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5:41 AM

(light acoustic and piano music) - if you own livestock, at some point you willneed to safely move them between facilities, to another farm, or to a livestock sale or market. transporting animals can causestress for them and for you. this video will introduce tips to alleviate common transportation issues. - when moving livestock,

overcrowding can be a common problem. too many animals in a trailer can cause poor ventilation, leading to respiratory diseases, bruising on animals,or even downed animals. - [elizabeth] in addition to overcrowding, other transportation challenges include injured animals that havefallen on slick surfaces, injured or stressed animals,due to improper handling,

sick animals, or higherrates of animal loss due to extreme weather conditions. - with an understanding of thecommon transportation issues, it's necessary to implement best practices at your farm or sale barn. before transportinglivestock, follow these steps: - [elizabeth] clean andproperly disinfect the trailer to prevent spreading disease. make sure there is no sharpmetal inside the trailer.

floors should be safewith no slippery surfaces. apply anti-skid materialsuch as shavings or calcite. avoid using trailers with wooden floors, as they can create a dangeroussurface for livestock. during transportation, it is important to remember these best practices for your safety and forthe safety of the animals. slow down and calm down, follow proper animal handlingpractices at all times.

do not overload livestock in the trailer, refer to industry guidelines,as proper numbers of animals will vary depending on their size. once the trailer is loaded, keep moving to avoid extra stress and heat flare-up. when you have arrived at your destination, don't delay in unloading animals. - one of the biggest factors to consider during animal transportation,is the weather.

the livestock weather safety index is a helpful tool to determine the risks. be sure to check the forecastfor the duration of your trip, and follow these critical guidelines. - [ elizabeth] in hotweather, haul animals in the cool part of theday, mornings or evenings. keep trailer ventilationholes open for air exchange. make sure animals are fed andwatered well before leaving, and be sure they have water available

once they are quickly unloaded. in cold weather, windchillcan kill livestock. hogs and calves areespecially susceptible. don't transport theseanimals on frigid days, unless absolutely necessary. avoid dangerous crosswinds on the trailer, plugging some of the air holes. use straw to keep the animals warm. taking proper care of animals

is always the right thing to do. it's important to rememberthat in pennsylvania, you have a legal obligationto properly care for animals under your supervision, whether you own the animals or not. - in review, animal transportation is a necessary logistic of ownership. you can reduce stressfor you and your animals by following this simple reminder:

- [elizabeth] beforetransporting, think about cows. cleanliness, overcrowding,weather, and slippery surfaces. is the trailer clean andfree from sharp objects? have i limited the numberof animals in the trailer to prevent overcrowding? have i checked the weather forecast and taken necessary precautions? have i provided adequatetraction on the floor? for more information

on transportation programs for livestock, visit the penn state extension website.

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