I Am the Blues

5:41 AM

cry: hello and welcome to: i am an art featuring... at... okay, i needed to stream a video and... this spur of the moment thought... needed a someone in this "hello introduce" [laughter] angel: what? cry: yep... sounds good

angel: hi, i'm angel. cry: hello. uhh... angel: i think that's what you were saying. cry: yes today... uhh... let me tell you what's going down is, uhh, she is going to describe something for me and i will draw it in the, uhh, highly acclaimed...

paint program on the windows entertainment system and, uhh, we're gonna see how close i get to what was being described. angel: and you have no idea what it is, right? cry: correct. angel: right. cry: don't know what it is... can you? please start us off angel: okay, first, draw an egg okay... cry: done. angel: then draw... pained squinty eyes.

cry: oh, okay. angel: at the top of the egg. cry: oh, okay angel: umm, (laughs) angel: okay, then draw some short little fat baby arms on it, and it's like it's running, like it's pumping its arms cry: okay angel: okay, now draw little devil horns on it angel: draw... give it wings, give it like bat wings cry: bat wings. okay. angel: okay. now give it a nose with a septum piercing.

cry: okay, uh... cry: 'kay. angel: okay. now, big open mouth with a gross... tongue... that's all gloopy. cry: oh god, a gloopy tongue. all right. this is getting intense now. fricken' gloopy... angel: and sharp, pointy teeth. cry: okay, i might need a moment for this gloop here. be just a moment, art is not instantaneous process. so, don't mind me while i.. eh... get all glooped up cry: there. and then some sh... pookey. angel: nice, pointy teeth. cry: okay. angel: okay, give it some kissable lips. cry: oh god, how. oh man, umm....

okay, uh... cry: (whispering) oh, wait, i know what i should do... okay... uh huh... and this... angel: okaycry: okay, it's looking... angel: looking good? cry: okay.. angel: kissable?cry: uh.. almost. i mean actually... one thing, okay now. it's, now it's kissable. yes. angel: okay, then some short little fat, baby legs that are running

can do angel: and then finish it off... with a devil tail cry: you... got it... done! angel: all right, that's it! cry: all right, cool! um.. give me... what it was supposed to be angel: no, show me what it is first cry: oh

okay, that's the order.. right. angel: yes.cry: can do. i'm using the share x program to... to share things quickly and easily am i close? angel: (laughing) okay, here we go. here's what it actually is. (angel laughing) cry: well... (angel laughing some more) cry: well, that's not what i... was... okay... pretty good!

(angel laughing harder) cry: why is it a yu-gi-oh! card?? you don't even play yu-gi-oh! !!angel: (dying of laughter) angel: because i know you're obsessed cry: what did you look? what did you...?angel: that's all you do! ...is watch yu-gi-oh! and play yu-gi-oh! angel: what?cry: what did you look up? what? angel: funniest yu-gi-oh! cards cry: oh... my god angel: (laughs)cry: that's actually kinda brilliant, well done. angel: thank you!

cry: all right, well, uh... angel: stream tonight! cry: stream tonight cry: fuck i'm... gonna go play yu-gi-oh! bye angel: okay! bye

I Am the Blues

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