greetings fellow nerds this is jeff oftaofledermaus today's suggestion comes directly from daniel taylor who wantedto see if tungsten is bulletproof this is definitely one of the most expensivetargets we bought this couldn't have been done without youpatreon supporters thank you very much let's take a look at this mightytungsten cube which has no purpose at all other than a cool thing to displayon your desk has a weird little plastic spacer in there for some reason i don'tknow what that's for but as you can see that's what you getfor about a hundred and fifty dollars it's kind of hard to explain how heavythis small cube feels it only is about
forty millimeters by 40 millimeters butit's unusually dense i wanted to see what it would do in my giant five-poundblock of silly putty and after about half an hour we learned that silly puttyis pink on the inside i guess there's only so much you could do with a bigchunk of tungsten but i thought that was kind of neat it's been a while sincei've done a time-lapse like that this measures one and a half inches by oneand a half inches and then they went all metric ii and call it a 1 kilogram cubeso there you go good afternoon self later folksjeff and officer greg back out here with you on a nice sunny california day herein central california today it's 108
degrees and for those of you foreignerswho speak klingon that's about 42 degrees celsius hey today we're out hereshooting a little block of tungsten that jeff picked up this little awfully heavysolid tungsten and those of you who know anything about this element know thatit's a very brittle metal so we're going to try it with a variety of differentcalibers we're going to start out with a 22 out of the ruger mark 3 we're goingto move all the way up nine millimeter 4045 all the way up to the arteam and we have an sks over there and we're also going to give it a try withthe weather bpa four five nine shotgun shooting some standard old one ouncefoster slugs see if we can shatter the
thing or if it will make holes so morepredictions right down here right there in the comments section go ahead andmake your prediction where you think it's going to do while you're down therereach over here right there and click the thumbs up button and giveus a good thumbs up also this is between me and you jeff stepped out of the roomget five of your friends to subscribe to telephone or mouse channel or let's getjeff over to 1 million mark by christmas all right oh wait he's got oh so anywaywe're going to shoot this tungsten is just oh yeah you just broke it it okvideos over softer thank you up bye-bye yep since no one has ever shot one ofthese tungsten cubes with a bullet
before we had nothing to go by i thoughtthere might be a possibility that a 22 could actually chip and damage this cubequite easily but as you can see most of the damage was done to the bullet andnot to the cube there is a slight impression there from the hollow pointfrom the bullet okay 9-millimeter hardball round ball non holla boy okaywhatever you're ready smacked into the top left did not dent the the tongue setoh that's a good sign it's because hitting that edge where you think wouldbe most fragile yeah it didn't even affect it can tell there by the lines onthe edge it didn't even ship it one bit there's a little bit of an irregularitythere but i think that is just a bullet
rather they're going to bolt outwardsyeah and then look at the fragmentation woody shot yeah look at the bottom therei don't know if this is going to last very much longer so if somebody'sshooting at you and you use a tungsten cube to defend yourself know that you'regoing to get a lot of bullets falling i've definitely got a best date out oflike 50 of those things yeah why don't cops make their residence let me tellyou this thing is what would you say about five poundsyou know it's like it's a kilo so it's like to point to something well that'ssuper heavy you made a vest out of that thing yougot problems yeah especially if you go
in a lake hahaha the 9-millimeter bulletis almost four times the weight of a 22 yet it's going about the same velocityand even though it struck the corner of the cube where we suspected at eitherweakest the cube had no problem again defeating this boy 45 acp okay wheneveryou're ready keep goingthere you go keep going hit lower left corner we're trying to get them on theedge here for you guys so you hit the center of it so that you can see there imeant to do it whether it chips or not but that being the weakest point on thewhole cube it still did not chew their poor little cone thing is i think it'sdone
darn it this 45 acp bullet weighs twiceas much as our nine-millimeter bullet and it's traveling around 890 feet persecond again the bullet strikes the corner of the cube the cube just slapsit off and most of the damage occurs to the bullet and our little plastic cone ready i think yeah i get it threw it offthe table yeah only about eight feet ready now we're getting some majorvelocity this bullet is traveling almost 3,000 feet per second or about 915meters per second you'll notice that the bullet impacts and disintegrates longbefore the cube even starts moving so clamping down the cube would make verylittle difference oh the first real
significant damage yeahactually made a little divot sort of like the lead plate that we shoot withthe slugs but i would have thought this stuff would have shattered i reallythought it easy it's a very shallow little dimmit you could probably seethere if i turn some angles there but still that thing held up to an ar-15around shooting five six what's next you threw this offthe table about what you say eight feet maybe sure landed in the dirt and sowe've got next for you the sks shooting a seven sixty by thirty nine okay i'mready yeah okay this seven six two by thirty-nine bullet is more than twicethe weight of our five five six bullet
but only traveling at about twenty twohundred feet per second instead of three thousand feet per second and it appearsbecause of that backspin the cube is actually affected by the magnus effectis actually climbing a little bit believe it or not that's bizarreremarkably the cube is still in one piece it looks like the five five sixround so far has done the most damage making a much larger pit than our sevensixty by thirty nine shots slug doesn't destroy it i don't know what will fitpika oh we forgot the 50 cal okay i'm ready woah crapi think you hit it this one ounce led slug was traveling at 1600 feet persecond and it's delivering almost 2500
foot-pounds of energy yep the tungstencube survives the cube was thrown close to 30 feet away and we had no problemfinding it luckily i didn't go in the water i thought for sure a lead slugone-out slug would damage the heck out of that thing so it hit it right therelike a ship's bow you can see that actually it was this way let's get itstraight you can see that one piece of it went off this side and most of thesmalling went off to the left but i don't know if you can see this on camerathat little edge right there is a little bit deformed so that's what is it isyeah let's look hit right i thought it would chip the heck out of that thingget right on that that nice edge didn't
do that is some tough stuff no kiddinlet's shoot it with another slug man we got one more slug want to go dead so wego on yes shoot the corner of it we can positionit okay one more slug i'm ready whew ireally thought that the cube would have been in pieces long before we got to theshotgun slugs after all we all know someone who has a tungsten ring that isshattered when they dropped it however when tungsten is in its pure form likewe see here it's actually a little bit malleable it's not brittle at all okaygood shot of there pretty tough stuff there no kiddin we should be buildingbest out of those okay melted plastic on
there what's that bro that's a corioliseffect oh areolas effect you have to pull the plastic out of the atmosphereconcentrate this on the picking and kubik so check it on the internet stripoh there you go much more bulletproof than i imagined nokidding the bullets magic bulletproof cube yep when we first measures thistungsten cubit weight 1009 grams after we shot it it still weighs 1009gram i hope you enjoyed this video thanks for watching koto okay i'm readyoh

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