The Portable Kate Campbell

5:41 AM

we're all present and accounted for. i would like to reconvenethe meeting from closed session and with that i would like to report that thisafternoon during closed session the board unanimously voted to reject aclaim for injury or damage filed by delia castallon. the bird- the boardfurther instructed the district to relay this rejection- ms. castallon on as well as to keenon and associate for processing. so, with thatlet's please stand and i would ask daisy to lead us in the flag salute. 'i pledge allegiance to flag, of the united state of america. and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

all right. with that, per board policy twothree five zero any person may address the board at this time either on anagenda item for other matters of interest to the public that are withinthe subject matter jurisdiction of the board a maximum of five minutes isallowed for each speaker with a maximum of 15 minutes per item unless otherwiseextended by the board with that are there any public comments concerningitems that are on the agenda? are there public comments concerning items not on the agenda? good afternoon folks for those of youwho don't know me, i'm steve natoli i taught history here for 18 years and i've comehere to say goodbye

i'm- i'm retiring my teaching career of35 years and i want to thank you and commend you for your many years ofservice to the college to the constituents to the students to thewell-being of of our whole area really most of you been on this board for a lotof years and if it was a pleasure working with youi was academic senate president 2004 to 2008 that's been a long time ago now butas always you know there were there were contentious issues there we were at kindof a critical juncture and and we work together and we work things out we gotsome things done and we got things going on the right path again now always thankyou for the opportunity to do that and

lately working with stan thereaffirmation of accreditation back up there you know those were hot times youknow that was it was fun to be in the middle of that stuff i mean at leastlooking at it from afterwards it was fun to you know really as harvard but you'vegot to forget the pain afterwards but so yeah so i just wanted to come and saygoodbye we have accepted an offer on our home we have a condo in rancho bernardoin the city limits of san diego our first grandchild is down there and wewill be probably moving before the end of june and so you know just come to saygoodbye folks you're good folks it's been a realpleasure to be here these years and i'll

always remember you mr.zhou know if i may that during theyears that steve was president academic senate on welcome president is bored andhe and i had probably more exchanges that i had repeated for since with thispresident to have said it both of us had many opportunities to make the otherones efforts much more difficult for much easier in all cases would could beto the route you were very supportive of some things i couldn't explain to at thetime and and vice versa and i we like to personally thank you a lot for thethings you did to make this colleague fit i'd also like to thank you know whatjohn said that also discuss inking back

of all the times where you truly alwaysput the college above yourself you know even when times were real personal andwe all had issues if we took the heart a little more because they meant somethinggood for that so we worked on him harder longer however that was you learn alwaysjust click the college first even if you're it wasn't quite what you wantedand i think that's why the colleges that are office with the presidents like youwould truly look out for the students and the college and some of the personaldifferences aside i appreciate and will make you think steve thank you forstopping by a board meeting i certainly appreciate that i haven't been here aslong as some of my other colleagues but

this is the first time that professorhas done this and appreciative thank you rancho bernardoi'm so often you know all you hear from faculty is when they have a problem or agrievance or a gripe against you you know we all can use the pat on the backnow and then and you deserve it you really do the college is in good handsunder your leadership okay comments not on the agenda anyone elseokay if not we will move on to item six board and executive staff reports we'regoing to start with daisy going over to mike harrison who made it pregnant withabout 1350 metin's over 2016 terms that i studied school districts teen for andof course and i can even i can be really

hard on it it was turkey 8:00 a.m. to 2p.m. and to that great feedback to those on consent or even help out this kindalso help all my elections from 8 to 11 people are as followschange on remixing sent redness and sympathydarnell there will be presented by president isabella peaceful thecommissioner of activities are saldana will be here in your club the gavinpacheco with the commissioner of finance and as the tae-bo between target okayfair town versus body ambassador so there will be one up onlinemy thursday and wednesday and a position without taking a summer weekly there bysurgical method about giving me a we

have concert featuring to sp 30:19 isthat a weekly some set of 90m on to is very handy that be an awards banquet ormain thursday maybe from 5:30 p.m. to the livestock pavilion and sponsored bythe ad council to be our $15 to $25 and on threethe i department is larry's also making a video for the chances of the soil thatpartners and presented we had a couple of event going on that imagine healthawareness event main tent the otherwise resume workshops that conveys grabbingthe university website vivid and he left a chance to sell food and make somemoney and protect well done between a close eye on as always contact thepolice and also genitive had a

successful shepherd on the greatfeedback from that you have this after minnesota might know that the designback we have because i think everyone for begin surprise welcome union andhonored thank you great so looking on to transferring i supposeand yes after next semester i'm not able to increase index much because of aconflict of the class i think it is the only time again so i can't be presentedotherwise i was definitely running first again but yeah so yeah i'll betransferring after this after next film here you're hoping to go i want to gethere and got a college somewhere or glory okay we're good board memberreports starting to my left with mr. zum

wohl oh first of all you know we'rereally a weak leader than usual thanks of work for moving the meeting so what icould be on vacation a lot miss a meeting i will see how this initiativedid thank doing that also just as my information the friday before i left thelaw firm of tom sawyer's and conway he's a prominent legal firm in hanford andalso adviser to stand guard also amish is super-dense advisory group hosted aluncheon for a dr. cash grilled his wife so to say i was invited i could verifywhy because everybody there except me was ag interest all the various farmbureau's from about four or five counties were said that favors buildingthere

as well as improper farmers and theywere looking to form a group from our area to advise dr. castro on agriculturematters and it was more of a no specific goal set whose interesting five i'dinvited again i'll certainly build good i was fortunate enough to play in thepresidents cup golf tournament hell not believe islamic league we had 18 teamswe had a great time and it's really i mean we do raise good money but it'sreally good for the college to be out there as we call it a fundraiser also sothat was seven a fun time so too man i just wanted to mention that i had theopportunity to attend the year-end barbecue which was very well very niceand it was nice to meet some of the

