this is hallmark university thursday night lights presented by jack in the box good evening everybody. from trinity'stower to the rock pile we're live at alamo stadium for hallmark universitythursday night lights and we've got a good one. jefferson and burbank tonighton the cw 35. good evening everyone i'm don harris along with my broadcast partnerchuck miketinac. these are two teams that started 0 and 2, but chuck they haveturned it around just in time for district play and boy have they bothteams coming off huge wins a week ago both teams doing a really good jobduring their non district part of the
schedule and as you said i mean they'regetting hot at the right time just in time for league play jefferson comingoff a win last week against brackenridge and then burbank they've won two in arow since league play started burbank's one of those teams young they've kind ofgrown up before our very eyes we're gonna have an interesting battle tonightespecially with the elements these are two teams that love to run to footballincluding running their quarterbacks it starts for jefferson with their qb jasongarage you know this is a squad and i think both of these teams you know theylike to put the ball on the ground and run with it be safe with it and thenplay some really good defense and look
at the numbers at jason gore i amassedso far this season lots of action on the ground and threetd so far the defense's venge stiff and they're led by their linebacker iangarcia again these two teams want to play a lot of defense garcia is the kindof kid that can play sideline to sideline high motor both of thesedefenses are really playing well right now again another quarterback likes toout of that set for burbank is hooli and bustled do it number 12 for touchdownspassing yeah this is the first time that julian's getting a chance to run thisoffense this season new to the position and as you said i mean he's having awhale of a season looking the part right
now four touchdowns on the season andalmost perfect a week ago completing passes burbank also has some really fastathletes on offense and defense on the defensive side of the ball carlos is aspeed burner yeah they've got call the ruby yes theygot guzman on the other side and these guys are really doing a good job of ballhawking as well as you see for your substance for thisyoung man alone burbank really has turned the page on their season and someof these young guys they got to play as freshmen and sophomores have now grownup in this program these guys absolutely look the part as we move on through the2017 season it has been a wet day all
day long here at alamo stadium we wantto find out if we're gonna get this one in because like last week there was someelectricity in the air let's go down for our asco game time weather to micra andas mike is it one of those situations you know i know is it just rings yeah ithink it's just gonna be more rain and i think it's gonna be light or rain on topof them just looking at the radar right now and there's some light showers inand out so we're kind of real light precipitation right now we could seesome pockets where the picks up a little bit but there's no lightning in sight sogood news there i don't think that's gonna be an issue tonight 75 for thetemperature game two beautiful weather
as far as temperatures and the windswill be out of the north so it looks like it's going to be kind of a groundand pound kind of kind of night probably with a very wet feel we'll see how thatplays out in the old days this would be a mudder yes play on artificial turf nowit should be clean on truancy a slick ball and maybe some turnovers when wecome back we'll have our keys to the game thursday night lights jeff andberbay when we come back closed captioning for tonight's game issponsored by lymphedema md you are watching hallmark universitythursday night live presented by jack-in-the-box
hey welcome back to alamo stadiumeverybody its jefferson and burr bank on hallmark university thursday nightlights tonight right now it's time for our hallmark university keys to the gameand check up first the jefferson mustang well for coach called announced in hisgroup a little something for everybody on offense they'd like to control thefootball on defense they want to bring as many guys to the ball carrier aspossible and then lastly make something happen on special teams it's been a wetweek we asked coach edward cardenas did he get a chance to get any practicingwell it was it was a short week with all this rain but kids are excited they'rethey're coming off a big win we're work
sighs about the win there but we'refacing a good burbank team right now that that's flying high bulldogs havewon two in a row what are their keys now for coach mark gatiss this squad similarin what they want to achieve tonight they want to control the clock and thenthey're really gonna key in on defense trying to stop the two backs of thejefferson mustangs ivy pena and pettis and then lastly they too want to dosomething special on special teams we asked coach panners how did you turn itaround well you know these boys i have said many times they may be stuck theystuck with us you know they believed in the processand and now that reaping the benefits of
it you know it's no secret to us thatwhat they're doing on the field you know it we knew they could do this they justneeded that extra that extra time that extra time in the weight room that decksfor offseason and here we are you know so ready to grindand and i'm hoping i see the see a good game tonight with these young liveswe're ready to grind burbank and jefferson when we come back we'll haveour national anthem and we'll kick it off here on hallmark university thursdaynight lights on the cw 35 welcome back to the rockpile everybodyjefferson and burbank getting ready to kick it off our opening kickoffsponsored by earnest roofing earnest
roofing they have you covered jeffersonmustangs will receive they burbank bulldogs won the toss but they havedeferred so they've decided to kick it off and get it back in the second halfso jefferson coach edward carter nice we'll get the first crack at itoffensively but that is doing a great job with those burbank bulldogs winnersof two straight district ballgames and jefferson coming off that big win a weekago so both teams looking forward to district play and seeing if they cankeep their winning going here at alamo stadium tonight it's going to be reallyinteresting to see how this plays out i mean we've had obviously if you live insan antonio you know you've had
intermittent rain all day long that wasdown on the field before the game though don and or when they really did theupgrades here at alamo stadium i mean the turf was about as dried out as youcould possibly expect the drainage on these fields are unbelievable nowadaysand so you would imagine that you would hope the tracking error that you knowthe footing for guys is gonna be pretty good but then you can't account for youknow the ball getting wet they're gonna be doing a good job of flipping balls inand out to make sure they keep the balls as dry as possible but you're right youknow i think we're gonna have a chance to see what these defenses chance to getsome turnovers and help out your other
offense jalen pena back along withandrew halpin we're leaving about that we'll kick itoff sitting in about the 10-yard line andhere we go from alamo stadium now those kick is going to go aboutthree yards deep micah garcia will take it there but decide not to bring it outyou get our first look at that jefferson mustang off and again we want to tellyou the jalen pinion company without any question this is a running attack heythey won't throw it much pea the running back is carried it 65 times and jasongurai the quarterback also has carried it 65 times for 225 yards he has thrownat 25 times for 50 yards and they've
been successful in efficient mariah'sthrown for two touchdowns ran for three they'll run mosteverything out of the spread kalpen opinion back there with him first downat ten give us the pea he picks up about four or five yardsnice first down carry as we take a look at tonight's starting lineups pain youthe running back again gets most of the load although these shares time withandrew halpin and if there's a favorite receiver it's basically painted comingout of the backfield as well so jason gore i the quarterback in 21 jalen penaby far carrying the bulk of his offers his bride keepingand gets back to the line of scrimmage
but not much doingtristan zamora really anchors this burbank defensive front he's number 52up there on the nose and they've got some really good athletes at the thirdlevel with dillon goose bay and carlos covarrubias and so it'll be tough tofill against those guys keep an eye on number two the safety back thereplaying center field right now for berbick when the best athletes on thefield third down and five is burbank shows blitz and they do come stretchballs on the ground i believe burbank got it they dojoe klein coming up at the football what time play by that burbank defenseyeah isaac can't tell coming through and
going with the ball carrier all the wayon that one and never too early for a little rammstein oh just a little flipof the ball they're hard on the exchange and balls on the ground i was gonna saylads pc he was but there was really no reason for that it was just an airexchange and burbank is there for the early capitalisation joe klein did heplay for arkansas there you go well maybe you went to arkansas first and didtransfer option on their first play we talked about it right off the onset youknow how little sprinkles the track sweat balls gonna get a little greasy idon't hard to hang on to at times and wouldn't be a bit surprised if we seethat happened a little bit all
throughout the night ball security isgoing to be at a premium and a huge break early for burbank you come thebulldogs straight ahead is james vallejo inside the miracle mattress red zone andgood enough for kielbasa first down i could garcia in on the tackles we take alook at those burbank offensive starters julia bassel doula the quarterbackgoosby will played some quarterback as well and their goal with matt salazar asyou said chuck the young freshman at tailback 251 yards a couple touchdownson the year he's got it here cuts it back good awareness for afreshman picks up about to carlos over yet i look at tackled for jefferson yeahi was down on the field before the game
in lobbies talk about young matthewsalazar thinking freshman so i'm thinking it's like me you know weight 30pounds in high school as a freshman this kid looks the part though make freshmanthat big when i was a kid just a youngster out there on second down andnine from the nine jefferson jumps good call look like that was going to be a pass-byobviously you're looking for number 10 markets boulder that's all thank yourepeat second down hey gallegos our lead official tonight that'll move inside the five all the waydown to about the four yard line
burbank threatening here early just 9:25to go here in the first and the bulldogs are threatening full house backfieldhere and it inside to the full-back vallejo and fights his way in for atouchdown to the bulldogs and burbank strikes first when you give the clientnumber 44 and he expected some tough running i like john riggins back in theday and it just good blood guts running upthere trying to pick his way ball is mine and take it on tacklersyou know the coaching staff loves that any time you fall forward here at ballcarrier picking up to those extra couple of yards result six pointsthe extra point attempt is up and it's
grouped by eliam valdez and so burbankstrikes first seven method bull bulldogs jefferson will have it again when wecome back welcome back the burbank bulldogsjumping on top mark perez's team 7 nothing here 9/11 to go here in thefirst quarter bulldogs and they're riding some momentum after losing theirfirst two games to piersall corpus christi moody those two were a littlemisleading because they were in both of those ball games fell to pierce all 27and 19 moody 22 217 loss of close women he came back and won a great game withhighlands 35 32 and then flipped up on kennedy last week and so they're takingthat momentum here in the alamo stadium
tonight and strike first with atouchdown yeah i mean and moody you know they're 4 and 1 on the season so i thinkthis burbank team is gonna be one of those teams at the end of the year goinghey man these guys kind of caught us by surprise i mean hadn't done a lot ofwinning here in the last couple of years but if you ask this coaching staff theyreally truly feel like they believe they should be four know at this point here'sjamie pinion return and spinning around with 25 yard line and he's gonna be downright there at the 26 juan escovedo with the tackle and we go down to mikehernandez and a hall of famer mike oh i have phil harris with me now he'sactually on the board of trustees for
hallmark university but phil harris issuch jefferson graduate just like me give me some imaginenow he was just inducted into the saisd hall of fame last week and of coursehe's a all state he was a parade all-american we went on to ut we couldtalk about that in just a second but welcome it's an honor to meet you sirvery much for having me i appreciate it so again hallmark university trustee andthey're bringing winners in with the winning program right absolutely andthat's the reason i wanted to wanted to go with them because i saw what anexcellent job they're committed to excellence and what another thing isthat they treat their students as
individuals not as a number they'reinterested in each and every student and they they have have a contact with thebusiness community and they have a tremendous aeronauticsrelating its technology school and with that i saw how excellent that wasn'twhat they do is they work rifted businesses and the companies that aregoing to be hiring these people to find out what do you want from our graduatesright and so then they they make their curriculum around what it is thebusiness people are looking for absolutely and then and the next thingis they develop people's character and that is so important to them and it'simportant to businesses that people come
