Raised in Muddy Water

4:41 AM

from growing up with monkeys to being raisedby wolves, here are 8 tragic cases of children raised by animals. 8: marina chapman, colombia marina chapman at first glance seems likean entirely ordinary grandmother and wife. this british woman however was actually bornin colombia, and it is there that she claims to have had one of the most formative experiencesof her life. when she was around 5 years old, she saysshe was kidnapped from her village then soon released in the middle of nowhere, thoughshe was far too young to understand why or what exactly had happened.

even though she was free, her captors lefther in the rainforest alone and confused. marina would then follow a band of capuchinmonkeys around the forest, imitating their behaviours to survive the harsh jungle. living on a simple diet of roots and berries,marina spent nights sleeping in the trees. though the monkeys didn't fully accept herat first, marina was clever enough to use the monkeys for protection and to stay fedby collecting scraps. as time went by, the monkeys accepted herand allowed her to sleep in the trees with them. eventually, she says she was found by hunterswho found her walking on all fours and unable

to speak. unfortunately for her, her life was just aboutto get worse. instead of helping her, the men who foundher sold her to a brothel in the nearby city for some quick cash. she escaped and lived as a street urchin andthen was even enslaved to a family who belonged to the colombian mafia, marina would laterwrite in her autobiography that it was a neighbor who took pity on her. the neighbor, maruja, sent her to live withone of her children far away in bogota. marina eventually moved to britain, whereshe still lives to this day.

even though it is an amazing story of survival,many have questioned her claims because of a lack of evidence, although it is hard tosay what evidence there would be. monkeys and brothels don’t keep very goodrecords. her favorite thing in the world is to groomher family. 7: john ssebunya, uganda another tragedy turned survival story, johnssebunya of uganda’s adoptive family playfully calls him “the boy raised by monkeys”. when he was very young, johnâ´s father murderedhis mother and the young boy ran away, fearing he would be next.

fleeing into the jungle, the young boy meta group of vervet monkeys that offered him roots and nuts. though they were at first afraid, the monkeyssoon befriended john, and he learned to live as they did. they cared from him and kept him fed. they traveled together and john, the reallife tarzan, even slept in the trees just like the monkeys did. for up to a year, the child lived in the wildernessguided by his friendly primates. the area was in the midst of a bloody civilwar and very few humans came to that part

of the jungle. a local stumbled across him when searchingfor firewood. she had initially thought he was a monkeyhimself until his lack of a tail made her do a double take and so she brought him toher village for help. there john was teased and called monkey boy,but also had many tapeworms removed and other illnesses treated that the jungle had lefthim with. many suspect he couldn't have survived inthe jungle much longer. he had to get used to warm food again, asit would upset his stomach. his hunched appearance, long hair and sharpnails would eventually be changed to fit in

with his new home in the village. he was adopted by a couple who are teachersand they are the first to make monkey jokes. despite all he has experienced, john has founda place within society. however, he still shows many signs of histime with primates, such as avoiding eye contact or a different manner of walking because ofhis early influences. he has wonderful stories of the love the animalsshowed for him. 6. victor of aveyronin the late 18th century, a 12-year-old boy was discovered living in the forest in france.

perhaps the most famous case of “the noblesavage”, or children raised by animals, the boy was discovered in the late 1790’sand was allegedly raised by wolves. these children were romanticized in folkloreand stories such as the jungle book and tarzan, but the reality of these feral children ismuch more bleak. victor was taken in by many people but hewould repeatedly escape and run back to the woods. eventually in 1800 he voluntarily came backto the town. he couldn’t speak at all and was never reallyable to learn social abilities like scientists hoped so they left him to roam around thehallways at the national institute for the

deaf. the enlightenment was in full swing and scientistswere obsessed with what separates humans from animals. he was adopted by a medical student who gavehim the name victor. jean marc gaspard itard, invented new waysof learning for the deaf and for children who are severely impaired. victor lived a quiet life later on and diedof pneumonia at the age of 40. 5: ramachandra, india known as the frog child of india, ramachandrais another tragic tale of an unwanted child

finding extreme difficulty in adjusting tocivilization. though his origins are not known because hecouldn't speak, ramachandra was found near a village in rural india. those that saw him claimed he acted much likea frog, spending much of his time near the local river. while he could walk upright, he did so veryawkwardly and was mostly seen on all fours. he was seen to mostly eat raw meat and ramachandrawas very interesting to the local villagers who took him by force to live in the village. there they tried to teach him basic humanculture, though they were largely unsuccessful.

ramachandra had been away from humans forso many years of his childhood that he couldn't understand how to live like a human. he tragically died years later from burnsafter a local woman threw boiling water on him. she claimed that he tried to assault her andshe acted in self defense. some behavioral scientists think this is becausethe doomed child was reaching the age where he was developing a natural attraction toothers due to puberty. without an understanding on how to expressthose feelings he acted, and without the correct psychological assistance, it cost him hislife.

