
5:41 AM

hey guys you're watching #playnapoleon at right now we're at voodoo authentica i know that i knowsome things about voodoo dolls and from pop culture but i'm so excited to learnmore. i started voodo authentica in 1996because i saw a need for a business in the french quarter that was a place forpeople to come and get educated and that's what you can do here you can comeand learn about voodoo from everyone here as a practitioner most the peoplework here are actually initiated priests and priestesses so the informationthey're giving you is from the experience it's important to me whenpeople come in that they learn more

about bluetooth than they walked inknowing yes we're a business but what we have here it's made in new orleansmade in africa it's made in haiti by practitioners who care about this space so welcome to voodo authentica, i'm brandiand i'm a voodoo priestess this is zar he's a voodoo priest and today we're goingto be making a new orleans item called a gris-gris bag gris-gris bag a neworleans gris-gris bag and in here we have different herbs and roots this one isfor general good fortune we make them for love success prosperity this one'sgot a little bit of everything in it so we're going to be hunting for a varietyof herbs we're gonna be looking for

calamus root cascara sagrada five finger grass bayberry basil yarrow redclover sage and petchuli it's gonna make one heck of a bag so youall are gonna be competing we're gonna see who makes the bag may the best mojowin you ready? that's cotton fabric black yarn then we have to dressand bless the bag with oil we're gonna do an example for you zaris going to he's the gris-gris master he is going to make you a bag so you'll know exactlyand i would suggest you pay close attention to where he's getting theherbs because they're all over the place then we just take it over toalter yeah let's go to yemaya/oshun okaywe want to let spirit know who the bag

is for all right let's return with our bag and we put it down and hands off so whoever gets it done first with all the steps and correctly is the winner on your mark, get set, gris-gris! but that was on y'all okay uh heregentlemen step back please the judging begins it's gotta be meoh no no no you left that i'm sure he is a cajun he is a louisiana manhe knows all about gris-gris all right here is what we were supposed to achieveokay this is what my team accomplished right here and this is what the otherteam accomplished and we're having trouble not being biasedoh they're both horrible

now that the safe this one's a littleover stuffed this is a little loosely tied it gives me good feels it's your badwhich one can you picture in your pocket which one do you think would give yougood energy and good little air throughout the day laughter which groupis willing to give me $20 all i have to say this one's more of the carryingsolid if i had to choose between the two i would be carrying a gris-gris aroundme all day long i'm gonna go with this even though it might come undone they both have their advantages i would buy that yeah thisone definitely looks better but i would buy this one because of the size andconcealability we followed directions

better alright alright so since we had ajudge here i'm going to do a six and four i've had before well done gentlementhank you all right


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