Live At The Regal

5:41 AM

what i know is thatyou can't buy it, you can't study it,you can't steal it. it's something specialthat certain people have and freedia has thatspecial little thing. freedia is a superstar. the one and only today is the promoshoot for season 5. five seasons we have thecameras out, the whole team is here gettin'dressed up, getting

princed up, gettin'cleaned up, bossed up, all that fun stuffyou feel me? i'm here today with myroyal court and we come to take our throne. the dancers are part of aroyal court you know what i'm sayin? me and my buddy flash andyou got the girls, you know what i'm sayin, ofcourse, big boss, you got mel, you feel me, reed, you knoweverybody that makes team

freedia float, youknow what i'm sayin? so it's big freedia andthe royal court. this looks isvery fabulous. it has definitely been the bestlook out of all five seasons. you can see that i'minspired by marie antoinette. i don't even know what i'mdressed as but, you know, i guess i look like icould ride a horse? man i'm princed up. you know what i'm sayin?

i look like i'm bout to goto a nice private school. like, you know what i'msayin, harvard or cornell. one of the ivy leaguesyou feel what i'm sayin? i be fly on it thought butya know it definitely look like i couldride a horse bro. season 5 is gonnabe a whirlwind, it's a lot ofsurprises. i am freedia's new manageralong with melvin. i think it's an excitingplace to be as a manager.

you wanna be working onprojects that are fun, that are challenging. drama with the dancers,fun things happenin' with the dancers. touring. guess who's back! once i found out that shereally wanted to be back and like she was doneworkin' and everything. it was mad grind timelike that's my partner.

drama with me anddevon once again. we keep steppin'it up each season. and this one has yetfar to become the best. we're not done yet. [laughing] join me and my royal courtwith new adventures on fuse. ya heard me? you already know! i've done it all but notwithout my royal court.

there are those who havebeen holdin' it down since day one and other shakin'things up to make sure i reach the next level. they push meto perfection. they inspire me toreach for the top but even with all thissupport what's a queen without her king? no matter what the futureholds i'm here to stay. big feedia queen of bounce

starts wednesdayjune the 8th at 11

Live At The Regal

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