Pious Bird of Good Omen

4:41 AM

hey there, you guardians of the woods do at least keep watch in the morning! do you hear that call?then thank god you can hear it! now off, my boys, see to the bath. it's time to await the king there. i already seehis heralds approaching us. greetings to you! how is amfortas today? the healing herb that gawainwon for him by cunning... i assume it brought him some relief? his pain soon returned even worse.

sleepless from his suffering,he bade us to prepare his bath. fools are we to hope for relief when only recovery can ease the pain. search for every potion and herbthe whole world through. there's but one thing can help him, one man alone! tell us who! see to the bath! - look there, the wild rider! how the mane ofher devil's mare is flying! ha! is that kundry?- she'll bring important news.

the mare is staggering. - her mane is sweeping the moss. she flings herself off. here! take it! balm... from where have you brought this? from further than you can imagine. if this balm doesn't help, then arabiaholds nothing else to cure him. ask no more!i am weary. here he comes.

how it grieves my heart......to see a man of so glorious a race... ...fall a slave to his malady. careful! hear, the king groans. that will do. thank you. a little rest... after a woeful night... ...the forest now in morning splendour. in the holy lakethe water might refresh me. the pain subsides.the woeful night grows light. gawain!- my lord, gawain did not stay.

as the herb did deceive your hopes, he at once set forth upon a new search. he at once set forth upon a new search. without leave? he shall atonefor neglecting the grail's command! woe to this proud one,should he fall into klingsor's snares! let no man disturb my peace. i await him who is assigned to me: by compassion knowing'', was that not it?so you told us.

''the pure fool''. i think that i know him. would that i could call him death! but first try once more with this. where does it come from?it was brought to you from arabia. and who procured it? there she lies, the wild woman.get up, kundry! come! you, kundry? must i thank youonce again, you restless, timid maid? this balm i'll yet try.as thanks for your loyalty.

not thanks! how will it help? not thanks!away to the bath! hey, you there!why do you lie there like a wild beast? aren't beasts holy here? yes, but whether you are holy,we don't yet know. with her magic potionshe'll ruin our lord. did she ever harm you? when you're at a loss how to sendtidings to brothers fighting far away... ...who flies there and back,a faithful messenger?

you don't feed her,she never comes near... she has nothing in common with you.yet, when in danger help is needed, her zeal speeds her through the air. and she never asks for thanks. if this is harm,then it suits you fine. but she hates us. see how she glares at us! she's a heathen, a sorceress! yes, she may be under a curse. perhaps she atones for guilt from an earlier life... if she atones with deedsfrom which our knighthood benefits...

...then she does welland serves herself as well as us. could it be this guilt of hersthat brought upon us such distress? yes, often when she was away for long, misfortune befell us. i have known her for a long time,but titurel has known her longer yet. he found herwhile building this castle. numbed and lifeless she was,as if dead. thus i found her again,shortly after the disaster had struck... you! tell me: where were you when our master lost the spear?

why did you not help us then? i never help! she says so herself - if she is so faithful,then send her for the missing spear. that is another matter.it is forbidden to all. oh wondrous holy spear! i saw you wielded by unhallowed hand. who then prevented amfortasfrom defeating the sorcerer? close by the castleour hero was drawn away.

he was bewitched by a ravishing beauty. entranced he lay in her arms. the spear had slipped out of his hands. a deathly cry! i rushed in, and, laughing, klingsor disappeared. he had stolen the holy spear.fighting i covered the king's flight. but a wound is burning in his side. this wound it is,that will never close. then you knew klingsor? how is the king? the bath has refreshed him.the balm has eased the pain.

but tell us: you knew klingsor;how could that be? titurel, the pious hero,he knew him well. when savage enemies menacedthe realm of the true faith... ...the saviour's messengerscame to him one night. the vessel from which he drankat the last meal of love... the sacred cup...in which his blood flowed from the cross......and with it the spear that shed it... ...the highest of all witness-treasures......they entrusted to our king. for these holy relicshe built this sanctuary.

