hey guys i hope you're having a verygood great day my name is k kris, in this video iwant to talk about good days and bad days so sit right tight let's get started nowlet's just consider a great day that you had not a good day a great day because asyou know great days are better than good so let's get a great day suppose we haveyou know a wonderful time in school or office you know you met you knowbest friend may be going to work or someplace else you're probably having you know yourfavourite food for dinner that would you know
really make my day and you know basically you are having awonderful time so you're having a great day basically you had a great day andall of you know when you go to bed you feel really great you hope that you knowthe next day would be the same as you know the the day with your had today but then when you wake up the next dayyou're you know you feel you you feel as if this is not going to be as great astoday or any greatest the previous day but you hard now going to feel that, wellthis happens to a lot of people yes one day might be great the next day mightbe the exact opposite
a very bad day yeah great days and baddays they all happen all the time bad days you know they suck i knowbecause i've had a lot of bad days everyone has a lot of bad days thendon't be the, they will tell you each and every one will tell you that bad daysare you know as the name suggests bad but then like so important for good daysand great days, bad days you know they actually play a huge role in making yourday or making that good or great day even more special i mean why is success so you knowwonderful or so satisfying in the first place
it's because you went through so muchhardships you climb so many obstacles actually get tothat end point for all your efforts for all you know the failures you overcame andthen you finally reach that success that's why it's so special if you had itovernight it wouldn't be as special i think that theory basically applies to thisas well the reason why you know there are bad days i think it's because life wants yourgood days to be even better than having good days alone is like you know i don'tknow it feels really stupid to have you know good things alone happen all thetime
i don't know about you maybe you knowyou feel different but i think that you know having too much good days too manygood days in a row makes you feel overconfident and also you take thingsfor granted you you expect things to happen that way even though you're notworking towards it so i don't think that's that's you know a good thingbecause when you actually face an obstacle in the future you're gonna fallflat on your face and i don't want that to happen to me and i don't think lifewants that happen to you as well i think that's why there's you know bad day's or you know bad incidents and all to basically balance your life it is yourlife doesn't want you to be too
one-sided so i think that's where there's bad wherever there is good as well well guys those are just my thoughts ofgood days and bad days i hope you find it useful, if you did smash that like button please subscribe if you want more until next time you guys take care and i will see you soon

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