Heal My Soul

5:41 AM

gregory dickow: hi, i'mgregory dickow, and welcome to "the power to change today." and it's so good to be with you. i know somethingreally good is going to happen in your life today. now recently, i heard thelord speak to me and he said, "talk to my people aboutpain, and show them how to stop hurting, and how tostart really living." he said, "i hearthem and i heal them."

you know that godhears you and god heals you? we live in a world full of painand suffering caused by broken promises, disappointment,broken relationships, sickness, financial loss, disease,and so much more. but we have a high priest thatsympathizes with our weaknesses. jesus understands because hefelt the anguish and the pain of betrayal, rejection, abuse thatyou might have gone through. in fact, every form ofpain you can imagine, jesus experienced itone way or the other.

so, god knows whatyou're going through, and his will withoutquestion is to heal you. today is your day forhealing, are you ready? jesus took all of your pain andsuffering on the cross so you don't have to livewith it anymore. god's will for our lives is thatwe would be healed from pain, spirit, soul, and body. that's why god put thismessage on my heart, because he wants us to stop living withpain, and start really living

without it, livinglife to the fullest. i believe god's going to usetoday's program to bring healing as you watch this program. listen, no pain, no abuse,nothing that you've ever suffered, no hurt is toogreat for god's healing hand. i'm talking about emotionalpain, physical pain, relationship pain, you name it. and i pray you'd open your heartand watch this entire program, and let god ministerto you through it.

get ready to be changed forever. check this out and i'll be backto pray for your healing today. god bless. ♪♪♪ cc by aberdeen captioning1-800-688-6621abercap.com gregory: so, open yourbible with me to luke chapter 8, verse 27, and let's talkabout healing the soul. luke chapter 8 verse--we'regoing to begin in verse 27. and it says, "when jesus hadstepped out into the land--"

luke chapter 8, verse 27, "whenjesus stepped out onto the land, there met him a manfrom the city who had demons for a long time." so, he was in thiscondition for a long time. and the devil loves to keeppeople in bondage for a long time, and god lovesto set people free. and it says, "andhe wore no clothes, nor did he live in a house,but he lived in the tombs." and i really want to get--i wantyou to get ahold of this because

this miracle is goingto show us something. this miracle that is aboutto happen demonstrates jesus's dominion over the devil. and jesus hasdominion over the devil. and if jesus has dominionover the devil, so do you. because jesus said in lukechapter 10, verse 19, "behold, i give you authority and igive you power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and overall the power of the enemy, and nothing shall byany means injure you,

hurt you, or harm you." we've been pushed aroundby the devil far too long. we don't need to bepushed around by the devil. we've been given moreauthority than he has. but what he has done is he'sdeceived people into thinking that he has more authoritythan we have, but god wants us to know that we have moreauthority than the devil has. jesus said, "igive you authority." say, "god gave me authorityto trample on serpents,

and scorpions, and overall the power of the enemy." how much of thepower of the enemy? how much does thatleave for the enemy? how much does that give to you? all right, youought to rejoice, man. and nothing, and nothing,and nothing, and nothing, and nothing, and nothing,and nothing--these are jesus's words, not mine. and nothing shall byany means hurt you.

so, we got to learn how towalk in this authority so that nothing by shallany means hurt us. if we don't learn how towalk in this authority, god has given us authoritythrough the abundance of grace and the gift ofrighteousness, we reign in life. so, if we're not reigningin life, it's because we don't understand the abundanceof grace and we don't understand thegift of righteousness. and that's what--what happenswhen you don't understand god's

grace, and why is itso important that we are a church of grace? why is it so important thatwe're a church that believes in the righteousness of god? why is this--whyis it so important? because only through theabundance of grace and the gift of righteousnesscan we reign in life. so, where there's an absenceof grace and an absence of understanding of thegift of righteousness,

there will be anabsence of victory. but where there is an abundanceof grace and where there is an there will be anabundance of victory. can anybody say amen? i don't know why a christianwould want to go to a church that tells them that they'll bedefeated, and they should expect defeat and theyshould expect to the devil to--watch out, 'cause thedevil's been sent by god to teach you a lesson.