staff that i don't normally see also thescholarship night that tim i think kind of ramrodded was was very very nice alot of money given out and we have a bunch of brilliant students at thiscollege and then this last week the honoring of the scholastic students andi was very interested to see we almost had as many male error as females sothat was nice and it was a very very nice function i'm just going to pick youback a little bit on earl about the csf lunch and just so you know i was at thehigh school award ceremony the other night and the number of csscincreasing every year due to the luncheon so it's really a support i meanit's working i think because students

did it and some would say where are yougoing today well i'm going to the luncheon well i did see yourself welldid you do it all you know whatever six semesters are well no am i well you knowso that word got around the last two years and so this year they took a lotlonger and the counselor even said what's going on and the kids in the icould hear them saying it's the luncheon we also today one of the gold cords toodon't get me wrong but the luncheon is become an incentive and i think that'shelped the advisors on the high school campuses quite a bit instead of having apets where the kids are coming to him now you just have to find them so that'sa good thing okay okay great i attended

the sail boat regatta last thursday i'msure cam is going to give us a live report on that so i won't bore you withany within the details we were fortunate we had great weather so with that i'llcall them just to foster for the foundation this one please once againyou folks help me out with my report and i really appreciate i appreciate all theengagement that you have in the community i'm glad we were able to giveyou some opportunities to do that and can you came out to our golf tournamentthe presidents cup as well and shook some hands and just some babies theretoo so i appreciate that thank you very much speaking of our scholarship nightwe did have that on may 4th and we just

our scholarship process this cycle woulddidn't all happen at scholarship night but during that cycle we awarded andmatched 464 scholarship awards to donors and for a total of four hundred and twothousand dollars so that's really good now some of you might go to scholarshipnights at a high school and they know we had seven hundred thousand dollars youknow they're counting all those scholarships those free ridescholarships and bekah this is our money passing through the cos foundation toour students we do have a lot more scholarships than that but we did havefour hundred sixty-five people in attendance this year and we had onehundred

seventy of them being students 220 beingguests and 75 donors coming and sitting at a table with their recipients andengaging in conversation and i think that was the highest value thing that wereceived feedback from our donors saying they love that opportunity to sit downand talk to their students it says simply just handing a piece of paper onthe stage so i think we're going to continue that format i mentioned to youlast last meeting that we came up with this new idea of directing some of ourscholarship applicants to other scholarship opportunities outside of ourscholarship mechanism well we did that with reach for kids as well reach forkids as a transfer scholarship they

award they award seventy this year theyawarded seventy two thousand five hundred dollars in three statescalifornia south carolina and texas because that's where they had locationsfor their factories or plant food factories it's well this year we didthis referral process they did have to go and our students had to go and takethat extra step of filling out their application but we facilitated 12 awardsat $2,500 apiece so $30,000 of that seventy two five came to see ustransferees and so that's the mechanism will obviously do again and again soit's another opportunity to get more money into our students hands even thosethat are transferring we did have the

cos regatta on the on the 11th we had 12boats we netted $12,000 just approximately twelve thousand dollarsthis year we had a low attendance about 55 people there so it was pretty smallintimate party but again we netted the money that we were looking for that12,000 is from essentially the net proceeds of the event but we also openup the opportunity to sponsor a starting block for $3,500 or lane lines for 500i'm sorry 400 dollars a piece and we raised another forty three hundreddollars in capital gifts on top of the 12 so far and we're going to continue tokeep raising that and the foundations are committed tomatching any dollars that we need to to

reach our goal for funding to pullenhancements on top of the renovations that are already occurring as we speakthe pool is being drained the last thing i wanted to mention is that we receivedword of a planned gift so a former ceo s critical thinking and english professorjack behringer wrote us into his into his will for the tune of $20,000 to justgive court scholarships that was the stipulation with scholarships heprofessor beringer retired from cos in 2003 and he passed away in november oflast year he also left us an entire vhs tapecollection to be given to our districts media department so we'll figure outwhat let go - that'd be it yeah i mean i

might be going onto ebay looking to seeto test the condition of all these papers yeah yeah but it turns out thereis a whole market for those and one okay we can do to turn that into likeresources for the media department don't get rid of it and really upcoming eventwe're out there september 22nd we have our crashed party and oktoberfest wehave our hall of fame tim maybe you can call mannequin pinkexam right i'm about ready to take them over to our storage space on campus andif they want to take apart our our stuff i have some victrola record i have aball what's the green one yes evening at the regatta yeah robinson dr. robinsonyes that was my

and she was so kind as to donate throughthe conduit back to the foundations precisely thank you very much for that yes yes headed by c virgin our former ceos on dacian board member his team took their team winnings and returned thatback to the college and so did and that caused second place to do the same witha team hyde and i guess they call themselves the wolf pack's of the wolfdo we need to get to the wolf pack okay i'm handing out a brief accreditationupdate the first thing is that our accreditation workgroup is continuing towork on our fall next year project that's going to include a marketingcampaign as educational information

feedback on the various drafts of thereport and preparing for our site visit for 2018 there are five faculty memberswho have been serving as our co-chairs and according to our contracts the yearbefore accreditation they get reassigned time and so they were jointly appointedlast week by the academic senate and superintendent president to serve nextyear in their continuing their roles dr. deborah noland dr. marla proc nell missann morris miss p record arrow and dr. sarah harris accjc have several updatesfrom them one is that they're looking for more faculty to serve onaccreditation site visit team especially librarians and we have two here rightnow so saying that but we share that

with our librarians and our otherfaculty we had the first meeting for the substantive change revamp and theinformation will be going into improving that process including streamliningclarifying definition and reviewing timelines their next meeting of theaccjc is june 7th through 9 and they'll be reviewing several of thepolicies that we discussed here last time and they have also not put outtheir slate of candidates for their 2017 election to serve on the commission andi have the list there they have a faculty administrator a rep from hawaiifrom lawton specific colleges and from the chancellor's office so brief updateany questions on accreditation thank you

