hi i'm freda payne. my name is linda clifford. hi i'm mary wilson of the supremes and i have a lot of goodies in my bag. ooh. nancy wilson. she is the best. i mean, i just love nancy. i do too. 'you're so late getting home from the office.' oh my goodness.
'did you miss your train? were you caught in the rain?' 'no, don't bother to explain. can i fix you a quick martini?' can i have... waiter! i think i'll have one with you. so nancy wilson is my very dear, dear friend and she's just the greatest, greatest vocalist in the world. absolutely. so i had to get nancy. my favorite thing that i found, which freda turned me on to last night. i had never heard this song, or any of these songs by thelma houston and this is the jimmy webb, where he wrote all those wonderful songs for her.
when was this done, in like 1969. i have to take this home. this is unbelievable. so i'm very happy. one of the cds i picked out was the antonio carlos jobim songbook and i'm thinking it's all him and his compositions and he's singing and playing and i looked on the back and it says stan getz, sarah vaughan, billy eckstine ella fitzgerald, my hero. and then oscar peterson. i said i'm getting this. mary did you grab the same thing? yes, i grabbed mine first. well i wasn't going to say that.
i've been talking about this billy eckstine for the last couple of weeks i don't know why, he's been on my mind for some reason. he was really cute. and i love me astrud gilberto. the brazilian music really started taking off here in america. i'm just a big fan of brazilian music, so i guess freda is too. i love brazilian music. ok so anyway i love... and shirley horn, you know. she did the best version of 'here's to life.' 'no complaints, no regrets...' you sing that too, right?
by the way i was playing your dvd this afternoon oh yeah? i love the way you opened up with 'here's to life.' yeah 'cause a lot of people were saying you should close with that song. it's such a beautiful song. i love that you opened with it. well thank you, and shirley horn of course has the ultimate version of it. and you look absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. thank you, this is my sister. we both from detroit. well, linda's from chicago.
hey that's my town. chi town, chi-town. i got relatives in chicago. ok, so that's one, now here's my story about this. it's muddy waters and i'll tell you why. i just finished a tour with bill wyman of the rolling stones, right. and the rolling stones, the beatles, and all those guys, they fell in love with the blues and every time i would tour with bill, he says, you black people don't know anything about the blues. and it's true because we've kind of moved on. our parents grew up with it. and i guess, for us, we were into rock and roll, so it's like
we kind of left the blues behind. well they picked it up in england. loved it. and so bill was telling me, you got to start listening to blues, so i'm starting to listen to blues again. and you know, hearing all these blues songs, you mentioned bill williams, no joe williams you know the song he made, 'well alright, ok...' 'you win, i'm in love with you, well alright.' well let me tell you about this story. when i was a little girl, probably five or six, my dad would play this song all the time. and then i didn't know this because i wasn't really into music. i just heard what he was playing. and then a couple of weeks later i started humming this song.
i'm like, wow i just made that up. i told him about it years later, y'know he just died laughing. but anyway i picked up muddy waters, because i'm gonna start learning about my roots again, the blues. and shirley horn who is someone that i absolutely love and i love her music. look at the cover. it looks like dinah shore. i know, doesn't it? because of the glasses. but she does the most beautiful songs. but wait, there's more. look, shirley horn. and on this one she does 'wouldn't it be lovely.'
'all i want is a room somewhere, far away from the cold night air.' yeah, that one, and she's got 'all through the night.' 'it's easy to remember,' 'do it again' so then i got horace silver and of course i knew horace silver back in the day when i went to new york and he was cute. but i liked his playing. these were his biggest jazz hits. 'seã±or blues,' 'the preacher,' 'doodlin'' 'sister sade,' 'filthy mcnasty,' and 'the tokyo blues.' mose allison. ok, going back. i can't help it. i found it.
i can't believe you found that. again, i'm going back to my roots. i guess, you know, when you get older you kind of go back and say you know, my mother was right or my dad was right. that's where i am, so mose allison. there's blues in the night. ok bill withers, bill withers, i love me some bill withers. oh lord. bill withers was also a friend of mine. we got to be y'know good friends. too much information.
well, not good, good friends. he was a good, really a good guy. really solid guy. he came to see me at lincoln center. really? yeah i did a show there and he came back to the dressing room, and i was like, bill withers. oh i love his music, i love his songs. he's a talented, blessed man. they're all male singers, do you realize that? i think i'm kind of the opposite. i have mostly women. oh, johnny hartman. gorgeous guy, gorgeous voice.
i mean, just a mellow, mellow, mellow voice. so i got this. you know, he did the one that i love, that gloria lynne did, 'i'm glad there is you.' and then... you have the same taste it looks like. yeah. shirley bassey. oh i love shirley bassey. 'goldfinger' hello. i love shirley bassey.
i absolutely adore her, and this is a collection, seriously. there's like 20 songs on each disc. she's dame bassey now, isn't that what she's known as? dame bassey, yes. so she's royalty, darling. royalty. well so are we, we're just old. and that, my friends, is what is in my little bag. that's it. i love it. thank you.

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