(music) this year for christmas what are you hoping to get? a computer.big giant barbie house. a trophy case xbox 360. minecraft legos. what do youthink your mom or dad wants for christmas? my mom would probably want a ringshe's never really had a ring. jewelry she loves jewelry. a new tv. night watches. so we actually did buy an xbox 360. what in the world ? ok you you really got this for me? a new laptop. wow!
it's a necklace! so we also bought a necklace because yousaid you also wanted to get a necklace for your mom or your auntie the catch is that you can either get agift for yourself -- huh -- or you can pick a gift for your mom anddad i need you to pick one now now before you answer oh i bet that's hard is that a reallyhard question mm hmm what gift
do you pick? that's easy i gotta go with the ring. what gift do you pick? that one the dress. i choose this for my mom. i choose this one. it's a really tough question ... i'll give him this. you already know? tell me why. becauselegos don't matter your family matters not
legos not toys your family so it'seither family or legos and i choose family i get gifts every year from my family mom don't get anything. if i get a laptop my mom gets something. she helps me when i'm sick. she helps me with my homework. she gave me a house to live in they look out for me and do stuff for me so i need to give back to them. and i have an opportunity to give himsomething. because you actually picked the gift for your family
you're actually going to go home withboth. tell me how you're feeling? really happy and thankful. just happy t hankful.for your family? for everything he did make his decision actually andpicked the pandora charms. that's so sweet... you're going to make me cry! thanks guys!

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