okay she's my jitter before recognition i brought our studenttrustee daisy okay lady could we join me at the podium please just for a momentas daisy makes her way up here i think all of you are aware especially those ofyou who attend our board meetings somewhat regularly the additional timeenergy and work involved with a student who takes on the responsibility to bethe representative student to the board of trustees daisy stepped in at a reallyimportant time when there was an unexpected vacancy she was only able toserve half a year in the term because of what had happened it wasn't by any faultof her own but she did step in at a time

when in past years we weren't able tofind a student to do that additional responsibility so we never had to gothrough a period of time on our board meetings where we didn't have a studentrepresented here so on on my behalf i want to especially thank you for thatdaisy but then just in general we know the extra time effort and work involvedwith serving as a student member of the board of trustees so we wanted topresent you just with this small token of our appreciation to daisy bellbottoms student trustee spring 2017 in appreciation for your hard workcommitment and outstanding contributions as a student trustee

alright now we'd like to take theopportunity to introduce some new faculty we'll have some for you at thismeeting our main meeting our june meeting and our july meeting hopefullyto be able to complete all of our introductions of new faculty before westart the august fall semester as you know when you look ahead to our firstboard meeting it off in august it often coincides with the first day of classesand this fall is no exception so because of that we know it's pretty hard to getfaculty here on the first day of classes so we're starting our introductionsearly again to try to complete them all before that time so i'll turn it over todr. la serna who will introduce deans

and faculty great thank you so much andso we have the great honor of our pleasure i should say of hiring eighteennew faculty members this year and we have our first three to present to youtonight and so i'm going to ask brant davis and alison brianna to come up wehave a retirement with tracy myers retiring from swimming dive and so ourfirst faculty member we'd like to introduce i'm going to have brent davisintroduce our new slim dive coach good evening everyone it's my pleasure tointroduce alison brianna was our new full-time physical education and swimand dive head coach ali is is from our areas she was she was raised hereattended mount whitney high school with

a stellar swimmer there still owns somewyo records and some valley records and in the pool she went on from mountwhitney to receive a scholarship a full ride to usc and there was a lot of uscpeople here today including daisy but she was a part oftheir 1997 national championship swim team so she's that's a really rare featshe then embarked on a teaching and coaching career which included a stop atdos pueblos high school in santa barbara which is a state power in all theirathletic programs which it's a really reputable program spent some time inpasadena before coming back home really settling in at lv amante being theirhead swim and dive coach over there also

teaching english and winningchampionships over there so we're really honored we're really excited and justhappy that ally's joining our our faculty and our pe division and atcollege of the sequoias so i'm going to turn it over to allie and then maybe shecan say a few words thank you thank you brent and i just wanted to say i'm trulyhonored to be accepting this position as a full-time faculty here i consider itsuch a privilege to be back in my hometown giving back to the communitythat sculpted me and gave me so many opportunities in this world of swimmingand coaching and aquatics so i am i'm going to do a really good job for you ihave big plans and i'm really looking

forward to to working together with allof you guys as we move forward so thank you for this opportunity and one thing that brent didn't mentionis that ali has been we actually hired her as an english adjunct faculty memberfirst and she's been be teaching our dual enrolled class at wood lake highschool so in your area and so we really appreciate that work that she's beendoing and our next two that we're going to reduce we often have retirements atthe last minute and so last year we had that case and so we had to hire twofull-time temporary faculty members and both of the next two were full-timetemporary for a year

and now have gone to dinner food processtwice they went through last year they went through the full process again andwere selected as the full-time tenured track position for this year so thefirst one is emily campbell and i'm going to have mary katherine oxford fromour library director introduce emily hello i'm very excited to introduceemily campbell for you you guys have met her last year also as jennifer said shewas full-time temp here for last year and before that she was a year asadjunct so we've had the opportunity to work with her for two years and she'sbeen an amazing colleague her past experience was at fresno county publiclibrary and she grew up here in the

valley went to merced community collegeand really understands the importance of community colleges in this area and mostimportantly she's really built her career on bringing library services totraditionally underserved populations and really doing a lot of outreach tobring in more students or community members to use the library and it's herexperience and her passion and her compassion that make her a greataddition to a team so we're very excited to have her as a colleague thank you mary catherine and i just ican't express how happy i am to be here for the second year in a row just togive you a little bit of background on

my education and my work experience ihave about 10 years of library experience i've worked here at cof since2015 and then prior to that i was a librarian for the fresno county publiclibrary system where i worked in branches throughout the county i have amaster's in library and information science from san jose state and englishbachelors from fresno state and then i started my education at merced collegelike mary katherine said where i earned an associates in english i knowfirsthand how important the community college is as an institution and i haveto say how honored i am to be able to get up every morning and reallycontribute to that mission so i thank

you very much and i hope to have manymany years here thank you ok and our third person tonight i'll ask dr. sadrussell to come up and introduce our auto technology faculty member kidding me good evening trustees excitedto be up here to introduce you again to donnell as dr. lucerna mentioned hewould have been in front of you last augustas a as an emergency higher so donnell comes up from the from the privatesector earned an associate degree in automotive technology from fresno citycollege a number of years went directly into the the industry advanced hisskills to the highest level of

technician certification with bothgeneral motors and toyota he was an adjunct instructor for us forfive years before accepting that full-time temp position last year wewere excited to have him we're glad to have him he keeps busy with four kids acollection of play-doh the land cruisers diddles in and did i get right foot inlabor oh okay sorry everything from amateur radio torocketry to again anything else that is his four kids keep them keep them goingthat the other interesting thing is is he's very well published he's regularlypublished an automotive magazine so he's a he's not only an expert in his fieldbut he's considered a content expert as