out and have a character developmentthat meets the business's expectations and i gotta ask you talk about characterdevelopment he got to play with darryl get coached under darrell royal youroomed with tommy nova's you got to play for the national chapters you guys wonthe chips against navy and 63 roger staubach my herowas the quarterback for navy what an experience it was just unbelievableexperience it was you know i was just a sophomore on the teams i probably didn'tknow as much about what it took to win a national championshipbut to be able to be on the field with he was he won the heisman trophy thatyear and to be able to play against him
and to have success against himthat was tremendous i could spend an hour talking to you sir thank you somuch and i appreciate it appreciate youstopping by and i appreciate you representing homework universe that saysa lot back to you guys all right a long horn legend right there phil harris oneof the great ones inducted into the cotton bowl hall of fame played as mikesaid on that 63 national championship team great running back at ut and gladto have him here and congratulations i'm going below hall of fame here for thesaas d along with lauren oogawara crossing johor lin and gary bell theboth those guys went to burping a year
apart 54:55 burbank didn't have abaseball team they played american legion ball so these guys were footballplayers and then one of them throws that don't hit her in the big leagues theother place with a dozen years in the big leagues so burbank with a richsporting history as does jefferson salazar comes this silent even freshmanstill inside the 32 the 39 yeah five tvs are on the season for that young man andspeed to burn obviously when you're a freshman that's the first thing that'sgonna show up but they just can't believe this kids football iq this earlyin his career and seeing is believing he's already off to a good start tonightthat's a kielbasa smoked meats first
down inside a handoff to the full-backvallejo again getting scored me touch the family picks up an opportunity justlike that thing bulldogs are back on the move here second down and about eightthat's the cool thing dog getting back to the saisd hall of fame i mean all theupgrades that they've done in this beautiful park it's really cool theplaques that are on display all throughout the stadium really just ahistoric site and a great place for a high school football game straight aheadfor another three or four unit bring up a diversion opportunity here for thebulldogs often knocking on the door again and therethey might be chucking that to down
territory here we're too far to kick afield goal but no use punting so we'll see what they do here on third andfourth yeah they're really really good in terms of athletes that they have atthe skill level shortlybefore two yards sugars jonathan santa cruz and government cortes teamed up tobring him down it's gonna be fourth down and two and they run in the big fullbackwho scored james vallejo whose face also in there and they want to talk it overso the burbank coaches are gonna they're just calling a different formationtrying to get guys lined up and now they have 10 seconds to snap it run straightahead and i believe fossil fuel is gonna
get there for the first time indeed ofjust one of those things you know a little quick snap find yourself a creaseand see if you can't lunge forward for the sticks you did exactly that andburbank gets a fresh set you're looking at our americas diamond smile cam greatperformance pregame by both bands hope you stick around for our halftime showto hear the performance is always fun to hear those vote for our band grant aswell season-long a promotion that would give big-time money to one of thesebands here on hallmark university thursday night lights whose main motionsnap it you give it to him but burbank was a little premature there it lookslike an elephant thank you reports done
a false starttake a look at that jefferson defense as i told you up front brian lopes iii he'san all district performer ian garcia in the middle at linebacker and then backdeep keep an eye on it arm abullah number 88these are freshman safety and they really like a potential additionaljumps at vienna have a difficult time here with snap count couple gone againstjeff and loose a couple now have gone against burbon here's a ether watch i go crazy we went to first at 5:00
you just get those five yards backyou see the jefferson coaches making the case that maybe with being somehowbaited or that the burbank line might be moving but here we go first and fiveboss odile rowland throwing double cover down there and incomplete he was lookingfor aaron trevino nathan velasquez back there to break itup good coverage yeah quarterback playing db down there and not what'scoming up with the interception russell do it down there in company reading thatone all the way and jefferson trying to do all i can on defense to get the ballback for the offense because and that's the best part about where we're at nowdon yeah we're talking about being
halfway through the hallmark utlscheduled me this is a league game and a big one for both of them and his bossi'll do a throwing the screen he's got eric for being young good job oh nothingthat out jefferson defends he and garcia we talked about him pregame he was in onthe tackle as it was different mikula we've got the ball carrier is going tobe attended to and while they look at him we'll take a break its jefferson andburbank here at alamo stadium the bulldogs with a seven nothing lead as wenear the end of the first alrighty welcome back i'm joined on the fieldhere this is roger zidane and he he is the band director for jefferson highschool hey don i'm doing great i'm good
so what do you got laughs i have timewe're gonna do a show it's entitled rhapsody and red white and blue justsome great music i think crowd will enjoy it recognize something musicalright i was surprised you guys came out tonight with the threat of rainwe're very happy that it's it's seemingly clear enough but we're worriedabout the available form but we're looking forward to i'm just looking atthe radar it looks good thank you sir good luck really thank you thank youguys all right my thanks third down in seven big play here for that bulldogoffense fossil doing in the pistol rolling againto his left and firing and that's gonna
be closer you catch it they're gonnagive it to him for a first down and we told you look out for marques bolden oneof good athletes out here on this field 16 catches for 239 yards and fourtouchdowns coming into this when you chuck athletic grab absolutely greatroute great throw great everything i mean not easy to do the receiversslipping past the second line of defense just a great throw by muscle duelobviously not an easy one to make when you're rolling to your leftwith the elements in the miracle mattress red zone and quarterback keepfor basso doer scene and gets down to about the 11 yardline before
bula makes the tackle muscle do allfirst-year starters we said got some reps last year as the starter when theirother quarterback went down to and replayed mostly defense last year butreally stepped up stepped up took the challenge that the coaches were lookingfor him and really has taken it and run with it and done a great job as burbankrides this two-game winning streak salazar stopped by ova de and the restof that jefferson defense nice play by the jeff be there to get penetration upfront under three minutes to go here in the first quarter burbank already with atouchdown lead and making a couple of substitutions as the full-back vallejochecks back in along with aaron trevino
the glad to see him okay after goingdown a couple of plays ago with what looked like a leg injury but he'salright shaking it off and another conversion opportunity here on third inabout six and handoff the salazar not going to get there look at ian garciacoming up when his linebacker spot to make the tackleyeah big boys doing great work up front two for jeff santa cruz lopez rhymersova de all those guys making a really nice push and getting some help on thesecond level alright so fourth down and about six andthey're gonna try a left-footed field goal no it's righty sorry about thatalien valdes will kick it from the 19 so
a 29 yarder from the right hash forelliot valdez bossip dealing with the spot20 long enough is true right down the middle and bourbons got a 10 nothinglead on jefferson the bulldogs with a couple of possessions in a couple ofscores and they're in control early 1:43 left when we come back to the rockpile and welcome back i'm joined by randywalker from senate oh he sports how you don't sir i'm doing now you have a endof registration for the cheer challenge they're coming up pretty quick so giveif you could give us a quick update on what it is and how people could stillget involved
sure so essentially what it is is forlocal cheer squads will get to cheer neither the us army all-american bowlwhich is televised on nbc or the san antonio sports high school all-star gameboth games will be in the alamo dome both games will be televised andnominations are coming up pretty quick they're actually going to end on tuesdayso how do people how does it feel good oh it's simple go the night for valdez and backs thatmustangs up with another good kick into the endzone so they'll take it over at25 and so far jefferson's offense having a hard timegetting going not much doing at all
passed with about the 30-yard lineso the mustangs will look forward to getting some of their stars looseincluding wide receiver jose calvillo now mix it up - you'll see three or fourdifferent guys play quarterback the first things first got to get afirst down still fighting for pictures a nice twoand a half three yard game because there was nothing there what keen regaladothere on the tack well you're not kidding i mean you talk about blood gutsrunning right there it's bullying his way and that's actually a pretty goodgame considering how many times he was contacted right at the line of scrimmagesecond down and seven four i maybe this
is the drive for the mustangs trying tobounce it does watch out to ride down the sidelines he's got one man to beatand dies although he tripped him up at the last second i thought he had himchuck but a shoestring jumped up and grabbed himyou're not lying i mean that was just a desperation play at the very end of thisi thought he was gone - look at him hit that hole walk right through there he'sdoing it they add desperation you don't do that we got this really close gamedry also our texas silk screen and embroidery player profile you see isinvolved in lots of stuff including football track and choir and number ofdifferent extracurricular activities
great kid good leader thanks larryon the offering fuck out penalty dupree first on first a little penalty therewe'll march them back five but he also participates in that reading programwith elementary schools he's interested in being an architect and chuck again wetalked about the beyond the game program that we're doing all year and this isanother kid who goes beyond the game to do good in his community and of coursehe can sing too why not first down the right keeps it he's met there by two orthree bulldogs bragging about the 15 that may take us to the quarter breakbut jefferson is moving yeah boy did
they meet that huge play by kuraisomething kind of hang your hat on as we go into the second quarter just nothinggoing your way on offense after two drives but you know what's go away froma home run and we got us a football game here in the second quartera 58 yard run by jason gurai has the mustangs on the move as we come back forthe second quarter hallmark university thursday night lights back for our hallmark university firstquarter highlights all burbank but jefferson is on the move it all startedwith a turnover joke line coming up with the loose ball for the bulldogsjames vallejo converted with a four yard
touchdown run to make it 7 nothing thealien valdes 29 yard field goal to make it 10 mouthing but now the mustangs areon you see karai there using those truckskills that he's done so well on or tough running by jeff jalen penaspinning and bouncing down near the 15 you look at the stats barely evenburbank with 13 more passing yards and a lot of penalties and that 1q turnoverbut jeffers can you jump right back into this football game of it can convertthis drive and this is the big play for third down and seven from the 16 o'clocktouchdown mustangs jose kavi oh the older of the calvillobrothers jose and arturo both threats
for the jefferson offense but jose justran a straight flying door i put it right on the moneyyep giving us a little wrinkle there with a passing game and wide open that'sthe first touchdown pass of the year for gurai and the first touchdowninterception of the year for mr. calvillo demetria oregon with the extrapoint that is up and good after a good hold by her i will take another look outof it chuck he knew he wanted to go here fromthe very get go yeah pump and oh i've dropped him right on the money came on10 7 burbank we're coming back to alamo state
all right welcome back again the scoreis 10 to 7 right now burbank tina schubert from jack-in-the-box tina ibrought my friend yes what did you bring i brought a hand pocket in a sausagepocket now for two dollars you can get it at jack-in-the-box our new promotioncan we get breakfast all day you got different flavors yeah this is a sausageone and this is ham they both have egg and cheese in them they come lookinglike this coming a little pack about this water okay thanks a lot iappreciate it and thank you all for your support back to you guys i love tina wegot to find a way to get tina you know on the show as regularly she brings alot of energy and so did the jefferson
