The Essential Big Joe Williams [Double CD]

5:41 AM

[snaps]first things first. i do not care that you're a multi-platinum sellingrapper, gun rack. what i care aboutis that i, 100%, know that you murdereddarnell simmons. so,you better start talking. [dramatic music] ♪ [softly] yeah,but you ain't got nothing.

oh. uh, you know, i'm actually, i'm very gladthat you said that. because i--respectfully,i beg to differ. [hip hop musicon tape player] ♪ i killed darnell, yeah,i shot him with my nine ♪ ♪ i shot him nine times,9:00 p.m. on the dime ♪ ♪ and by the way,it was november 9th ♪ [music stops] that don't mean nothing.

i got a vivid imagination. i couldn't have shotdarnell. i was at my cousin'sbirthday party. red lobster, november 9th. - at red lobster?- mm hmm. geez, i got to tell you,gun rack, i find that really hardto believe. [music continues]- ♪ i got an alibi ♪ birthday,red lobster ♪

♪ when in reality i shotdarnell like a mobster ♪ ♪ it's a lie,anyone could tell this ♪ ♪ because i got an allergyto all shellfish ♪ just confess, gun rack. i confess that "shellfish"is the only thing that rhymes with "tell this". it's just words, detective. nouns, adjectives. that just happen to bein a dope order. ain't got no proof. [music continues]- ♪ shot up darnell ♪ with a long-ass gun ♪ and i tossed itinto the aquarium ♪ i have no ideawhat that object is. - i don't--- if i had to identify it, i would call it a gunof the long-ass variety. some seaweed in there, too.look, detective. i hate to break it to you.

i ain't kill nobody. [music continues] ♪ i stroke my chin real slowwhen i'm lying ♪ ♪ and i was laughing super hardas darnell was dying ♪ the name of the albumis i killed darnell simmons. - it's a concept album.- a concept-- that's a picture of you. a picture of you, and behind youis darnell simmons's body! coincidence.

you're going awayfor a long time, you understand? you're gonna confess if it'sthe last thing you ever do, you hear me, gun rack?i'll beat it out of you. - joe.- i'll beat it out of you. joe! he's free to go. what?no. no, no, no, no, no. we have everythingwe need. no, it was simmons'sgirlfriend.

she just confessedto the whole thing. infidelity.crime of passion. let's go, mr. rack. [music from tape player]- bonus track, bonus track. ♪ got a ride or die bitch ♪ i think you get the gist ♪ and when you let me out,i'm gonna blow a little kiss ♪ ♪ consider this my confessionadmissible in a court ♪ ♪ i killed darnell simmonsfor sport ♪

[laughs]♪ that's right, i'm a murderer - ♪ come and get me- hector, stop! ♪ you can't,come down the hall and get me ♪ ♪ okay, okay,you got me ♪ you got me, you got me. yes. whoa, whoa. damn.ow, ow!

The Essential Big Joe Williams [Double CD]

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