My Life (Twentieth Anniversary)

5:41 AM

is there anyone out there that we canspeak to please we're nudists help i don't know what else we're trying tosoar no and i want to why would that happen rhothis is rho we had a priest that's it we're donethen why is it vibrating i don't know we had at least starting at that but we'renot staying here let me add up great double your contention exit all day there's lance always we got leave ithink any cons i did when it said goodbye minuteman like oh hey guys herehado now now oh my god that heat up to pullthrough the wall - i married now not

only do we hear it guys i'm out i'm likei'm not done nothing but they're not no i'm calm come with you - i'm not stayinghere okay so we're we just left my apartment i'm not staying there tonighti'm not staying there at all we're going to head over to a de jure right now andstay over his place you said we can stay therei'm really terrified there's like almost lost for words right now dude thank you so much you have no ideahow much i appreciate that you have no ideadude it was literally the craziest thing ever i swear dude i like so luckily weare able to stay eight and slate tonight

we were legitimately about to go into ahotel find a hotel or another place to staybut i call it eden and he said we can stay here alex isn't here he went backto new jersey for like how long like a month or two so alex isn't going to behere for a while so we have a place to stay now thank you so much man really -appreciate it rick we're going to be going back to theapartment tomorrow morning to check it out when it's not night time like we'rejust really creeped out right now tomorrow morning we'll go back we'llhave to clean that mess up with the window or the mirror and everything likei can't even speak right now i'm

stumbling my words because i just idon't even know but really dude for real thank you so much you have no idea howmuch this means to us she is so good i didn't i just don't like i just can'tcomprehend it i trust me became leader thought it was done and you guys saidyou had a priest come in i don't see why this afternoon yeah i don't understandwhat okay i'm just laying here a lot of nothing of course and i love you guysright out like i feel bad i just like i'm honestly i wouldn't be shocked ifthere is anything here doesn't work i don't know if lance told you earlierwhat happened he told you guys in the vlog i know what if we were sitting herein those like started moving yeah why

yeah there's still now they werebouncing up and down like this and all three of us were over here yeah but idon't just like things have been like really crazy to that i just hope thatwhatever it is it's there and not attaching to you guys i don't know patchyeah yeah it's not trying to follow you not even saying that i don't want ithere no i know what you mean but like if we perhaps move down as our partner likei want to be there anymore hey guys so it's currently the next morning supertired still it aaden's we're about to head out right now clicking kisses topesto grizz wake up we got a go bro we got to go back to the apartment andclean that like glass of them stuff are

you gonna come are you staying here iknow i feel like i see ology softly you've been a good boy he didn't poop orpee everywhere they're really good i set upian's in the shower right now it is yo i'ma head out thank you so much forletting us stay here we're gonna go back to the apartment and check everythingout yeah i thank you so much manlater better i'm so tired we finally got chris up and readyi'm low-key like not feeling this apartment i really like you i do knowthat we gotta clean that stuff up and there's gonna be drinking lesseverywhere all of your oh i'm gonna get

that mess cleaned up no i know i feelthe same way i feel better during the day the nights out like nighttime creepsme out for sure why is it i feel like everything bad habit that night or justfeels like 10 times scarier and i really know all about itoh my gosh it's sunny out today but i probably should i literally just woke upguys ever did i like just wake up and try and look at something bright andshe's like you're squinting the whole time yeah i feel disgusting everythingis pretty much the same way we left it if you guys notice anything weird oroutlandish that like wasn't a certain way let me know um dude this is stilllike this is still super crazy how this

happenedwhat ah this is really where did look how bigof a dent that is in the fall look at what like hit it look at thatit's all the way through the wall unlike the drywall we'll be careful this glassi'll get the out of here there's glass everywhere i we're going to clean thisup things up the majority of the mess the only thing is there's a lot of glassgetting stuck in the carpet that we can't pluck out with the vacuum so we'regoing to take the carpet out and then shake it off so we just have to move theentire bed and take the rug out from underneathi tried vacuum up as much as possible

