Born to Be Blue

5:41 AM

so what the freaking hell justhappened? so what's up guys foxen here darling the franxx just went full gurrenlagann and kill la kill. you got the massive alien twist invaders from spaceand the real enemies have been aliens the whole time so pretty much a veryjuicy episode with a ton of info. all right so i'm still trying to digest thismyself let me actually try to go in order andthen we'll get to the juicy stuff at the very end. at the beginning of this youhave the ape group talking about taking over the grand crevasse somethingabout taking over this massive weapon. to be honest when i heard this i was justthinking this is obviously fake

information they must be talking aboutthe klaxosaur princess or perhaps something related. i guess it turns outthey were being honest they turned out to be the star entity. next up as fornone on this episode so what's this nana got replaced already so that was prettyquick. interestingly this new model refers to herself as 0007 so nana andhachi's name are confirmed to be literally the japanese names for seven and eighthmm the question still remains as to why they are very low digits in other wordsin the same league as zero two? is it simply just because they were born firstas for hiro and the ape group early that's absurd i gotta say hiro had someballs here although perhaps the wrong

time to start balancing them around howabout not trying to piss off your caretakers right before your finalmission. you wouldn't want to accidentally find yourself in someaccident would you? although to be perfectly fair i don't even think itmattered whether or not hiro was being more restrained or polite to them. lateras we find out they're aliens anyway so they wouldn't give a up that klaxosaur spear brought up. even by the weird finale forthis episode we still don't know what this thing is.either way we finally find out what the ape group was building a while back.apparently is this klaxosaur type

of spear formed from their cores and iguess it makes sense why not fight fire with fire or metal with metal. althoughat this point is it really just another version of a franxx just a more pointyversion? i guess we're gonna have to wait to find out. as kokoro and mitsuru this episode so first off both of these took the rings off.i can't say i'm too surprised although last time it seemed like kokorostarted to remember cuz of it but anyway here's the real kicker you have kokorofeeling sick and it turns out the theories of some of you came up withlast time about her being pregnant turned out to be true. so mitsuruyou're a father

let's see both of these survived longenough to actually have the kid. by the way how old are they supposed to be like15? it must be pretty bad luck getting knocked up the first time and in kokorocase she doesn't even remember that she wanted the frickin kid. come on can youmake this even worse? next up ask for d-day very fitting nameby the way. at the start of this you had everyone lined up i really startedthinking back to code geass here yes my lord.i mean yes ape. here i just loved how the ape group was patting themselves on theback with them claiming that they establish peace and prosperity forhumanity. right my ass you did and at

this point i'm not sure what theirultimate goal was was it really just to enslave humanity. if so why not just blowthe frickin planet and be done with it. there must be something on earth thatthey need otherwise why go through all thistrouble? just nuke the damn thing. next up the nines group this episode.early on you pretty much had the nines group versus a squad 13 and it reallyjust is fun looking back the nines were not a fan of this disobedient group.really wonder how they feel now since basically they were used way more thansquad 13. oh and by the way i just loved how zero twobasically gave them the middle finger

with her remark about how her team wasstronger than them. suck it. also just a quick side note here about the ninesguys notice here how all of them have the same red suit. more specifically noneof them have that back headpiece so is it possible for the nines members toeither be top or bottom if they choose hmm something to think for squad 13 this episode it was honestly pretty nice to see how muchthey've grown so far. before they were having trouble killing those baby-sizedball klaxosaur. in this episode they were pretty much capable of soloing aton of them no problem and that's without zero two's helped too. unfortunatelymid episode something happened to mitsuru.

was this something that i mentionedlast time potentially happening about how mitsuru and kokoropotentially recall their mind wiped memories if they ride each other?next up let me bring up zero two and hiro this episode so thanks hiro for bringingthe death flags back. to be honest they were pretty much having wishful thinkingthat they would just be letting out freely. by the way did you notice thisabout zero two.i think this is the first time you see her not wearing that red suit topilot the franxx. i guess this must be her way of separating herself from thenines group and at the same time getting closer to this group. all right so nowgetting into the outer juicy bits the