the devil has not been sentby god to teach us anything. god has taught usthrough the apostles. god--the word of god has beensent to us to teach us we have authority over the devil. the word of god hasbeen sent to us. the holy spirithas been sent to us. the word of god hasbeen sent to you. and the pastor hasbeen sent to you. god gives us pastors that teachus and equip us to fulfill the

purpose and calling and destinythat god has on our lives. the devil has not been sentto teach you, the bible teachers and the pastors havebeen sent to teach you. the problem is we got badteachers in the body of christ that just confuse the wordof god and confuse christians because they just can'tgrapple--they can't grasp the reality that, hey, we live ina fallen world, and sometimes tragedy happens and bad thingshappen, but that doesn't mean that we should lower ourguard and simply expect those

things to happen in thename of trusting god. we should trust god, but we havethe power to hold up the shield of faith, to thrust forththe sword of the spirit, to wear the breast ofrighteousness so that no weapon formed against us can prosper. now, you want to live that way,you came to the right church. you want to go be amiserable, mealy mouthed, banana back, flimsyflamsy, mamsy pamsy christian, you have found thewrong church for that.

if you look in matthew chapter8, verse 16, i'll put some of these scriptures up here,matthew chapter 8, verse 16, the miracle of what jesus is aboutto do when he casts this legion of demons out of this manin luke, we'll come back to in a moment, but this miracledemonstrates his dominion over the devil andyour dominion over the devil. and it says inmatthew chapter 8, verse 16, it says,"when evening had come, they brought to him manywho were demon possessed."

and what did he do? he cast out thespirits with a word, and he healed all who were sick. he cast out thedemons with what? he didn't need some chant,he didn't need some oil, he didn't need somemagic, he had a word. and you know whatthe devil listens to? your words. and that's why death and lifeare in the power of the tongue.

and that's why, whenyou speak words of death, you give access fordeath into your life. when you speak words oflife, you give access for life into your life. that's why our words are sopowerful and so important, and this is what satan wantsto--satan wants to make us all deaf, dumb, and mute. he wants us to not be ableto hear what god has to say, he wants us to not be ableto see what god is doing,

and he wants us to not be ableto speak what god's word says. but guess what, god hasgiven you a mouth to speak, ears to hear, eyes to see, andwe need to use this authority that god has given us. i love what he says inthe living translation, the new livingtranslation of this verse. it says, "that eveningmany demon possessed people were brought to jesus. he cast out the evilspirits with a simple command,

and he healed all the sick." he didn't say, "oh, youknow what, i can't do that one. oh, cancer. uh, you know what,i can't handle it. oh, you know what,you're mentally ill? sorry, i'm notequipped for that one. you know, maybe thefather has some other children he can send one day." no, when he sent jesus,he sent all that we

would ever need, amen? he sent all we would ever need. and you say,"well, that was then. he healed all thesick, that was then." well, hebrews 13, verse8 says, "jesus christ, the same yesterday,today, and forever." don't you love that verse? jesus christ is the sameyesterday, today, and forever. so, if he healedall the sick then,

he heals all the sick today. now, i know there arepreachers out there that say, "well, sometimes god healsand sometimes god doesn't." well, that's why you're--that'swhy they're not your pastor, you're smarter than that. you're smart enough tobelieve the bible more than a preacher, amen? the only reason why youcome here is because i'm saying what the bible says.

i'm not trying to make upsomething that sounds better to try to explain everything that'shappening in people's lives. look, the word ofgod explains itself. there's a real demon, welive in a fallen world. there are real demons,there's a real devil. we live in a fallen world,people make bad decisions. we wreck our lives.we grow up being abused. we grow up with badparenting sometimes. we grow up withbad--making bad choices.

we grow up and somethingis done to us that hurts us and harms us. we grow--every one of us grow upwith a dna of some sort of sin. the dna, the propensity,the tendency to err in one way or another. some people grow up and theirtendency is they really--they're really susceptibleto alcohol addiction. other people are reallysusceptible to pornography. and other people are reallysusceptible to some

opioid or some drug. other people are reallysusceptible to craving everybody's attention andcraving everybody's affection. everybody grows up withsome craving of some kind. you know, and some of us justended up have--some of us just ended up with--growing upwith all of those things, you know, all in one. you know, that's why, youknow, when god saved me, he saved the worst first.

he said, "let me get this guybecause if i can get this guy--" people like me, "let me getthese kinds of people 'cause if i get these crazy ones, if ican get these out of their mind ones, if i can get these out ofcontrol--if i can get these true sons of adam, you know, thesetrue--these sons of adam that have most of adam's sinall lodged up in them, if i can get them saved andget them delivered and get them healed, then they will be apicture of what god can do in anybody's life," amen?