but we're going to see what this lookslike underneath be careful oh my god be careful cuz glass is still going to comeout hole right in the wall dang we'll try and fix that that's all the waythrough yeah what the hell went through oh this is so cuteaidan just got here um he had to come over here real quick to edit a couplethings on my computer because i mean let him use it recently but do you want tocheck out what happened with the mirror oh yeah like it's a we cleaned upeverything around it like there's still some glass pieces so be careful we'retrying to our best to get it up oh and look at the wall oh so oh what the hellhappened i have no idea what went

through it like i don't know how thishappened like that's what we're still trying to figure out and like we've beentrying to look like clothes in there but it doesn't look like there's anythingactually in there bro it looks like a war zone in here looks like i didn'twant this punch it or i don't know i mean like myfist doesn't line up like here's the thing that would have to be a prettysmall set of holy sh i i think something got i don't know if something has ourown idea like an even i don't really know to be honest either and you werejust sitting there and you just heard yeah we were sitting over there theouija board is still in like the same

exact area where it wasand that's then then all this went down so anything crazy if what happened iliterally tweet it the minute it happens so if you guys want to say update oneverything that's going on before the vlog actually goes up make sure tofollow me on twitter and turn on my post notifications and you guys will knowexactly whenever anything is tweeted or goes live also just in case you guysdon't know already you can turn on my notifications on youtube as well i toldyou guys this before but just in case you don't know to do it there's thislittle bell icon next to my youtube subscribe button if you click that andthen you click the check mark here to

send me all notifications for thatchannel and then hit save any time i post a new video you will getmy notifications so thea's food has been calling gallant he hasn't been eating ithe's been acting really really strange lately there's way too much food inthere right now so i'm gonna throw it back in there so he doesn't eat it allonce because then he would probably be ended up pooping everywhere video wasn'teating this whole time whenever i put the dish in front of him he won't eat itbut he'll eat it out of my hand say he goes away now watch the second assem ihand her on the floor he'll leave it it makes no sensehe's like actually eating it okay what

who's god bleep he had them in eatingi'm like really worried about him is he gonna bug food animals the other day andlook at this whoever took the last one just left the box in there what is thepoint of that aydin's wrapping off his video we did the spicy ramen challengethat i told you guys about and yesterday's video he's finishing editingthat right now and christmas past that we're gonna be going for the gym prettysoon you're not going now so you're not going to the gym melon what time you broit's 10 o'clock i don't think i'd then i wouldn't beanybody over videos play with a ouija board no we were supposed to go by likei know i put all blame on aiden yeah

blame you a little bit what yeah yougave him permission to use your computer so now we're stuck here hmm so now it'smy voice turned around on me guys that is true that is true so we willgive him that it makes up for it are you kidding me are you can not evenstuff he's like will i find puppy loves well yeah let's try let's try it wellsee i'm a copyright i moved out do it with your handsno he's it's not going to be able to stay like that oh you mad at me thedemon got inside of him that finally goes video up so if you guys want tocheck it out go to aiden clan ski on youtube you can see us eat crazy spicyramen get up boy come on he's

legitimately just waking up we gotta hitthe gym now i know i know it's like two hours later but we got this come on boysanother half hour with pot bro come on let's go let's go let's go it don'tmatter we're still gonna get that gym flow we gotta get big strong we're gottwo hours ago y'all you know how crazy this is we took pre-workout me and aidenand then aiden took like another hour so we have to take pre-workout again wowdude i'm just like ah let's go home are you everywhere ah give me four more that's what happens when you take thatmuch pre-workout right okay that's all you got i don't even know what i justsaw chris is like why are we friends

