(music) the treefolk combine the persistent and impenetrable flow of waterwith the silent strength and tenacity of esfah's entrusted elder forest. the treefolk represent the essence ofmother nature's desire to nurture and protect life. the firewalkers, detached from the planet in the chaotic fire cities of esfah's life-giving sun,evolved from the desirous potential of fire and air's untouchable winds of change.the firewalkers engage in the planetary war as though playing a timeless game,a sport for pleasure. this is a story of territorial war and conflict.while defending and expanding their homelands, armies may summon dragon spirits, prayingfate guides them toward the enemy.
this dragon diceâ„¢ starter set from sfr provides everything2 players need to engage in a variety of head-to-head battles. the box includes game instructions, anassortment of 2 races, the treefolk and firewalkers, 4 dragons, ferocious indiscriminate adversaries, and 4 terrains, the motherlands for which players battle. 2 playmats are provided to assist in gameplay. premium rubberized mats areavailable at the dragon diceâ„¢ website. set the playmats together and unpack the dice. place the 4x12-sided dragons andthe 4x8-sided terrains in the center. the remaining 10 and 6-sided army unitsare divided as players wish
given each player starts with equal health. the dice shape and size indicate the health of each unit. if this starter pack is divided by race,each player gets 16 units and 30 health. customize as desired. after dividing dice, players alternately placedragons in the summoning pool and terrains to the side. dragon and terrain colors areused only in advanced rules. if agreed, players may conceal the next few steps. each player assigns one of their terrains to their homeand proposes the other as the frontier. next, assemble 3 armies.
each army starts with at least 1 unit anda maximum of â½ your total health. one army defends your home,a horde army attacks the enemy's home, and the last army forges a campaign trail in thefrontier to secure the prosperity of your kind. the final step is to establish the battlefield.if concealed, players reveal their terrains and armies. the maneuverability of the hordearmies decide which proposed frontier terrain is used in game and which player goes first. each player rolls their horde andcounts the maneuver skill result. the maneuver skill is one of 5 army skills. the symbols or icons on the dicerepresent the skills of each unit.
when assembled they define an army's potential,and with an expanded set, characterize racial behavior. each race has a unique set of icons,but all icons are 1 of 3 types: identity icons count toward each skill, normal icons count toward one skill, and special action icons count towarda skill-set, explained in the rulebook. regardless of race or skill,rolled results are counted similarly. count special action icons firstto apply immediate affects. then count normal and identity icons. normal icons are worth 1 each andidentity icons are worth the health of the unit.
any icon on monster units are worth 4 each. refer to the rulebook for roll counting remindersand for special action icon skill-sets. for example, this roll produces no special actionicon results and the following normal icon results: 1 maneuver, 1 magic, 1 missile, 3 melee, and 2 save. lastly, the identity icon resultsin the unit's health of 1 for each skill. all rolls produce multiple skill results,but only the target skill result is used. the target skill in this example is maneuver,therefore the result is 2. the turn sequence explained in the gameplayvideo dictates when to target other skills. the player with the largest maneuver skill result maychoose to either play first or select the frontier terrain.
if they select the frontier,the opponent plays first. the proposed frontier not selectedis removed from the game. this yields 3 terrains for which playersbattle. to win the game, a player's armies must simultaneously control 2 of these terrains,or altogether eliminate the opponent's armies. each terrain type provides a unique battleexperience, but all terrains have 8 numbered sides. controlling any terrain is mechanically equivalent. the terrain value indicates the proximity of the battle. 1 indicates minimum terrain controlby distant armies using magic attacks. as battles advance to 8, missileand melee attacks are conducted
until an army gains full controlof the identifiable location. to change the battle proximity,perform a maneuver roll on your turn. if your army outmaneuvers the enemy,you may advance or retreat the proximity by 1. if you advance the proximity to 8,you gain control. when under control, all terrains grantadvantages to the controlling army. an additional advantage is grantedfor each of the identifiable locations. consult the rulebook for details onterrain control advantages. with the battlefield terrains established,the starting proximity of battles is determined by rolling each terrain. proximity rolls of7 are turned down to 6, and 8s are re-rolled.
this marks the end of setup andthe beginning of the game. next we'll cover a play-through withdetails on battles, magic, and dragons.

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