well from from a publishing standpointso the last year and those few years before we've had a chance to observe himin the classroom he is phenomenal classroom presence tremendous amount ofengagement with students and mutual respect and all those things that welike to see in the classroom so we think he exhibits that energy and thatenthusiasm that will help us kind of rebuild the automotive program to to aprogram of excellence so why i'm so grateful and thankful to behere tonight again with all of you accepting this position i accepted itthe other day president kara's oh something i wasthinking recently of all the connections

that we have and there's so much thatgoes behind the scenes i was speaking with a another shop owner that knows acouple trustees that was saying oh yeah i know people on the board there andhe's working behind the scenes sometimes and sometimes he was he's the face ofhis business but we have those people that keep your cars running we have thepeople that such as myself who are teaching the new generation who's comingalong to do that we've got people that are in the background of people that areforeground people that share dual roles and those connections is just amazing tome how much there is connecting us all together i'm reaching out to thecommunity to the high schools to the

businesses a part of the automotiveservice council i'm a board member for our local chapter and making thoseconnections is very important to me and we have such a great support structurein you guys in the community i just appreciate all that that goes onat the college and at the community level thank you their industry and thepampers in him and one day he had write a discussion and matter who reached outto her but there's a really discussion going on the back to by outreachprograms and things that we can do to helpthat those folks are in the industry so that sounds very good absolutely icertainly appreciate all those all those

connections that are made by theautomotive program still viable with absolutely so we have the three localhigh schools in visalia altamont a redwood high school in golden west allhave very strong programs going very good industry support there's a councilthat meets four times a year to support them to support their work experiencethat they will do for their students and and dr. russell and i have beenprivileged to be a part of that though those that counsel and learning fromthem working with them as well so definitely good good movement forwardthere's they're revamping the porterville college high school i mean aportable high school not portable

college portable high school automotiveprogram so there are programs out there that are moving forward hanford andoutside of our counties as well admit to philly rail tulare needs some more helpif you need these are needs to push forward i know that's what i said yeahabsolutely any other questions okay wellcongratulations thank you okay so next we have an introductionaving a new manager who's not necessarily a new manager but new to herposition so if dr. shingle can join me i have the pleasure of introducing dr.donna shingle and with the retirement of cindy d'alene we had a moment torestructure refigure analyze the

position that of being that cindy hadand at that point we through our our processes determined that it wasappropriate to split that position out and hire an associate being to coverthat out nursing allied health physical therapy all of our health programs andso we did an internal search for that position and dr. shingle is our of pointe for that position and the position is the director of or the associate deanand allied health director so she will be the dean over or allied healthprograms director of physical therapy and then oversee our nursing program aswell so a little bit about john is she has a ba in exercise physiology from sanfrancisco state a ba mbs and physical

therapy from the university ofcalifornia san francisco a master's in educational technology and a doctoratein educational administration from the university of pacific so she has workedin hospitals and outpatient physical therapy for over 35 years as a physicaltherapist and she specialized in outpatient orthopedics and manualtherapy dr. shingle moved to visalia in 1992 and she owned and operated her ownprivate physical therapy practice for about 15 years before she began teachingat cos she started at cof in 2009 to develop our physical therapy assistantprogram and graduated our first class in 2011 and tomorrow night is theirgraduation for the sixth class and so

one of the things that i wanted to shareabout last year as we had for a class from last year a hundred percent of ourphysical therapy students passed their exams and a hundred percent were placedinto jobs and so that's pretty exciting and so we are really excited to havedr. shingle in her new position as associate dean and and i want tointroduce you to her and let her say a few words so well i humbly accept thisposition cindy d'alene is a hard act to followi'm glad i only got half of her job but i do feel like medicine is in a hugewhirlwind and being able to be a dean and associate dean just over the medicaleducation programs is really a privilege

for me and my goal really is just tomaintain and pushed forwards a great teacher that cos has in producing theworkforce that the medical providers in this area need and to keep our own localkids employed and educated here and as an employer i came to cos a few yearsago and beg lindy as a new dean to start a pca program and to her credit she sawthe vision and helped us bring it to pass so i'm really here on her shouldersand i just felt to do the good work that you guys have been doing in this areafor many many years so thanks for your company tiger and now your giant onceyou get a giant there's nowhere else to go all right talk about 100 percent 100percent of what how many to 25 are are

accredited in our cohort we're allowedto take 25 a year so if 25 is our cat greg 100% of that enrollment passed theexams of the state level and we're fully employed yes so 25 out of 25 and we havea new cohort rolling through yes we're good pass their national board so youcan't get a job without passing that test i understand that that once theypass that get their certificate i mean they go to like $29i'm our new grads we've just had a job fair on campus two weeks ago all of themwere offered multiple jobs and some of them are making anywhere from about 26to about 34 dollars an hour just out of cof the best part of my job is makingnew tax payers i pay a lot of taxes and

i would like to share that burden with you got it okay mr. president the lastitem on my report list goes along a little bit with the report that dr. laserna gave us on the accreditation update and just to inform you as a boardthat as we get ready to start this fall we're going to be not only writing ourself-study but right alongside that we're going to be developing the nextthree year version of our strategic plan and on in that strategic plan will bedeveloping we have commissioned for task forces and one task force each willgroup up during the fall semester and spend some time in a handful of meetingassessing evaluating and processing the

current status of each of the fourdistrict-wide goals so we've got those big overarching goals in our master planand to prepare for our next round of the strategic plan we're going to take eachone of those four major goals and break them down to be studied and discussed bya task force so that recommendations can come from those task force's for how wemight update those objectives then for the next three year plan in response tothose goals goal number four and area number four has to do withsustainability and it's the area that prescribes in our master plan all of thework that we do in our structures for participatory governance and fordecision making so when we talk about

