with one of the biggest reality shows on television,the pawn stars crew has struck pawn shop paydirt more times than even they can count. but not every deal they make on the show isa perfect play, and when they get ripped off, they get ripped off big time. here are the worst moments when the pawn starsgot seriously cheated. shoeless joe jackson fake in the season six episode "say it ain't so,"rick shelled out $13,000 on a book he believed might contain the authentic signature of baseballgreat "shoeless" joe jackson. rick couldn't have been more excited duringthe appraisal:
"do you know how rare it is to find his signature?" "no, not at all." "it's the rarest sports signature, period." but despite the seller's questionable certificateof authenticity, and rick's own reservations… "of all the signatures in the world this isthe most faked." ...he took a gamble and bought it anyway. after shelling out the cash, rebecca, hisbook expert, told him that the signature was likely a fake. so rick then sent it out to another authenticatorwho reiterated the bad news: not only was
it a forgery, it was a laughably bad one. so much for that home run, rick. willie mays strike-out in a 2012 episode, corey made the blunderof forking over $31,000 for what he believed was a game-worn willie mays san franciscogiants uniform from 1961. but the red flags with this one were apparentfrom the jump. for starters, the uniform was pristine—whichchumlee noticed right away: "this doesn't look game-worn. willie mays was a badass, he was sliding aroundon the dirt and the grass.
i'd imagine there'd be a bunch of stains onit." good observation, chum. also, the seller had no authentication paperworkwhatsoever, which is never a good sign. but big hoss took a gamble and boy, was heall kinds of wrong. not only did gold & silver pawn fail to retailit at a ridiculous asking price of $80,000, but they only ended up getting only $19,200for it at auction around two years later, a nearly $12,000 loss. and it gets worse. hauls of shame reported that the uniform wasnever worn in a game by mays, because it never
even belonged to mays. that technically means corey didn't get asripped off as he could have, but we seriously doubt he's happy with how that deal went down. "school's in session. you just got schooled." wells fargo heist in a fifth season episode called "corey'sbig play," rick made the unusual mistake of buying something he was unsure of: a 19th-centurywells fargo strongbox containing an old prison ball and chain.
and "unsure" is putting it lightly. "ok, what are you trying to say?" "it's fake." he still dropped $450 on the box, only tohave his hopes of a profit shot down by expert and show regular mark "the beard of knowledge"hall-patton, "this is a complete fantasy piece. it's a complete fake." "g------- rick" leave it up to the old man to rub it in.
auction losses if the world famous gold and silver pawn shopcan't retail an item, they always have the option of sending it to auction. that's what rick tried to do with severalbig ticket items including a 1940s indian motorcycle with a sidecar and a vic flickowned and played fender stratocaster, which he put on the block at julien's auctions inlos angeles. unfortunately, he took a hit for "$29,000on the motorcycle, and $35,000 on the guitar." ouch. he must not have done well with his otheritems either, because he reported his total
loss at around $100,000. "sold most of my items, i'm getting my asshanded to me. ahh, it doesn't feel good." blindsided by the bayou when the history channel launched cajun pawnstars in 2012, the boys from las vegas apparently felt blindsided by the move. according to tmz, the network had promisedno spin-offs would be produced. the history channel called the new additiona "southern spin" on the original, and they weren't kidding.
"i got some gator, i got some raccoon. which one we gonna cook?" neither the network nor the harrisons commentedpublicly on the tension, but former pawn stars manager wayne jefferies said he was the molethat talked to tmz, and he said he got fired for it. looks like in this case, pawn stars didn'tget ripped off by a customer — they got ripped off by their own network. "see ya later, dork." thanks for watching!
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