with this kid it was i don't know bro okay oh my god let'sfight this baby's got to come off take it off right oh yeah take it off thereyeah i can't wait to get yelled at this is suspect what's that dance you'redoing while you're taking your shirt off i don't know what oh what is asianmaking up over here i like it this is since just wraps up our workoutyou guys saw there's a pool party going on me and you're gonna stop by idefinitely want to go in right now it's burning hot sweating jumping in a poolwould feel amazing right now yeah i feel amazing so a really good workout thatway bro so i'm a little bit of the

nipple popping out no matter what it isyou know bro just rest up at the pool area is definitely relaxing i haven'teaten in hours i feel like i'm going to pass out right now so i'm gonna try andgrab something but first i gotta go home and get changedhow'd you say it like good chinese i go home you're trying yeah you know i justrealized what cuz you left like i was like barely even awake when you left iwas in the shower we didn't say what's up today sup bruh wanted to say that iasked ya whatever is going on but i've got to do this again i'm hungry yeah i'll get a chance no i've been aquick protein shake real quick

i feel like i'm about to pass out sohopefully them self there we go get the same thing every time so ayden just toldme this and i've heard about this before but i never believed it right like i'venever believed it and this is before i've ever played with a ouija boardeither like i didn't play with the ouija board before and i didn't believe thateither so i don't know this could work i'm full disclaimer i've never triedthis before so i'm going to try it out now but apparently there's this thingcalled automatic writing and it's pretty much the same thing as playing with aouija board except you have a pen a piece of paper and apparently the gostripes using your hand now i i watched

videos of this and it looks so fake itlooks so fake and it does not look believable at all so i want to try itout for myself and see if it actually works so maybe idon't know let's just try it out i've gotten a contact with spirits before idon't know let's try it out okay if there's any spirits out there that wouldlike to contact me i'm allowing you to use my body and my hands to write me amessage so are you here yes or no is there anyone here yes or no you can usemy hands to write a message on this piece of paper no no let me hold up holdup hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up no no way noway no okay if there's any spirits out

there that would like to contact me i'mallowing you to use my hands as a way to write a message on this piece of paperif you would like to do so are you here yes or no if there's a spirit here i'mallowing you to use my hands to write a message are you here yes or no bro youwant to know the weirdest thing i'm scared i'm resisting yeah i'm scared ifeel something pulling down and i'm pulling back i'm resisting like like i'mlike i'm legitimately scared because playing a ouija board and like somethingmoving with like two people on it it's like it's cool right like but you alwayshave this saw in the back of your head that someone else is moving that gamepiece like if i was a play with chris

right now in my head i'm thinking chrisis moving it even though he might not and chris might have that thought in theback of his head too but when you're playing something by yourself and youfeel something pulling it's scary chris has it chris is like this right nowwhat are you doing what are you thinking of acceptance ooh you stepped in poop noi thought i smelled something i was like i was like what is that smell see oh mygod oh no david chettle da kill that's disgusting i gotta clean that up poop umlet me bring this chair around so i'm like i'm like really nervous right nowyeah that's why like i don't think it's large because like i'm resisting in myhearts actually beating holy sh you know

stuffing food i mean of course myheart's going to be i'm not dead but not yet okayif there's any spirits out there i would like to contact me i'm allowing you touse my body as a source to write an answer on this piece of paper right herewith this pen or this sharpie is there any spirits out there yes or nowhat are you there yes or no spirit okay that was really weird well i'm barelytouching no way do you see this i'm nervous i'm really weird this is weirdthis is weird this is weird this is weird there's no way there's noway there's no way let me just call my name hey lizzy just got back she lookedat my writings on the paper and she's

like what the hell is that you not knowhow to write i do know how to write but lizzy you know i don't write cursiveright like i like i'm terrible at cursive the only thing i know how to doin cursive is like my name what do you mean this is called automatic writing iswear to god my ghost controls your hand and and write something yeah well are wethe ghosts in guy all over the cap yeah that was sharpie does my fault so i haveto switch to a pen i'm so confused well i want you to try it i want you iso look i think it's the most bush the most biessing and existence i think thisis more bs than the ouija board will ever be but i swear it works i swear iswear dude like i i don't want to

