Blake Snake Moan

4:41 AM

don't you hate all that space probe crashed now these monsters running around yeah 40 minutes later i really hope no monsters show up yeah okay 77 minutes later oh my god! run!

hello and welcome to day 5 of the defranco nation movie club that's right oprah, literacy just took a turn for the awesome that's terrible today is day 5 and if you saw the video the yesterday we set the next 7 movies that were going to talk about up

so if you haven't seen that yet, check out yesterdays video but today class, we're going to watch monsters which i'm about to do on the old computer here, using the lovely the netflix instant queue which of course works on: computers, ipads, iphones, all that good stuff,

xbox xbox, ps3 xbox, ps3, wii almost everything, and the reason we are watching monsters it was highly recommended, but also hushed because it was a low budget movie it actually only cost about $500,000 they did guerilla shootings,

so a lot of the extras, didn't know they were extras, directed by gareth edwards, main two characters are played by whitney able and scoot mcnairy and the movie is described as: six years after aliens invaded earth, a security force maintains tenuous control in the infected zone straddling the u.s.-mexican border. andrew, a photographer, is documenting this war-torn area

when he's interrupted by an unexpected rescue mission. samantha, daughter of a media mogul who just happens to be his boss, needs an escort home, and andrew reluctantly takes on the job. so i've heard very mixed reviews about this going into the movie, going to watch now, if you have not seen it, watch it because i'm going to talking about some specific stuff off i go, and heres 10 seconds of the trailer

we're back, i'm very torn, as far as this movie goes i definitely see what a lot of people were saying why they hated this movie, i definitely see why a lot people loved this movie, a lot of people were saying there weren't enough aliens or creatures or whatever "you know i wanted like transformers meets alien

meets... a movie where things actually happen." on the other side people are saying the whole point is that it's subdued even though they are in this extraordinary situation, it always comes down to relationships, because this a monster movie where it's not like godzilla just attacked, it's like godzilla just attacked and he got a condo and he's chilling and

it's like six years later and everyone like "oh hey it's godzilla, let's just fucking avoid godzilla" and looking at this movie, i can't help but stress like it gets a little extra room to mess up because it really was, it was made for $500,000 which is amazing, especially when you look at all the stuff they got into the movie the relationship between the main two characters is actually really good that is probably because in real life they're married

but you do actually care about the characters even though mistakes are made here and there so everything starts off easily enough, they're trying to get back home, the only way to get back home is a ferry, they pay cash then the main guy has sex with a mexican girl, which of course, if you've watched any movie ever, means the mexican girl is going to steal his id and his money because apparently that's what mexican people do in movies

then they're forced to go through the infected zone which, of course, is infected because a satelitte probe six years ago crash landed with some bacteria from the moon, which obviously resulted in monsters and while you don't see a lot of monsters, you do feel the tense situation, because most of the time, if you're going to see these things,

you're about to die, so they go through, relationships evolves, you find out more about the monsters, mainly that monsters have sex, and then they jizz on trees i think that's what happened in the movie then everyone dies except them, because well that's how a movie works kind of when the movie got interesting, was the last 20 minutes,

they get to this giant wall, which america has finally built because as much as we complain about mexicans jumping our borders, we like people picking our fruit but giant monsters that kill people, fucking the biggest giant wall you've ever seen which i don't know see how that actually helps since the monsters look like they fly, but then something said during this part in the movie, that kind of just,

stayed with me, and it was the guy talking to the girl and he's like "once we get over those walls, we're just back to our regular lives, and like this will just have been a thing that happened to us, and we'll perfect suburban homes, and the world will continue being messed up, but we'll be gone." and it reminded of when i've talked to soldiers, who have come back to america they refer to america as disneyland

that the real shit is over there, with what they have to go through and what they deal with on a daily basis and they come back here, and it just is weird artifical not the raw nerve of what life really is. and it was kind of a moment where i was i like "aah, whaaa? an emotional reponse, victory for you director!" of course they jump over the wall, they realize they want to be

together, there's this moment where you see the giant monsters, like tentacle having i don't know, pretty on of them came, probably the guy one, then the military shows up, you think everythings good, until you realize that the people you think died in the beginning of the movie were in fact the two characters you have been with for the past 90 minutes, but does their death change anyhting they've gone through, not really

it is still open ended, you don't know if they die, but the main point of the story is, a lot of shit is messed up and we put walls to try and block ourselves away from it, but what we really do is trap ourselves and really postpone the inevitable death and shit that's going to happen to you that being said, i think there were a lot of missed opportunities in this

movie, i definitely recommend it if you have time to waste, but it is not a must watch, i love to know what of course, what you guys thought, since if you watch yesterday's video you probably watch this video, this movie is readily availble everywhere, of course you can use our affiliates/kind of sort of sponsor, you get a month for free, you get to stream

and get dvd's sent to your house it's a good time and of course tomorrow, we're switching gears and watching the movie ponyo i'm probably pronoucing it wrong, so be sure to watch that, if you've already seen it, send a video response to this video, with the your opinion and review on the movie, and maybe we'll use it tomorrow

anyways guys, i'm going to head off if you're going to do anything else today, make sure to watch the monday philip defranco show the main show i do, all the links you'll ever need in the world, in the description below. but guys, hope you're an awesome day i love your faces, and i'll see you tomorrow

Blake Snake Moan

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