the english standardversion of this verse says in--back in matthew 8:16, "thatevening they brought to him many who were oppressed by demons,and he cast out the spirits with a word and healedall who were sick." well, this scripture showsjesus's compassion for oppressed people, his commitment tosee his finished work in you, and his fearlessness ofsatan and anything satan can do. when we look at thisman back in luke 8:27, you're going to see jesus'scompassion for an oppressed

person, you're going to see hiscommitment to see his finished work in you 'cause he neverleaves unfinished business in your life, and you're going tosee his fearlessness of satan. i love how nothing is too muchfor jesus 'cause when he steps in, he sees this guy, he'd beendemon possessed for a long time, he wore no clothes. look at what it says. "he wore no clothes, nordid he live in a house, but he lived in the tombs."

now, notice the work ofthe devil in verse 27. he was controlledby the evil one. this man wascontrolled by demons. now, you may not becontrolled by demons, but many people arecontrolled by demonic thinking. even if the devil doesn't liveinside you 'cause when you're born again, the holyspirit lives inside of you, but the holy spiritdoesn't live in your brain. the holy spirit doesn'tlive in your thinking.

you have to--you havecontrol over your thinking. and so, satan has possessedoccupancy in your mentalities, your mindsets, andthe way that you think. and you have to dispossess himby filling your thought life with god's way of thinking. and as you do that, itleaves no room for the devil. you understand what i'm saying? so, and then he's got to go'cause he can only ride on the saddle ofwrong thinking in your life.

he can only ride on thesaddle of wrong thinking. as soon as you change thesaddle and put right thinking, god's way ofthinking in your life, in your mind, then satancan't ride that horse. he's got to get off and get outof town 'cause this town ain't big enough for theboth of us, amen, all right. notice it says that he was--hewore no clothes, he was naked. he had no clothes. let me tell you something, beingnaked anywhere outside of the

privacy of your bed or yourbath is never a good idea. the only place to benaked is your bed, your bath, but not beyond, okay? [congregation laughing] gregory: that's one of myfavorite scriptures. look at verse 29of this passage. or we're supposedto just go to 28, you know? let's just read it all. "when he sawjesus, he cried out,

he fell down before him,and said with a loud voice, 'what do i have to do withyou, son of the most high god? i beg you, do not torment me!'" he was already--this manwas already tormented by the devil, he didn't wantgod to torment him too. and this is the problem withreligious-thinking people. they think god's tormentingthem, but it's really the devil. "what do i have to dowith you, son of god, son of the most high?

i beg you, do not torment me!" why would jesus torment him? the only reason for himto think jesus could torment him is becausehe had a--he had heard some wrong stuff about jesus. because when you meet thereal jesus, the thought that he could torment youwill never cross your mind. the thought that he would putsickness or disease or trouble in your life is--the thoughtwill never cross your mind

when you meet the real jesus. everywhere he went,he lifted burdens. everywhere he went,he cast out demons. everywhere he went,he fed the hungry. everywhere he went, hehad mercy on the hurting and compassion on his suffering. everywhere he went, he healedthe sick, he raised the dead, he cleansed the lepers,he cast out demons. the only people he tormentedwere the religious people that

thought they could be right withgod through their own action and through their ownself-righteousness. he tormented their religionbecause their religion was man-made, not god-made. verse 29, let's keep going. verse 29, "for he had commandedthe unclean spirit to come out of the man, for it had been--itwould often seize him, and he was kept under guard,bound with chains and shackles; and he broke the bondsand was driven by the

demon into the wilderness." so, notice the condition of thisman and what the devil has done. this devil has given this guysupernatural strength that he would actually breakchains and shackles. and he was driven by thedemon into the wilderness. now, i need to readthis--i need to read this to you from the niv. this last part ofthe verse says, "he was driven by the demoninto a--into solitary places."