believe it i don't want to believe it towrite on this paper to contact me please if there's any serious please use myhead and pen to write on a favorite you're going to feel force it's lightbut it's weird is there anyone there yes or no i didthe same thing at first chocolate no i know what lea she had stuff in his pooflike kristin duke i leave my hand here i have um chuck to be honest i mean idon't know i have no idea where do you see this at online aiden actually talkedto me about it i've heard him before if you want try leaning your arm up so ithas more like range of motion because i said the whole time i felt like myselfleaning on the whole thing

what is that i just saw my picture comeokay okay okay um you have to like actually like that even like allowyourself but dude i know it sounds sophie and i know okay okay listenlizzie do you think i'd be be asking right now is that all that stuff thathappened okay so try it for real like i know the camera you would be like okayplease if there are any spirits out there please use my hand and pen towrite on this paper stop smiling you're being sarcasticyou're being so sarcastic i'm not trying to it's hard to believe okay i chose mei chose incident i believe i believe if there are any spirits out there thatwould like to contact me you may use my

hands and ten to write on this paperplease please write something i'll hold the paper scissors don't like push toohard down i'm not is there anyone there yes or no you say is there anyone hereyes or no you're laughing that wasn't meand i messed it up i'm sorry here's good news piece of paper yeah okay do youbelieve me now that was c aren't you so skeptical about it though that's how ifelt i felt the same way tara we have paperwhat are you trying to use okay yeah sorry i got a newspaper please pleaseuse my hand and this marker to write something i'll just ask a questionlizzie's not going to write something

it's just it just spells up somethingwhat's my favorite number shut down on paper yeah have your arm like elevatedwhat is my favorite number is anyone here if there's someone here please whatis my favorite number try asking non personal question like um like what isyour name they like say it again that like you allow them to use your i allowyou to use my arm in hand to move this marker to write to me please if there isanyone out there please write what is your nameyou pushing hard no it's not working my own heart okay so aidan just got herei guess i passed off like an hour ago penhey let's go over all wrong what's going

on hey yo aidan ain't no one's talkingto me on the phone about this whole thing all we need is a piece of paperand i showed you guys this already i don't really know it doesn't seem liketoo believable for me but i wanted to try it again and they're not giving itto me for some reason so pretty much this stuff is like it's another way oflike getting in contact like a ouija board yeah but it's a lot stronger soit's like it's not good to do you know it's not good to do and it's reallyearlier yeah i did earlier and i got this boxi got a mama it spelled backwards though no but yeah we're not going to do thatanymore if it's not my mama and i got ya

okay so right now i'm trying to playwith the notepad and the pen like i've shown you guys earlier because aidentold me about it he was going to come over here and play it but now they'reall hiding it for me or from me for some reasonwow i was sleeping out i was sleeping then aiden got here bro chains aroundhis neck yeah put it back it off put it on you and you were like crazy i'llbreak it off yeah you're like it'll tell you i actually don't want you to play itanymore come on something's trying to quit the rope not like you that thing isnot safe to do like i didn't know i didn't know you were going to do it byyourself

okay now this is a big prank all my lifehey i gave you my work like shake my hand i give you money pit obviously ifsome what happened like that you guys would have recorded it was a recordabout you okay this is a big prank there's a big bang but your violin i gotit laughing it i get it it's a prank call oh to the prankno where's what i'm laughing now you know me i would have last by now i'mbeing serious you know you're on the floor crying likepractically screaming and like yes we god i can't even hear you tv so loudmaybe it's not loud well you were not acting yourself and that's i wasn'tgoing to record you because i was very