sustaining cos 2.0 structures we talkedabout the systems we have in place right now to run the district governancesenate the academic senate the student senate the representative committees inthe ongoing assessments of their effectiveness changes to those processesand improvements in those processes embedded in that is a responsibility onthe part of the board to play the role that the board does in the work towardaccreditation and so you'll recall in the last several years we've built inthings like the accreditation report every board meeting the tie toaccreditation standards and to strategic plan objectivesevery time we're presenting budget or

program goals and so on so to that endwe have a group for a task force for that goal area number for sustainabilityset up for the fall and because it involves the governance structures wewould like to have a board member volunteer represented on that task forceto join in that work with us refresh my memory dr. la serna it's about how manymeetings and i know time frame is first semester but the taskforce work yeahthere will be a workshop training at the beginning of august so will be a threehours i think it's august 10th and then it'll probably one or two about twomeetings a month september october and november and then we'll end in novemberand there's a there'd be a summit there

will be a academic senate summitseptember 29th it's a half date as well and we can make it arrangements forcalling meetings and things like that can't be present okay so with thatunless i would be happy to volunteer to serve on the on this committee if notunless it again any other board member hannahb jia yuhas insurgency going in you up in a certain so no i was going to say it allback you up if there's a meeting you can't go to and you want toand i'd be happy to fill in for you if you needed ever that that worksabsolutely okay so that is if that is acceptable then that's the way you willgo all right thank you jenna

okay reports academic senate willforward an update i don't see dr. tremble here today and i don't know thatshe has a representative here okay so we will move oncasta report update do we have a representative from cuesta today thatwe're not all right csa report not one is orange shirt water drip i didn't wantto quickly thank everybody involved with appreciation there any world for comingand that all the people involved yes i want a imposter before i am fit for guysget 9xe down is always such a huge help on all these events we do around incanvas and just one concluding appreciation earth as a scholarship forthe next night i insist a pleasure

working in in i thank him for all thework just thank you sir okay next on the agenda is a kassapa report and i see mr.nakamura is here with us today thank you all right moving down to informationitems instead good evening i know you're really excited because the seniormanagement teases me and says i bring these quarterly updates like 9 or 10times a year i got quarterly therefore yeah but it'sthat time again let's see november february may and thenwe close out the following september but quarterly update for march 31st we dothis to just remain accountable for our budgetand if you look at the spreadsheet that

megan has open there on the screen youcan see just basically we bring our changes to you monthly between april andmay there were no changes in revenue for unrestricted but to the right-hand farright column there was a hundred and five thousand change in restricted thatwe'll talk about in a minute and if you scroll down just a touch stay in thatfirst variance which is unrestricted expenditures only increased by eighteenthousand a bottom number on the in the middle there and then when you go to therestricted side you'll often hear me say we always balance our budget revenues toexpenditures so as the revenues increased five hundred and five 572 asbusy expenditures and then if you scroll

on down every month we do bring a budgetupdate to you folks even if it's just in consent there but we have the seventeenthousand nine ninety eight was our increase and it's a decrease actually inexpenditures so our current surplus in our general fund unrestricted right nowis two hundred and thirty eight thousand eight hundred and nineteen and then sorest of this documents simply so if anyone ever wants to know what if weadopt in our budget what did we change and why did that change is all listedthere and you can stop right about there megan the restricted changes of underand five thousand that i mentioned are the bottom of that first section thereand it just simply was a cpe advanced

manufacturing and allocation increasefour hundred thousand and a small cte increase of five thousand and thensubscribing on down all the changes we've covered the very last sectionyeah right there shows just in this last month if you add up all those items youhave an $18,000 decrease in expenditures which then increased our surplusaccordingly and you see some big numbers going back and forth here so the millionand eight you'll actually see a little bit later with a transfer but we havethat reflected the revenues coming in for the hansard one-timeand moving that from what we thought would be a capital to where we plan tonow transfer it out

so usually those items will miss so anyquestions on that particular report okay the next to that we have are simplyprojections at this time at this point of the year the first is for ourunrestricted general fund revenues and when you look at the left column is whatdid we adopt a fifty five point five nine million dollars in revenues ourannual projection at this point our working budget would be fifty-sevenpoint eight seven million and then the collected is simply a point in time butwhen you look at the net annual change really there's only two large componentsthe two million at the top there is the state revenue total main components arethe 1.2 million for hanford cents that

we see it achieved center status andthat 865,000 a little below that which was our mandate cost reimbursement soyou folks you trustees are very familiar with that because we've broughtexpenditure plan to you yeah we've spent it already other things were just someother local income non-resident tuition and interest came in a little strongerthan we had budgeted so they described that below the last report is oursummary of expenditure estimates and if you'll scroll just a touch more you canget to the totals there at the bottom the adopted is our first column ourworking budget is where are we at this point in time with our budget and thenannualized projection takes what did we

have what did we expend by march 31stand if you took an average april may june from last year what would we expendso you can see a bottom of variance working budget the total the variance ofwhat we project to what our budget is currently there may be 1.5 million gounspent it's comprised of a lot of different components if you might recallhave with my b having been here almost four years now i've realized that thisdistrict tends to have a between a million andmillion guns been per year a lot of different components to that i actuallybroke the largest ones down if you're at all interested that the largest here arebenefits and then the services we're

actually hoping quite a bit of that maybe extended by the end of the year but 867,000 we were low on legal fees thisyear we have instruct some instructional contract services for dual enrollmentcosmetology electricity came in lower this year bad debt expense actually willbe booked but it shows as unspent they're things like that armagh you knowwe just have these items our mall is used to be 250,000 but we carry overevery year and step we're trying to encourage people to spend that it's downto one hundred and nine thousand so and another fifty thousand is there from theone-time hansard funds for handford events so you might see that go andspend for a few years as we chip away at

back so feel free to ask questions whichis easy that's a good sign this year yeah it can you know you can havesystems that what comes your way you can have fears that are over and yoursurrender at the next report yeah yeah and the next report is split into twosections that lift all of our funds general fund is that we mostly focus onin the left column but it has all of our other sons and the top section showswhat's happening with the fund balance at this point in time march 31st bottomsection shows where's our cash and you do have it all the way to the subtotalyou might go a little lower at the bottom there andi'm just going to point out let's see

