Living The Blues

5:41 AM

do you ever feel so depressed that the officewon't even cheer you up? or you feel so overwhelmed with anxiety thatyou feel paralyzed in your bed, you can't get out of bed? i do. a lot. and i hope you do too. but not that i wish that for you. i certainly do not. it's just that knowing that other people feelthat way would make me feel less alone.

and maybe you feel less alone! so, i thought i would bring janet langer,dancer extraordinaire here, to give us five moves to cheer us up. some ways to move our body. yeah! you think you could do that? absolutely! okay. i got something up my sleeve.

okay, cool! alright, so first one i got is a little jiggy. just going to put your hands right here, andjust gunna wiggle a little. and then just going to give me a one and drop,and two and drop, and three and drop, and four and drop! good! that's number one! the next one is kind of just a little freeand wild. it involves your hair and your head.

swing it. right, left, right, and right. left, right, left, and left. left, right. there you go! swing the hair! make a big u with your chin. it's all about letting it go. releasing the stress.

releasing stress! the next one, let's call it taking it to church. it's kind of like you're in a gospel choir. you're going to go up, up, down, down. right, left, right left. look up, look down. one more time. nice! are you feeling a little less anxiety?

i feel a little bit better. okay, this next one is called the grapevine. move it to the right. and it's three steps. six, seven, eight. right, behind, right, let's clap! you can add your own flavor into it. like you're doing. little quack, quicker.

quacker. quacker! left, right, left. add your rhythm. stay on beat though. right, left, right, one more time. boom, boom, boom, good! you want to do one more? this one's called raise the roof.

it looks just like it sounds. you're going to raise it up with your hands,but we're going to slide right and left. so we're going to go slide, together. slide, together. slide, good! so when you push up, your body goes down. so you push away from yourself. there you go. push, push, push.

and raise it up! lifting the world off your shoulders. feeling good. alright, how do you think you feel about doingall of these with music? sounds good! hit it dj! *music plays*wait for the beat. okay, here we go. it's a little quick.

you ready? yeah. starting with the jiggy! five, six, ready, and! now we do the head! take it to church! good, let it go, let it go! grapevine! raise the roof, here we go!

ready? four more! yeah, you feel good? great! that was awesome! you can do that anytime you want. when you're in your room, when you're at theoffice... maybe in the car. when you're watching the office.

thanks to janet for helping us suppress alittle bit of that existential dread. please give this video a thumbs up if youliked it and subscribe if you haven't already. we have more funny dance tutorials comingyour way as well as comedy sketches and more funny howe to's. thank you for watching and, as always, havea lovely, lovely day!

Living The Blues

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