thank youi really did not look i think oh he just acted a name is like how it is like tryyou know i remember playing a week before your sleep no because you guysare contracted me right now and i'm like that's right okay i'm donestop dang is afraid why would i say something like that why you guys tryingto make something else that i did we're not making anythingour class you know me you really know me i wouldn't you are messing with me rightnow to try and get to me this is not the right time after all they've been goingout you guys are really going to do this you're getting really upset right nowyeah okay go continue this prank if it

was a prank we were like okay okay sowhat did i do i was sleeping and then any camp overyou guys you came in my room and said wake up food run i will show you whathappened welcome here when i got here you just say you don't have it recordedso how you going to show me i'm going to show you what you were doingno no no you didn't he walked in you were sitting like this right here i waslike where's lance and you were sitting here and you wouldn't move bro you'resitting right here columbo i thought all right i'm not believing it i'm notbelieving it okay listen i get it okay yeah been going on it's funny yeah i getto 20 this equipment okay lance okay how

do you not want to right i have yourback whatever don't try to convince me you're notcalling up pre don't call a priest there's nothing to call priest about noyou're not i'm not letting you call priest okay i believe you okay sweardon't call the priest what do you believe that i do know what you callinga priest i guess like i don't know why you guys are being so serious about itas you are you were screaming chris tell me there's grown nicky uh you're doingall that what was i doing you're screaming crying balled up boposition right you're trying to make yourself throw up i'm on to these guysafter everything that's going on like

i'm not i'm not like i'm not diggingthis me neither i wasn't digging how you were acting aminute ago bro i was done cooking i first find a ceo i really came in beforevegan this doesn't add up it doesn't make any sense you asked for water isyour shirt wet shirt well sure it's not wet i thought it was good on my boobit was right here where i got him their wet spot anywhere zero wet spot let mesee your eyes they're bloodshot they're bloodshot youwere crying if you don't believe me they're bloodshot when you cry -bloodshot just a wet spot yep that's a wet spot right there feelswet yeah that could sweat ansley no i

swear i give you water because you askedfor water and when we got it to you i'm going to drink it so she poured it onyour mouth and you wouldn't even swallow it just dripped out here man okay you'relaughing i'm this okay all right all right you got me you got me you got meguys yeah you got me ha ha ha so funnyi'm gonna eat i don't understand like like i get it like it's quite funny todo a prank right now forget it why is he just barking at me what'swrong he never does this yeah but why are youjust walking at me you okay all right so they still had not come out with acamera or anything so i don't i don't

know if they're just expecting me torecord everything and then it's the prac the end like they'll get me hahaha butto be honest i don't know what to do this show you oh i don't really care fora bad as you know there's nothing i can do - oh they're legitimately sayingright now that while i was sleeping right because i passed out that i wasdoing all these weird things what did you say i was sitting on the floor whenaidan walked in yeah then what else would i doi feel everything you're saying there i got it you're awesome eh oh i put thecross on you to make you feel better and you kept saying break itwhy would i say break it if there's a

cross on there that's what we're sayingwe don't know you're saying break it yo this is the biggest product of theyear if it was a prank i'm isn't it frank this is the biggest rank for yearshow is it i can't improv as good so no i'm telling you the truth i'm gonna eatmy food and figure out when this prank is going to end okay so it's now likeanother ten minutes later they keep insisting that all this happens and iasked why didn't you record it and why didn't you report it i said cuz i careabout brenden and a hammer in love you weren'tacting like a human being bro i learned to love lips i'm literallysmiling i'm smiling too because i don't

know what to think is smiling becauseit's a nervous habit like you were trying to throw upwell are you smiling come on smile in my place i'm smiling because i think thisthing's all phony to me like i don't usually believe this stuff i don't everbelieve this stuff but you jumped on you right now you were on the floorscreaming crown your balled up fetal position in there and you were trying tothrow up non-stop they expect me to believe this okay all right i believeyou guys that that gets in to stop talking about this i'm done like i knowbut you lied your prison meow creeping me out would you really i really thoughtyou were kidding at first did you know