our fund balance for general fund atthis point in time is almost twenty million in our caches likewise twentymillion we're in a really healthy place for a general fund the only two thingsthat i'll mention third column in farm special reserve you can see the fundbalance there in the top section went down by about four hundred and eightythousand and that was just expenditures that we've made on our almond trees andour almond acreage that in the middle you see our bank leaves and it's alittle odd to see an eight hundred and fifty four thousand dollar decreasethere about auditors came to us as we closed our year last year and they saidyou know we don't we actually feel this

would be better reflected as a liabilitythan just cash shells in this fist fund so it's simply moving it from from anassets i mean the cash to a liability there so that's why the fund balance islower liabilities higher so the good news is pretty decent cash in all of ourfunds nothing that we're really worried about i could hear this let me get funbalance it wasn't it was fun balance so they are now i got to get my debits andcredits their credit ii their debiting some balance and crediting a liability ibelieve yeah yeah in that particular family oh you said earlier you heard himto spend that money oh you are back on sorry ma neverthat is really bad when i'm in the army

because i can't get back here yeah youknow medic ellen yeah so this is prior report medical administrative activitiesyou as a board have just heard us year after year talk about our carryover andit used to be 250,000 the whole program is closed now the federal government'snot funding it we're not participating other than there might be i don't know idon't even think we have old claims out so we've received our final allocationsprobably three or four years ago for mom and and it was allocated to departmentbased on what activity they had reported and claimed but we just they just carryit over every year no they aren't really spending it so we remind them and ifwe're spending it down so okay yes till

the next oh so the next item is our quarterlyfinancial report we call it here for community colleges occ ff 311 q if thirdquarter march 31st remember see megan if you want to go tothe next page it's a pretty simple report and you do see it quarterly thefirst column is actual 1314 second is actual 1415 third is 1516 and then welook at our current year sixteen seven projected the date this just looks atthe unrestricted general fund just to mention you can look at the top line therevenues we've just been marching up every year as the state funding hasgotten better one of the things i'll

mention this budget was built i believeat ninety six eighty you scroll down just to touch the annualized ftes andthat's far right column we're now going to close the year at 9700 we have notfinished start counting but that's about our best estimate right thereso that was yeah that well we started at ninety four hundred so we have hadregular yeah but you'll see a next four hundred thousand that's not reportedhere our revenues over expenditure see far-right in march it with 222 youjust thought earlier now it's to 38 i believe and then down at the bottom yousee fund balance and ii of 12,000 898 that at the time was twenty two pointfour percent you as a board adopted a

priority of the state average the stateaverage for 1516 was twenty two point five and probably will be a littlehigher for 1617 as we close i anticipate this will be 25 or 26 percent so we'rein a good place there as well and your life stds we just are continuing to growat least last couple years and we have strong cash back compared to four yearsago when we only have three million at this point which wouldn't even say i'mtrying to think whether that's less than two weeks of payrolls and that threemillion so at least we can make anger we can make about three months of payrolland anyway be next section four is under it's basically the exact same items butthe second column shows our current

budget and it shows our actualsyear-to-date so i i don't pay a lot of attention to it because it's just atthis point in time where are we but the current budget is what we'vetalked about just on the prior screen and then we just go through and answer afew questions and how's the district settles in the employee contracts duringthis quarter narrows did we have any significant events forthis quarter no and do we have any significant fiscalproblems that must be addressed with your next no that is our totally workfor your information the time we borrowed money to make favorso with that we are moving on to the

consent calendar all items listed on theconsent calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion anitem may be removed from the consent calendar at the request of any member ofthe board of trustees any person in the audience and considered as a separateagenda item so with that we have any items that need to be pulled from theconsent calendar today if not i would accept a motion for a full roll at theconsent to motion the second for approval in the additional discussion isnot all those in favor please signify by saying aye aye opposed motion is carriedall right that gets us true action items on 12 curriculum solution

hi everybodyyou have before you that curriculum report for this month it has beenapproved through the processes of the curriculum committee and academic senateand it's recommended that the board approve the attached list on the firstpage you have three new courses in our ict program program and our learningskills then next at the bottom of that page begins the modified courses andthose go on to the next page most of these are modified for their two-year orfive-year review course descriptions out learning outcomes course content samething as page three meets these are all modified courses all for their five-yearreview page four continues with the

modified courses you see there's anumber of pe courses because five years ago was when repeatability came in andthey had to redo all of their courses so they're up for five-year review sothere's a lot of te courses in there and page five again five-year review forspanish and work experience courses the bottom ofpage 5 is modified programs we have three modifications all up for two-yearreview and five-year review and on the last page all modifications to programstwo-year and five-year review new question motion a second for theapproval of the curriculum report additional discussion if not all thosein favor please signify by saying aye i

propose which are scary all right verymuch i had one comment we do really still call it step aerobics that seemslike this agape is hirsuta yeah we have their open set hundreds of images oflabor is nasa graduated college but that's kind of you don't hear that toooften anymore together scrum see with your yeahthey're in a size thing you guys are nervous that i know that much about thatokay i'm thirteen more policies second read these three qualities are beforeyou for a second reading and consideration of your action to approvethe first is board policy five-o five-o and student services and you can seethrough the strikers and the new

language underlined involved that thispolicy is essentially changing language from what used to be referred to asmatriculation at the state level see what is now the student success andsupport program and eventually making sure that this policy is up to date withthat new language and terminology the next one board policy 5110 similarly isa policy that we've had in place regarding counseling and the only toughdate when this one came through was change from the reference of college tothe term district and then the last one to the new boardpolicy that's been developed and is before you now for final approval youmight remember that as of january 1st