special teams right there what a hitthat's a nominee maybe later for our pick and pullcollision of the game and they say the business chuck mark the tape that was aslobberknocker we got a couple of those and he could tell we're in leagueplaying oh how you doing big number 87 for the jefferson mustangs as isaacgonzales just a sophomore bourbon backed up in their own territoryand could pursue can entender play again ian garcia is you know our producerchris caucus is all of us he scouts his games he stabs his teams he knows whothe player profiles are heaped tab number forty right there at the neckroad and so far he hasn't disappointed
no i'll just bring derek out i'lldistrict performer and certainly looks the part that's not the first time he'sat a asco collision there's a little route to marques bolden his 18th tocatch on the near nathan velasquez with the tackle that bolden is by far thefavorite target of julia bassel dua and the goodiesall six to four touchdowns on the season yeah - a week ago against kennedy sostarting to get hot at the right time third down and two a salad barsalizar beauty of garcia he's got his own josiah tauas telfa inspiration played there tonight
all he needs is the hand i think hewears her anywhere he walks he plays like this and look at that just findinga gap and andy the ability to just shoot it and close that quickly and snip itout out scanning playing textbook tackling we will see our first punt ofthe night from the bulldogs and it's elliot valdez michael garcia stands inhis 45 2:42 go backwards and it'll be insideburbank territory jefferson will have a chance to tie this up or go ahead whenwe come back here from alamo stadium a good one for you so far on hallmarkuniversity thursday night lights all right welcome back i'm joined bytony don kowski from countywide how are
you sir you know mother nature can't puta damper this spirit on this field this is greattell us about this you can wearing you're wearing your your fiesta we met alawyer the first in san antonio to get to 2018 fiesta metal something werereally proud of i just had to show what alland again you could get one just come by see you call methat's patronum give it to you or and and and also be sure to check out we'regonna give a special it's gonna be cold soon according to the farmers almanacfarmer s weather really slow you don't want to be last in line to get yourfurnace checked out make sure everything
that's right that's serious business andthat's a lot of money that you just call you call me $79 we'll come check it allright always a place please thank you sir how you take care of all right mikeno shot at you personally but the farmers almanac says it's gonna be acold winning i'm all for it man i'm ready for a changeoh there's a pretty good pretty mild summer though overall for us yeah butit's time it's time it's time for some kids time yeahsweater weather bro jefferson with a third down opportunity here third andfive and they hand it to pain that he's gobbled up right there the light ofscrimmage joe klein and tristan zamora
right there the part of that burbankdefense and an interesting interesting situation herefourth down but took they're going all the way well now there's personnel movesbeing made but gray is still on i don't know if you a quick kick it since tworeceivers out to the right and here we go fourth and five whistlesblow again isn't pretty snap penalty if burbank wants to talk it over no penaltytimeout we'll take it well um but when we come back and he fourth down for thebulldogs burbank does it look like i don't think burbank looked like theywere gonna quit chick again look like no
they were going for it most definitely imean jefferson jefferson was winding up as if they were gonna go at burbankreally who's in a scramble mode to try to get over there and get that coveredup and why is he called timeout because that could have been really dangerousespecially after what we saw russell do it do on the last drive finishing offwith a touchdown pass yeah big play here for the mustangs gelinas ballgame 10 to7 but got some momentum and now you would think the coach pardon us withgolf a different play than the one they had planned i'll tell you isn't itinteresting no dawn i mean you know jefferson had a couple of drives early acouple of three and outs look like
listless and then they get that one bigplay to kind of loosen things up and no one ever since three receivers to theleft hand side for garage one-on-one coverage to a man down therecontact no call antenna receive it was erica liza the carlos pulido ruby hashad him all covered up and good one-on-one coverage there by the burbankdefense well why is used to the timeout they didn't have it covered up prettywell and a big stop by burbank afterjefferson's defense did a really good job force in the early three and outkind of tilting the field giving their offense the ball in a really good spotto try to have a short field to get some
points but her bags defense rising upand returning the favor alright so burbank with a kielbasasmoked meat first down is and let it fly by saudi look at the peace bone justcouldn't hang on to it incomplete that'll bring up second downdylan gooseman very versatile player for the bulldogshe's played some quarterback put some running back played some receiver itturned some kicks there's just about everything missed all last you with aninjury and i decided they were gonna put him outside from its quarterback spotand also won a place in corner can run muscle duels got nowhere to go is thejefferson defense holds again santiago
rhymersand on that play right here but big number 60 and after a slow start but hisjefferson depends they too have got a little hot there guys moving their feetand getting after it and then how about our texas silkscreen an embroideryplayer profile big number 52 tristan simona playing on both sides and in alldistrict performer on both going over the middle and deep and it's picked offby garcia already having a huge night he's got an auskey flag flies on thereturn dylan goose me brings him down but jefferson with another turnover inanother stellar play by the middle linebacker garcia we'll see what thecall is but man we've seen him fortieth
up the line of scrimmage and makingplays in the backfield here's our referee a day a goes with thecall after the interception luck in the back 10-yard felt jefferson wolfalright so jeff will have it after the block in the back but they'll gladlygive up that penalty after garcia was right there to snag it dudes also acatcher on the baseball team got a chance to see him a little bit last yearlooks the part there too but two-year letterman on the baseball field andobviously really showing up nicely in this football game alright so first downand then for dry again the quarterback keeps it actually that's hosea here withthe kid nice king dylan goose me with
the tackle i told you koosman waseverywhere the light comes over to get a play from coaching staff second down andfive for jefferson that last drive stalled out after her i was tripped upshows you how close this game is to being a jefferson lead looked like hewas gonna score he just stumbled but could not convert that drive but theydid business here again your eyes got it and spins out of one tackle fightscloser to the stick it's gonna be shortly set on third down on the by yardthe half tristan zamora will get on the tacklelike it got the hair got the number 52 clay matthews in like and said mani'll district performer on both sides of
the football he's also had a nice gameso far as well their eyes one of three throwing the ball do for that touchdownto calvillo their only score the night and again they might be in to downterritory here was 520 left and a half trailing 10 to 7 it's july keepinggetting close to the stick like that laughing on it yeah nice job joe kleinmaking the tackle but not before where i picks up the first down it would appear they stick around for our countywideservers halftime show jefferson mustang band will perform aswill the burbank fan as you'll be able
to vote for our band red also always letme to bring the stories of these smart kids bulky materials presents ourscholar athletes of the week all that coming up on the county live servicehalftime show kielbasa first down to the jeffersonmustangs on the move inside burbank territory inside handoff the pain yobounces it trying to get to the corner does he's written out of boundsviolently by dylan goose may but not before he picks up not nine yeah a greatrun obviously but cannot say enough about the job leonardo trevino did onthis one pulling from his right side coming over to the left and justdestroying anybody in his way
a lot the ball carrier to bounce thatthing moving further nice job three receivers to the right for the ride he'sin trouble trying to run out of it but he won'tfrom the grasp of that verb a defense joaquin regaladobringing it down and yet lots of help as well we told you earlier about ourbeyond the game program san antonio sports in the us army art army arerecognizing teams that exhibited key values through their actions now parentsteachers coaches can nominate teams that go beyond the game visit san antoniosports or and watch tonight's halftime show for this week's teams that aregoing beyond the game right now the
jefferson ovens just wants to go beyondthe chain sounded seven and running for his life and by devin guarding us pardon us coming up with a big-time shotand it's going to set up fourth down and long what a play by young i'm just happyi got up because look at the size of this kid mercy as they say the businesschuck marked the tape get home candidate number two for our wound of the game hespun him 360 squaring them up and putting them down that might be the comabig order but going for here on fourth it's a quick kick by gurai to clevelandthey're gonna bounce down right inside the 10 yard line they'll spot it notabout the 9 and that's where burbank
will have it but not after a greatdefensive effort by big 55 and the burbank defense yeah and all the creditin the world - garai as well you know he just takes a shot like that and thenhe's responsible for punting the ball downfield and how many times have weseen punters boot the ball into the back of the end zone and you really you knowgive the offense a fresh set right at the 20-yard line well this young mankicked it inside the 10 yard line not an easy thing to do and well played onspecial teams especially have to take in the shot oh my goodness what a shot thatmeans the slo-mo susi's burbank is gonna take a timeoutand we'll get out of the sidelines and
city to our micronet is mike i'm joinedby hangar at robinho and here is the band director for the bulldogs how youdoing i'm doing very well how are you man iwas listening to the band they sound really well what you got on tap forhector well the show is called breaking through the silence and it's the storyof the creation of the universe you know the biggest ocean sending on of thosemolecules and gases out into the universe and the bigger the big andthere is that you know the planet earth gets formed and we're using some undertons in the show the show it's also a lot overcoming adversity and just beinga persistent and working hard and so
we're really excited about this i'mreally excited of that good luck thank you for coming by and i'm really i'll bewatching this show mike salazar across the 15jonathan santa cruz with the tackle i still got goosebumps from that out ofhere i kind of liked it too but this is kind of reminiscent of elway going allhelicopter you have to bring that was sorry the slant that was almost picked marquesbolden to the intended receiver jeremy louise had it read couldn't quiteget there yeah a little confusion there between quarterback and receiver see ifthey get this figured out on third down
because after a quick start on offenseburbank getting those 10 points on their first two drives he kind of bogged downhere a little bit late here in the second quarter quickly moving secondquarter on my down tik-tok going deep double covered andknocked the road again bolden the intended receivernathan velasca is there to break it up yeah and also isaac gonzales as welljust a sophomore had two guys back there so this jefferson defense you know lastweek they helped brock the two points in that game just a safety so you knowthey're deepens didn't give him any points essentially last week americasdiamond smile cam the bulldogs was a lot
to smile about up ten seven but elianvaldez stands at his five that was over his head watch outcan he get it away jefferson's gonna get the safety and the ball backjonathan cortez with the tackle a special teams snafu for the bulldogs andthey'll be right back where they started and jefferson will have a chance herewith two minutes to go to score again well in our keys to victory both ofthese teams talked about the fact that they wanted to do something great onspecial teams and how jefferson gets a break here obviously and honestly ithink the punter did all he could do at this point i mean you're looking up yougot three guys in your face and the last
thing you want to do is turn the ballover down here and give them an easy touchdown take the two points protectyour lead and then at least you get to put it backand get your defense on the field and protect your end zone that way just atough play and a tough situation to put your punter in so we got ourselves aone-point ballgame with 206 to go in half mark perez's team has had suchgreat momentum last two-and-a-half weeks the jefferson coach is going crazy thebooth next to us fired up about their special teams unit because chuck youknow it takes all three phases past our chip you spot on bro all three phasescheck your outfit your de franchi