he was driven by thedemon into solitary places. now, this will be very relevantto us today because i want you to see how satan operatesin people's lives and where violent people are born. i want you to seewhere terrorists are born. i want you to see whereterrorism originates from and where violentcrimes originate from. where they originate from iswhere the--when the demon, when the devil drivesyou into a solitary place,

a place of isolation, a solitaryplace represents a place where you're isolatedfrom being teachable, you're isolated from a church,you're isolated from family, you're isolated from people thatlove you and care about you and will speak thetruth to you in love. when we isolate ourselves, thisis when we become fertile soil for the seeds ofviolence, fertile soil for the seeds of hatred,fertile soil for the seeds. when we isolate ourselvesfrom god, when we isolate

ourselves from jesus, when weisolate ourselves from the church, we isolateourselves from the word, when we isolateourselves from the truth, see, this is whathappens in solitary places. that's where thedevil is driving people. satan is trying to drive peopleto solitary places because that's where they're--that'swhere they remain abused, that's where they remainbruised from how they grew up, that's where they remain lonely,that's where they become loners,

that's where they become peoplethat have no other voices to challenge the voices in theirhead that are telling them to kill themselves or developesteem to kill other people. it's solitary places that satanis trying to drive people to. that's why god putspeople in families. that's why god putspeople in churches. that's why god putspeople in relationships. that's why god putspeople in community. and we need community,and we need church,

and we need the family of godbecause satan's trying to drive us into solitary places. not where we hear from god. i don't mean your prayer closet. he's trying to drive people intosolitary places where they're isolated from gettingthe help that they need. and i think if anyoneof you have a husband, or a wife, or a loved one, ora relative, or somebody who's being given over to some formsof addiction and some forms

of self-injury andself-mutilation, where they're given over to some sort ofthing that has just defeated them and it's got control oftheir life, it's usually because first that person wasdriven to a solitary place. i don't meanlike, you know, iowa. i mean in their soul,they've withdrawn and retreated. and every person who does oneof the heinous crimes we've seen displayed over thelast several weeks, months, and years,they're usually loners.

they've been driven to asolitary place emotionally. and what we--what we needto realize is that's the first place where we canoperate in spiritual warfare, not just by bindingthe devil over their life, but by saying hi to them. greet the loner.like, i was a loner in school. i was a loner in juniorhigh and high school. i was to myself, i waswithdrawn, depressed. and of course, many of youknow my story, on drugs by

the age of 16, 17 yearsold, addicted, alcoholic. all of those things, ibelieve, came from an emotional place of isolation. i could have become one ofthose lone wolf attackers, one of those lone wolf,violent, extremist killers. i could have becomethat because i was in solitary place in my soul. i wouldn't let anybody in. i wasn't somebody whoi would tell anybody

what i was going through, iwasn't somebody that was open. i was very guarded,very invulnerable, very--i had ahidden life inside. i was--my soul was in bondage,and i was afraid to let anybody in to that soulthat was so damaged, and so afraid, and sodepressed and discouraged. so, i guarded it and i protectedit with external things. and i'm just trying to tellyou--what i'm trying to say is, folks, if somebody--youknow, the best thing that ever

happened to me was somebodybusted through that solitary confinement that iwas in and said, "hey man, how you doing? you want to come to abible study with me?" "bible study? i'm going to get high.i'm going to do drugs." "well, man,whenever you feel like it, come join me atthis bible study." somebody cared, somebody reachedout, somebody greeted me.

who knows what i would havebecome two years later if nobody would have reached out to me? gregory: well, jesus took allof our pain and suffering on the cross so we don't haveto live with it anymore. i know you might be sufferingsome sort of pain emotionally, physically, financially,relationally. but it's god's will thatyou would be healed and also be a healer of others. so, we're going beyond the wallsand limitations of pain and

suffering to really feel whatlife is like to be healed on the inside, and to be able to bea vessel of that healing power everywhere we go. but it's a choice to decide notto be limited by your pain and not to be a victim, as youheard me talk about today. the healing starts when werefuse to be defined by our pain, and when we go to thethrone of god's grace to receive mercy and grace to help. when we realize jesus bore ourpain so we don't have to live in

it anymore, supernatural healingis going to flow in our lives. now, today we're going to--we'rejust one simple step away from being healedeverywhere we're hurting. the mercy of god is thedoorway to healing all pain. and when we understand god'sunlimited supply of mercy, we can go boldly to his throneof grace and receive that mercy to help in our time of need. now, i want to help youunderstand this mercy and the power to be freefrom pain forever.

