Recorded Live At The Bitter End August 1971

4:41 AM

- this world is such a, and when i say this world i mean it, i don't mean in ideal sense, i mean in everyday, every little thing you do. it's such a gimme gimme gimme! everybody back off, you know everybody'staught that from school. everywhere, big business, you want to

be successful, you want to be like trump? gimme gimme gimme! push push push push! step step step! crush crush crush! that's how it all is, it's like nobody ever stops. i feel like, instead of us just being like "slavery's bad, slavery'sbad, bad whitey, bad whitey!"

i mean, let's stop that. everybody's smart enough toknow that we've been slighted. and we want ours. i don't mean by ours, 40 acres and mule because we passed that. but we need help, i mean forus to be on our own two feet, us meaning youth, or usmeaning black people, whatever you want to take it for, for us to be on our owntwo feet we do need help.

we have been here, wehave been a good friend. if you want to make it arelationship type thing, we have been there, andnow we deserve our payback. it's like you got a friend that you don't never look out for. you know, you now dressed up in jewels, america's got jewels, theygot paid and everything, lending money to everybody except us. and it's like everybody need a little help

on their way to being,you know, self reliant. you know what i'm saying? that's the whole thing about the album, about the special olympics, everybody need a littlesomething to be independent. no independent persons just grew up, and was born independent. you worked, and you learned team work, and you learned cooperation, and unity,

and struggle, and thenyou became independent. we have to teach that, and instill that. why is it that they want to do that? i mean if this is truly a melting pot, and a country where we care about, and lady liberty got her hand like this, she really love us thenwe need to be like that. it needs to be the black kids, and if there's a whiteperson who got money,

then he need to help'em. he need to help black kids, mexican kids, korean kids, whatever. but they need to be real, andthey need to be before we all die, and then you say "i made a mistake, we should have game them some money. we really should havehelped these folks.". it's going to be too late,you know what i'm saying? then that's when yougotta pay your own karma.

and that's what god make you punish, when god punishes you, because i feel like there's too much money here. i mean nobody should behitting lotto for 36 million, and we got people starving in the streets. that is not idealistic, that's just real. that is stupid. there is no way michaeljackson should have, or whoever jackson, shouldhave a million, thousand,

triple billion dollars andthen there's people starving. there's no way, there's no way! that these people should own planes, and there are peoplethat don't have houses, apartments, shacks, drawers, pants. - [interviewer] certain people will say, well, they earned it., now you go out and you earn it for yourself. - if they earned it, ithink that that's good,

i think they deserve it., but even if you earned it you still owe. cause look at me, i don'thave that mega money, but i feel guilty walking by somebody, i got to give him some mail. and if i know i got $3,000in my pocket i feel like it's wrong to give that person a quarter, or a dollar, it's wrong. only you know what you got in your pocket,

and that's wrong. no matter what they do, they take it and drink it then they take it and drink it. but i mean you got, you understand? and we all know how hardit is, and it's not about if you're good, or you bad. so since it's not about ifyou're good, or you bad, we know that because he don'tgot don't mean he's bad.

or don't mean he's a criminal,don't mean he's crazy, or a drug addict or none of that. it just means he don't got. ain't it bad you got,i mean can you imagine somebody having 32 million dollars? 32! 32 million dollars, andthis person has nothing. and you can sleep? you can still go to the movies?

these are the type of peoplethat get humanitarian awards. millionaires, how canthey be humanitarians by the fact that they're millionaires, and there's so many poor people, shows how inhumane they are. you know what i'msaying, and that bugs me. not saying that i'mnever going to be rich, it's a struggle and ithink everybody deserve. and i think there's away to pay these people,

i think there is a way, it just takes it to be revoluntionary. and it takes to do somethingout of the ordinary, you know what i'm saying? i think if we just said, okay i got an idea, no more porno buildings, you know what i'm saying,lets build houses. or no more polo games, let'sbuild houses for poor people.

or look, okay, i know you're rich, i know you got 40 billion dollars, but can you just keep it to one house? you only need one house. and if you only got two kids, can you just keep it to two rooms? i mean why have 52 roomsand you know there's somebody with no room. it just don't make sense to me, it don't.

and then these people celebrate christmas, they got big trees, huge trees,all the little trimmings, everybody got gifts, andthere's somebody starving. and they having a white christmas, they having a great christmas, eggnog and the whole nine. that's not fair to me.

Recorded Live At The Bitter End August 1971

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