Buckle Up

5:41 AM

my name is jayden breece and i am eight yearsold. my name is treyton breece and i am nine. i'm james allen breece and i'm treyton and jayden's father. well, we had a couple of accidents that changed our lives forever. treyton and jayden breece lost their mother christy in a racing accident last april. they're mom was not buckled in, she didn't have control of the vehicle. they didn't have they're seatbelts on. and it ended fatally. we got in another wreck, too, but we had our seat belts on. treyton came to me in the kitchen and said "dad, i've got an idea.

maybe we can use ourstory and get people to buckle up, because we are evidence that seat belts can saves lives. christy's kids started around mid-january. i came up with the logo when i went to mydad. it's a memory for our mom. a way to remember our mom. i helped him launch it with the support of a bunch of great people. my name is brian thomas and i am the potter county sheriff. he said they want to put 'emon the sheriff's cars, because our cars are seen by everyone.

treyton said well it was their mom and that she had been killed in a car accident, because she didn't have her seat belt on. and then he said, but me and my brother were in a car accident later and we had our seat belts on and we survived. the heart is for your loved onesand please buckle up because you can lose your life in one crash if you don't have yourseat belts. treyton realizes that a seat belt could have changed this whole thing. we've had it on at news stations. we have it on shirts and the little bumper stickers. if you're behind a car with that bumper sticker and

forgot to put your seat belts on it just takes three seconds you can do it at a red light if your just behind someone. the boys don't want peopleto feel what they feel. and these stickers, and this whole campaign. if we can change one life it will be worth it. car wrecks happen every day. just buckle up, it takes three seconds.

Buckle Up

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