and you who were called to its serviceby paths unknown to sinners... you know that only to the pureit is granted to join the brothers... ...who, strengthened by the powersof the grail, work divine salvation. therefore, to klingsor this was denied,however much he toiled. there in the valley he had settled.beyond lie opulent fields. i don't know how he there has sinned.but he wished to atone, he even strove for holiness. powerless to stifle the sin within him......the hand of violence... ...he turned toward the grail......its guardian drove him off in scorn. klingsor's fury taught him the way to evil sorcery. and this he found!

he transformed the wastelandinto a garden of delight with women of devilish grace. there, he lures the knights of the grailto sinful joys and horrors of hell. those he entices,henceforth belong to him. many already he has ruined for us. when titurel, burdened with agerendered his power to his son... ...he, amfortas, wanted to squelchthis sorcery's plague. you know what happened then.the spear is now in klingsor's hand. even saintshe can wound with it. so he imagines the grail already his.

then above all, the spearmust be ours again. who brings it back,awaits fame and bliss. before the deserted sanctuary,amfortas lay in prayer. he begged for a sign of salvationa radiance emanated from the grail... a holy vision spokethese words: ''by compassion knowing,the pure fool...'' ''wait for himwhom i have chosen.'' who is the culprit?- a wild swan! it's wounded!

- who shot the swan? the king hailed it as a happy omenwhen the swan circled over the lake. then an arrow flew...- he shot it! here is the arrow,just like his. are you the onewho shot the swan? indeed! whatever flies,i hit in flight. you did this? and you're notworried about the deed? punish the culprit! punish the culprit!- an unprecedented act!

you dared murder in this holy forest,surrounded by its peace? didn't they greet youfriendly and meek? what did the birds sing to you?how did the faithful swan offend you? he flew up to circle with her above the lakeand thus hallow it for the bath. were you not surprised? and you were only temptedto use your bow? it was dear to us.what is it now to you? look, here you struck it. the blood still thickens.

the wings are limp. its snowy plumage is darkly stained. the eyes are glazed.do you see that look? are you aware of your sinful deed? do you realize your guilt?how could you do it? i did not know. where are you from? i don't know. who is your father?

who sent you this way? your name then? i had many,but i don't remember any of them. all this you don't know? so far, only kundry has seemed as ignorant as you. now go! don't neglect the kingin his bath. assist him!you know nothing i ask you. now tell me what you do know,for surely you must know something. i have a mother...herzeleide is her name.

the woods and meadowswere our home. who gave you the bow? i made it myself,to chase away wild eagles. why didn't your mother have you trained in better weaponry? fatherless his mother bore him;gamuret was slain in battle. she wanted to save himfrom such an untimely hero's death. ignorant of weaponsshe reared him as a fool. once, by the forest's edge, splendidmen on horseback came passing by. i wanted to be like them.i ran after them,

but couldn't catch up with them. through the wilds and over mountainsi went, often it was night, then again day. my bow had to protect meagainst wild beasts and big men. yes, robbers and giants learnedto fear the fierce boy. who fears me? tell me! the wicked. those who threatened me,where they wicked? who is good? your mother, whom you left,and who now grieves for you. she grieves no more:his mother is dead.

dead? my mother?who says so? i was riding past and saw her die.she bade me greet you, fool. are you mad!more violence? what has she done to you? she spoke the truth, for she never lies,kundry, who has seen much. i feel faint! that accords with the mercyof the grail. by rewarding evil with good,evil is vanquished. i never do good.

all i want is rest.i am weary... sleep...let no one wake me. no! not sleep! terror seizes me! in vain to resist!the time has come. sleep... ...i must. the king returns from bathing.the sun stands high. let me lead youto the holy meal. for if you are pure, the grailwill give you food and drink.