especially teams but the coaches alwaysused to say and they still say it there's some absolutes just in everysport my friend that's right some coaches would say special teamsseven coaches would say specialty things i think it means the same things they dospecial that's right ten nine and jefferson is gonna have you would thinkoutstanding field position with this to with the ball being teed up at the 20 socome smidge over two minutes left to run your offense and let's see what they canput the ball down the field assert themselves on the scoreboard onceagain man has got it right up the mill to the 40 got a block got the cornerthat midfield and that's where the
mustangs will have it so they're onlyneed to go about 50 yards i've got two minutes to go and as you can see they'vegot all three timeouts there so clock management shouldn't be an issue here asthey run out gurai who's already thrown for one touchdown loves to run it thatwould be his preference but we'll see what they do here with two minutes to goas he sends out arturo calvillo the younger brother host headed to the rightside and then hand it to paint he has got nowhere to go but he's stillgrinding all the way down to the 46 just a good effortmoving down field as tristan zamora makes the tackle and i like to playcalling first down to because after
jefferson here you're managing thisdrive of course but you're managing the clock to you do not under anycircumstances want to give burbank the ball back in this half you stole anextra possession here let's see if we can take advantage of it on both sidesget the points and keeper back from getting the ball how pit in thebackfield instead they throw it out to horizon hepicks up about five and gets out of bounds clock runsso they've he didn't get out of another tackle to advance jefferson have usedone of those timeouts with 109 left are we talked about one hall of famertonight phil harris the long horn legend
and he'd get an argument from people upin austin about who's the bigger longhorn legend because laura neugebauergroff also a jefferson alum graduated in 82 led her team to the state finals involleyball and then she was maybe one of the greatest volleyball players in thehistory of ut along with san antonio's destiny hooker who is also an olympianand of course she's turned it into a great coaching career now the headvolleyball coach at utsa and a big fan of t and l by the way well i mean againwe were happy that she is but you know easily one of the best athletes to evercome out of his city male or female exactly
carol burnett she was born in santeriabut she was an athlete the swing pass to the outside the havea pinaalso we'll get out of bounds but i'm not sure they'd stop the talking 104 so nowto be fair deven green mae jemison it's still with two timeouts in a new playclock but they haven't started yet sir did they burn a timeout well there's apenalty assisting holding on the offense 10-yard penaltyrepeat they're done all right didn't see the flag that they'll back them upthat's why the clock stopped and they'll be back on their own 45 yard line andnow it'll be third and 14 with a minute to goyeah and that's a killer obviously you
mean here you got the ball you havetimeouts got the field position all in your favor and now you've got third anda long way to go see if they run some sort of screen here just try to force goback to use a timeout because looks like they might get a shot at getting thisfootball point three wideouts to the right once why not go back to it mr. vegamakes it tackle but it's the same route for that touchdownyeah and completely wrong on my part jep going in full attack mode and anotherdime dropped in there by the quarterback gray garage my apologies the middle ispain yeah and the good news for the
mustangs they still have two timeouts asthey tick inside of 40 seconds and they burn a lot of them right herewell that was a time i mean the coverage was really good i thought on the backend yeah the first time on the touchdown he had some separation that there wasreally good coverage there he just put it right on the money to see any of thegames in the history of t&l this is season nine if you're a player thatwants to tell your kids have good work back in the day just go to see them in35 comm show them the truth they can find it they can watch the game rightthere on the website yeah it's kind of like the youtube for hallmark universitythursday night lights i mean i told you
i thought it was interesting early on inthe year was talking to one of the coaches and they're like hey man i was iwas on this like back in the day i'm like hey guess what you could still seethem you don't have to lie anymore you know tell them about it all right here we go second down andseven throw it again got the same guy touchdown mustangs this time it's erikaraisa not come here but a raisa down i tell you what go right let's go to thatball to his left hand side quick drop and let her flyyeah just three catches coming into the season for the young sophomore araizabut another absolute end point pass by
jason kurai and we did not expect to seethe aerial show from the mustangs but they've given us one tonight just a hugemomentum swing here late in the half as whistles blow and we may have a penaltywe do have a flag down but they're gonna count the extra point offside on thedefend the penalties decline when it's good so after the safety a puntgetting the ball back converting on a third and 14 a garage throws anotherperfect strike and the mustangs have taken the lead with just 35 ticks leftin the first half talking to coach cardinals this weekabout this young man karai and he was talking about you know obviously he's arunning quarterback he's not very big
five seven but they just love hisfeistiness i mean he brings it every day in practice he's super toughhe's a two-year letterman in track and you know one of the few returners fromlast year he played db and running back a season ago you see whatkind of athlete he is but i'll tell you why he hasn't put the ball in the air alot this year and specifically you know tonight but he certainly made the mostof it i mean the throws that he's made have been spectacularand two of those catches have resulted in touchdowns and what a run byjefferson you talk about a tale of two quarters burbank dominating and theonset looked like you're gonna run
jefferson right off the field jeff getsa spark from gurai on that big long run and they've scored the last 16 points ofthis ballgame so demetrio oregon will kick it to carlos covarrubias and raisahe scored that touchdown also will told goodbye the coaches might see some snapsat qb from time to time in various formations this kick will go out throughthe back of the endzone burbank will have it with only 35 seconds left herein the first half we take a look at the rest of the jefferson schedule coming upwe are fully in district play and the mustangs coming off that 14 - to winover brack very much in this game up 16 to 10 in the next week it's linear thenyou got highlands kennedy sam houston
and the golden bears of edison to closeout the year so yeah jeff staking its claim that hey we're gonna be here allyear and you know lanier can play harlan's can play you go right down thelist this district it's gonna be a fist fight every week for these teams andit's just the way we like it that's why this game feels so much bigger than someof the games that you know we talked about early on in the year it's just youknow it's interesting when you get these teams and they're all trying to figureout what they are early on in their non district part of the schedule but manthese games mean something and you could tell tonight i mean both these teams areputting on a show be interested to see
what coach mark perez says to his squadin the locker room at halftime they still have 12 ticks left they might haveto snap it one more time well they didn't start the play clock sowe're gonna let it tick off and mike hernandez will join coach mark perez helook like his squad is in pretty good control and win they had the specialteams snafu of the punky a safety and they got it back and mike hernandez isstanding by with the coaches mike i am joined by coach pettis coach you lostthe lead there at the first half but it's a very competitive game well we didwe did we got to clean up some some mistakes you know we have two bigmistakes right there and they
capitalized on them and we're cleaningit up and come back second half ready to go alright thanks mike bit of a rainynight here but the weather has been clear so far we got a good football gamejefferson i want my blood burbank 16 to 10 we're coming back with our hallmarkuniversity halftime show it's the county wide service halftime show and we'llhave both bands will be able to vote for your band grant we're just gettingstarted on a great night for football on hallmark university thursday nightlights welcome to the countywide servicecompany halftime shows it's halftime here at the rock pile andright now we have 1717 excuse me 16 to
10 in favor of the mustangs guess whati've got caitlyn munos here our cw insider howyou doing i'm good so the rain held off and by the way folks the radar right nowis showing a few little sprinkles in there but there's not much happening normuch on the way so right now things are looking good i think we're gonna make itthrough the game without any issues that's good news because last week atthis time it was a different story yeah so tell us a little bit about thesummer for promotions you got you got something going on with movies right yesright now so if you text movie 2 4 4 3 3 2 you can win a vip movie passes so it'sthe santikos palladium it can be a
first-run movie which a lot of moviegive away tickets are not like that so the movie comes out tomorrow you can gosee it tomorrow avx and imax so movie 2 4 4 3 3 2 andyou can win those classes and then of course i have to become a cw inside atfirst right yes we need you to become a cw insider so same number you but butyou want to type cw crew 2 4 4 3 3 2 all right you hear the band in the backlet's start out our halftime performance with thomas jefferson nice job by those jefferson mustangs howyou like that jefferson mustang marching band just tex band 9 2 4 4 3 3 2that's band 9 no spaces for complete
texting guidelines go to the cw 35 calmthe $5,000 grant made possible by sprouts farmers market you're watching the countywide servicecompany halftime show hey welcome back to alamo stadiumjefferson and burbank in a good one here at the rock pile hey it's time torecognize tonight's scholar athletes of the week at the end of the season onefeatured student will be awarded a $10,000 scholarship presented by vulcanmaterials company let's meet this week's students meet alisa laredo she's asenior at thomas jefferson high school and she plays softball and she also runscross-country but she says really
softball is a fate i don't know i just iguess i'm better at it so i like it more and when i was little i played baseballand i just always wanted to play softball she's got an incredible gpa of100-plus and all her classes are either ap or honors and she's also thesalutatorian for her class it's kind of hard sometimes when you get home fromgames and it's like 9 o'clock at night then i know i'd like a test the next dayso it's it's hard sometimes to balance it but it works out like all our scholarathletes they stay busy mostly sacrificing sleep to stayinvolved in the community and in school and this young lady is no exception ireally like to donate blood i thought of
helping i really like and we havebeautification day where will i go around the campus and fix the garden thepit of trash and i manage basketball and volleyball so i'm on the table doing theclock in the book for all the games alyssa hopes to one day work in forensicscience perhaps in law enforcement we want torecognize burbank's carlos covarrubias he's an honor student in the top 15percent of his class carlos is committed to hard work on the field and in theclassroom carlos is a three year varsity letterwinner in football track and soccer off the field carlos is involved inmentoring local elementary school
students as well as volunteering in thecommunity this year his teammates voted him as one of the team captains and hiscoaches say they've seen him grow as a leader carlos plans to attend samhouston state university and major in criminal justice you'd like to follow uphis education by enlisting in the military congratulations to carlos forbeing this week's vulcan materials company'sscholar-athlete hey we add from jefferson let's send itdown here from this burbank marching band hey great job by the burbank bulldogmarching band you like to vote for them
just x-band 10 to the 4 4 3 3 2that's band tan without any spaces for complete texting guidelines just go tothe cw 35 com remember the $5,000 band man it's gonnabe a little one of our schools this year is made possible by sprouts farmersmarket celebrate middle school and high schoolteams that go beyond the game san antonio sports in the us army arerecognizing teams that have exhibited key values through their actions thisweek we recognize two schools whose service projects highlight beyond thegame values on september 22nd 11 members of the clark high school cross countryteam traveled to port aransas to help
with hurricane harvey relief they workedhard to clean up the historic farley's boat works facility and boats theathletic teams at taft high school consistently serve as role models forelementary school students in their community reading to the youngstersleading star pep rallies and helping where ever they can these young peopledemonstrate the beyond the game values of selfless service caring and respectto learn how parents teachers and coaches can nominate their teams that gobeyond the game visit san antonio sports org thank you for watching the countywide service company halftime show stay tuned for the second half of tonight'sgame
you're watching hallmark universitythursday night lights presented by jack-in-the-box welcome back to therockpile the winds are blowing and i'll tell you what we had winds of change inthe second quarter as the jefferson mustangs battled back to take a 16 to 10lead over the burbank bulldogs the two teams about ready to come back on thefield but first let's show you our first half highlights brought to you byhallmark university yeah it was indeed a tale of two quarters dawn in the firsthalf of this football game an early miscue by jeff we're covered by thebulldogs and they were able to cash this one in elliott in valdez is gonna kick afield goal and also get the perfec
