Third Degree

5:41 AM

was not expecting this okay, but at some point today this happens a hey! what have you been up to this summer? (i did) i..i i wanna know!

what have you been doing?! i think the best summers are the ones where you travel a lot. and that is exactly what i have been doing. and by the way this is alex, not barry b benson or jerry seinfeld or bill burr

bill freaking burr! i sound like these people?! what are you freaking crazy!? main thing is tell me what you've been doing this summer cause i need some vacation ideas all i do is work! wait this is cool, look it! there's a little farmers market oh and if you didn't know this whole video im preforming in wisconsin so this is where we're kinda at this is what's going on

i'm working on my new stage performance kind of thing right and some more stand-up beat jokes for that number two i have a huge candidate indoor show - all this pressure on selling tickets and promoting it. oh number three number four a little bit sadder my grandma passed away, and uh so we're working on the eulogy and stuff. i love that lady. i think about my grandma she loved my ridiculous sense of humor which is why i'm doing the speech and we all kind of wanted to be fun more like a celebration of life than a solemn funeral so i'm pretty sure i'm gonna open the speech like this you might not know this about my grandma, but

she died *laughing* oh my god well that could have gone better. i do love my grandson though, and no matter what happens. no matter where you are whenever you mow someone's lawn. i hope you think of me woah, miller park, you know i'm not the biggest fan of baseball in that looks so cool. it made me want to go to a game weathers beautiful today. it's awesome. other guy: hey what are you doing here? alex: i'm one of the entertainers. other guy: okay alex: yeah other guy: y-yeah i've never seen you before this is like stage hand lot so this is why i was gonna warn you alex: yeah yeah im one of the other guy: yup yeah have a good day okay, you too thanks. that's the main stage and they got to be careful cuz they have huge acts and stuff

its gonna be a hot one today yup, stay in the shade man what? oh no! wake up? thank you! we're starting the day off right, getting a smoothie. i love this place the alex clark show is starting momentarily that's the mad family jam band, they're really good!

i dont know how he does it, but his hair is always perfect! alright, now its my turn i gotta do a show right here. you found me! say hi to the internet. kid: hi! yeah, thanks for coming you're gonna stick around for the show? kid: yup! so you might already know this but i've been taking the juggling out of the show as i've written more and more jokes (i didn't) but one thing i haven't taken out the fire juggling if you wanna see it say yeah! crowd: yeah!

if you want me to make it dangerous say oh yeah! crowd: oh yeah! first juggling prop i ever bought was fire torches. i actually made a whole video about my first time doing a show of them it's called fire tricks for evil sister if you haven't seen it i basically caught my face on fire and today uhhhhhh. didn't go much better to start out. i juggle three torches totally fine crowd loved it (i loved it) woooo!(yes) but then this oh god! everything fine under control

noooooooo! don't worry folks, i-im a trained professional! *screams of pure agony, save him* even after all that i still finish the show woah, that blistered up quick thank goodness. it's not worst like seriously my entire like hand was on fire really it was totally everything from like here all the way up to here thank god for those public safety guys with the fire extinguishers. i am so lucky that's all that happened. that said i

wanted today to be about enjoying the little things so you know what let's let's still go out. let's grab some dinner so is on my way to dinner and these guys right here playing some sort of game with a ball and a trampoline i don't know where it is, but it looks like fun. you know it is. i don't know what that is find out for me can i get a large mango tango? registrar girl: sure! no problem! there's a reason i got this to go, the reason is the view look at this right on the water isn't it awesome you guys have been saying that you like the vlog tunes more than the cartoons

so i've been doing more of those and tried to experiment and see what you like so let me know what you thought of this episode. i am it's alex clark, and i will see you somewhere, okay? bye!!!(i had a lot of fun)

Third Degree

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