Raw And Real

4:41 AM

- oh no, my dick! [theme music] - good... - good morning. oh my hair looks dumb. - we're vlogging. - welcome to the first ever try guys vlog. - so apparently the try guys are supposed to start blogging now.

i think this is amotherfucking stupid idea. - i'm having burgers for breakfast. - what's going on today? well, first of all, let'sget these hot shades on. yeah. - so we're going to be trying this. basically, we're goingto do big video one week, vlog the next week. - we thought, you know, wecould probably let you guys

in on our real lives. - you guys let us know. if you like it, we'll keep doing it. if you don't like it then... i don't know. - [mocking voice] my name's zade. i'm on a vlog. you don't know what a vlog is. you don't know who [inaudible].

you don't know there'sanother [pao brother]. - it's 9:01 and nobody's here. that's ned, that's gene, that's zach. hey look, keith's here. wow, good job keith. you're so cute. - keith, what are you eating? - i'm eating the rest of my nanner. - is that a second breakfast?

- i had three burgers for breakfast. - burgers? - wait, really? - hey have you ever hadhamburgers for breakfast? - no. [laughter] - i am late for my dentist appointment. i'm ready to go fuckingfilm myself in public, like a fucking crazy person.

- so i guess today we've gotto find something cool to do. hey guys, i've got something to show you. wait - hey guys? - what? - so he puts the teacup on his dick... - mhm. - and the sheets in the fan. what is he doing? - here we go.

- is he serving somebody tea off of his- oh, no! - yeah! - that's skill. - we have more pubes than this guy. - everybody's dick come out on the camera. - that ain't no half[mer], that's a full [mer] right over there. - yes.

alright, let's be adultsabout this please. - now somebody put a teacup on my dick. - now that's good- oh, let's go for it. - little bit more, yeah. - 3, 2, 1! [triumphant music] - oh! - that's amazing! - ooh, it's cold.

- that was great. - now you need to be ableto pull it off yourself. - okay, well. - okay, i'm going to come around here. i won't look. oh no, my dick! it's so wet. - not only do you seeit go horribly wrong, but then you see his dick.

- i saw the full mangina. - this is what happenswhen gene's not here. - do you know what hell looks like? being at the dentist, surrounded by pictures of your own teeth. - alright, let's poursome water on his dick and get this going. - alright. - you look like a twelfth century jesus.

- do you want to maybelike crouch down next to me or something? - yeah, i'll sit with you. - 3, 2, 1. - oh, ow! - that's okay! - get it, oh i'm so wet. - it's very little. - my butt is going -

- you know you did it, zach! look at that. - "put a little teacup on my dick," and you're a little crybabyabout a little spill. - so i did it? - yeah, you did it. - time to ramp it up? ramp it up! - that's gross when you say it like that.

- but where are we going to find a ramp? - okay. - oh, you look great. very like a high fashionphoto shoot, in a way. you know? - your tea sir. piping hot, just the way you like it. - piping hot. - ned, where's your phone?

i want to send a picture to your wife. - no, no, no. okay. [sexy music] - ready? - yeah. - 3, 2, 1, go! - well, it didn't work. let's get some of these shardsaway from ned's naked body.

- we could try it with paper towels. it certainly - well,okay, i guess it works. that was pretty cool. - nailed it, nailed it. - i thought we were going to do it slower? - nope! - ugh. - that's so cold. - did you do anythingdifferently that time?

- did i do anything different? - like to this? - no, i certainly didit really fast again. - [dental tools clicking] - eugene has great,beautiful, sightly teeth. - keith, ned, and zach, youguys are a little gross. [cow noises] - what are you doing? - oh yeah, three.

- no, a thumb is thenose and the forehead. - triceratops! - nailed it. perfect. - alright, so we are readyfor the new approach. we have the track on its highest. ned, what's that tea bottle for? - this is so i can reallysmash it and not hurt my hands. - but then the tea is going to get...

- it'll work, trust me. - we are ready to do this. really, i'm feeling good about this one. - [eugene, from offscreen] oh my god. what the fuck are you guys doing? - hey! - what are you guys doing? i thought we were vlogging today! why?

- did you not see that video i texted you? just, it's cool, just take your pants off. - put a teacup with water in it. - haha! - we're going to use this bottle so my hand doesn't get hurt. [cheering] - that was exhilarating! - so this is our first vlog,

we hope you liked it. it was a vlog. - we'll see you next time, triceratops. [dinosaur noises] [inhaling] - i am the best god damndancer at the american ballet. who the fuck are you? no one. - alright, let's do this.

- i'm wearing a plate. - come on, baby. - lift it up. lift it up, ned. - yes, yes, yes! - all you needed was an asian. - we're driving throughon a try guys shoot. if you like this, maybe we'lldo some more goofy shit. - it wasn't as bad as i thought it'd be.

- [mocking] it wasn't asbad as i thought it'd be. - [mocking] i'm sad,i've got to do a vlog. - oh look, there's a person in the car. - he's rolling down his window. - that's weird.

Raw And Real

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