bulldogs but 10 nothing lead but beforethat you know va i've got the four yard touchdown and then second quarter rollsaround and we got us a football game call vo with a 12 yard td catch and thenthe huge interception by ian garcia jefferson coming up with a big play tohelp their offense and then another miscue here burbank with the errant snapin the back of the end zone we've got a safety and then jeff is able tocapitalize at the end of the half with a 900 run they got that 30 yard tdreception by re aza and just like that jefferson swings this football game andtheir favorite is we take a look at the stats rushing yards clearly in favor ofjefferson right now the passing yards as
welltoller yards all of them going in jeff's favor but again both teams doing anamazing job capitalizing on those turnovers and it's why we got such aclose football game right now 1610 in the barn burner yeah i think the big keyfor jefferson was converting big-time plays they hadthe 30 14 and they converted that to keep that drive alive when calvillo hasbeen the star not only with that first touchdown but also with that third and14 catch and great throws by jason gore i have put the mustangs out top kind ofdominating the stat sheet which is a little surprising after the way thisthing started
but burbank will get it first theydeferred at the start of the game listen goose mae and covarrubias back toreceive this kick and the bulldogs will be looking quickly to go back in frontand it was interesting too because you know the white jeff started this game 23 and outs and we were talking about man they need a little sport rolling downhere at the end of the first quarter garagas on that huge one almost scoredon it but that definitely kick-started this entire operation for jeff demetriooregon with our earnest roofing second half cook up kickoff earnest roofingthey've got you covered those through the back of the end zone and so theburbank offense will trot out there they
are led by julian basle dula who hasfour touchdown ten touchdowns on the year that's just throwing the footballhe's also got three touchdown rushing and mike hernandez talked with edwardcardenas who's mike i would think had to be pretty happy with the way that halfended yeah he said before the game he told me he said boy this is gonna be atough one and he reminded me he says my told he was going to be tough he saidthat the one thing they have to do is they have to pound the rock they have tocontinue to run the ball that's their gamehe said that burbank is is kind of jamming the middle right now so they'vehad to take the corners but they would
rather just run it right up the middleand play their game and he said in parting he said you know the team thatmakes it was the fewest mistakes i think is gonna walk away with the w yeah andit looked like right there matthew salazar was gonna be dropped for atwo-yard loss but boy that young freshman puts his head down stumblesforward for about two before santiago brings him down but nice job of breakingthe tackles and using leg strength to pull forward for pars deposit gardensyeah nick adios number 77 with a push there too and iknow this about this burbank squad they're not gonna panic don i mean ofthese 17 seniors 13 of employed as
sophomores so a lot of game experiencewith these guys salazar out of the backfield brought down by ian garciajonathan cortese was the first one there and that'll set up third down in aboutseven burbank is gonna go quickly here with some tempo running that spread nicei'll do with a quarterback he's got salazar again just a freshman behind himand he's their biggest rushing threat 58 carries on the year coming in and i wantto amend my math there of these seniors 17 of them played as sophomores willslant of bouldin he's not gonna get the first down he's going to be about a yardshort pins where they market yet just just exactly a yard short and soyou would think burbank would punnett
here but stranger things have happenedplaying from behind now picked apart this ball game if theydo go for it because obviously if they don't get it jeff's gonna have the ballin business on that side of the field jeff to jump no flag maybe free play butit's almost in a set that should have been flag was down so was it free playlet me get the first down on an offsides against jefferson i'll let abe make itofficial nathan velasquez had it in his hands butall for naught it was a free play we've got them with a hard count andwe've seen this at every level of football now with these teams have beencoached throwing a hard count every now
and then you might get somebody to jumpand that was huge on fourth down and i kind of like what coach mattis did thereyou know rolling the phones here to start the third quarter go for thejugular i mean that was a risky play by most accounts and made it stand up zoneread the jet sweep there to aaron trevino yep we've seen the jeffersondefense jump two or three times so nice call there by mark perez and staff pickup that first down second down and eight now the bulldogs moving it ever soslowly but yet positive yardage nonetheless a bunch stacks it here theydrop it throw it back i don't believe he controlled it i thinkthey're gonna say it's no good i think
that's the right car now the refs allover that one and boy jefferson just doing an amazing job on defense at timessniffing out the screen all over the field on this one on all sidesnathan velasquez thought he had it the umpire came rushing up looks like he'sgot it there but or he had it he lost control right therenow i don't know if the rule is the same as it is the pro football but thatcompleting the catch all the way to the ground but he did have it for a whilewe've got an injury in the meantime and we'll take that break as they attend tothe following bulldog we'll let you know how that's going when we come back
we're back with 3rd and 8th her bankwants to go and they will here with 929 to go three receivers to the left muscledo the rolls that way fires that way looking for bouldin he makes anothergood catch barely getting his feet in but you knowhe did it earlier with a really good catch where he had only one down butknows exactly where he is on that simon yeah marques bolden lam quan bolden inhis game nice job and really great job by the guys out front and a great throwas well nice clean throwing lane in which to throw the football and anotherbig third and long conversion sets up a kielbasa first down at midfield beforethe bulldogs talked about bolting
earlier big tall kid fast inside handoffthe salazar freshman pounds forward for about three yeah bouldin getting a lotof playing time as a sophomore had three scores a year ago hey that's thehardware we're gonna hand out tonight to either jefferson of burbank courtesy ofour good friends over at monarch trophy studio if you need an award a plaquebusiness award team sports anything just give them a call it mts awards calm andto 103 443 777 swing pass to salazar makes a man miss actually he doesn'tthink kid jonathan cortez they're hanging on fordear life and coming up with another good tackle cortez is the young man whomade the tackle in the endzone for the
safety so he's having a big night yeahand a really good job there too because it that was his man he's out there kindof point free safety in the middle of the field read the screen all the wayand did not miss when it was his turn to come down and take the ball carrier gota wrap up in space is burbank's thinking about the play they want to run herelet's see if they bring some extra hats this time because they're having a hardtime getting to the quarterback on these third long's i also do a straight drivethen a running gets away has some room show it some speed when they get draggeddown inside the 30 a huge play by the burbank bulldogs before michael garciabrought him down i so do it showing some
wheels yeah i mean yeah but he can put it on the ground too andthis is what happens jeff did bring an extra guy i tried to put some heat onthe quarterback but muscle duo reading it all the way found a crease and thatgot the ball up the field it was one tackle away from taking that thing allthe way to the crib 21 yard game sets up another kielbasa first down and anotherjump there on the hardcamp look out dylan piece made almost took it to thehouse as well is now burr bait starting to catch that jefferson defense nathanvelasquez making the tackle yeah mixing it up and give it jeff a lotto look at that's goose made his first
chance to carry the ball off footballdefender got fish to climb first down he had seven carries coming into this gamebut as we take a look at this young man and in the texas silk screen embroideryplayer profile he is a senior a team captain captain has two picks on theyear and again this is a young man that's played quarterback here at a badinjury last year and it's or the year before i should say also to miss all thelast year but he's come back and is you know one of the better athletes we'regonna see on the field tonight we'll take a breakburbank down six but driving knocking on the door when we come back to our videos
closed captioning for tonight's game issponsored by lymphedema md we are in the miracle mattress red zoneare the burbank bulldogs and i'll tell you what that jefferson defense has beena little itchy all night we've got another offsides call there i believe offsides on the defensei've got broken repeat first i'm edward cardenas frustrated with these big guysup front now and so far this is the way you answer the bell for burbank wetalked about the quick start the first quarter and then kind of cooled off inthe second but you go into halftime you regroup and this is one heck of adragger to start the second half inside
handoff marco padillagains about 1 so interesting situation here is burbank now with a 2nd and 5 forthe young sophomore i mesquita doing a really nice job kind of bullying his wayback there and wrapping up the ball carrier seen some really good defensiveline point for both of these teams in this ballgame second down and eight boom ain't changing the play 14 ticks sothey got plenty of time on the play cop maldon split to the left look in his wayall along easy to try to make a play on the bow he doesn't catch ittouchdown marques bolden just grown-up indignantwe're all tied up to the extra point
coming now the coaching staff telling usthis week that marcus bouldin does a great job of going and getting thefootball that's exactly what he does here a quarterback just kind of layingit up for his big wide receiver and young man creating some space forhimself and getting the punch in an extra point away from giving his team alead back the extra point is good and burbank is back in front 1716 here atalamo stadium were coming back to a good one on hull park university thursdaynight lights stick around welcome back time for the america'sdiamond smile cam we were over at burbank at their pep rally as thebulldogs were getting fired up for this
one tonight looking for their thirdstraight win third straight district win as well and they're in a battle with thejefferson mustangs here tonight 1716 the bulldogs lead it check it out there youcan bring their own bulldogs to the pep rally that's pretty cool yeah that'sreal cool seven minutes to go here in the third quarterburbank will kick it away and again burbank has shown us a really good footthere from a leon valdez he's put every kick tonight about fiveyards deep now it's been a great ballgame to this point and it'd beinteresting to see what jeff's offense is able to do right here because as wesaid in the first half it was kind of
one team doing its thing and in thesecond quarter rolling around the other team kind of doing its thing nowburbank comes out with a hot start to the second half and now we'll see ifjeff can answer the bell get something going on their offense we started with akielbasa smoke beats first down and here we go inside handoff going no where isthe bulldog defense is fired up as well tristan zamora sebastian perez also inon the tackle that one blew up from the middle yeah a lot of these guys playoffensive line as well on the other side and a really good size up there and asyou see these big guys are active snuffing that one out all the way alittle foggy visor there second and 14
for the mustangsjason kurai in at quarterback roll it to his left makes up about two at the right end jokelining company doing a great job as we've got an injured mustang it's aimportant one is jalen pena limping around out there the leading rushercoming into the night's game 319 yards on the season before today favoring hisright arm or shoulder with that third and 12 now the one thing that's hashappened here tonight jason gray has made big clutch throws on plays justlike this all night long does he have another one up his sleeve and if hesends ol number seven hosea calvillo to
his left they might try it one more timeyeah i mean because you gotta give the blue bank defense a lot of creditthey're really doing a good job on a lot of these runs force of these certainlaws they cover him up with double coverage and so they fill it out of thebackfield looking for a riser there on the little flare but it didn't work andso jefferson's forced to punt well great play design had two of itswide receivers out there ready to throw blocks they just were a little quicktrying to make that happen that's the object obviously you got to get the ballout there quickly and take advantage of your blockers out there but it's alittle hurried with a throw ah see i'll