who is the grail? that cannot be said. but if you are called to serve him,that knowledge shall not escape you. and see! i think i knew you aright.no way over land leads to it. no one can approach itwhom the grail itself has not guided. i hardly move,yet seem already far. you see, my son, time here becomes space. now take heed, and let me see...if you are a fool and pure, what knowledge is granted you.

for the last meal of love,prepared day by day. as if it be the last time,may it refresh us today. for he who delights in doing good......the meal will be renewed. he may come and quench his thirst......and receive the highest gift. as once his blood did flowfor the sinful world... ...now let for him, the saviour,my blood be shed. the body he gave in expiation... the faith lives, the dove soars,the saviour's messenger. drink the wine poured out for you......and take the bread of life.

my son, amfortas,are you in your place? shall i see the grailonce more and live? must i diewithout my saviour's guidance? woe is me for my pain! my father, once moreperform this office yourself! live, and let me die! in the grave i live by the saviour's grace.but i am too weak to serve him. in his service you mayexpiate your sin! reveal the grail!

no! leave it covered! no one may know how i am torturedby the sight in which you delight. what is the wound, its raging pain,gainst the distress of being condemned to this office! woeful inheritance, obligingamong all sinners only me... oh punishment unparalleled! of the merciful one,who has been wronged! for him, for his sacred greeting......must i ardently yearn. by the repentance of my inmost soul......must i reach out for him.

the hour draws near.a ray of light descends upon the holy relic. the covering falls. the divine contentsshed a dazzling glow. seized with glorious agony, i feelthe holiest blood flow into my heart. my own sinful blood must thenflow back in me... ...and gush with savage dreadinto the world of sinful lust. again, it breaks open the doorand streams through the wound... ...so much like his,inflicted by the selfsame spear. the wound through which he wepttears of blood over man's disgrace...

...and from which now, in this sacred place......spills forth my hot and sinful blood... ...from the spring of yearning,which repentance never stills. have mercy! oh merciful one,have mercy! take back my inheritanceand close the wound. that holy i may die......pure and whole in thee! ''by compassion knowing, the pure fool:thus it was promised to you. await him whom i have chosen!'' so, rest assured,and perform the service!

take this my body,take this my blood in token of our love. take this my body,take this my blood in remembrance of me. o heavenly bliss!how brightly the lord greets us today! wine and bread from the last supperthe lord of the grail once turned into... ...the blood which he shed,the body which he gave. the holy gift of blood and bodynow changes to feed you... ...into the wine poured out for you,into the bread you now eat. take of the bread, turn it into bodily power... ...true until deathto accomplish the saviour's work.

take of the wine, turn itinto the fiery blood of life... ...brotherly unitedto fight with holy courage. blessed in love and faith! why are you still here?do you know what you have seen? you are nothingbut a fool! off with you, begone!but listen to gurnemanz's advice: leave the swans in peaceand look for ganders! blessed in faith. the time has come.

already my magic castle lures the fool,who is drawing near with boyish joy. i'll break the curse that holdskundry in a sleep of death. up then! to work! arise! to me! your master calls you,primeval she-devil, rose of hell! herodias you were, and what else?gundryggia there, kundry here! come here! here, i say, kundry!your master calls. come here! are you awake? at the right time,you've again fallen under my spell. where have you been roaming? with that pack of knights

who treat you like a beast!don't you prefer to be with me? when you captured their master for me, the chasteguardian of the grai. what drove you forth again? deep night! madness!rage! misery!sleep... deep sleep...death! then someone else did awaken you? yes, my curse!o, yearning! for those chaste knights?

there. there i served. to redeem the harmthat you had done them? they won't help you;they can be bought at the right price. even the strongest will fallwhen he sinks into your arms... ...and so falls to the speari seized from their master. the most dangerous of allwill be confronted today. he is protectedby the shield of foolishness. i will not! indeed you will,for you must!

you cannot hold me. but i can force you. - you?your master! - by what power? since only against meyour power is of no avail. are you chaste? why do you ask,accursed wench? fearful distress! so now the devil laughs at mebecause once i strove for holiness? the pain of unbridled yearningwhich i had throttled to deathly silence...

