The Outsider

5:41 AM

listen to the words of that video. here's to the crazy ones... the misfits... the rebels, the troublemakers... the round pegs in the square holes. we're supposed to be different, folks. and when people look at us... believe in yourself. self confidence... without that skill - and i use the word skill intentionally - without that skill, we're useless! i use the definition of 'self confidence' to be :

the ability or the believe, to believe in yourself to accomplish any task. no matter the odds, no matter the difficulty, no matter the adversity. the believe that you can accomplish it : 'self confidence'. i use the word skill, because... i believe it can be trained! repetition, repetition, repetition... there's no magic button! get out there! do what you 'wanna do and do not accept 'no'! we all have this negative self talk, that goes in our head. guess what?!

there's enough people that are telling us we can't do it. that we're not good enough. why do we want to tell ourselves that? we know for a fact that thoughts influence actions. why do we want to say that negative self talk to ourselves?! we need to get our own self affirmations! muhammad ali... what was his self affirmation? 'i am the greatest!' i am the captain of my ship and the master of my fate.

that is my affirmation. if i don't say it - if i don't believe it - no one else will. get away from the people who are tearing you down. there's enough of that! muhammad ali : 'i am the greatest!' ther is no one better than me. i'm 'gonna show you, how great i am! i got a question for you guys... what did you 'wanna be, when you grew up? it's something we ask kids all the time...

and i asked this to twin eight year old girls in a homeless shelter waiting room once. what do you 'wanna be when you grow up? and they said : 'a worker... at the grocery store!' and that's when the other twin said: 'no... the hardware store pays more.' now... these where two kids, eight years old, remember, these where two kids... that could unscramble the word 'zygomorphic'. and their life dream, that big goal, that big aspiration they had for themselves... was to work at the hardware store 'cause it pays more than the grocery store.

i told 'em what i thought was the truth... and that was they could be whatever they wanted, the world was theirs! first off... i really think 'believe in yourself' is number one. you know, believing you can be something, even when you're not - at the moment. even before i go to bed, i visualize... you know, things i want in my life. second... is never giving up. you know, a lot of people... things happen, you know - bad - in life and... they... that's where it ends for them.

for their dreams, or - you know - even having a normal life, just letting things go downhill. i mean that could happen for any of us. but i really think the main thing is never to give up... no matter how bad things seem at that time. 'i don't 'wanna go...' i... i like to surround myself with positive people and people who have... you know, dreams and aspirations, to be something... more than the average... you know, people. i want a lot of things in life... and i'm nowhere near where i 'wanna be.

i still... you know, working hard every day to... to have the things i want... and look the way i want and be happy and all that kind of stuff. you probably woke up to an alarm clock, not an opportunity clock! can you do it? do you believe you can do it? will it work? is it worth it? and it's all in how you see it!

really! it's all in how you see it! it's how you communicate to others and how you communicate to yourself. and some of us get stuck there! we're stuck! i'll do it myself! i don't need you! when you perceive choice, you perceive motivation. you're more motivated. so the deal is, for yourself, sit back and reflect, be mindful about the choices you have. and talk about being a success seeker, rather than a failure avoider. it's all how you talk, how you communicate to yourself and to others.

we can always learn from each other. we need to have the humility, to accept feedback... and the courage to speak up. and we need to help each other feel self motivated. how? give 'em the perception of competence. teach 'em about consequences drive us! you know?! let 'em perceive choice. and let 'em know, it's community.

we're all in this together... and we need each other. thank you.

The Outsider

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