and now for number 4, but first be sure tosubscribe and click the notification bell so you don’t miss out on the latest videos! 4: sujit kumar, fiji the chicken child of fiji was left alone afterhis mother's suicide and his father's murder, and his grandfather locked the six-year-oldboy in a chicken coop. if this story is true, it is one of the mosttragic cases of child abuse. he lived in the coop for years trapped withthe captive birds until he was found by social workers. they found him pecking at food and hoppingaround like a chicken.

he was taken to the samabula old people’shome in 1979 and the suffering of sujit was unfortunately not over. due to his aggressive nature after his yearsin the coop, he would frequently act out. the staff of the home tied him to his bed,where he remained for twenty long and torturous years. deeply traumatized, the child who was nowin the body of an adult could not walk or talk or understand basic human social behaviours. elizabeth clayton, president of the rotaryand widow of new zealand mountain climber roger buick, who died on mount everest in1998, rescued him and sujit is now taken care

of by volunteers and donors who are helpinghim to learn how to function like an average human. however, he will never learn to speak. years later, he still shows evidence of hisabuse, though with the help of his new family sujit continues to try and move forward withlife. 3: ivan mishukov, russia another unfortunate tale of abuse, ivan mishukovwas born in russia in the early nineties. after suffering abuse from his mother's alcoholicboyfriend, the young ivan took to the streets, or was abandoned, at the age of four.

facing cold russian winters, the child becamea beggar, but would later befriend a pack of stray dogs. he would feed them scraps of food he earnedby begging and they defended him from many of the threats that the homeless sometimesmust endure. eventually he became pack leader though hewas later captured by moscow police at the age of six. in fact, with the help of his pack he managedto escape the authorities a number of times and police had to use bait to separate himfrom the pack. ivan would eventually relearn russian andreenter society because he was recaptured

by police while he was still young. due to the relatively shorter time he spentliving with animals, he still managed to live a relatively normal life. he even joined the army and had several jobs. 2: marcos rodrã­guez pantoja, spain a young boy named marcos rodriguez pantojahad an evil stepmother who would beat him often. so the spaniard wasn't too upset when hisfather sold him to a farmer who then sold him to an old goat herder in the mountainsto help him tend the animals.

soon after though, the old goat herder died,and marcos was left alone with the goats. luckily the goat herder had taught him somethings before he died and the young boy used traps made of sticks to hunt small animals. he learned to imitate animals and figure outwhat foods were safe to eat. today marcos tells the story of him findinga cave and playing with wolf cubs inside. when the mother returned with her kill, thecubs ate ferociously while marcos waited. when they were finished the mother wolf seemedto offer a piece of meat to the young marcos, who hesitantly accepted. after she started to lick him however, hefelt accepted by the small family.

he even says he had a pet snake that wouldhelp protect him and keep him from getting lonely. overtime he started to replace his speechwith various animal calls and grunts that he can still reproduce to this day. eventually he was found by the civil guardwho forced him back into the local village. ironically, he claims that this is were hismost traumatic memories took place. the adjustment back to civilization was atough road, with many basic things like sleeping in a bed seeming strange. many parts of marco's story have been corroborated,and his life has become the subject of a major

documentary which made him well-known as spainâ´swolfman. 1: oxana malaya, ukraineoxana malaya is known as the feral child who was raised by dogs. also known as “dog girl”, she was extremelyneglected. she was born on a rundown farm in a smallvillage in what is now ukraine. although she was a healthy baby, her alcoholicparents left her to fend for herself. the story goes that one tragic evening whenshe was three, her parents left her outside and never came back for her. they just left her outside and forgot.

what was going through their minds is hardto even imagine. she managed to crawl her way to a small shackwhere the dogs lived nearby which saved her life. due to a lack of support from her parents,she became part of the pack. no one noticed that she was gone and she forgotwhat it was like to be human. oxana wouldn’t be found by police until5 years later, at the age of eight in 1991. a neighbor called the cops and reported thatthere was a child living with animals. at this point oxana lived in a forest withwild dogs, walked on all fours and would naturally sleep on the floor.

she barked when people were near her and ateraw food or whatever she scraps she could find like the other dogs. later, she would be moved into an orphanageschool where she had to learn to talk, and re-discover basic human social behaviors. spending her early years as a dog requiredher to attend years of therapy to not act on her canine instincts and better deal withthis new world she found herself in. she bounced around between psychiatric institutionsand group homes. today, she lives in a mental institution andworks on a farm with cows and can speak about her experience though the neglect of her childhoodstill affects her.

she can still revert to dog-like behaviourswhich has made social relationships difficult and she dislikes when people refer to heras the â´dog girlâ´. there are many documentaries and interviewswith her and sadly she is just one of many who have grown up with animals because ofneglect. thanks for watching! remember to subscribe and see you next time! byeeee.

Raised in Muddy Water

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