Truth Is Not Fiction

5:41 AM

...should he have, colonel? you snotty little bastard. [ross] your honor, i'd like to ask for a recess. i'd like an answer to the question, judge. the court will wait for an answer. if lieutenant kendrick, gave an order...that santiago wasn't to be touched... ...then why did he have to be transferred? colonel? lt. kendrick ordered the code red, didn't he,because *that's* what you told lt. kendrick to do!

[ross] object! [kaffee] and when it went bad, you cut these guys loose! [randolph] that will be all, counsel.[kaffee] and when it went bad, you cut these guys loose! [ross] your honor! [randolph] counsel, i'll hold you in contempt![kaffee] you had markinson sign a phony transfer order! [ross] your honor![kaffee] you had markinson sign a phony transfer order! [kaffee] you doctored the log book! [ross] dammit, kaffee![kaffee] you coerced the doctor! now i'm asking you! [kaffee] you coerced the doctor! now i'm asking you!

[randolph] consider yourself in contempt![kaffee] you coerced the doctor! now i'm asking you! colonel jessup! did you order the code red?! you don't have to answer that question! i'll answer the question. you want answers?! i think i'm entitled to-- [jessup] *you want answers*?! i want the truth! *you can't handle the truth*!

son, we live in a world that has walls, and thosewalls have to be guarded by men with guns. who's gonna do it? you?(!) you, lt. weinberg?(!) i have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom! you weep for santiago and youcurse the marines. you have that luxury. you have the luxury of not knowing what i know:that santiago's death - while tragic - *probably* saved lives! and my existence - while grotesque andincomprehensible to you - *saves lives*! you don't want the truth, because deep downin places you don't talk about at parties... you *want* me on that *need* me on that wall. we use words like "honor", "code", "loyalty".

we use this words as the backboneof a life spent *defending* something. you use them as a punchline! i have neither the time, nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under theblanket of the very freedom that i provide and then *questions* the manner in which i provide it! i would rather you just said "thank you", and went on your way. otherwise, i suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. *either way, i don't give a damnwhat you think you are entitled to*! did you order the code red?

[jessup] i did the job-- did you order the code red?! *you're goddamn right i did*!!

Truth Is Not Fiction

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