...does it now mock methrough you, the devil's bride? beware! one man already paid for his scorn:the proud one who once rejected me. his race fell to me;unredeemed he shall languish. and soon, i suspect,i will guard the grail! did you fancy amfortas, the heroi gave you for your delight? o, misery!weak, even he! and weak are they all, fallenwith me under the curse! o, eternal sleep, only release...how can i win you?

he that defies youwill set you free. try your luckwith the boy who approaches. already he ascends to the castle. - alas! did i awake for this?must i? he is handsome, the youth! woe is me! ho, guards, knights and heroes!the enemy is near! they storm to the ramparts,to protect their lovely witches.

brave! that youth knows no fear.he took away ferris's weapon... ...and wields it against the throng. their ardour is in vain! an arm is struck, a thigh... ha! they recoil!they flee! each has a wound to carry home. how willingly i grant it you! may the whole brood of knightsslaughter one another! how proudly he stands upon the ramp!

in childish amazementhe gapes at the deserted garden. hey, kundry!what? already at work? i well know the spell whichsummons you at my service. you there, boy, whatever prophecies were made you......too young and ignorant you fell into my power. once you've lost your purity,you will belong to me forever. the noise came from here!weapons! wild cries! who is the evil one?revenge! - my beloved was wounded!where are our lovers? we saw them in the palace

with bleeding wounds. to their aid! who is our foe?- there he is! my ferris's sword is in his hand!- he stormed the castle! they all came, but eachhis sword did strike. my lover's foe! you there! why cause such distress?accursed you shall be! bold one, why are you here?why did you smite our lovers? should i not have stricken them?they barred the way to you, my fair ones. you were seeking us?- you had seen us already?

never before have i seensuch fair creatures. am i not rightin calling you fair? so you mean us no harm?- indeed i don't. great injury you have done us! who will now play with us? i'll do that gladly. are you our friend,then do come near. and if you don't chide us,we'll repay you. we don't play for gold,we play for love's reward.

if you think to comfort us...- comfort you must gain from us. leave the boy! he is mine! o, how cunning!they secretly adorned themselves! come, dear boy!let me bloom for you! to refresh and delight you,shall be my labour of love. you smell so sweet -are you then flowers? adornment of the garden... ...and fragrant spirits.in spring, our master plucks us. here we grow in summer and sunlight,to bloom for you in delight.

be friendly to us and kind;amply reward the flowers. if you cannot love us......we'll wither and die. take me to your breast! let me cool your brow!let me touch your cheeck! let me kiss your lips.no, me! i am the fairest! i am the fairest! if i am to play with you,then give me some room. what are you grumbling about?- because you are quarrelling. we are only quarrelling over you.- stop it.

let him go;he wants me! you reject me? are you afraid of women? don't you dare?how shy you are and cold! you'd rather have the flowerswoo the butterfly? let's leave the fool!we give up on him! he is our chosen one! - no, ours!no, he belongs to me! - and me! stop it!you won't catch me! parsifal! stay!

parsifal... once in a dream my mothercalled me that. stay, parsifal!joy and bliss greet you. away from him,you silly flirts! soon-shriveled flowers!he is not destined to play with you. go homeand tend the wounded... many a lonely hero awaits you.oh, what sorrow! we'd gladly part from all men. to be alone with you. have i dreamt all this?

did you call me, the nameless one? you, foolish pure one,i named ''fal parsi''. you, pure fool,''parsifal''. thus, as he died in arabian land,your father, gamuret, called his son. with this name he greeted him,still in his mother's womb. to tell you this. i waited for you here.what drew you here, if not the wish to know? never have i seen what i now beholdand which frightens me. did you also bloomin this grove of flowers? no, parsifal, you foolish pure one!far away is my home.