2017 new law requires that we have aboard policy in a place specific to this issue debt issuance and management andwe needed to have this vpap through the process and approved in order to be ableto carry on our activities and actions regarding bond sales issuance of debtand debt management which we're going to see later on the agenda this evening soany questions if not me to report you for a second and final read and ourrecommendation is action to approve motion and a second to approve the boardpolicies as enumerated five oh five zero five one 10 and 61 p.m. is there anyfurther questions or discussion if not all those in favor signify sorry i'm allright those motors gary thank you very

muchokay we have over 1400 years ago he literally worked for the schoolorganization projects yeah loose i'm not mr. woods he is home very sick so iapologize that i get to carry this one forward tonight the district did go tobid for our pool renovation you might recall we had four point nine millioncome our way one-time mandated cost in 1516 and from that we allocated 750,000for this pool renovation project we saw those cost creeping up a bit and thisyear from our additional eight hundred and sixty-five thousand in one-timemandate cost reimbursement we allocated an additional fifty thousand that'seight hundred thousand the project scope

grew even a little bit beyond thatmostly due to a da americans with disabilities act requirethat really have stepped up the last few years so we did go to bed we had tworesponsibilities have one that was a no-show and that's attached but the lowkid was our second bidders california commercial pools for eight hundred andseventy five thousand and wanted you at the board to know that we are going touse some additional funds from our capital projects funds we have if younoticed when i brought those prior budget updates we have over five millionin capital projects but about 1.3 to 1.4 million of that is our undesignatedtherefore extra needs or emergencies so

we're going to use a little extra tocover this overage and a little bit of the design cost and we are seeking yourapproval of that yeah you know yeah i think what there's a lot of localreason when we did pools in my former districts directly it was almost alwaysthere were about four or five statewide that did full pool construction andwe're able to bond it constructed chill experience they weren't from our areathese guys have been checked out because well i do yeah they're the they're thetop providers in that industry and you can see on the bid sheet they had tosubmit all these documents that are the documents required for them to bequalified for this so we know this is

really been a full reconstruction withthat this isn't even fully reconstructing the pool this is thedecking and then the new liner but it's not like we're kids won it out andreally rebuilding the pool it would be even more are giggling from all of this yeah yeahyeah we have an emotion in a second for the approval of the vehicle yeah coolrenovation so with autism for the questions or discussion if not all thosein favor please signify by saying aye opposed motion carriesand we're on our way and as you said that's going to start pretty quick thankyou for approving because the

jackhammers are going right now so idon't know no i don't i think we'd range we set the word ringing that yeah ithink they'll start as soon as we have to find this and get them going throughtheir videos what in fact is the water sports program i know mr. davis said ishould ask you that's okay we've worked really closely with athletics and ourwater sports and the pool is cleared until i think september early septemberso anyone who we train over the summer they would anyway do you think somethingelse's facilities plexus oh yeah if they were going to be training over thesummer they don't always train all summer long if they were gonna betraining over the summer that would be

using our pool well we'll do now is makearrangements for them to train in one of our neighboring facility as well as ifwe get in a bind we i mean the folks in our area know that we're going throughthis i think everybody supportive of it there's a number of nice pools invitality if we needed to partner and so we have fallback position for a practicepractice four camps and stuff to go swimmingtoday yeah those those have had his mind goes we've all been communicated to andsort yeah some of the rec teams as well sothey they're distracted my way yeah well and she coached and taught ofld who though alright very good here i

believe on for the next as well todayitem 15 tremendous transferring funds and crambles projects and this is aresolution yeah and i'll just explain it a little bit we are coming to youtonight to transfer funds to capital projects account we're going to be heretonight and then again in june we have another transfer that we'll be seekingapproval for but this tonight is primarily the million dollars that itcame from the hanford one-time funds and you'll recall it was a million to i havethe whole list but there were literally about 17 items that our facility orconstruction related so we're requesting those funds to be moved and then inaddition to that there was at the time

he just worked out well to combine thesethere was 867,000 made available to ourinstructional council and for instructional equipment for all ouracademic programs that went through the process of allocation they happen tocall that above base as well because one time but one of those was a fairly largeconstruction they're going to create an outdoor classroom space for physicaleducation just outside the door to the weight room and and they're behind themariposa building kind of on your way to the pool and the track so we want totransfer that seventy five thousand five hundred and the total is a millioneighty thousand five hundred seventy

that we would need to to approve theresolution to transfer questions of discussion it were told bytouching in german all about that but it feels like we buy we trash with millionsand millions is waiting all video every second chancekristin has been waiting all meeting for a second chance all right so the nextitems on the agenda items 16 17 and 18 have to do with the resolution thatotherwise we have issue one glass the obligation bond reflexes like the sameyeah all mark farrell is going to come join us i'm going to give you kind of abrief introduction and then especially if you have specific questions he'll beable to answer those but as you know

we're seeking authorization forrefunding of the serie c from hanford campus sorryit was risk these were originally a on hanford amc on visalia and a on tularethey're going to get new names when they're refunded 16 item 16 will be toapprove the refunding bonds for series c on the hanford campus item 17 will be toapprove the refunding bonds for series he for tulare i'm sorry these aren'tembeddable order 18 will be to approve the refunding bonds for series be in thevisalia area and you can see the related amount and i'm just going to try and letyou know what's in these packets we have three packets the first packet has alittle more information we didn't want

to replicate those for each item andtheft my pls down there that's not good apreliminary official statement but hanford was originally issued in 2006tellurian visalia originally 2008 these particular bonds show you know as yousaw some some significant savings if we refund so what we want to do is seekyour approval tonight you did ask at the last information meeting if we might beable to guarantee 1.5 percent savings or more from the average interest rateoriginally to the refunding and i do have a slide i'll show you a littlelater but we're looking at closer to two percent i think so in this packet youhave the resolution that's about 19

