we were lovers for thefirst time running allthe red lights the middle finger wasour peace sign, yeah we were sipping on emotions smoking and inhalingevery moment it was reckless andwe owned it, yeah, we were high and wewere sober we were on and wewere over we were young andnow i'm older
but i'd do it all againgetting drunk on a train track way back, when we tried ourfirst cigarettes (oh) ten dollars was a fat stacki'd do it all again (oh) bomber jacket and asnapback your dad's blackhonda was a maybach (oh) "re: stacks" on the playbacki'd do it all again we were lovers on a wild ridespeeding for the finish line come until the end ofour time, yeah started off as a wildfire
burning down thebridges to our empire our love was something theycould admire, yeah, yeah we were high and we were sober we were on and we were over we were young and now i'molder but i'd do it all again getting drunk on a train track ten dollars was a fat stack i'd do it all again (oh)bomber jacket and a snapback
your dad's black honda was amaybach (oh) re: stacks on the playbacki'd do it all again stack stack, stackstack, oh ok ... speed speed, speedspeed oh oh... stack stack, stackstack, oh oh... stack stack, stack stack...

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