that you might find me,i tarried here. from far off i came,and much have i seen. i saw the childat its mother's breast. its first prattlestill laughs in my ear. though sad at heart,herzeleide did laugh as well... ...at dawn he woketo the warm dew of a mother's tears. she was all grief and mourningfor your father's love and death. she saw it as her highest dutyto protect you from a similar fate. her greatest fear wasthat you should ever acquire knowledge.

don't you still hear her plaintive cry,when you came home late? what joy when she had found you,clasping you in her arms... ...were you not frightenedat her kisses? but you didn't perceive her woe,the raging of her grief... ...when at last you didn't return and were lost without a trace! she waited night and day. she waited night and day.until her lament grew silent. her grief consumed all pain.a silent death she craved. sorrow broke her heart, and...herzeleide died. woe is me! what have i done?where was i?

mother!dearest mother! your son had to kill you! you, fool!where did you roam... ..forgetting her,forgetting yourself? beloved mother! ignorant of grief, your heartneither knew the sweetness of solace. assuage the woe you bemoanin the solace love offers you. my mother... my mother...i could forget her! what else have i forgotten? whom have i ever remembered?only folly dwells in me!

confession will turnguilt in remorse. understanding will turnfolly into sense. learn to know the lovethat enfolded gamuret... ...when herzeleide's scorchingpassion engulfed him! she who gave you life......and to whom death and folly yield... ...she now offers you, as the lasttoken of a mother's blessing... ...the first kiss of love. amfortas! the wound!

it burns in my heart! oh, lament! from the depths of my heartit cries aloud. oh wretch!miserable wretch! i see the wound bleeding,in me! no, it is not the wound. may its blood stream forth!here in my heart it burns: the yearning which seizes all my senses!oh, torment of love! how everything shivers and quiversin sinful desire! my dull gaze is fixedupon the sacred cup. the sacred blood glows.

the bliss of redemptionthrills every soul. only here, in my heart,the pain will not yield. i hear the saviour's lamentfor the defiled sanctuary: save me......from guilt-stained hands! thus cried god's lamentloudly to my soul. and i, the fool, the coward,fled to childish deeds! redeemer! saviour!lord of grace! how will i, sinner,expiate my guilt?

praised hero, open your eyes!be kind to the fair one that's coming. yes, that voice! that's how she called to him.and that look, i recognize it clearly, that laugh as well. thus her lips quivered for him,and thus boldly rose her head. thus fluttered her tresses.thus she clasped him in her arms. in league with every torment, her lips kissed away his soul's salvation. ah, that kiss! seductress!get away from me, forever!

cruel one! if your heart only feels the sorrow of others......then feel mine too! if you are a redeemer, what keeps youfrom uniting with me for my salvation? for eternities i've awaited you,the saviour, whom once i dared to scorn. if you but knew the curse, whichin death and life, pain and laughter... ...always steeled to new affliction,torments me without end! i saw him... ...and laughed! then i was struck......by his gaze.

now i seek himfrom world to world... ...to meet him once again.in dire distress i feel his eye is near......his gaze resting upon me. then that accursedlaughter returns. a sinner sinks into my arms!then i laugh, i cannot weep... i yearned for him in deathly longing,and now i recognize him... let me weep upon his breast... ...for one hour only be united to you.and though by god and world rejected... ...let me in you be cleansedof sin and redeemed!

for all eternity you would be damned with me if i were to forget for your salvation too i am sent,if you'll turn from your desires. the solace to end your suffering......comes not from the source from which it flows. never you will find salvation,until that source is closed. it's something else for whichi saw the brothers pining... ...in dire distressmortifying their flesh. but who can know it clearly,the true source of salvation? oh misery, that banishesall deliverance! oh blackness of worldly delusion... ...in pursuit of supreme salvation,to thirst for the source of perdition!

