Spirit of the Century

4:41 AM

hey guys longtime viewers will remember i made a list of 20 things we all hate in age vampires a year ago about all the little inconveniences and pet peeves we have while playing a link to that video is in the description [and] if you think something was missed here it might be in that one it turns out there are more than 20 things so and making another list incorporating a lot of ideas that people left in the comments of the last video starting off with number 10 on our list is when you can't find your sheep pretty much everyone starts by building a house or two and then putting the first six villagers on sheep so that you can constantly create new villagers right out of the gate sometimes [you] have a lucky start where you can see them

right off the bat and send them into the town center, but other times you're walking around for ages and they're nowhere in sight when you have to get the villagers in on the search. that's when it's getting [out] of hand [but] any time it takes more than a few seconds to find them it's just a tough way to start a game on the other hand it's a pretty great moment when you eventually find them number 9 is when villagers trap themselves while building how many times have you sent a villager to build a bunch of houses or whatever and you come back some time? later to find most of them aren't finished and the villager has somehow locked themselves in it's like they don't realize i'm watching them from the sky and i know when they're trying to hide and get out of doing work

similarly they seem to almost without fail wall themselves on the wrong side of every wall they make number 8 is finicky l-shaped walls why if i'm trying to connect the wall from here to here would [it] think i want the wall to be like this and not like this or this the worst part is if you go too fast and accidentally drop it down as an l-shape you have to go and individually delete each piece before you can redo it number 7 is accidentally putting your dog on a tiny pond that you think is bigger than it really is or on a particularly bad length of coast with no fish there's not much [you] can do about this one since you can't always explore coastal water without building the dock first and sometimes the ponds

can be misleading and seem like they're connected i guess it's kind of your own fault when it happens but it doesn't make it any less irritating to waste a perfectly good dog in a bad location number six was the most liked comment on the previous video, and it's that mills aren't the same size as farms so you always end up with an awkward space beside the mill no matter how you try to arrange them now? there's an ancient secret passed down by mystics who meditated on the problem of the sacrilegious empty space around [mills] for centuries and in a flash of inspiration one wise man was gifted the divine wisdom of how to end the tyranny of the gap he passed the secret onto me during my training there which i will now teach you young

grasshoppers [the] secret is you have to place the farms like this? but even with this powerful knowledge, it would be both easier and more efficient to get eight farms around a mill if it was the same size as the farm number five is only being able to select 40 units at a time even back in the day when 200 was the population maximum it was still entirely reasonable to have a mono unit army of more than 40 units and now that maximum population settings regularly go up to 3 or 400 you run into this more than ever if [their] different unit types no problem you just give each one a different number, but if they're all the [same] unit it's awkward to double-click a unit and have only 40 out of the 60 or more

gets selected or to not be able to easily move around a large group of the same units number 4 is onna [jers] that kill your own units this happens in lots of different ways if your units are attacking buildings they can get taken out from behind an infantry pileup that your auditors decide to get in on or if the enemy runs away it's bad enough when it's done to you by your enemy but when it's your own auditors taking out your guys it's somehow ten times worse number [3] villager ai is appearing again on this list and this time it's when they kill more than one sheep or deer especially [if] it's because of lag the actual number [of] resources being wasted is

relatively small in the range of five loss food per extra sheep that you have rotting at once but we all know it's not optimal and it's particularly frustrating when you notice the villagers about to flip between two animals, and there's so much delay they don't get your command in time little things like this feel like they're magnified in the early game and i believe i have even killed villagers for their incompetence after doing this that'll teach him right number two is people who drag out the ending of a game now i don't mean people who carry on if there's a legitimate chance to win that's a good thing, and i'm not saying everyone should give up as soon as it gets tough i mean people who don't even have a town anymore [all] of their allies have resigned

and they're running away with their last ship or scout cavalry to the corner of the map and make you research spies to go hunt them down and then destroy every last one of their buildings or they wall up with towers on an island when you don't have cannon galleons and drag a [one-hour] game into two or three before we get to number one a couple of quick honourable mentions to losing your [scout] to enemy town center fire having your units on aggressive stance chase a passing unit across the map and when the ai tries to mine your resources the number one thing we all hate in age of empires though is d sinks draw [up] players and anything else related to that whether it's somebody's internet cutting out or a magic tree in the corner of the map causing the game to crash whatever it is. it's always a buzzkill when you have a really balanced intense game developing and it just ends what a melancholic reminder that everything you've worked to accomplish and create for the last hour never

existed at all and can be taken away by callous impersonal forces completely beyond your control and then you start a new game and life is good again [so] [did] your biggest pet peeve appear on the list? what else should have been included as always thanks for watching guys, and i'll [see] you next time

Spirit of the Century

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