klaxosaur princess.right here she's confirmed to be the ultimate code 001 and then perhapsmore important this loli princess is the last surviving klaxo sapien hmmso pretty much the humanoid version of the klaxosaur. oh and i do have tobring this up right here you could bet that dr. franxx was totally gettingturned on by this. too bad it didn't last too much. i was starting to think that it wasover for the doctor. as for the loli princessit looks like zero two got her aggressiveness from somewhere. she was taking hiro byforce and not having any questions even to the point of giving him a literalkiss of death. it seems she's taking a

liking to hiro's forget about ichigo trying to get back was hiro. the main competition nowis this princess. let me mention that i was surprising her being able to takecontrol of the franxx and by the way notice a cool side effect of it goingliterally to the dark side but why is she able to ride it? i was just thinkingweren't they supposedly an invention by dr. franxx but it turns out the franxxwere instead an original type of klaxosaur kind of? and by the way thatwhole voice thing that the princess did okay so she was capable of doing thatwhy not just start off with it? literally everyone in the battlefield was disabledby it. it didn't even seem like she had a

limit. i think the only ones noteffected are of course the ape group aliens anyway. as for more juicy infoabout the klaxosaurs, apparently there were always two times the humanoid ororganic ones and then a second type being literal magma energy. okay doesthis really even make sense? and why the strange part about this was that eventhe ape group didn't seem to be aware about itat least the humans within the ape group anyway. anyway continuing what thereveals about the klaxosaurs apparently they were biological weaponsbuild by the klaxo sapiens so pretty much what a lot of us thought justgetting a confirmation on the theory. the

real new info here being that thehumanoid klaxosaur built them although here's a juicy twist that iloved guess what the klaxosaurs were basically franxx. they were made from amale and female klaxosaur persons. the females connected to the weapons andthe male is connected to the core of it to be honest this actually seems to bethe reverse of what dr. franxx setup. as for the ape group right before theirgrand reveal so things weren't going how they plannedif we can't have it then no one can which again goes back to some people oraliens just want to watch the world burn unfortunately it looks like they werejust fine with causing the mass

destruction of the planet just to spitethe klaxosaur princess. alright getting to the end the 20-minute markwhat the frickin hell it just happened this turn fully into kill la kill andgurren lagann. it literally turned into straight hardcore space sci-fi righthere. like a lot to be expected the klaxosaurs were the true good guysall along. alright let me touch on the star entity thing throughout thisepisode i was wondering just what the hell this thing was. was it a giant laser?nope it turns out it was just a klaxosaur sized franxx. the original versionperhaps. at this point this is when i started getting the gurren lagann vibesbut then it really shifts into fighting

invaders from space. there's talks aboutthe klaxosaurs being holed up in the earth and to be honest there's beena while since i watched it but isn't this almost the exact same setup for gurren lagann revealed later? anyway the true enemy revealed not apebut virm by the way virm + ape just shifted alittle and you get campire which makes sense then literally sucking the bloodaka magma from the planet. alright as for the ending so the ape group revealedtheir trump card which stopped the klaxosaur princess so get thisapparently they program the star entity to go boom if the klaxosaur princesspiloted it. really? when the hell that

they have timeto do this? kind of seems like bs. either way i guess there goes everything thewhole planet is about to go nuclear. by the way i should point out that it lookslike only part of the ape crew was even in on their whole plan. some of them musthave still been humans. as for the very end of this boy it is not looking goodfor zero two. she is bleeding out badly. to be honest i'm not even sure where thestory is gonna go from here can zero two and hiro save the day? hiro's gonna have toturn full klaxosaur to win this? but anyway more important let me hearyour thoughts on this episode! question of the day did anyone else finish thisepisode and think what the fuck just

happened?do you like this twist that just happened? and where any of your theoriescorrect about the klaxosaurs, ape group and about it possibly all beingjust aliens? also how do you think this is all gonna be resolved will zero two andhiro have to pilot the giant ass star entity and then just make it go evenbigger? anyway definitely gives us a klaxothumbs up and subscribe! you can watch over 5 anime videos here every week thatincludes my weekly breakdowns for darling in the franxx, my hero academiaseason 3 and the sao ggo spinoff by the way we just had one of the mostepic my hero academia episodes this week

definitely check out my breakdown forthe hall for one fine and i'll see you guys later

Born to Be Blue

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