then it was my kissthat made you all-seeing? the full embrace of my lovethen will make you attain godliness! redeem the world,if this be your mission. the hour made you a god. for this let me be damned......my wound never be healed. let me love you, then you'll give me redemption. love and redemption shall be yours,if you show me the way to amfortas. you'll never find him!let him perish, the wretched one whom i derided! felled by his own spear!

who could wound himwith the holy weapon? who once punished my laughter. his curse gives me strength. against you yourself i'll call uponthe spear, if you honour him with pity. madness!pity on me! be mine for one hour...let me be yours for one hour... ...and you shall be shown the way! go, wretched woman! help!

seize him!bar his way! even if you find all the roads in the world,the road you seek you will not find. for any road that leads from me,is cursed by me! wander, wander! you whom i know so well that i'll give you for company! halt! i'll banish youwith the right weapon! his master's spearshall stop the fool! just as it shall close the wound you caused with it...

...may it pulverizeyour false splendour! you know where youcan find me again! the groaning came from there.so pitifully no beast laments, least of all on the most holy of mornings. i think i know this lament. she here again? how long hasthe thorn-hedge kept her hidden? up, kundry!winter has fled, spring is here! awake to the spring! cold and stiff! this time i would have thought her dead.

yet it was her groaningthat i heard. you mad woman!have you no word for me? is this my thanks for waking youfrom the sleep of death? that will be an easy task. there are no more messages to send. there are no more messages to send.everyone finds herbs for himself. this we've learntfrom the beasts in the forest. how differently she walks than before! has the holy daybrought this about?

day of grace beyond compare! for her salvation, today i could wakethe poor soul from her sleep of death. who is approaching the holy spring... ...in sombre suit of armour? that is none of the brothers. hail, my guest! have you lost your way,may i direct you? you offer me no greeting? if your vow constrains you to silence......then mine obliges me to tell you what is proper. here you are on hallowed ground.one doesn't come here

do you not know what holy day this is? where are you from, not to knowthat today is good friday? lay down your weapons!do not offend the lord... ...who this day gave his bloodin expiation of the sinful world! you recognize him? it is hewho once killed the swan. it is he, the foolwhom i drove away in anger. what paths has he found?the spear, i recognize it. oh, that i should waketo see this holiest day! blessed am i to find you again.

then you recognize me,bowed with grief and care? from where have you come? along paths of error and suffering i've come.am i freed from them... ....now that i again hear the rustlingof this forest and greet you anew? or do i still stray?everything seems changed. whom did you seek? him whose lamenti once heard in foolish wonder. to bring him salvation,i may deem myself chosen but never to findthe way to redemption...

...i was driven astrayby a savage curse. countless plights forced mefrom my path. despairingly i had to protect the holy relic. for this itself i dared notwield in battle. unprofaned i now bring it home.glittering pure and bright before you: the holy spear of the grail. oh mercy! supreme grace!holy, highest wonder! the curse that drove you fromthe true path, has been lifted. it is in need of the salvationthat you bring!

ever since you were gone......our grief and fears grew into dire distress. amfortas, fighting against the tormentof his wound and his soul... now only yearned for death. none of his knights' pleas couldmove him to perform his holy office. the grail remained lockedin its shrine. its guardian cannot die while he beholds it.he hopes to force his death and thus end his torment. common food must nourish us. thus our heroes'strength was exhausted. no more calls to holy warsreach us from afar.

pale and wretched limps the dispirited,leaderless knighthood. here i remained hidden,awaiting death. my aged warrior lordalready succumbed. for titurel,denied the sight of the grail... he died,a man like all men! and i am the cause of all this misery! what burden of guilt must my foolish head have borne since eternity?no repentance or atonement can relieve me of my blindness. though i was chosen for deliverance,the last path of deliverance escapes me! not with this!

