs. - (voice-over) the c-span networksbring you...

- the macarena. - (voice-over) ...fromthe nation's capital and/or a public service...- okay, the macarena dance to everything.- this isn't dancing music. - (voice-over) the c-span networks...- ohhh! this beat hot as [bleep], boy! - didn't expect this one. - that is literally not fair. - (voice-over) ...and/ora public service

of your television provider. c-span, created by cable. - (darrell) you did saythat, in fact... - uh.- (darrell) ...if people knew the whole truth,they wouldn't have voted. - this is my jam, dude. this is the only thingi listen to in my car. - (darrell) ...the reality.and specifically, i wanna talk 'cause mr. goldman'sa poster child for this.

- my mind just zones outwhenever it's someone talking, so i have no ideawhat's going on. (chuckles) - i feel this, dude.we woke out here at fbe. - (darrell) ...more thanthey previously did, 'cause remember, healthcare...- yass! yes, representative darrell issa!dahhh! - all right, now i'm gonna...and go ha-pa! (pants heavily)ha-pa! - (darrell) that was whatyou were talking about.

- how long is this video? jesus. - (pants) oh, cook. swag. ahhh! - ah, man! i could do thisfor 12 more hours. let's go do push-ups.i'm gonna go this way... - (fbe) and that's it.that was the last one. - ah! woo!(ding) - let's go, baby!i told you i got that [bleep]. - it was very hard at times.

you start off with a good songthat you know you can dance to, and then...and then you get, you know, politics. - (fbe) so we've gotta ask,what's harder? "try not to" challengesor "try to" challenges? - i feel like the other challengeis harder. with this one,it's just more embarrassing. - i would say this isa little harder, because you could be really feelingthe groove or something, and it just stops.and then you're like,

"oh, [bleep]. no,i've gotta keep dancing." but you stopped,so you lose. - this is harder.i could swallow my tongue and not sing evenif i probably really wanted to. but i definitelywould probably be okay neverdoing this again. (giggles) - thanks for watching this episodeof college kids react. - big shoutouts to major wingyand itz_zach for watching last week. - thanks for watching, byee.

- hey, guys. vartuhi here,producer at fbe. thanks so much for watchingthis episode of college kids react. if you wanna see moretry not to's with all generations across the board,links in the description. go check 'em out.bye, guys!


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