put ads back to punt it away carlos pulido rubeus and oscar vega backlow line drive caught and he reversed no a fake reverse david anubius looked likehe was gonna pitch it nice trip duration but it gets to to midfield michaelgarcia on the tackle and reminds us to remind you have you registered yoursquad for the san antonio all-star cheer challenge tuesday is the deadline so goto the cw 35 comm submit a photo of your team's cheer squadtell us why they're the best top two vote-getters are gonna get money athousand dollar grant and a five hundred dollar grant the top four squads willcheer on national television the us army
all american bowl on news for sanantonio and nbc sports and also the san antonio sports all-star game presentedby h-e-b the chuck and i will call right here on the cw 35 saturday january 6both games in the alo dome again tuesday the deadline so sign up for the cheerchallenge first down and ten for burbank inside handoff to padilla santiago rhymers brings him down but notbefore he picks up about five just a little extra pep in this burbank step asthey come out of halftime here i mean they go on the long drive and then anice little pickup they're on first down just a little bit extra energy it lookslike for the bulldogs as they begin this
second half a point yep some energy frompadilla who replaces salazar in the backfield and another pre-snap penaltythere's gonna be a false start or illegal motion of the burbank bulldogsfalse start on the offense fog frenzy your feet second down second down andten after the five-yard gain they're back where they started up 1 5:11 toplay here in the third quarter coaching staff really likes this youngman muscle due up talked about you know what a greatfamily he comes from father's still active-duty military said a lot of whatthis kid brings he was a leader good-natured kid guy that teammates kindof rally around it's one of those guys
with a lot of charisma they say it allcomes from mommy and daddy and i think the coaching staff was shelling sellingitself short obviously i mean don i'm sure we can speak to the fact that thesecoaches do such a great job with these guys and these players and teaching themlife lessons along the way but again the coaching staff just couldn'tman not only is a player but this is a young man in general really blossomingin every sense of the word the quarterback is a human being and it'skind of what this is all about absolutely and a little frustrated rightthere with their offense not being able to get lined up right a couple differenttimes but it took a timeout to get it
straightened up but as you're rightchuck a lot of great young men playing this game around town his muscle duelrolls out fires it's caught and it's good enough for a kielbasa first down asthe burbank bulldogs keep moving to change wanna be ola the receiver makinghis first catch his fifth of the year and herb yola doing a really nice jobthey're just finding the soft spot in the zone and the settling down andanother pin pipe pinpoint pass and a huge play there on sucking him longthree very dangerous threats split to the leftthat's bolden goose bay and trevino he now comes in motion to the right sidewe head off inside to padilla sparking
this office with some good tough runninghe picks up eight or nine before it lerma bula brings him down for the judgefor the jefferson defense and that's the thing about this burbank offense i meanobviously this is a run first team but they do have very explosive players onthe outside so was a deep inch you got to respect it and then you know youtrying to cover all these things up and all of a sudden you got a lot ofproblems on your hand and we're gonna certainly hope for the best for a youngman that has really had a whale of a ballgame tonightian garcia i mean this kid you know easily when you're talking about thefirst half if we were gonna name a
player of the game this guy would beright up there at the top so hopefully he's only he's alright just a littlebanged up maybe a little cramped up there it would appear we'll take a breakand when we come back the bulldogs will have it with second and two on hallmarkuniversity thursday night lights welcome back to the rock pile second and two forburbank we've got a one-point lead over jefferson and they're knocking on thedoor at the mustang 30 ambassador mccurdy first piece namegossipy is after the platform he's meant to the 10-piece may touchdownburbank just like they do it up oh man there's nothing like a play thatreverses field sometimes day all night
calling and then you do one of theserenounce it outside the thing i loved about this playmassa do i knew there was a defender closing in closest to him but then herealized hey man the fastest guy in the field right now guzman's got the balloff that go down and trying to find a third level guy to block high snap goodhome kick is good adventure but it's good enough for seven at burbank leads24 16 look at the 12 he's high and he's like now man he's got this i'm gonna gofind another guy they did get a little chip block there at the end and whosenet goes in right take a look at the scoring drive 31-yard touchdown by dylangoose man only took four plays in 50
yards and just like that burbank hascome back and reestablished what they did in the first quarter will jeffersonbe able to answer they did in the first half and see if they can do it hereagain in the second half as well yeah i don't know what coach meredith said andhalf time to kind of reignite his ballclub but obviously that's one ofthose things you want to bottle up and take with you the rest of the seasonbecause whatever was said whatever the coaches gave these guys to chew on atthe break they've absolutely come out on both sides of the ball you know to startgo down and get a touch it set the tone for the rest of the half in terms oftheir offense and their defense has
bowed up and stone jefferson's offensealright so edward guarding us in his jefferson mustangs have a chance toanswer they'll get the kick here again elliot valdez has been brillianton kickoffs tonight extra points as well that last when he had the reallyconcentrate as a high snap late get down that he drilled it and he's again putthis one right at about the farm and he's gonna jefferson's gonna have to geton it right there heyyo trying to get outside he's gotdown out of the six boating special teams coming up food bar copa to getdown there and others as you could see 44 jog off and holding a shoulder jamesbay oh yeah he's kind of been in and out
of this lineup tonight so he might be alittle nicked up here's the rest of burbank schedule again two district winslooking for their third straight tonight and then they've got sam houston edisonmemorial brack and lanier at the end of the season yeah they've really setthemselves up nicely obviously with this quick start and they've got some gameson there that probably feel like they can win and then boy how big is thatlinear game potentially down there that's game to end the regular seasonyou know and looking at that schedule check it justmy heart to see lanier at the very last game of the season not playing fox techright here in the chili bowl that was
such a great rivalry always enjoyed thatevery year fox tech of course no longer has afootball program and they ended that rivalry the fan that was fun that wassome of the best high school football atmosphere you will ever see yeah that'slike that you know that's what's so great about oh and i'll hit see thisyoung man come apollo he's certainly had a whale of a ballgame but that's thegreat thing about just all over the city you know we get all these games and youknow these districts are so competitive and so tight and not a surprise we got aball game here tonight although burbank is really starting to at service itsassert itself here in this third quarter
all right jefferson inside handoff goodyardage heinous slung forward it took about seven or eightand i spy on a little trap there and well just with jefferson need to kind ofdig itself out of that hole go from you know potential third in long situationto third it manageable with the whole playbook kind of your disposal jeffersonneeds to kind of answer this bell 212 and storm that they had to face here inthe third quarter third and two for the mustangs desperately trying to keep thisdrive alive in this game alive the rises got it on a sweep and he's brought downfrom behind the two flags fly for a horse-collarthat'll be a personal foul 15 in a first
down for the mustangsisaac can tune with my eyes don't fail me grab him right in a textbook horsecollar i'm not sure because we had one of thesea couple of weeks ago where look like one but it really wasn't but it's againit's a hard call to officiate when folks call on the d for you automatic firsttime hands don't like it but i thought i sawhim all the way up here less he reaches inside that back neck right there that'sexactly a textbook you know why is because you're the legs of the runnerare so susceptible sure wouldn't you do that and he ride another great call wehad one last week remember the guy took
him down backwards like that but hedidn't really grab me that's right it was but he dragged him down and thentucked his legs under the ball carrier and dragged him down that way and you'reright man legs are very susceptible to nasty injuries when a guy hits trieddown from behind like that that's why they put the rule in about a decade agoand just can't reach there around that neckto bring somebody down by second down on 11 jefferson gets that penalty it's anew set of downs run the same play to rise it and add the horse collar he'strying to get outside does turns it form gets all the way to the 40 38 rather andtalking about playing to the whistle see
the whistle their big defense pursuingall the way to the strike yeah unwise of doing a really nice jobthey're in a great play design with the blockers out in front and you know therewas at one point where horizon was being patient and they just decided you knowwhat i got some of these big fellas around here pulling but at some point igot to turn on the jets and see how much i can get out of this just a greatall-around play by jeff on that particular one first down they're goingbackwards use the ride that time was her bait defense came up marco padillacoming up from his linebacker spot take another look at one of our texas soapscreen and boy 3 player profiles malachi
dunbar with jefferson big 71 up frontclearance some of those holes plays football track involved in thefellowship of christian athletes he too goes beyond the game reading to thoseyoung mustangs he's doing a great job blocking tonight it's seal block ballmaybe three for the ride because boost may come up comes up and makes a nicetackle you know it's so funny he was talking just to the burbank coachesabout these reading programs that these kids are involved in going to theschools and reading to the young the young kidsone of the coaches told me they go these guys they don't get nervous when they'replaying football games but they were
actually nervous some of them when theystart reading to these kids because they don't realize the impact that they'rehaving on them and then when they do it they see the kids light up you know it'ssuch a special thing when i see kids from high school go to the elementaryschool they're just in their uniforms and that's a big deal for little kidsand i don't think it occurred to these players that they're role models even attheir age firing across the middle looking for his manages overshot theintended receiver brandin caste honest nice play called a i like that roll themto is right go back to the middle caste ana's had a step he just missed him byabout a foot well i'll tell you one
we've talked about bustled do all nightlong and the throws that he's made i mean he's been deadly accurate withthese things i mean he gets that ball and he is rolling a little bit to hisleft he's got some guys barreling down trying to square him up and he let thatthing fly and that was darn near perfect pass so that drive stalls on fourth and13 with 13 seconds to go in the quarter jefferson will punt it away burbank willwatch it take a jefferson hop all the way down to the 29 and we'll go down themicra tender mike hello mike hello hello can you hear meyou serve hey i think chuck mentioned earlier that whatever the coach said tothe burbank bulldogs at halftime seems
to be working i'll tell you with thedifference that i saw was the coaches they came out they're extremely animatedthey were really really trying to pump up the players the players have reallyreally turned that around and as you saw you know every time there's a big playthey're jumping up and down though they've really done something hasclicked and you could see it on the field right now and on the other sidei'm having problems understanding why jefferson continues to try to run theball up the middle when they are getting that that long pass down the sidelineand they're being able to in the first half they were able to take both sidesleft and right around the corners i
don't get it you know what that soundslike mike that sounds like a jefferson alumnus world monday morning quarter way well it's interesting the gameplan tothis point you know i'm really worked out well for jefferson you know theyweren't throwing it much but when they were they were getting some heat playsdownfield so you know part of this and part of the success in the throwing gamecomes from when you're pounding the rock as much as you are and you're making thedefense focus in on that that's when you take your shots downfield i mean i thinkyou know if you ask the utsa coaches that's the object of their game pointthey want to pound you into submission
and then when you start reallyallocating greens and hard power putting the bow that's right that's when youtake your shots downfield so you know to this point i think it's gone pretty wellfor both of these programs i mean this is a one score game and wipp tickingthis thing down in the third quarter one more snap here in the third and then theswitch ends bulldogs football first and ten and burbank with a 24 16here on the last play of the third quarter aviva comes in motion andanother pre-snap penalty also on the offense fucking repeat first done so befirst in 15 a lot of those would burbank has the football tonight well you knowagain lamanna offsides and foster yeah i