may the holy springrefresh our pilgrim's bath. i think a lofty taskwaits him still. to perform the holy office.therefore, he must be free of stain. and the dust of long wanderingsmust be washed from him. will i be ledto amfortas today? indeed, the lofty castle awaits us.the funeral rites of my lord call me there. once more to revealto us the grail. once more to perform the long-neglected office.to sanctify his lofty father, who succumbed through his son's guilt. for which he will now atone.this amfortas has promised us.

you have washed my feet...now let my friend bathe my head. may this purity bless you! thus may the burden of all guiltbe lifted from you. you have anointed my feet. let now titurel's comrade anoint my head that he may greet me this day as king! thus it was promised us,thus do i bless your head... ...to greet you as king.you, pure one! enduring in compassion,knowing by sacred exploits! you who endured the sufferingsof the redeemed one...

...now lift from his head the final burden... my first office i thus perform: receive this baptism,believe in the redeemer! how fair the meadowseems today! i came upon magic flowers,that twined about me to my head... but never did i see such soft and tenderstalks, blossoms, flowers. nor has anything smelled so sweetor spoken so lovingly to me. that is the magicof good friday, lord. the day of utmost grief! on which all that blossoms and lives should but mourn and weep!

you see, it is not like that. they are the sinners' tears of repentance...that today with holy dew besprinkle field and meadow. all creatures rejoice at the redeemer's gracioussign and dedicate to him their prayer. they cannot behold himupon the cross. so they look upto man redeemed who feels freed from the burden of sin, purified by the loving sacrifice of god. now stalk and flowerin the meadow know... ...that this day no foot of manwill tread them down. but just as godwith heavenly patience... ...took mercy on himand suffered for him...

...so man today in devout gracespares them with soft tread. for this, all creation gives thanks......all that blooms and withers... ...now that nature, freed from sin,today celebrates its day of innocence. i saw them wither,those who once laughed at me. do they now yearnfor redemption? your tears too becamea dew of blessing. you weep......and see: the meadow smiles. midday.the hour has come. my lord, permit your servantto lead you!

we carry in its sheltering shrinethe grail to the holy office. whom do you shelter in that gloomyshrine and bear here in mourning? this funeral shrine holds the hero.he holds the holy strength whom god himself once took as his guardian: titurel we bear. who did slay the one,who god himself once protected? conquered he was by the burden of age......since he no more beheld the grail. who denied himthe sight of the grail? he whom you lead there,its sinful guardian.

we lead him today, because onelast time, he will perform the office. woe, guardian of the grail!for the last time, be mindful of your duty! this i willingly exclaim with you. i would more willingly acceptdeath from you......the mildest penance for my sin! my father!most blessed of heroes! purest of all......to whom once the angels bowed... ...i, who only wanted to die,to you i did give death! you who now in divine radiancebehold the redeemer himself... ...implore of him that his holy bloodmay once more revive my brothers...

...that it may grant them new life,as it grants me death at last. death...to die... the only mercy! perish the horrible wound, the poison!still the heart it consumes! my father! i call to you!please, call to him: ''redeemer, grant my son repose!'' reveal the grail!perform the office! your father exhorts you:you must! no!no more! already i feel death's darknessenclose me.

madmen!who would force me to live? could you but grant me death! here i am; from this open woundflows the poisonous blood. draw your weapons! plungeyour swords in deep, up to the hilt! up, you heroes!slay the sinner! then the grailshall shine of itself on you! only one weapon serves:only the spearthat caused the wound, can heal it. freed from sin and guilt.for i now will perform your office. blessed be your suffering...which gave the timid fool

the highest power of pity. the holy spear,i bring it back to you. oh, supreme joy of this miracle! from this which healed your wound,i see holy blood pouring forth... ...yearning for its kindred source,that wells within the grail. no longer shall it be hidden. reveal the grail!open the shrine miracle of supreme salvation!redemption unto the redeemer!

Pious Bird of Good Omen

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