pages want to note that if souls thiswill be sold as a competitive sale i'm not a negotiated sale and if you'll justscroll down real quickly and then i'll let mark join themwe have exhibit b notice inviting proposals for purchase of bonds then youhave the form of the preliminary facial official statement which eventually willbecome the official statement it will be a very large document it's the longattachment we also have the the form of the continuing add disclosurecertificate and i wanted to mention that later after some of these documents wehave and we'll get to that but we have the projected savings included and theni also included something that we had

brought to you about a year ago at thistime when we were considering refunding it's our internal management both tim onlong security financing disclosure policies because having the board isresponsible that we're meeting all our financing disclosure requirements andthat's part of the huge packet but if you wanted to scroll to the back youcould see what we're saying that we are we are requirements that we're meetingin this process is it okay if i have the schools of grapes real quickcould you go okay well you go past all the fine print and so you're going toget to see and see so probably about 30 pieces marks youwant to come up and you get this

guarantee or you're getting close okaythere you go per bennett that was it yeah okay you want to share it's going alittle bit i can share a little bit so as christine mentioned were refundingfor series of prior bonds from all three ss ids and as of last week or maybe twoweeks ago may 5th looking at the difference in interest rates for thehansford bonds we're looking at a reduction of about 1.75 percent and thenfor visalia and tulare about a reduction of 2% for hanford saves about 2.7million dollars to taxpayers for visalia we're looking at about 3.7 3.8 milliondollars in savings to taxpayers kind of based on estimates two weeks ago and intulare about 2.2 about two and a quarter

mine so all told with all threerefinancings are and the 3sf id is about 8.7 million dollars of savings totaxpayers a very significant dollar amount of savings to taxpayers we arescheduled to get the ratings hopefully on wednesday of this week so christinehad conference calls with us and moody's and standard & poor's a week or two agocalls them very well and your budget report from earlier very strong financesof very easy conversations with the rating agencies and the district alreadyhas a rating with standard & poor's plus this will be the first time that we'llget a rating from moody's or coming our fingers crossed that maybe we'll get alittle bit of higher rating from moody's

and potentially even an upgrade framefrom poor if that happens that will helpbring the interest cost down even lower so you more savings to come here soobviously be able to share that information with the board at the nextboard meeting and if all goes well we'll get the political statement out onwednesday or thursday of this week do the competitive sale next week andthat's where bit out the bonds and they fill out every investment bank to offerto buy the bonds and will select whatever investment bank gives thelowest interest rates to the district and financing would close the mid-juneso and that really wants to bonds are

sold in about a week that'll lock in allthe savings to what we've typically helped our clients through has helpedput together a press release to you know kind of share the good news withcommunity kind of a high level to talk about savings they generated it's hardon a on a per taxpayer basis is a saving don't miss as you as water to use yourtax but they'll see it on the next page you know that this saving you know onthe tax bill you know will lower you know anywhere from $1 to $2 per hundredthousand so depending on which area of the ecology live in a hanford has alittle bit of a higher dollar amount of savings on the tax rates also and justgot a little smaller such values about

two to three dollars they're about adollar or so in visalia and then about a dollar and it fluctuates depending onhow much savings are in every particular year so it may not be readily apparentto the taxpayers they look at their tax bill year to year but will definitelyhelp put together a press release that you could send out yeah i might yeahthis is one of those things great what we're just going to have to sleep alittle better at night because we will get a press releasewe've done this before right we'll have something that you know college trusteebig action to save taxpayers eight million dollars you know it's not badnews so the time delta and get a print

it and and then because it's such asmall it's so such a small tangible in your actual tax bill he may or may notrecognize it so we'll figure out a way to do our own communications online andotherwise to make sure that we then we get a little bit of a splash for theaction because i think it's an important message that our community should knowwe worked hard to save an eight million dollars that certainly certainlywouldn't hurt your reelection campaign how will you say that your to make sureyou say going this proviso yeah yeah there you go can i get it yeah then youwill get new news fired up so any other questions well they're rather resolutionwe need a roll call vote okay i don't

know how to tell you is we're going tostart with resolution 2017 0-5 which is silly scene for him solely motion in asecond to adopt resolution 2017 - 0 5 would you please hold the board presentmo chuckie sherman be part of us try pressing man all right that's mehi all right bananas the proof will move on to resolution 2000 2007 to 0-6 whichis seriously pivotal area including district 23 move the second if noadditional questions almost like that ruffy sherman tuffy man allright exam all right all right that one because you have to be food resolutionmath 2000 1707 series d by cillian improvement district number to move thatmotion them a second for approval and

will help the board hold what yet yeahjesse sherman alexie them all happy car does that are 50 man all right back onthe genetics alright thank you very much mr. carol thank you guys name that'salways someone to do thank you mike alright with that we are down i believeto the last item 19 sabbatical leave request and okay so you see in yourboard packets of beatings again tonight a wreath the middle of the singlesabbatical that was reviewed and approved by the faculty enrichmentcommittee for the year 2017 18 coming up effective fall semester sex has approvedthe sabbatical as proposed by christine in the math department you are familiarwith the general outline and intent of

this sabbatical based on the sabbaticalreview we did and then the board took to redirect thesabbatical process back to effect and the board to be responsible for fundinga single sabbatical for the s coming year this is a sabbatical approved bytech your approval of this evening our recommendation is to approve based oncontext selection and then it would enact the process between the districtand this faculty member to complete the additional sabbatical documentationthat's required and so you may still see additional documentation coming throughas an employee going out on a koli that would be on consent agenda but it wouldbe associated with this approved

sabbatical separated all right we have amotion a second called a kubo of the sabbatical one request i'm going furthera portion in discussion members if not all those in favor please signify bysaying aye aye motion it is a group listen thank you all very much for yours and with this i think everybody okay everybody to turn left have to be as thank you very much and i will miss thenext meeting so first align my spreads and we'll be in charge

The Portable Kate Campbell

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