mean but this is a program to that wetalked about all these young guys kind of growing up in the systemyeah 13 sophomores point last year so still a lot of young guys on this teamalthough tons of experience as well idea check that salazar with the carry to endthe quarter and when we come back jefferson will try to rally they did soin the second quarter can they do it in the fourth a good one here on the cw 35you're watching hallmark university welcome back our hallmark universitythird quarter highlights all burbank as they came out fired up here in thesecond half let by julian fossil dealer that 21 yard run set up the only scoreof the quarter and that was the reverse
of 31 yards by dylan goose man i'm sorrythe touchdown pass to bogut the happen first i was in eight yard school andthen goose may went 31 yards under reverse both hank has a 24 16 lady andthe football i might as we get ready to snap it here to start the tape or do agoose bang taking it to the house back there you'd like to do that again hereon second down and nine they fire it out and that might be bit oh that was adangerous play for the burbank confidencenathan velasquez had it read and i thought he might get that off the bounceand go to the house yeah these stats finally even up in this football gamedarn near identical just about every
single category but again it's just thequick start of burbank in their offense i mean having two straight drives wherethey've scored and then also the defense doing a really good job of holding downjefferson and this is a really big point in the game for the jeff defense becauseas we said burbank's been on a roll to start the second half they've got tofind a way to stem the tide and get the ball back their offense third down andnine big big play for that jefferson defense and we've got whistles they havea timeout thanks like on the offense huh pantingrepeat they're done another false start he pull him out of false starts inburbank's also been out with drug jeff
offsides quite a bit so and uniquecadence i would assume for julian lhasa dua for that to continue to happen hadn't been clean that's for sure forboth teams in that regard third and 14 so that's big the bossip dude wants togo deep scott a man wide open excuse me the goose is loose again dylan goofs me 75 yards on a third and14 critical play before the vermont warburg bulldogs unbelievable speed fromdylan goose me and talking to the coaches before the game they said he'sgot legit four for speed if he wants it
so once he gets the ball and he's got ayard with a space you can just about forget about it unless you're carl lewisyou're not bringing him down but it was really all you can eat because big aarontrevino their star tight end that they love so much number 88 was also wideopen in the middle of the field it just so happened now when your quarterback isrolling to his left like that bustle do a now the guy that flash first was goingto get the ball into this particular case it was goose made had a penalty iwas soon we'd be marked off on the celebration penalty i couldn't pick upthe microphone either way burbank will be on to kick the extra point carlosmartinez little hitch kick had to double
pop that one and missed it so it's 32 16with 1142 left and dylan goose made with his second touchdown of the second halfhas given the bulldogs some cushion here at the rock pile welcome back dylan goose man with hissecond touchdown in the second half that 175 yards on the night strike fromjulian basso duel what an athlete this guy is doing in theclassroom as well one of those all-around kind of guys that coachingstaff just loves and you know we've talked about him playing quarterback andthen he got hurt but he knows he in the out the offense inside now also playingon defense speed is plus plus but they
really like a matte side on both sidesof the ball you can see you fucked tonight after he blazed down the fieldwithout loss score this one's returnable he has panga tothe 30 as a seat that takes a big lick the guy who dished it out is jeremy ruizyeah he's playing with guts and guile at this point he is spending every timehe's coming off the field well wobbling james bajo who was 44 ihad my teams mixed up the full-back we made ed jarring tackle looks like mayhave hurt his shoulder so it's now or never for the jeffersonmustangs got a score just about every possession now to have a shot at itinside handoff drawing the raised
eyebrows of one by commandos hankey yep gandhi's working so hard under thetent coaches yeah anything else you got forced down there got a cold one sittingback do i do thank you very much all right they need to air the bolivian 15up something notice not a hair on a place either did you graduate fromjefferson bike it was back was me fred flintstone barney 74 right and our daywe threw the football i wasn't even born yet used rocks instead of a football wejust shaped it and we loved it none of this running up the middle stufffirst honey ten running for his life not going anywhereis dry joe klein he made a big fumble
recovery early it makes another bigtackle there i'm set up second at 16th i think you're i would like to have thisone back you gotta love the kid as a quarterback his eyes looking downfieldhe thought about flipping it out over to the left side here - jaylen pena hissafety valve instead he thought i can get away from the defender make a playdownfield just didn't turn out the way he was hoping i think we need to get anew sponsor the bike the micronet is lounge lazy boy somebody sign up lazyboy get my cab it barcalounger there today we just we just show joe klein theyoung man for burbank and playing on the defensive line and the coaches just raveabout this kid - he's about 150 pounds
and he just said he just keeps showingup he's super coachable the effort level is just off the charts and also givesthem some speed they're on the edge but see a whole lot 150 pound defensive endseven at the high school level penalty as somebody moved i'll tell you what abe's triceps aregonna be great shape after calling all these false starts tonight it's at aworkout well it's been tough slutting obviously for jefferson here in thesecond half and you have to really give credit to what's going on on the burbankside of the football i mean tend to have false starts and some of these things ofthat nature when the opposing defense
especially the boys up front or gettingafter you 9:30 left in the ballgame jefferson down by 14 fire down thesideline has a man nice defensive effort to knock it away was one escapade ohyeah again he's looking to take a shot downfield but the guy that ran the slanton that formation number 82 branden castellanos was open just a great jobthere at the end my walnuts capade owe to get his hand up and knock that thingaway fourth down they're gonna have to pawnit and they will accio put as standing bet about his own37 gets it off it's a short low kick get a burbank player and will roll out ofbounds at about the 20 we'll take a
break when we come back the bulldogs welook into ground-and-pound and run some clock and hang on here at alamo stadiumthey lead it 30 16 and we're over jess for our america'sdiamond smile can look at that the lassos got it going onhaving a good time at their pep rally all part of our america's diamond smilecam lot to smile about for both teams to good efforts here tonight jefferson highschool a legendary architectural feat on thecover of life magazine back in the 1950s as the most perfect school in the entirecountry the 1950's reference kind of in line with some of ours tonight lifemagazine
what's life magazine who's fredflintstone yeah we were bit all over the place tonight you referenced carl lewisand i was wondering if any guys go kids watching have any idea who carl lewiswas might as well said jesse oh i was talking about phil harris in the greatdarrell royal 1963 - oh championship team these kids were born in the 2000s iknow it seems like just yesterday for us obviously or we wouldn't be throwing i'moutdoors battling as we are tonight mike brought up fred barney and wilma youhave a david dude i just watched looney tunes again lastnight on another network second and five salazar up the middle good for akielbasa first down don't forget to
register your team for our tear squadwho told you numerous times tonight that though deadline isfour squads get a cheer on national tv the army all-american bowl for the sanantonio sports all-star game presented by h-e-b just go to the cw 35 dot-comand register your squad has a chance at winning big time bucks $1,000 firstplace $500 grant second place all thanks to san antonio sports cps andh-e-b sponsoring the all-star game and we'll bring to you on the cw 35 we'llalso have the army all-american bowl on news for san antonio nbc on thatsaturday in january we've got another injury on the field and we'll take abreak while they tend to the young man
we'll be right back luna 50 yards callnathan villalobos with the oskie and he took it to the house jeremy sanchezfakes it keeps it judgment korea sanchez touchdown pulledoff no easier these guys making it look right now this is jaw-dropping 2013 37points in the fourth quarter one of the great comebacks we understand myreference calling these games and people ask me what games stand out that to mewas the one that stands out the most yeah of all the games that we've donewe've had some good ones you know that league game we did week one this yearwas off the charts as well but that burbank highlands game for me was prettydarn special yeah it was like some just
a switch went on he the fourth buoy ithink that ball may have come out falling back on is marco padilla butyeah they were they were dead in the water and they just flipped a switch and that number 10 that night was specialall over the field yeah i think the astonishing thing is is that i thoughtthat was literally two years ago and it was for personal foul on the offensefeldy campaign that we're running this yeardon't forget to nominate teams that you know are going beyond the game showingthose qualities of respect selfless service integrity caring personalcourage sportsmanship these kids that do
things like go down and help in rockportor houston and have food drives or do things in their own community readingthe middle schoolers and elementary school kids see a couple of the programsover on the northside district working with special-needs kids let them run outthrough their banner with them if you know a good team it's gonna be on thegame let us know about it cody running straight forward and burbank content nowto chew up some of this clock up 32 16 - yeah there's a party in the stands - imean this / bank crowd you could tell i mean this has been this has been a workin progress that has taken a couple of years and this is one of those thingsthat coach pettis you know he recognized
early that they had some talent but itwas young talent so they were gonna kind of let this team grow up through theyears play a lot of young guys let them take their lumps early and it is allstarting to pay off third down and long goose may cannotbreak out of that tackle so they'll set up before down in about 12 and burbankwill pile it away to the jefferson mustangs but again this is a ballclubthat really even in its two losses felt like if they had made mistakes theycould have won those games and then conversely once league play started mandavid clickin to know it's showing here again tonight going onwith jeff - i got some young guys they
let me grow up now both of these teamsare gonna be tough tough tough competition going through the leak way burbank sitting pretty with a chance ofa district championship at this point michael garcia's got it he's trying tobreak tackles but they'll say - 25-yard line jumps up fired up john kirby olawith the tackle wanna escobedo ya wanna escapade oh i mean what a motor on thatkid he was the first guy down there and got juked is this first guy in on thetackle so he got two cracks and made the most of the second one got like themotor there six minutes to go jefferson can tie this thing up with twotouchdowns and two extra points with six
minutes to go do they have it in thempain yeah trying to get outside right down at the 40 hey check it out chuck we got a graphicit's time for the uniforms our gentle musings hey i like the burbank uniformit looks cleveland browns light for a little bit but you have an interestingdynamic on one side of the helmet you have the fresno state border on theother side you have the clean number so i like how they mix that up and i likehow they they've taken the fresno state bulldog it's a little bit hard to seebut it's a good logo nonetheless i like their shoulder stripes so that's itthat's a good look i'd give him a a
solid b-plus not a giant fan of theuniform of the numeral font on the on their coaching staff i think you'regonna like this chuck because on the burbank coaching staff they have theboston red sox booth and so they've taken a little bit of a little grand oldgame there with your old boston red sox b so that's also a very cleantraditional look there's that's it coaches outfitstwo thumbs up oh clothes i'm gonna say two things first of all they're not myboston red sox so i'm gonna hammer you for that and then secondly for you tocompare burbank to the cleveland browns you just insulted everybody on theburbank site they could be obscene both
squads if my money's going down onburbank because they've got black pants and okay orange and black goes betterthan orange and brown nothing goes with brown nice run up the middle look out hemight break it to the 30 and all the way down to the 29yard line and the mustangs hanging in thereyeah brian lopez doing a really nice job to keep that from being a score but justwhat jefferson needed is we wind this clock in the fourth quarter needed somesort of spark here in the second half much like what they got in the secondquarter when they raced back to take the leadwe'll see if they can get down and try
