
4:41 AM

mental omega 3.3.2 for c&c red alert 2 yuri's revenge, allied mission 21 relentless. mental omega 3.3.2 is next part of mods for red alert 2, after mental omega 1.2, mental omega 2.0 and mental omega 3.0. welcome to the relentless known during the testing phase as fpsless í¡(o íœê– í¡o). with allies heading to the south with their paradox device, they spotted some epsilon base full of cloning vats in capetown. prepare yourself for a massive epsilon hunting, your first minutes in this mission are to defend yourself and wcd from attacks. slowdowns are quite often, keep in mind that the epsilon waves are huge and merciless, they want to take down the wcd really fast. start with grouping your units under certain groups, tank/assault groups, prism tanks, mirage tanks, repair ifvs, infantry and so. use the reinforcements often. in this mission you are introduced to the paladin tank destroyers (in new image), known from the panzer ace coop, use them wisely cause they pack a lot of punch. your the worst enemies here are basically the basilisks, masterminds and adepts, don't let them capture your charon, mirage or paladin tanks, it hurts a lot.

capture as many tech buildings as possible, especially look at the heavy machinery and derricks, veteran chrono-reinforcements from paradox engine are godly. after you defend the wcd, your mcv gets chronoshifted to the southern part of the map, establish there a defense quickly because you will be overrun soon. you also can use the chronoshift everywhere, it's great to drop some prism tanks and destroy key epsilon buildings in this mission. once you destroy the cloning vats and psychic dominators together with key buildings, sellout happens and epsilon goes berserk. when you see resheps going at your cy and wcd, simply place some aa around and send seals against them. there were so many different versions of this mission available to test, most of them suffered from low performance. first version of the mission was basically fighting over to take the place where is the current outpost and build the base there (╯︵╰,). in the second major revision we took the base of second cyan allied ai, this version was way faster and also much easier. third major version is basically here, you are chronoshifted to the south near epsilon base.

there were also other minor changes like controllable thors at the beginning, but these were breaking the mission without effort. support the world beyond for their masterpiece soundtrack, too! if you really appreciate my content and videos, please leave a like and subscribe (remember about bell). want to know more trivia about the missions or tips? write it in the comments :) i've probably played all available test revisions for this, so i know lots of secrets about relentless aka fpsless ^.^


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