top 20 best countries to live in 2017. every year popular magazines like forbes andthe economist releases list of the best countries to live in the world. the criteria for selecting the best countriesto live in and work depend on several factors. this includes the gdp of the country, thetotal population and of course, the quality of the life that the country provides. surely no one wants to live in a crowded countrybecause if something like zombie apocalypse (there is a possibility, right?) or worldwar 3 happens than such countries would be on hit lists.
also countries with alarming populations aremajor contributors to global warming and thus they do not make to the list of best countriesto live in for health. if you are one who is dreaming to live ina happy country after retirement then you are in luck as we made the list of best countriesto live in 2017. this list will be updated yearly where wewill add countries with low cost of living and good health care facilities will be rankedhigher above countries that are racist and costly. so here is our ranking of 20 best countriesto live in the world in 2017. 20: luxembourg.
luxembourg might come as a surprise for many. most people don’t know that there is a countrywith the name of luxembourg and many others won’t be able to locate it on the worldmap. this actually is a positive point. luxembourg avoids unnecessary media attention. the only downside of luxembourg is that itis a landlocked country so if you are a beach loving person or want to live near sea thenyou will be disappointed with luxembourg. however, politically, economically and financiallyluxembourg is among the best countries to live in.
luxembourg has a very positive image amongother countries and that is why citizens of luxembourg enjoy visa on-arrival access toaround 172 countries in the world. 19: switzerland. government of switzerland is called as themost transparent government in the world. switzerland favors freedom of speech. swiss people are among the wealthiest peoplein the world. this is because of the highest nominal wealthof every citizen. swiss city zurich was ranked as number onecity to live in the world by united nations. un even praised swiss government for the highquality of life that it provides to its citizens.
switzerland has a good policy towards immigrants. if you are considering settling down in thecountry then you will get a positive support from government. due to its economic stability and civic freedomswitzerland is cited as one of the best country also, switzerland is nicknamed as heaven onearth due to its exquisite natural beauty. it is number one honeymoon destination inthe world. 18: austria. most countries suppress women rights (that’sa fact) but austria empowers women with equality and freedom.
austria has been called as one of the bestcountry to live in for woman. this developed country has high standard ofliving and the gdp is one of the best in the world. also per capita income of austria is verymaking it one of the richest countries in the world. austria is known for its black coffee andyou will instantly fall in love with it. lakes and rivers of austria have cleanestwater in the world. austria has very low crime rate and illiteracyrate. 17: germany.
germany probably has the best infrastructurein the world. germans are technically sound and intelligentpeople, that is why germany is known for its advance engineering. apart from this germans are known for theirpositive views on life. the birth nation of hitler is known for theirparties and fest. oktoberfest needs no introduction and if youever visit the country in the month of october then you are in luck. you will witness the most amazing party ofyour life in oktoberfest. the living standard of germany is highestin the world.
germans are known for their love of footballand this is the only sport that drives them crazy. other times german are friendly and helpfulpeople. german is open to immigrants and is the secondmost favorite country for immigrants. germany advocates free education and has ahigh quality social and health care system. even though people can survive in this countrywithout money yet no one believes in freeloading. 16: portugal. experts believe that portugal will be thebest country to live in future. portugal conquered many territories in the15th and 16th century but today it is ranked
as one of the most peaceful country in theworld. with a gdp of nearly $230 billion, portugalis one of the most developed countries in it has a high income per person rate and thequality of life it provides is praised by several organizations and agencies all overthe world. portuguese believe in a society where everymember matters. they will make you will special and worthy. this is why portuguese is among the happiestcountries in the world and also has high rate of social progress. the nation is crazy for football and cristianoronaldo is like a national hero there.
15: denmark. most people criticizes denmark for being anation with high tax rates but one fact that they overlook is that denmark ensures itscitizens are paid high wages by respective companies. denmark is one the best country to live infor work and job. danish companies are known for providing friendlyand encouraging work environment where people can live and grow together in peace and harmony. no wonder denmark has been in the list oftop 10 happiest countries in the world from past 2 decades.
denmark is known for its greenery and theyare least affected by the global climate change. danish people are friendly and they do notdivide people on the basis of religion or race. denmark is global leader in human developmentand social mobility. 14: ireland. no one can deny the fact that irish cultureis one of the most popular cultures in the irish folklore that feature fairies, leprechaunsand castles are loved all over the world. in fact, ireland is known as the land of castles. there are so many castles in ireland thatyou will feel like living in the golden age
of empires. if you are a party loving person then youwould love to be part of irish culture. irish people are considered to be short temperedbut they are genuine and loving at heart. classic irish music is studied worldwide bymusic scholars. the nation is stable economically and financiallyand its citizen are among the highest paid workers in the world. 13: spain. spain is known for its romantic weather allover the year. spanish people are very friendly and lovepartying.
spanish is one of the most spoken languagesin the world and you will love learning it. other than that spain is known for its tastyfood. spain is a developed country and advocatesequality in education system and health care services. if you are looking for a country to settleddown after retirement then spain is one of the best country in the world. 12: netherlands. netherlands is one of the most peaceful countriesin the world. it strongly advocates equality among citizensirrespective of race, color, religion and
sexual orientation. netherlands has high quality of life and ranksamong the countries with highest per capita income. even though it is very densely populated yetit is known for providing quality health care services and education. netherlands has good infrastructures. netherlands is one of the best countries forstudents. 11: italy. italy was the home country of leonardo davinciand he was not the only italian artist to
leave a mark on the world. although leonardo davinci was the greatestpolymath, artist and scientist of italy but there were many other italians who followedhis footsteps and contributed to human development equally. in fact many people consider that the developmentof usa is mainly due to people of italian descent. rome (capital of italy) conquered the ancientworld and proved to be one of the most powerful empires in the world. roman empire had a huge influence on globalculture which can be seen even today.
modern italy is known for its high qualityof life. it is one of the most visited countries inthe world and italians are considered to be the most handsome men in the world.

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