so, i want to encourage youto--i want to send you a gift, and i want to ask that you sowyour gift into this ministry. and i want you to know thatyou're helping to bring this healing message to preciouspeople like yourself around the world, along with so muchhelp to orphans and suffering children around the world. that's one of the bigthrusts of our ministry. your gifts helpmake that possible. so, when we--when yousow your gift today,

i want to send you my brandnew series "it is well: healing spirit, soul, and body." it'll really encourage you,along with one of my bestselling books, "takingcharge of your emotions." it'll bring healing inyour emotions and your soul. it'll walk you through thesimple steps to living free from pain and frustration,discouragement, depression. you name it, all the majoremotions are in this book. also, i want to send you thisprayer of jabez prayer card so

you can declare this amazingprayer for your life every day. jesus paid for you so thatthese things that jabez prayed could be in your life as well. and it'll really encourage you. so, you can get this entirecollection with your gift today, or you can partnerwith me right now. and with your first monthlydonation of $20 or more, i'll send you all of this absolutelyfree as your first monthly gift. so, when we partner together,we are capable of making such

a bigger impact on this world. we can be the lightthat this world needs, the true message ofbiblical healing. and just call the number on yourscreen and tell them that you want to partner with me today. my announcer is going to tellyou a little bit more about it. but don't change that channel,i have another word for you, and i want to pray for you. god loves you so much, i'llbe right back, check this out.

male announcer: are youfeeling lost, broken, down on yourluck, or defeated? if you're looking forspiritual, physical, or emotional healing, godhas already ordained your supernatural and divine healing. you just have to askfor it and receive it. the question is, do you want it? gregory: jesus said onething, "do you want, do you want to bemade whole?"

"do you want to be made well?" "do you want to be made whole?do you want it?" in other words, jesusdidn't say, "can i do it?" jesus said, "do you want it?" jesus didn't say, "can i giveyou the breakthrough in your family, or thebreakthrough in your home, or the breakthroughin your finances?" he didn't say, "can i?" he said, "do you want this?

i've got it available. i've made it availableto you, but the real issue, the thing that'sthat determine whether you walk in it or notis do you want it?" we must make achoice to want it. we gotta want it.we gotta say, "i want this." and if your want-to isbroken, you gotta ask god for the want-to to want to. and if your want-toto want to is broken,

you gotta ask god for thewant-to to want to to want to. and if your want-to towant to to want to is broken, you gotta ask god forthe want-to to want to to want to to want to. but god will meet youwherever your want-to is. it's not, "can i do this?" it's not, you know,"hey, is it my will?" no, "do you want--is it your will?" god's question is,"is it your will?

do you want it?i want it for you. i want you well,but do you want it?" announcer: in hispowerful new series, "it is well," pastor gregorydickow will teach you all about god's supernatural healing. in each message, pastor gregorydickow will teach you how to receive the divine andcomplete healing you need in every area of your life. and pastor gregory dickow'sbook, "taking charge of

your emotions" will help youlearn all about god's strength and control when it comes toyour thoughts and emotions. this book will show you how tosimply control your emotions. never be a victim ofthe devil's lies again. for your best gift of $30,pastor gregory dickow's "it is well" collectioncan be yours today. when you order thiscollection today, your entire life will becompletely transformed. say, "goodbye," toyour pain and suffering.

those lies the deviltells you are no more. your healing andtransformation are here. god has already ordainedfor your supernatural and complete healing. don't miss out on yourchance to be changed forever, and when you order today,receive "the prayer of jabez" card completely free. this card will helpyou when you read it. as you pray the prayer ofjabez daily, it will help lead

you to your total lifetransformation, order now. gregory: well, youdon't want to nurse your pain, you don't want torehearse your pain. it's time to reverse your pain. you have a blessingover your life of healing. you have access to supernaturalhealing and transformation through what jesus did for you. and i believe you're going tobe overwhelmed with your healing and breakthrough today.

so, let me pray for you. heavenly father, i thankyou for your healing gift and your healing anointing. no matter what anybody'sgoing through right now, no matter what the viewer andmy friends watching are going through right now, youare the god who heals. you are still the sameyesterday, today, and forever. and i pray that their healingwould begin to manifest even now in jesus's name.

well, we're out of time today,but i'm so happy that you joined me and gave me theopportunity to share god's good news with you. and remember, godloves you, and so do i. don't miss our next broadcast. i can't wait to seeyou then, god bless. announcer: remember, pastorgregory dickow's brand-new "it is well" collection can be yourstoday for your best gift of $30. don't miss this opportunityto revolutionize

your life, mind, and soul. this collection will transformevery area of your life with the bible's teachings andhelp you experience god's best for your life. write, call, or order yourcollection online today.

Heal My Soul

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