to make this a one score game sprint outflag flies as he throws over the middle and it's just dropped by our toro cassiobut again a flag down love to sort out this penalty and you know where i'mgoing with the uniforms with the jefferson mustangs it's the smu mustangsbut there's one unique little difference illegal formation on the offensefoie gras planting repeat first down the jefferson pony has a much longer tailthan the smu pony have you noticed that and almost like something going throughlike a like a tomahawk or something it's very interesting maybe it was like atoothpick just setting up in the wrong spot hey that's it's a good look thoughvery classic look at sanderson yeah very
clean kielbasafirst down is deciding to run it is gore i yeah just a great decision there by thatyoung man he had that all day long just take what's in front of you right nowfor the sticks intern derek our crack statistician and spotter pointing out tothe old guys that that's not paint on the helmet except that's the hole it'spart of the helmet event an air vent oh is that what that is yeah well i'llput the blame in my own eyes that's exactly what it is until that the tailsa little long tbh well you know what what's it i wasgonna say teammate just got glasses -
sighs too much no it's not a toothpickthat's good which is all my commanders could play because they didn't have anyother games invented by keeping and doing a nice job across the 35 yard linenear the 30 as we took inside of four minutes kevin gouveiathere we got a new quarterback in david perez running out there number five whotakes snaps for the mustangs seen him in a couple of games this yearthere are only one pass attempt on the season so hopefully karai's okay he'sgonna let sling it lefty incomplete intended for arturo calvillo to perezjust a junior actually not a senior and
getting a chance to see if he can sparkthis offense and again we're not really sure what happened - garai yeah he waslimping a little bit earlier as well member and he was on the sidelines camein and bravely played on that drive marez has fourth and 14 so absolutelyjefferson's last shot at it he's looking for kvo and it's almost intercepted andburbank will take over carlos bull vitruvius defending to playand calvillo calvillo who's made a couple of reallynice catches tonight one a couple of touchdownsright now it's time for our pick and pool collision of the game it just wehad a couple of good nominees oh yeah we
had a half-dozen in this one chriscoughlin speaking this one has our collision in the game big 55 coming upand watch the span of john elway here the 360 move it's amazing after that hitby devin carden aspecto were asking wondering if ger eyes okay he shouldn'thave been okay right there but battled back on that i don't know we're like theperiodic chart completely covered with double nickel and wood first downhandoff good for about a yard and it looks like mark perez in his sixthseason here with burbank and get out of here with another w to be the third in arow for the burbank bulldogs they will go to three and two on the year andanother impressive performance after
whip and kennedy last week 48 to 8 itlooks like they'll get out of here with a third consecutive district win andthey'll be right there in the hunt for a district championship it would appearyeah i don't think there's any question about it and we're talking to thecoaches this week was her play was there a moment where you really felt like thisthing we're starting to kick start itself or where you thought the kidsbelieved he said honestly since week one again speer saw this team mentally wasin a different place than it was the year before and you know they went outat the pier saw game and it played a team that was infinitely bigger thanthey were and they were right in that
game and then we talked about moody andthe great start that they're off to and when they play highlands did a couple ofonside kicks and really had the owls on their heels but you know i think whenyou be a program like highlands and establishes they've been the last coupleof years you can't help but know you've got adecent team at that point and then again you know we talked about run run run andthey like to do that first but they do have weapons they've got guys with speedthey've got playmakers on defense i mean covarrubias who knocked down that fourthdown play i mean that kids got four picks on the year so i think everybodythe league's on notice that these guys
have got some players and you better beready to play when you're playing the burbank bulldogs saying it's cool whenyou see these teams make these giant strides that you know you know in termsof wins and losses it appears that their giant strides but it's been a slow buildand a process getting to this and it's you know the fruits of their laborthey've got two new coordinators so you look on the sidelines brought some lifeand energy to the program as well it's just cool to watch these things kind oftranspire heaven in you're out absolutely and they have also given usour nice office solutions play of the night
marques bolden making the big catch itgave him the lead this was after jefferson remember rally to take thelead third quarter play bolden with that eight yard touchdown catch he's going upto give him a 1716 lead at noon bulldogs have never looked back little counterdelay coming this way as they are still on his feet rumblin frostthe 35 down to the 34 that'll stop the clock to move to change jefferson withone timeout left down 14 and just a nice call a little almost little statue ofliberty look to that yeah here you know on another mission i get it you know itwas chris cobb this our producer feat me as usual if it's a good line that'scoming for somebody else but yeah the
goose is loose came from in turn they're still on the turf behind the 50 yardline back to the 49 yard just a great job to get back on that football ifyou're the burbank bulldogs and the muscle dual doing everything he canright there you got well turf burn road rash but it was worth it because i meanthe last thing you want to do here is o'clock lines inside of three minutes--is get jefferson any kind of hope or spark here at the end just managed thisgame and get the heck out of here and get a victory so second down and 26 aswe take the inside of two minutes i'll be content with running it 250 yohe gets about five of it back as we take
a look at what's coming up this weekenda good football right here on the cw 35 we got syracuse and north carolina statekid from judson point for syracuse this weekend iowa and michigan state greatnew tradition there in iowa then fans waved at the children's hospital that'sreally really cool oklahoma texas tech is gonna put up some big time numberscoming up on fox we got the saints and dolphins brightand early from london and then the rams and cowboys at noon and then on sundaynight football to colts and seahawks on news 4 so for weekend on the threenetworks here's my a hoe again on third down
i'll tell you what this has been onephysical football game between these two teams and we saw viejo every time thatkid has got enough he's had to kind of shake the cobwebs off and he's out a lotof company this has been two teams going at it like a heavyweight fight trying toestablish district supremacy early on in the league play action it's beeneverything that we could have hoped for tonight both teams slugging it outmaking the most of the opportunity here this evening so about a minute left timefor us to remind you to make sure you vote for your favorite bandjefferson tonight was band 9 is tech stick 2 4 4 3 3 2 well burbank at fan 10do the same number you can go to cw 35
comm for all the texting guidelines andone lucky ban not lucky the band that gets the most votes all year long isgonna win that $5,000 and grant thanks to our friends at sprouts farmers market smile cam fired up burbank fans fired up don't forget to stick around after thegame penn & teller foolãs and then whose line is it anyway that's allcoming up after t nl right here on the cw 35 yeah we're happy to bring youhallmark university thursday night lights once again we have a fine nextweek midseason but it's just really hard tobelieve we're talking about this at work
the other day that we are halfwaythrough our schedule already for 2017 hard to believe hard yes it's flown byagain and look at what's coming up in the back app printing the homes ofkotter again well how good are they edison and highlands and then madisonand reagan and steel and clemens with some good district battles straightahead of us and i really like our tnl top ten somenew blood in here every week looking ivaldi coming in there southwest off toa great start new braunfels playing that really tough schedule a tough districtoff to a great start at three in one hey how about these burbank bulldogs so whati'm talking about hate to sneak in there
at some point and then some usualsuspects as we go seven through one but hey smithson valley don't go to sleep onthose guys i mean it's just on and on and on judson o'connor obviously lookedthe part there's some darn fine football teams in this town again this year it'sthe more asco collisions and there's a what should be the last play of the gameis burbank brings pina down and the big dogs will win their third consecutivedistrict 28 five eight game nice effort by the jefferson mustangs shown a lot offight there in the second quarter to come back to take the lead briefly butmark perez and his burbank bulldogs have really turned it around after a note tostarting as we told you earlier that o2
wasn't there was no shame in thatlosing 27 to 19 to pierce all in 22 17 to moody so this is a team that's beenin every game that has played this year it has won the last three yeah and veryefficient on offense tonight and it cannot i still think they're waiting tounleash the fury with all this you know they kind of allow you to sleepsucker-punching with the runs but boy they're gonna start to use those weaponsmore and more i think on the outside as the season rolls on when we come backwe'll hand out our monarch trophies to the player of the game and we'll givethat man right there his team trophy bulldogs win it at the rockpile 32:16come back to the postgame show after
this welcome to the hallmark universitythursday night lights postgame report welcome back burbank wins their thirdstraight in district play beating jefferson 32 16 let's hand out thehardware go down to the field mike hernandez an excited group of bulldogsyeah you guys excited just a little bit just a little bit great game guysoffensively defensively i don't know what happened between the first andsecond half but whatever it is you had a fire lit under and you're all reallyplayed a good game
give yourselves a hand mvp for today wecould have gone a lot of ways with this but we're going to go with number twoyour senior dylan goose back so you had two tds one on that 31 yardreverse and then that 75 yard pass that you caught there you touch the ball fourtimes you score two tds it's not a bad nightit just wasn't for me that's where my team shoutout to the burbank squad i got it no what did you tell them athalftime it not only fired up the place but allthe coaches came out fired out dude we've been here before we've been herebefore and i told them how we can
respond you know the bad situationswe've been talking about since they were freshmen you know and i told these guysthroughout life and there's gonna be some bad situations how you can respondand those that stay will be champions and then we're on the road we're on thatroad you sure are and you know what you guys are looking real good through youknow in district now you've got some games ahead of you that are tough butyou also have some games that you should win just put you in a pretty good spotto so early in the season well every game out here necessities gonna be adogfight in order keep on getting better and hopefully he'll up i've got it yougot a tough game next week against sam
houston and we're gonna join a knightand get ready for tonight for next week good so without further ado a fewplayers it's welcome back it's a wrap it the rockpileburbank / jefferson 3216 time for our final hallmark university highlightsbig-time defense early as burbank joke line jump on that fumblejames vallejo made it 7 nothing bulldogs alien valdes kicked up to 29 yarder if iget 10 nothing with jeff came back in a hurryclose it cavillo with that touchdown catch me at 10 7 there was a biginterception by ian gar tete garcia
that's enough johnathan cortez on thisfumbled snap in the end zone got a safety and it was a one-point game 10 to9 and then jefferson took the lead erika rison with the 30 yard touchdown but inthe third quarter it was all bulldogs as mike said that came out with new passionmarcus bouldin with nate berg touchdown burbank went in front and they nevertrailed after that our player of the gamedylan goose made going 31 yards on the reverse he would add a 75 yard touchdowncatch later on a crucial 3014 call and burbank when's it going away 32 16and the bulldogs continued their winning streak with their third-straight dylanjuice may our player of the game you
know chuck and i are getting a littlelong in the tooth so we have week off it's bye week time but when we come backit'll be a week from next thursday october the 12th we got brennan andholmes as we head over to northside and then we'll finish out the rest of theschedule and looking forward to seeing you here on the cw 35 on both utsafootball and t&l chris confess doing a great job in the truck as always alongwith our director brian watts the chuck nicotinic and mike hernandez down on thesidelines our statistician tonight was nicolas funky cold medina spotter asalways intern derek machin i'm don harris we'll see you in two weeks on t&lon the cw 35 good night everybody

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