Mr New Orleans

5:41 AM

all episode long we've been featuringcomfort food from across the globe but thanks to your suggestions on twitterfacebook and our app were at the home of chicago's comfort foods it's italianbeef at mr. beef on early you may not know this but my nicknamesmiss b oh well so today the b stands for miss meat beef yes yes tell me about mr.okay before all of this right now which is the river north this was aneighborhood it was industrial it was oh it was a really cool place that wasaround 1979 and it was probably one of the only existing beef stands downtowni've been coming since 1989 and it hasn't changed it's been good from dayone it's been here forever how long have

you been coming mmm eighty eight's idon't go to a lot of other spots for beef this is my go-to place it's justembodies a chicago field there's alice there's johnny's but the king is mr.beef this is the king this is the best why is mr. veeth chicago's back if youwalk outside its 2017 but you walk in here it's still like 1983 you know itmakes something that customers will sit here and almost plead with me and crylike please don't change this please don't ever leave keep this the way youknow it is and we hit we're gonna get in the kitchen absolutely we're gonna makeit let's make it go let's go so chris we've got our beef here yesthis is the top but bus stop i mean this

would be our spices right here so thisis your own special blend correct so we got our spices now we got our juices ourjuices it's a-okay our butts need to cook for three to four hours but in themeantime christopher slices some of the finished stuff so i can build up myfirst classic chicago italian beef we're gonna go ahead and grab a piece of breadtwist it around whip your hand like this and put it in there like it there you goright on with our bread loaded with beef i dip the ends in the steamy aju andthen comes one of the truly tough decisions in any chicagoans life i getit hot and juicy sweet depend dry italian beef with hot peppers i looksaying you want smooth today yeah that's

cause your ear we'll have a hot and sweet beat what'shot in sushi i want a little bit of both all right peppers then you're gonna goahead take this this is our jardin ere i catch a lot of flack for heavy magus amile jardin there some people think jar and they're suppose to be super hot butit's either you really like hot food or you're trying to mass and you don't eatit there's no masking the beef here cuz their teeth is that goodexactly okay i gotta get brittany a b+ on that one she did really puff her headthis is all for me so we got to make one for you absolutely and yeah we're gonnaeat it yes we are

so you're pretty impressed boys yes youbuild the beat i made a good beef to your beef making skills were excellentlet's dig in alright we've got our sweet and hot andready wow it just tender it's light but i likethat the jardin air is not overpowering it gives you that like little kick makesyou need but it's not burning your mouth exactly now this truly is like theultimate chicago comfort food whether it's me or its other beef stands this isour food this really is it's italian beef you know you love itmr. beef this is where you come and get it


Mr New Orleans

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