how you're like way way way back when iused to tell you this i stare oh yeah i used to do this there and lizzie lizziewould get so creeped out so like we would literally be walking home we wouldgo to like the park around the corner and we would walk be walking home atlike 8 o'clock it was starting to get dark and i would just start staring atlike random things and lizzie would get so creeped down to a tell me to stop andif i didn't stop to it like get really really freaked out and start to clear upa little bit so i remember that we're doing the whole time that's what you'redoing you literally look in aten in his eyes like then up and you didn't sayanything to me

and you look at 1/8 and put this thingon you you were crying and then after that you stop cryingyou look aidan dead in his eyes you can't break itoh my god and she's just taking her head out there okay all right i believe youi know i just i don't know i don't know you don't have video for town you'renever gonna get it so this this is actually making me smile chris hey saywhat you just said i said why should i get an oscar come on he said i'm a goodactor the funniest part is i think they're the ones acting yeah you'regonna get an oscar for like lobster warriors game all day i don't know whatto believe you guys are actually getting

in my head okay all right all right idon't know i don't know are they sweating bad did you keep smiling at meokay regardless regardless i want to try out this pen thing again and they won'tlet me do again okay listen i walked out with the notebook and they ripped it outof my hand and said no and that's when i picked up the camera in your head youwere fleecing or whatever you doing your eyes were twitching so i thought you'restill awake and the pen was just moving like you started off you were here for along time again you'd like disappear you right down there you are playing with athing i know i'm playing i was playing for it like for like an hourthat's not normal i was trying to get

answered that other thing okayyeah here's the funny the the mark or whatever it is you try playing that gamewe would break the box and spit joking he's not gonna find the hole dudethey're creeping me out you're creeping me out ah let me play ityeah they're still going on about this so i don't know i'm gonna i actually dostart to believe them do you guys just understand like how i think about thislike it put yourself in my shoes if you were if you went to sleep andthen you wake up and that every there's no proof and everybody tells yousomething happen that didn't happen to you yesokay i believe them okay if that's the

case then like we need to be on guardabout everything you don't to sleep here to me now great that makes me feel somuch better there i'll wake up in the layers me that's what i'm going to do toface i hate i'm being serious i am okay okay i believe you guys i feel i quitafter letting our water i poured water in your hut and one on your shirt afterlike an hour of them trying to convince me and there is no camera setup i lookedeverywhere um i guess i guess i believe you guys well thank you mari thanks likewhat i don't know what you expect like woo did you but and like yours the turnbro okay listen like like i pranks i prank a lot of people right so i expectanything like something weird to be a

prank that's why a lot of this stuffthat isn't explainable like okay certain situations certain situations situationslike yesterday with the mirror like i get that that that couldn't have been aprank notion no way there was it was me living christmas apartment and nobodyelse so how did that break look at that i understand but like this is just likeit's kind of like overboard but yes i do believe you guys because you guys havebeen going on it for like an hour now i got to this oh that's like it's not evenlike a funny prank like honestly whoa it's a prank okay there was no there wasnothing that's like wow yeah i was really funny at allso um they's like truly made me believe

that what they were explaining to me wasactually realistic and not fake and it i almost don't know like what to think ofit i'm just like really like thrown into like shock right now i'm going to end myvideo here just because i don't really feel like picking up the camera andtalking for the rest of the night i just i really do just want my life to go backto normal like i hate how all this like crazy random happening and you know it'sone thing if like wow we have a ouija board and it's moving and stuff and thenmaybe like little things happen where you hear like a creek or like a knock onthe wall but the fact that like last night there wasis shattered glass all in chris's room

because something went through the glassand the wall and we still can't figure out how it happened or what went throughthe wall and then all this other crazy random stuff that's been going on hasbeen happening on so it's like a completely different situation and i don't i don't know what to do about it i'll see you guys tomorrow

My Life (Twentieth Anniversary)

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